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KOTR 2010: A Look At The Future?


There's been lots of talk about the return of the KOTR tournament this year. Most people liked the fact that it made a return, some liked the outcome and some didn't and all that but I was wondering if the 8 men selected to be in the KOTR tournament are men that will be main eventing WWE down the line. Maybe not next year, but at some point at any rate.

Daniel Bryan is someone that's shown he can have great matches with lots of guys on the card. I think the "worst" match I've seen him in has been against Del Rio and it was still quite solid. Bryan's done quite well for himself thus far and I've little doubt he could at least be a mid-card fixture. As for him main eventing in the WWE, I think it's too soon to tell. I do believe that the WWE knows that they have a great assett in Bryan and he's appeared on Raw each week since his return at SummerSlam. He hasn't really gotten any mic time and I think if he can show he's got the ability to hold a crowd with a promo, he has a good shot I think.

Alberto Del Rio has gotten the royal treatment since his debut on SmackDown!. He's been over as a heel since his first appearance, he has a great character and tons of charisma. He's not fantastic inside the ring, but I still think he's pretty good and I've enjoyed most of his matches. Del Rio has been put into a high profile feud with Rey Mysterio and has been protected by the WWE in some recent matches. It won't surprise me if Del Rio is a World Champion by this time next year.

Dashing Cody Rhodes is a guy that I like. I like his character, due in part to just how natural he seems. He's got the stuff inside the ring and he can actually talk well on the mic. Ultimately, however, I'm not all that confident in Cody Rhodes' ability to get to the main event. While I do like his character, there's just something about it that doesn't scream main eventer to me.

Drew McIntyre has had something of a mixed year I think. I like the guy overall, though I do think he had the IC title too early. Since he lost the title, he's improved a lot inside the ring. I think if Drew turns on the emotion inside the ring, brings some intensity into his promos, it could put him on another level. I believe that 2011 could be a telling year for McIntyre and where he's ultimately going to wind up.

Ezekiel Jackson is a genetic freak, there's no two ways about it. If this was 1990, Big Zeke could well be a big star. He's pretty basic in the ring, nothing outstanding at all, but he has let something of a personality come through. I think Zeke could be more than a typical one dimensional powerhouse but I think there's a good possibility that's how he'll end up. I don't see Zeke ever being in the main event. He just ultimately doesn't have enough of the tools to make it in the modern era.

John Morrison is someone that has been flirting with the main event scene for several years now but just hasn't managed to get over that hump. He's had several false starts and I think Morrison's chances to ultimately prove himself are definitely running out. His latest push, however, I think has been the most solid he's gotten because it's allowed Morrison to stand out. He's looked very good in his feuds against Chris Jericho & Sheamus and he showed a ton of heart in the KOTR tournament on Raw against Sheamus. I think Morrison's biggest drawback has been his mic work. There've been times that he's been so bad on the mic that you just wanna puncture your own eardrums. The few times I've heard him talk in these past months, he's been solid in my view. Not spectacular, but loads better than he has been. If he can bring that up to snuff, JoMo might be main eventing in 2011.

Sheamus is pretty much guaranteed, as we all know. Aside from being a 2 time WWE Champion, Sheamus has shown over the course of this year that he does belong in the main event scene. He's worked hard and he's proven a lot of naysayers wrong, even converted quite a few of them. His feud with John Morrison has been fun and they've had some very good, competitive matches. Sheamus might not have actually "needed" to be KOTR as some of the others, but I think him winning the tourney is sort of a solidifying message that he's going to be an overall main event player for a long time to come.

What do you think? Are any of these guys main event bound in the long term? Will any of them even get a shot? Could the KOTR have been sort of a "subliminal message" as it were to fans that here's a glimpse of guys that MIGHT be carrying the company someday?
Isn't the King of the Ring usually serving that point from the very beginning? It's featuring future or current stars of the company for the sake of pushing them to new heights, or giving them more to be accomplished about that the WWE can push them behind.

I could certainly see all of these guys be featured in the main event in the next few years. Or I could at least see a handful of them, and the others maintaining a firm upper mid-card position. Someone like Bryan is one I doubt will get the true main event position that he could possibly work. The same might go for a guy like Cody. However I see good things in the future for the remainder of the guys, even John.. Cause obviously they have to push him.....

Either way, yeah sure I could agree that it's a sort of foreshadowing the future of the company. Without giving too much away though.
Most of these guys are going to main eventers. Sheamus has already been WWE champion, Morrison is just about there, Del Rio has been impressive, Rhodes has a great character, and Bryan was the first NXT Rookie to win a title and he was fired for two months. That's got to say something, right?

I don't think Zeke is going to be in the main event. Even though Vince likes big guys, I don't think he will anything better than mid card.

I don't like Drew McIntyre. I don't see why he was "The Chosen One". He just doesn't seem interesting or special to me. Vince is high on him, though, so he's probably going to win a world title.
I was actually thinking about this the other day, and I got to say, I totally agree with you, Jack-Hammer.

Sheamus is quite frankly the leader of this *youth movement* that we have been witnessing as of late. He was the first of the new generation of superstars to venture on to the main event scene successfully. I was actually pretty glad to see him become King of the Ring as it opens a door for a possible feud with him and the return of the King of Kings, Triple H. But anyway, that's a different topic so I'll get back to this one.

Alberto Del-Rio, as stated, is on fire as of right now. Since he joined the main roster, the guy has been completely over with the corwd [as a heel] and has certainly lived up to his expectations. He was my personal pick to win King of the Ring, to be honest, as he looked like the guy who would fit the role and make the crowning look credible. Alas, he did not win; but he most certainly has a bright future ahead of him in the WWE. I actually forsee him facing Edge (assuming he beats Kane for it) in the near future over the World Heavy-Weight championship.

Cody Rhodes is, simply put, dashing (pun intended). His mic works are pretty great, and so is his in-ring ability. Cody has a bright future in the business ahead of him and I DO forsee him main eventing for a world title sometime later on in his career. Though, I would say the reason he doesn't exactly scream main-eventer would probably be because he's a tad skinny. Sure, he's ripped and his body type fits perfectly in to his gimmick; but it wouldn't hurt for him to gain a bit more volume so that he doesn't look so small once in the main event scene (etc)

Drew McIntyre is someone who I'm a bit neutral about. At first, he came off strong looking like he was indeed the "Chosen One". However, over time, he lost the credibility that he once had, so that hurt him quite a bit. However, I don't doubt that eventually, WWE will pick up the ball with him once more and elevate him to where he should be---the main event scene. Drew McIntyre is a future champion, no doubt. But his tendency to get stale isn't helping him at all.

Ezekial Jackson has a nice look, and I rather like him. He definately fits the role of being a *DOMINANT* being. Contrary to what people say, I do see him being in the main event in the future. However, I expect his main event status to be that of lingering. Somewhat of the likes of Big Show: Up and down; up and down. I'm not saying Big Zeke is going to be EXACTLY like Big Show, but it just seems that in terms of status, he will be like him. But who knows, I could be wrong.

John Morrison: It's funny how this was a guy, about two to three months back, I hated completely. I saw no real interest in the guy whatsoever. However, with these last few weeks, I've began to think tha this guy DOES have a bright future in the WWE. Morrison is the Yang to Miz's Yin. They are both very alike and yet different to the same time---two halves of the same coin, basically. Since Miz has already gone to the chamoionship status, Morrison cannot be far behind. I forsee Morrison and Miz to be the future Rock/Austin and future Cena/Orton feud, believe it or not.

All in all, I believe all of the guys that were in the KotR will in fact become future main eventers one day. The only real issue would be how long it wil take for them to grab the brass ring. Miz has already made it, now who's next...
I think your assessments are dead on, though, I see things with McIntyre and Zeke a little differently.

One of the more important things you brought up was Daniel Bryan's ability to hold a crowd. Right now, nobody can say he isn't over, but I think we can all agree he relies on two things: 1) He works hard to put on a great match, and 2) He's Daniel Freakin Bryan! Eventually, though, you have to believe these two things won't be enough. Though WWE hasn't really given him the opportunity to shine on the mic or in a great feud, he's going to need more than just his work ethic and reputation to get the fans' love. If he can prove to WWE that he can do this, he'll be in the main-event for sure; the WWE won't be able to ignore how over he is for long.

JoMo has seemed to find the cheat for unlimited retries in the WWE. How many times can they throw him a bone only to have him sniff it and walk away? Luckily, his match with Miz and Bryan at Hell in a Cell and his feud with Sheamus seem to have lit off some sort of spark for Morrison, but can it last? As for his mic skills, Morrison was actually pretty good on the mic when he was playing pro to Eli Cottonwood's rookie. John showed the cocky but cool personality that made me a JoMo fan in the first place, and he was pretty funny when he gave his speeches in support of Cottonwood despite Cottonwood's bizarre personality. I could go on and on about JoMo's pros and cons, but there are other people to talk about here.

You know how dads throw their small children up in the air and catch them? I feel like Zeke could do that with grown men. Like you said, Zeke doesn't really have the personality or in-ring flair to carry him into the main event, but I would say he doesn't really need it. Vladamir Kozlov mainevented for months before his fall from grace, and he had a butt personality and was very bland in the ring. Ezekiel Jackson at least lets some emotion through in the ring and can turn up the heat in a match by steamrolling his opponent into the canvas. I don't think Zeke has what it takes to become a main event fixture, but I could see him fade in and out.

Finally, Drew McIntyre... eh, I just don't like the guy. He's decent in the ring, but on a show with Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger, and now Kaval, he does little to stand out. The bad news is, even if he went to RAW, where I think he'd find more guys with similar style to he, he would stand out even less as he'd just be another one of those guys. Furthermore, I don't enjoy his promo work. It's always the same thing with him, he lowers his head and furrows his brow and talks about his superiority complex. He needs to do something to stand out more before I put him in the main event. Until then, he'll be an upper midcard fixture.
Bottome line, yes they will all be there at some point, unlike Sheamus who already is there. Some will get there faster than others. I honestly see Del Rio and Morrison in the main event scene around WrestleMania time, even if it is just after Mania. the rest will follow in time.
The KOTR has always been a testing ground for future main event talent and it was no different this time round.

Sheamus is already a maineventer and will continue to remain one for a long time. Alberto Del Rio is another one like Sheamus who was blooded directly into a feud with a main eventer and he has not disappointed at all. There is so much to like about the guy from a smark point of view but what I like most is his smile. Expressionss do matter a lot in this business. That smile is presently working as the cocky smile of a heel but I can see it work as the smile of a much loved babyface one day as well.

Ezekiel Jackson is bound to be given a push at some point of his run be it as a face or as a heel. He has the physique which says that he can dish out a whole lot of punishment. He could be a main eventer if booked correctly.

John Morrison and Daniel Bryan are guys of the Chris Benoit/ RVD mould. They could be partial main eventers but I feel they both lack that something that is required to main event. It could be mic skill, it could be look but either way I think they will continue they will have successful careers just below the main event level.

Kofi, Cody and Drew are guys whom I do not see as making the main event. Kofi is too bland in my opinion and neither too special in the ring as well. He has the same match every week, like he has shown in consecutive matches with Dolph and Swagger. Drew did not work well even in a great gimmick so I think its hard for him to maintain his relevance lower down the card and actually rise up from there. Cody is a guy whom I can see going either way though. One good feud can establish him overnight but for now I feel he has a long way to go.
Seamus has already ME'd and held titles (and had his lips moulded to Trips' ass), so there's no issue of him not staying in the ME level for a long time. The sad thing is, if creative took the shackles off his moveset, he wouldn't need to be Trips' Butt buddy to get over.

If Edge wins at TLC then expect Del Rio to challenge him at RR given his fued with Rey will likely be over. Working with someone that doesn't create the draw of Dos Caras/Mysterio match, will test Del Rio, likewise having someone opposite who only sells when he wants to. But given the size of Hispanic market, expect Del Rio to be WHC by WM 2012.

Morrison has the potential to be on the same level as Edge, but also could end up like RVD (albeit most of what held back RVD was himself). Morrison IMHO justs needs to turn heel and be sent to SD where his style would mesh better, and he's a guaranteed WHC. As it is, I think he's guaranteed the next MitB and then creative with have to dicide which way to go.

If the WWE were a fair employer and awarded titles on the basis of ability, Danielson would be already holding the WWE title. As it is, I think his progress is on track and he'll end being compared to Bret Hart by WWE fans. True wrestling fans may know he already surpasses Bret and is on par with Benoit, but that name is never to be mentioned. If the lagresse by creative means more focus on actual wrestling then Bryan becomes a multi time champion.

Big Zeke and Galloway/McIntyre are two guys who could go either way. At the moment they showing themselves to have promise but also issues. Both are dependent on the grace on VKM. Zeke is big so will likely get at least one run, but given he's worse than Koslov (but not Khali/Big Show level bad), it'll need to be against the right person. Galloway/McIntyre reminds me of a novice Orton. What will get him over is being truely ruthless, but whether that fits the PG mold is big question.

Cody and Kofi will never be near ME level. Kofi is mediocre in the ring, although did make Thwagger look good last time out. But he's awful on the mic, fake accent or not. He will get a chance at a world title - but in TNA. Cody is stuck in the shadow of his father and his brother. The former has all the personality, the latter all the ring craft. Cody has only looked 'good' when tagging and not carrying the match himself. If he reunited with Ted Jr or teamed with Dustin then he could be a hall of fame tag teamer. On his own, again, another TNA prospect. PV
there are alot o people who bash the wwe that are scared about the future of wwe cause they see no big stars..but i def see del rio drew and morrison being the huge names.and what makes morrison the biggr of them all is he wasnt given the main event hes been in the wwe since 2003 and has been busting his ass ever since so when he gets to the main event i can gaurenntee you wont hear people saing he doesnt deserve it. miz winning the title is just showing us that finally we are heaidng into the future and the futures looking great and bryan and rhoades will hold down the upper mid card and tear the roof down sheamus...sheamus is already a huge namebet your bottom dollar hes go more reigns as champ escpically now sinc hes KOTR sheamus will be ding big things in 2011 and the only one i dont see anything happeneing with is zeke..hes got the build andlook but..idont think doing three clotheslines and a sid slam will get you into the main event...i dont expect him to be a daniel bryan but batisita had this problem..i think if he adds a spear and so other holds something thats impressive for a big man then hell have a chance..like others have said..Del rio has bee given the royal treatment and i love it..hes been in a big fued since debuting and fueding with mysterio ups your status hes been over with the crowd hes booed so much but loved by the IWC and soon hell add a strap soon. expect big things for del rio in 2011
Personally speaking I don't think Sheamus needed the KOTR 2010 crown, he's a 2x World champion, and if memory serves me correct he's the only wrester along with Bret Hart to win KOTR's AFTER being WWF/E Champion, which in itself speaks volumes that the tournament ISN'T needed for World champions, so I'm guessing there is an underlining reason why Sheamus has been given the crown but my opinion I would of been happy to see a handful of other guys involved in the tournament and helped further current undercard storylines like David Hart-Smith/Tyson Kidd would of been a good opener instead of Jackson/Drew and used the same forumla of a double countout or whatever to allow Sheamus his bye AND allow for a rematch on RAW/TLC PPV but NO we get it on superstars instead.

I enjoy KOTR as a whole and wish it was used yearly again, two years seems to long I know it was two and half years since Regal won it but every 2 years seems to long IMO.

One more note regarding the 2010 KOTR Morrison not winning was a great call, his path to finals was pretty hard and him winning would of looked shabby but the fact he looked good and got to the finals IMO did far more for him then winning the whole thing, I'd like see Sheamus/Morrison III @ TLC no titles on the line, just the rubber match to see who is "better" that is another thread for another time tho.

Decent KOTR but lacks build up which sucks, could of been better but could of been a lot worse.
I certainly can see a good portion of these guys being in the main event in the coming years. Sheamus is already there as a former two-time WWE Champion and the man who 'ended the career' of Triple H. Del Rio is just about there as well as he's been pushed to the moon in his feud with Rey Mysterio and could well be a World Champion within the coming year.

Morrison & Bryan are in similar situations, the only difference is Morrison's been around the WWE longer and thus far has failed to break through that ceiling in the past 5 years or so, whereas Bryan's in his rookie year in WWE and is currently holding his first United States Championship. I think we'll know within the next six months if they'll ever give Morrison an extended run in the main event. I'm almost certain that they'll give Bryan a run to the main event at some point.

Kofi & McIntyre could well end up almost any ware; such is the nature of their current places on the roster. Kofi wins against some solid opponents (including Swagger on multiple occasions), but always seems to fail to win the big one, that could well be a glimpse into the future in its own right. McIntyre's had a very mixed year, going from Intercontinental Champion/The Chosen One to lurking around the bottom end of the midcard. His next year is also going to be very telling.

Jackson has the size/look that Vince usually goes for and he's in the midst of a push towards the midcard, but I'm not so sure where he goes from there. i can see him being a midcarder and perhaps capturing the United States/Intercontinental Championship but I'm not convinced that he'll end up in the main event. Rhodes is another tough one because while he's very good within his current gimmick & also has his father in his corner, he doesn't scream main eventer to me and I feel he has a long way to go before he becomes a main event star, if he ever does.
I agree that the guys involved in this tournament are the future of the company. I was really stoked about the brackets when I first saw them.

Rather than break down why I think each guy is this or that. I am going to name the guy I don't feel fit with the rest.

Ezekiel Jackson - I just don't see stardom for the guy. Sure he has the size and what not. But I see him eventually falling into a Mark Henry type of role, if not Future Endeavored. I do not wish bad for him. I am just saying, I do not see it in the guy. His size and muscles are obviously impressive. But I think his attributes/skills basically end there.

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