Kofi as a heel...?

Cyril Foday

Dark Match Winner
I know what you’re thinking... ‘Are you crazy?! He is so over right now as a babyface. Listen to the crowd chant his name!’

Yes, you would be correct but I think this idea is an interesting one. I honestly think he could pull it off.

If you’ve ever seen him on Up Up Down Down, he is annoying and cocky as hell (and entertaining) as the guy who thinks he is better than everyone at any Beat Em Up game he plays. And when he loses he immediately has an excuse for why he lost. Imagine that attitude transferred to the wrestling ring. You could perhaps have Xavier Woods as his mouthpiece seeing as he is a very good, passionate talker. This would also lead to a Big E singles run which, let’s be honest is long overdue.

As I’m writing this, I’m actually swaying from this idea to Big E and Xavier turning on Kofi instead out of jealousy. ARRGGHH!! What to do, what to do?!

Let me make it clear, If The New Day never, ever break up I will also be very happy. They are entertaining, obviously have a very good friendship with each other and have a lot of fun. However, they’ve not had many interesting things happen to them storyline wise and Kofi turning may be the answer.

What do you guys think?
COULD Kofi pull off being a heel? Absolutely. SHOULD he? Definitely not now. Not until he has his big crowning babyface moment.

And a Big E singles run must never, ever happen again. Do you not remember how bad he was? He was almost the prototype Roman, he was pushed as a beloved, invincible babyface, and the crowd DESPISED him.
COULD Kofi pull off being a heel? Absolutely. SHOULD he? Definitely not now. Not until he has his big crowning babyface moment.

And a Big E singles run must never, ever happen again. Do you not remember how bad he was? He was almost the prototype Roman, he was pushed as a beloved, invincible babyface, and the crowd DESPISED him.

So Big E as a heel would work for you?
I know what you’re thinking... ‘Are you crazy?! He is so over right now as a babyface. Listen to the crowd chant his name!’

Yes, you would be correct but I think this idea is an interesting one. I honestly think he could pull it off.

If you’ve ever seen him on Up Up Down Down, he is annoying and cocky as hell (and entertaining) as the guy who thinks he is better than everyone at any Beat Em Up game he plays. And when he loses he immediately has an excuse for why he lost. Imagine that attitude transferred to the wrestling ring. You could perhaps have Xavier Woods as his mouthpiece seeing as he is a very good, passionate talker. This would also lead to a Big E singles run which, let’s be honest is long overdue.

As I’m writing this, I’m actually swaying from this idea to Big E and Xavier turning on Kofi instead out of jealousy. ARRGGHH!! What to do, what to do?!

Let me make it clear, If The New Day never, ever break up I will also be very happy. They are entertaining, obviously have a very good friendship with each other and have a lot of fun. However, they’ve not had many interesting things happen to them storyline wise and Kofi turning may be the answer.

When they were heels they were In the main event a lot more because they were back up for Seth when he was a heel and they’re the longest reigning tag team champions so I wouldn’t say nothings happened to them storyline wise and as for turning Kofi not right now. If he wins at mania then at backlash he does whatever he needs to do to keep the title then yeah but to sooner than that.
Kofi has been a heel. New Day were heels shortly after their debut until about WrestleMania 32 if I remember correctly.

If the idea is to turn Kofi heel now, then no that's terrible. Long term it's a good idea as eventually they'll need to freshen up his character, but that shouldn't be for a while now.

He did well as a heel in New Day and they could easily do it again. It would be hard to turn them heel but not impossible. They would have to reinvent him and strip away everything that made New Day over and replace it with something for fans to detest, like Bryan today or Jericho in '08.

If WWE decides Kofi isn't their chosen guy, they may turn him heel to cool off the reaction. Be interesting to see how things play out now that he's been replaced by KO at Fastlane and they seem to be manufacturing more rabid support for Kingston.
Since joining New Day, Kofi has shown himself to be consistently entertaining outside of matches. It is not clear how much of that is natural or hard work. That is what is resonating with fans right now. They see him as someone who deserves more. Now is not the time to make him a heel. I'm sure he would do terrific with a new role but the story fans seem to want to see play out is the story of a loveable vet finally getting his due. Basically similar to what happened with Becky. Let it play out. Make Kofi the first ever crater chested champion. Their time has come.
Want to play the long term story with the New Day? Have Woods and Big E plant seeds in the mind of Kofi that this company will not push him until he shows how aggressive he can be. He needs to step up and take what he has been deprived of for 11 years.

Kofi is blinded by his friend's words and reluctantly beats up people to get noticed, to show that he is here for the big game.

Kofi gets his big one on one championship match and loses. Big E and Woods try to interfere in the match and yet Kofi can't get the win.

The next night Kofi goes out alone and says he understands what happened, why he lost. He lost because he didn't have his fans with him. He is nothing without the power of the fans and he is very sorry for turning his back on him.

This can either lead to Kofi turning face and getting another championship match with a rabid crowd cheering for him. Or this can lead to Woods & Big E. beating down their weak brother.
I can have Kofi winning the belt at WM35, then about 1 month later to turn heel. Win at least 2 title defenses, then lose it to Alaister Black which is the best option. Then have Black vs Andrade to fued for a few months which I think it is great due to the chemistry they both have inside the ring.
I'd keep Kofi as a face.

As much as I'd like to see him win the title, I would prefer to see Rollins & Bryan traded as Champions.
Keep Kofi as a babyface. Give him a Wrestlemania Moment winning the US Title this year in a multi-man ladder match and have him be a dominant champion then if the crowd is still big on him have him face the World Champion at Summerslam. Given that he was in Mustafi Ali's spot I think WWE was unwilling to give him the monster push so early. Let him earn it and see if the crowd stays as high on him before the big payoff. He needs to have way more mic time and be the unquestionable leader of the New Day from here on out to.
I can have Kofi winning the belt at WM35, then about 1 month later to turn heel. Win at least 2 title defenses, then lose it to Alaister Black which is the best option. Then have Black vs Andrade to fued for a few months which I think it is great due to the chemistry they both have inside the ring.

Aleister Black? 2 or 3 years too soon. Same with Andrade. These guys shouldn't be within ten miles of the WWE Championship. Even the thought of them on the WrestleMania card is a severe stretch, so competing for the title only a few months after it is absurd.
Kofi as a heel could work, but it would have to be done in a way that you can believe it. Maybe he turns on Kevin Owens for taking his spot. I don't really see them breaking up the New Day anytime soon. They are too valuable to the company as a group.

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