Kobe now #8.....

Goliath Uterus

Getting Noticed By Management
On the NBA's all time scoring list, here's how he passed up Hakeem the Dream..


Couple of questions for you guys, where do you think Kobe will rank when it's all said and done as far as scoring? I'd say he will most likely pass up Shaq for the 5 spot, and depending on how long he plays he could even pass up Wilt Chamberlain, and maybe even Jordan.

Second question, will there ever be someone that breaks Kareem's scoring record? I don't think anybody currently in the league can, hopefully someday there's a player dominant enough to do it, that would be incredible to see, especially in this day and age....
where do you think Kobe will rank when it's all said and done as far as scoring?

I think you're probably about right in him ending up somewhere around Wilt or MJ. Though, I don't think he'll pass up Jordan. He's got a lot of mileage on him since he joined the NBA at such a young age. He's already starting to have injury issues affect his game now. I'm sure he's at least got 3 or 4 more years in him though. Given his current PPG and how it will likely decrease slightly in the coming years, I'd say #4 or 5 on the list will be his final landing spot.

will there ever be someone that breaks Kareem's scoring record?

Well records are meant to be broken really. Will it happen? Probably. But likely not for a long time. The NBA is such a different league now than it used to be. Not nearly as many players last as long as Kareem did. He played so long he hardly even looked like the same person than when he came in. If Kobe doesn't do it, which is unlikely, I don't know who today could. It would most likely be a big man. Guards take a hell of a beating throughout the years and don't usually last as long. At the same time, many big men can't play extremely long either because they're so big they break down over time. The advantage big men have is they shoot very high percentage shots so scoring is easier, even when they can't move as well. But also, what big man today has any sort of a shot at coming close to the top 10? Kevin Garnett still has a ways to go and he's breaking down now. Dirk Nowitzki has a good shot at breaking the top 10 but I don't see him getting anywhere near Kareem. Tim Duncan is winding down as well. As for younger guys, Dwight Howard is the best center in the league and he's just now learning how to score. So as for guys in today's game, if it's not broken by Kobe, Wade, James or Durant I don't see it happening for a long time. To me it's up in the air. The top 10 is filled mostly with big men, but today's game has only smaller guys I see as any possibility.
Couple of questions for you guys, where do you think Kobe will rank when it's all said and done as far as scoring? I'd say he will most likely pass up Shaq for the 5 spot, and depending on how long he plays he could even pass up Wilt Chamberlain, and maybe even Jordan.

Second question, will there ever be someone that breaks Kareem's scoring record? I don't think anybody currently in the league can, hopefully someday there's a player dominant enough to do it, that would be incredible to see, especially in this day and age....

1. It all depends on how much longer he plays and if he can stay healthy. I honestly see him probably retiring at number 3 on the list just behind Karl Malone and Kareem.

2. It's very possible that it gets broken but it's going to take a guy who is able to stay healthy and play for a long time. Kareem played 20 seasons and had 21.5 or more points per games in 17 of them. He also had over 25 ppg in 9 of those seasons. I could see LeBron possibly passing him but again he'd have to stay healthy and want to play for that long.
Kobe isn't going to pass Kareem. He is still playing at a high level, but based on the number of games he's played, he's going to start wearing down eventually. The one thing he does have going for them is that he's been able to play smart and transform his game where he's able to play in spurts when his team really needs him, definitely adding a few more solid years onto his career. Like BS said, he'll probably finish third.

As for if the record will be broken, I'd say that's definitely a yes and LeBron has a great chance to do it. I was just reading a Bill Simmons' column which predicted that by the time he's Kobe's age LeBron will be at around 30,000 points, assuming health of course. That'd easily put him in striking distance of the record. Also, down the line, Durant certainly could be in the discussion

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