KO Divison hyped... THEN FAILED


The King Of Chaos
Well, this thursday Angelina announced that she could get a KO title match if she beat Lacey and Velvet. Right there i was excited, since i like Angelina. Well I thought TNA was going to have her Aline with two superstars, and they would take the KO title, and KO tag titles. But when she pulled that chair out i knew what was going to happen. But my question is WHY would TNA do this? They have enough heels. What could TNA be trying to do with Angelina?
I don't necessarily believe that because Angelina did the DDT onto the chair that it's an automatic heel turn.

While it usually screams heel turn, it could also very well be saying something along the lines of revenge, which could hype the Knockout Division even better.

Plus I don't think pairing 3 on 3 would be the right way to go, it has been done plenty of times in the past for the Knockout Division, and to me it hasn't always appealed.

Sometimes they really just need to focus on one championship, instead of creating something along the lines of what was complained about The Miz and his tag team championship / United States championship reign, because of the one belt not being given the same amount of attention that the other one is.
Alright, maybe your right Ferbian. Maybe she is trying to get revenge, but what if she tortures TBP into becoming a heel? If TNA wants to put angelina in a heel position, they should have her torture them, and try to steal soemthing. Along with the 3 on 3 position, they could do this just to debut someone. I wish mickie James could debut here. That was what I was asking. I think a heel angelina is so much better.
I don't believe in torturing and stealing something from The Beautiful People will be the right way to turn Angelina heel, hell I don't even think that TNA is necessarily trying to turn Angelina heel, as much as to build a revenge storyline.

I actually think this way could build for a more powerful face "turn" for Angelina, because she's fighting her way through the heel knockout faction, she's fighting to get back what's hers, not wanting to give up at any given time, it kinda writes itself in terms of creating a face thing over a heel thing.

I guess we'll have to see how she handles Velvet Sky next week before we can truly judge which direction the chair blow is really going, and whether it was a mere one time deal rather than a reoccurring event.
Wait, people actually think Love is going heel because she got herself disqualified from her own match?

I didn't take that away from the match/segment at all, fellas – not even remotely. As far as I saw it it was simply Love reestablishing dominance in the division and reigniting the feud she was involved in prior to getting injured a few weeks ago.

There's no need for TNA to turn her heel right now. None.
Well... I think ferbain's last point was true. It made sense. Making her fighting heels.. I like Angelina as a heel though :...( well, IDR and ferbian have killed me. I have no more posts. good work IDR and ferbian. But havent been able to rep u 3 days. need to spread
you know, good thing you brought up this topic because I am not sure what's going on, but what do we see now?? oh right have the good wrestlers are gone, well mainly the good women wrestlers like Tara or ODB and others, they are what made Knockout soo damn good, but am noticing that some of the girls they are not even using, why is that?? and where is Hamada?? last time i saw her was when she was tag team champion with Kong and haven't seen her seen thing. TNA makes it looks like at this point is there any reason for the fans watchin at home to be still intresting in knockouts when there too many heel females there?
I did not get that from the segment either. It played like she could care less about that match, she wanted to take out the obstacles to getting her title back. Although, I think turning Love heel to team back with Velvet vs a face turn for Lacey and Madison might be interesting and at least possible.
The Knockout Division's biggest problem right now is that it completely lacks depth at this point. Angelina Love and The Beautiful People are pretty much it as far as the Knockout Division goes. Most of the best in-ring workers in Knockout Division have either been fired or have left TNA. The two best left are Sarita & Taylor Wilde and they're hardly ever used at all and there's talk that both of them might be leaving when their contract expires too.

I like Angelina Love and TBP but not necessarily for their wrestling. They're four of the hottest women in wrestling today and they're historically among the biggest draws in TNA. However, all of them lost momentum when Angelina Love had to be released due to immigration issues. The dumb bimbo factor for TBP was really amped up, which certainly didn't help them, and Angelina really hasn't done all that much since she's been back except play hot potato with the Knockout title with Tara and ODB.

In short, there's just simply not really enough going on among the women to just keep it interesting. Angelina and TBP are hot and that in and of itself is probably a reason why a good many viewers watch their segments, but the Knockout Division needs an infusion of talent. But, the fact that TNA already has an overly bloated roster and Dixie doesn't really want to get rid of anyone makes it seem unlikely that, if new talent is brought it, it'll be some new Knockouts.
The way I see it, TNA (more importantly, Hogan) is trying to make the knockouts division "marketable". What this means basically is to make it more like WWE's divas division. Essentially fill it will beautiful women who don't have to know shit about wrestling, or be interesting for that matter. Just have big tits and a nice ass, and you'll be fine because you'll be marketable to the guys who watch wrestling.

This mentality is bullshit. As I put it: I don't watch wrestling to see hot nearly naked women bounce around and pretend their athletes. If I wanted that, I could go other places that do it better and sexier. I watch wrestling to see interesting characters have good matches in the ring. As far as that's concerned, TNA did it better than WWE hands down. Now, they traded all their great characters and workers (ODB, Awesome Kong, Roxxi, Traci Brooks) so they can revolve the division around the BPs and their former member, Angelina Love. These guys were supposed to be parodies of the divas, and thats what made them great. Now that HAVE become the WWE divas. As far as the hype, it was well deserved before the Hogan Era. Now, yes, it is, and yes, the division as a division is dead.
I don't think of it as a heel turn at all it will probably help her get over more as a face. She may be using heel type tactics, but since it's basically three on one it's more of a survival tactic. It shows that she will try to take them out at any cost. Before they take her out again.
Well, this thursday Angelina announced that she could get a KO title match if she beat Lacey and Velvet. Right there i was excited, since i like Angelina. Well I thought TNA was going to have her Aline with two superstars, and they would take the KO title, and KO tag titles. But when she pulled that chair out i knew what was going to happen. But my question is WHY would TNA do this? They have enough heels. What could TNA be trying to do with Angelina?

I dont think they know what they are doing with knockout division because like you said they have enough heel wrestlers and its crazy u know, which i dont seem to understand why are they doing this, but i dont think Angelina gonna turn heel anytime soon because they can't, and they have very few babyface female wrestlers, but as u can see they already lost good female wrestlers and have no clue what they are doing, they might as well go ot WWE where its organize for divas
It's an "emotional" storyline. The title is just gluing the situation back together. Angelina Love was abandoned and mocked by the other BP's. She's been wanting revenge for month's and has yet to do so. Why does a DDT to the chair seem so wrong? If anything, a typical iMPACT! Zone brawl would've been better and more "accurate" to the storyline.
Angelina Love and Velvet Sky are still better at wrestling than most Divas, but are simply not good enough to make the "Knockout" Division into anything serious. Cookie-cutter blonds with limited wrestling ability are already in the WWE!

I miss fueds like Awesome Kong Vs. Gail Kim! When does Gail Kim get any props for her wrestling ability. She could get it done in TNA. Hamada, O.D.B, Sarita... where are they? It was the unique women who could actually wrestle that made the "Knockouts" Division what it was! Rosie Lotta Love is the best I have seen in awhile and I hope to see more, no pun intended..
Angelina Love and Velvet Sky are still better at wrestling than most Divas, but are simply not good enough to make the "Knockout" Division into anything serious. Cookie-cutter blonds with limited wrestling ability are already in the WWE!

I miss fueds like Awesome Kong Vs. Gail Kim! When does Gail Kim get any props for her wrestling ability. She could get it done in TNA. Hamada, O.D.B, Sarita... where are they? It was the unique women who could actually wrestle that made the "Knockouts" Division what it was! Rosie Lotta Love is the best I have seen in awhile and I hope to see more, no pun intended..

I know people are still wondering where is Hamada and Sarita, but we all know O.D.B is done from TNA.. That came to a surprise. I was surprise myself because i thought she would be the last person to leave TNA... Nobody knows what TNA is doing nowadays

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