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Know Your Role and Shut Your Mouth


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think in this day in age the first thing we want a guy we like to do is become world champ. But I think people forget that you can be successful without being "The Guy" or "A Main Eventer".

I am not a guy who will say the Attitude era had better talent but I will say people knew their role for the show. Same goes for the Golden age of wrestling the talent knew their role.

Not every star has to be big. They just need to know what they need to do. Does Dolph Ziggler need to become a main eventer? What if he becomes one of the best mid carders of all time and his part of the show was to have the best match every night. That could be his role. People might be mad that he is in a tag team with Swagger but what if they become a great team. Miz and Morrison together were awesome in my eyes. Yes some want to see them by themselves (even though Morrison is not there anymore) but they worked well as a team and I think that was their true role.

Santino's role is to be a fan favorite make people laugh and just have a good time. Just because he does not become world champ does not mean he is less valuable then CM Punk or anyone else.

Here is a little example outside of the WWE. It may sound nerdy but I think it fits perfectly here.

Star Wars

Luke Skywalker was the main character and he was a great good guy. The story was his pretty much but how many of you guys wanted to be Han Solo or Darth Vader? If you want to talk about the new films how many wanted to be like Darth Maul? The guy was in one movie, not even in it much, and did not say much but his character was done so well in his role that he was loved.

What I am trying to say is not every guy needs to be "the next big thing". Some guys can be big stars and can create memories without being a world champ. Piper, Ted Dibiase, Jim duggan, Rikishi, The Dudley Boyz, and more can all walk away from their careers and say "I may not have been the poster boy or the world champ but I gave the fans a show and entertained them". Even Kane before 2010 could have said that (I really don't count the 1 day title reign)

So before you say "Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi, Swagger, R-truth, or any other guys NEED to be main eventers...first ask yourself how could they help the WWE another way.
The Dudley Boyz puts some people through a table. That is why they are remembered. Of course wrestlers can be remembered for other things than being champ. I would say almost every wrestler on the planet is remembered for something other than a championship. If someone said the name of a random wrestler than you may not immediately thing of them being a world champ.

When someone says taker you think of his gimmick and his wrestlemania streak as well as hell in a cell etc. Even though he has been a champ that may not be the lasting memory of him.
I think you make a good point, not everybody does need to in the main event and guys like Kofi, Ryder (at the moment) and Jack Swagger are great mid-carders who are capable of putting on an excellent match. They should e utilised inkeeping the mid-card relevant and exciting leaving the bona-fide main event superstars who draw PPV buys and generate more mass interest to headline shows.

There are still however, certain guys in the mid-card who are always going to desrve a push into the main event. In my perosnal opinion guys like Rhodes, Ziggler and Barrett fit this category. Yes they are good mid-carders and are perhaps not over to the point of a Punk or Cena but they have displayed the potential to get to that level and should be given a chance.

While its true many tremendous Hall of Famers never won the title and were largely mid-carders in their own era but this is often looked back on with an element of regret by fans. I'm not sure how many would argue that Piper, Steamboat or mr Perfect would have made great champions and probably should have been given a push into the full time main event scene.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that your completely right evrybody does have their own place in the company and not ever superstar has to be a main eventer to be remembered as great. It's however a judgement which is subjective and has to be carried out on an individual basis, there are a few in the mid card atm that I feel deserve a shot at the main event.
I agree, every wrestler/gimmick has limits to where they can go and what they can do. I couldn't ever take Santino seriuosly as world champion, but that doesn't mean i don't look forward to seeing him every week.

Same with the mid card. Guys like kofi, swagger, sin cara, hunico, r-truth, justin gabriel. Honestly i don't see them as any more than mid-card guys, but that doesn't mean i value their matches any less than a CM Punk or Randy Orton match.

Their ultimate job is to entertain, whether they do that as main eventers, mid carders, tag teams, or any other level is irrelevant.
I agree you don't need a title to be remembered, but it's only natural to get behind a guy, character, team, whatever and root for them to achieve the ultimate goal in their business.

It'll always be that way. I love Santino's character, and of course I knew he wasn't winning anything at EC, but was I disappointed he didn't? Yeah, I was. Whatever I'm a mark for the guy.

The problem with some of the names you listed (OP) is that I think you need to catapult them into a position where they can be remembered before they can be remembered for anything other than winning a title...if that makes sense. The way you currently do that in WWE is by giving them the title.

Wade Barrett needs the title. He won't be remembered as the guy who controlled John Cena for a few months. Cody Rhodes has a title, but needs THE title...he won't be rememered as the paper bag guy in a few years. Kofi and Ziggler have struggling (yet improving) mic skills. These guys haven't been in many or any good storylines...but giving Ziggler the belt (which I think he'll get in 2012), might just be enough to get him to that point where he can start building on that to something that ultimately WILL be remembered.

Also, the Dudleys won and held the titles MANY times...they were just Tag Titles back when Tag Titles meant something.
Bret Hart made this point in a recent interview, the WWE themselves seem disinterested in variety and doing much with anyone outside the top guys or those with potential to be top guys. However as shown in the past with acts like Godfather, 2Cool/Rikishi, Funaki and others, you can be a good part of the show without being a top guy.

A strong undercard is good for the show and right now with guys like Santino, Brodus and potentially Ricardo, the WWE have some entertaining undercard acts that just add a bit of fun and variety to a Raw/SD or a PPV.
at the base Undertaker doesn't need tittle for to be appreciated in WWE,when he cames in 1990 he is only here for to take soul in WWF. An guy like Owen Hart has never be champion but he makes famous matchs and good feuds there are many wrestlers like him.
at the base Undertaker doesn't need tittle for to be appreciated in WWE,when he cames in 1990 he is only here for to take soul in WWF. An guy like Owen Hart has never be champion but he makes famous matchs and good feuds there are many wrestlers like him.

Just want to comment on this statement first. The undertaker had a very very short title reign very early in his career, but it wasn't until he won the title at mania 13 that everyone realized he was the real deal. On the reverse side I agree with the poster that every talent should know their place on the card. A guy i followed from the beginning was HBK. He had a years long rise from the tag team ranks to the WWE title. Long before he won the title he was stealing the show in the mid card. Most notably the ladder match at mania 10. Stars need to be given their time to shine without the title instead of strapping the belt on them immediately if even at all.

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