Knock Your Socks Off Angle! "It Was You Hunter..." the sequel


Championship Contender
I was thinking a lot last night and usually when HBK walks into a parking lot, bad things happen. So I was thinking Lesnar attack, but this is such a mirroring of SummerSlam 2002 and I was there for that episode where Shawn said "It was you Hunter..."

What I'm saying is whatever angle they're trying to knock our socks off with isnt there, so why not revisit that.

It would truly be a swerve if HHH did this to get back at Shawn, still bitter about and blaming him for WrestleMania 28.

HHH was in the parking lot just like last time going what happened and he and Shawn split off when he shouldve known better than to leave him alone

So what do you think about this for knock your socks off? HBK vs HHH doesnt have to come about out of this even though it seems that way. I mean Lesnar/HBK wont take place just cause he broke his arm. So that shouldnt have any weighing on this being a good idea or not.

I'm just going along the lines of shock and not making since, to later make sense.

Hell maybe he doesnt forgive HBK for Mania and thought he shouldve been DX that night for him and the fact that he was stealing the spotlight since he retired in a non wrestling role even at Raw 1000, he came off as the lead, and then that Shawn turned down an executive role with WWE.

I know it makes no sense, but it's the only thing I can think of that would shock right now.

Any Punk/Lesnar/Heyman alignment as speculated will be expected etc etc.

This will revisit 2002.

Or what if it was Stephanie, who once owned ECW with her brother Shane owning WCW. What if Steph turned on her husband sparking a spouse rivalry in an authority vs authority battle over the GMs while the GMs still do their thing, this wouldnt be brand based of a feud, but it could work better and wouldnt seemingly have to end in HBK/HHH at Mania

Steph vs HHH- knock your socks off. or just knock Stephanie up again get her off television and easy win for HHH
I dunno what you saw last night but everybody saw Brock Lesnar pull Shawn out of the car before the beatdown took place, so it was obviously Brock who did it, so there is no chance of a swerve happening unless you suggest that Brock & Paul helped HHH take out Shawn when the camera went out but that's stupid as hell.

This thread should be closed.
The thread shouldnt be closed, that's exactly what I'm saying. HHH didnt HAVE to be the one in the car to run over Austin, he couldve been in this with Lesnar and have them benefit from a big time match or something, things have happened where ppl have fought in a plot or build to a swerve before.

I backtracked later and said it couldve been Steph

but either way HHH has a history with parking lot occurances (Austin, HBK) and being a mastermind in situations where he doesnt have to get involved (Bounty Hunter angle, Austin getting ran over)
Much like Oozin stated, everyone witnessed Brock Lesnar pulling Shawn out of his car before the camera went to black. So unless there is some super swerve in which Triple H is behind everything Lesnar has done, which wouldn't make sense, it's completely Lesnar.
Much like Oozin stated, everyone witnessed Brock Lesnar pulling Shawn out of his car before the camera went to black. So unless there is some super swerve in which Triple H is behind everything Lesnar has done, which wouldn't make sense, it's completely Lesnar.

Why did you say what he just said when I know that. It doesnt matter what everyone saw, Triple H has background in being a MASTERMIND, How is this going over ppl's heads?

I know it's crazy but thats what swerves do, they can sometimes make sense and other times make you go wtf?

I actually could even see Shawn being involved and pretending to have his arm broken and Super Kicking HHH at SummerSlam after hoping onto the ring and taking off his cast

Maybe Lesnar and HHH had a deal where Lesnar that he would get something in return for giving HHH a hell of a match at SummerSlam but doing the job, HBK takes off his casts and SCM Lesnar, HHH wins not knowing HBK got involved and Pedigrees him to go off the air as on Raw the next night he revealed that right there, is exactly why he had to take Shawn out because Shawn keeps getting in the way and the spotlight and he offered Shawn an executive role to keep him behind the scenes but Shawn didnt want that because it's not in his nature to be behind the scenes he needs to be front and center
I was actually talking to my sister in law about this, but it had a different swerve. This is just for fun, and based off of some rumors that had been going around. We all saw Brock attack HBK, and just before that HHH left Shawn to go into the parking lot alone. HBK also talked about how this was not his fight, and Hunter needed to get to the building. IMO Lesner needs to go over HHH at Summerslam so what if HBK turned on HHH causing Lesner to win, and laying the groundwork for HHH HBK at Mania 29. I had heard rumors of those two having one more Mania match. The reason for HBK turning on Hunter could be that he left him to get attacked by Lesner, and pulling him into the feud in the first place. I don't really think this will happen, but it would be a nice swerve.
I believe what SickJames is saying, is have it revealed later on that Triple H paid Lesnar off to attack Michaels.

But that doesn't make much sense, it would make more sense if Steph was behind the hiring of Heyman and Lesnar to put Triple H's career to an end. As if she's sick of her husband leaving home to try to fight off guys like Undertaker so he can feel good about himself again.

Something like Triple H being behind Lesnar makes no sense because the Lesnar-HHH feud is the most personal feud in the WWE since HBK-Jericho back a few years ago.
Yeah, sorry kid. None of this makes sense. HBK was only injected into the storyline to make it more personal. Where would HHH benefit from a heel turn at this point? That would make him a focal point of RAW after Summerslam. Brock is already a heel and I don't see a another "Two man power trip" happening. You think HHH would undure weeks of Paul Heyman insulting his family, lawsuits and Brock breaking his arm to get some sort of revenge on HBK? That doesn't make sense...Sorry man:shrug:
Yeah, sorry kid. None of this makes sense. HBK was only injected into the storyline to make it more personal. Where would HHH benefit from a heel turn at this point? That would make him a focal point of RAW after Summerslam. Brock is already a heel and I don't see a another "Two man power trip" happening. You think HHH would undure weeks of Paul Heyman insulting his family, lawsuits and Brock breaking his arm to get some sort of revenge on HBK? That doesn't make sense...Sorry man:shrug:

Greater plots have seen the masterminds be dragged through the mud in real life history, why not?

Again, a real strategist does whatever it takes to make you think it cant be them and get the job done while seperating themselves from the thought they could have anything to do with it which is what even happens in some good movies. You never see it coming because everything must always "make sense"

the swerve was simply brought up as a way to give us that big angle... you can tell us the why later

I also said why not have Stephanie behind it ppl keep ignoring that as if I didnt give a back up idea and the person who did address it gave a very good idea for it. Wanting him home more as she's been home herself
Greater plots have seen the masterminds be dragged through the mud in real life history, why not?

Again, a real strategist does whatever it takes to make you think it cant be them and get the job done while seperating themselves from the thought they could have anything to do with it which is what even happens in some good movies. You never see it coming because everything must always "make sense"

the swerve was simply brought up as a way to give us that big angle... you can tell us the why later

I also said why not have Stephanie behind it ppl keep ignoring that as if I didnt give a back up idea and the person who did address it gave a very good idea for it. Wanting him home more as she's been home herself

But what would be the point of all of this? HHH and HBK's careers are winding down. They don't need to be facing each other again for anything. Essentially what you are suggesting is that HHH masterminded the whole attack on HBK to take him out. Why exactly? Why have Brock "break HHH's arm" then they brawl. Paul insults HHH & Stephanie's kids. All to humiliate and destroy an already RETIRED Shawn Michaels? What for? What is the purpose? So that we could have a HHH/HBK part 72? So HHH can turn heel and we end up rarely seeing him as he has other duties? To keep Brock a heel and make it seem like he is nothing but a puppet for HHH? That would REALLY help Brock's credibility :lmao:

I understand where you are coming from believe me. The "big angle" is huge. I remember the build for that Summerslam match between HHH/HBK but again you forget there was no "mastermind" behind that.
And as for the Survivor Series reference where HHH was the mastermind behind running Austin over. Yeah but Austin was a threat to HHH's championship. HHH is not the champion, HBK poses no threat to him.

So again...Nice thought but maybe you are barking up the wrong tree in terms of characters. Maybe you could utilize someone like say Wade Barrett or some young star who HHH/HBK could give a solid rub to and it would allow that person to team up with Brock and Paul.
Greater plots have seen the masterminds be dragged through the mud in real life history, why not?

Again, a real strategist does whatever it takes to make you think it cant be them and get the job done while seperating themselves from the thought they could have anything to do with it which is what even happens in some good movies. You never see it coming because everything must always "make sense"

the swerve was simply brought up as a way to give us that big angle... you can tell us the why later

I also said why not have Stephanie behind it ppl keep ignoring that as if I didnt give a back up idea and the person who did address it gave a very good idea for it. Wanting him home more as she's been home herself

I just don't see why they would build up this storyline for months just to put HBK into it right now. I could see if HBK was involved in the storyline from the beginning. I can't imagine this is some mastermind swerve, but hey, stranger thing have happen in WWE....Maybe your on to something....Maybe.
I'm glad you finally see it, that's all I wanted. I dont mind critique, but the WWE has done crazy and that's the point. See as far as we KNOW HHH's arm got broken, but there's no Xray or anything

They could say it was a staged attack and he faked it being broke, but HBK's will be real. Easy
The problem here is one of motivation. What is the reason for Triple H to turn on Michaels? Because Michaels counted Hunter's shoulders down at Mania? Did you forget that Michaels Superkicked Taker? I don't buy that Triple H, in storyline, would throw away a 20-year friendship because of one match. This isn't the jealous, manipulative, power hungry Triple H of 2002; this is the content, businessman Triple H of 2012. A swerve for the sake of a swerve does nothing but piss people off. Any swerve here, based on HBK-HHH and HHH-Brock history, wouldn't make any sense.
I think the OP brings up an interesting point. Something is going to happen on Sunday. There is a reason the camera went black and we couldn't see what actually happened. Before RAW I just had this feeling that HBK was going to turn on HHH. Not to allign himself with Heyman /Lesnar but for his own personal reasons. Now I'm not so sure. What I do believe though is that by the end of Sunday we will have our first WM 29 match set. HBK vs HHH. Remember they wanted to announce this match the night after WrestleMania 28. I think they start building towards it Sunday. Lesnar HAS to win to establish credibility. His character has been ruined since coming back. He needs the win to re - establish himself as a credible threat to The Undertaker at 29. I don't see HHH losing cleanly so that's where the HBK swerve comes in. They didn't bring Shawn back into this angle to not have him be at SummerSlam. Ive been watching wrestling since 1985. Ill admit on Sunday night if I'm wrong but count on an HBK / HHH angle after Sunday!
I think the OP brings up an interesting point. Something is going to happen on Sunday. There is a reason the camera went black and we couldn't see what actually happened. Before RAW I just had this feeling that HBK was going to turn on HHH. Not to allign himself with Heyman /Lesnar but for his own personal reasons. Now I'm not so sure. What I do believe though is that by the end of Sunday we will have our first WM 29 match set. HBK vs HHH. Remember they wanted to announce this match the night after WrestleMania 28. I think they start building towards it Sunday. Lesnar HAS to win to establish credibility. His character has been ruined since coming back. He needs the win to re - establish himself as a credible threat to The Undertaker at 29. I don't see HHH losing cleanly so that's where the HBK swerve comes in. They didn't bring Shawn back into this angle to not have him be at SummerSlam. Ive been watching wrestling since 1985. Ill admit on Sunday night if I'm wrong but count on an HBK / HHH angle after Sunday!
The problem here is one of motivation. What is the reason for Triple H to turn on Michaels? Because Michaels counted Hunter's shoulders down at Mania? Did you forget that Michaels Superkicked Taker? I don't buy that Triple H, in storyline, would throw away a 20-year friendship because of one match. This isn't the jealous, manipulative, power hungry Triple H of 2002; this is the content, businessman Triple H of 2012. A swerve for the sake of a swerve does nothing but piss people off. Any swerve here, based on HBK-HHH and HHH-Brock history, wouldn't make any sense.

My thought's right here.
Remember who Triple H was in 2002? He was a ruthless, uncaring, sadistic maniac. He would put on the black gloves and beat the shit out of people.. hit people with sledgehammer's and find pleasure whilst doing it. The mastermind behind Austin getting run down!
If we Had HHH Vs Taker at Mania x8 for example, and Micheals reffed that match, then I can see HHH turning on him.. But not in 2012.

Plus.. Micheals is retired. I Wish people would stop riding that horse, he's finished.. end of.
I don't have a reason as to why micheals my do this, but has anyone thought that it could be micheals who turned on hhh? The screen went black in order to stage the attack. When lesner "broke" hbks arm notice how paul heyman was yelling "oh my god he broke his arm". And the tone of his voice, to me, sounded like he was over the top trying to cover up a lie. I don't know, just something to think about. I definately believe that hhh and hbk will wrestle at mania over this though.
Nice to see Vince Russo keeping himself busy while unemployed. "We need a swerve because no-ones expecting it bro! Just like Vince being the greater power and Goldberg as a heel!" Way to go Vinnie Ru, but I've sussed your alter-ego!

And, yeah, the idea makes no sense. There's no long term gain from it, it can't result in a match and makes the whole Brock vs Triple H match at Slam pointless, unless we're having a finger poke of doom!
Let's just face facts, the real swerve in all this is that WWE swerved the fans. We may never know what the "knock your socks off summer blockbuster" was or would have been because (a) everything is just too jumbled together (b) things are pretty much extremely disorganized and (c) it's almost the end of summer. It should have started way back in June and either ended this month or in September. But no, WWE was so obsessed with RAW 1,000 that nearly everything took a backseat to things. And now we have this. The buildup to Lesner/HHH sucked, it really did. They never really made Brock look like this unstoppable machine and really, HHH will win. I don't see how HHH will lose this match. What for? He's done everything to be the savior of the company (not like John Cena) and now Shawn Michaels' "arm gets broken". No swerve here. I'd be surprised. And even if there were a swerve, why do it now? To continue a storyline that was stale, bland and on one moment/off the next? Nobody wants to see that. Brock should have faced somebody else. And now it makes him look a bit, idk, less than due to the fact that he's went from John Cena and now HHH and each match he's lost (assuming he'll lose against HHH). And even if HHH does lose, it won't be some major beat down. Yeah, they gave the beat down to Cena, but Cena lost and last time I checked, it was HHH in charge NOT Cena, so why have HHH lose in this match?

Again, no "knock your socks off angle". Even if there were, who'd care anymore? It's not as if fans REALLY are that invested in what WWE is gonna pull off next. I thought they may have had something going with some debuts, a new heel faction or something but nope. Same old song & dance. Same old dog & pony show. WWE disappoints me every time now.
Let's just face facts, the real swerve in all this is that WWE swerved the fans. We may never know what the "knock your socks off summer blockbuster" was or would have been because (a) everything is just too jumbled together (b) things are pretty much extremely disorganized and (c) it's almost the end of summer. It should have started way back in June and either ended this month or in September. But no, WWE was so obsessed with RAW 1,000 that nearly everything took a backseat to things. And now we have this. The buildup to Lesner/HHH sucked, it really did. They never really made Brock look like this unstoppable machine and really, HHH will win. I don't see how HHH will lose this match. What for? He's done everything to be the savior of the company (not like John Cena) and now Shawn Michaels' "arm gets broken". No swerve here. I'd be surprised. And even if there were a swerve, why do it now? To continue a storyline that was stale, bland and on one moment/off the next? Nobody wants to see that. Brock should have faced somebody else. And now it makes him look a bit, idk, less than due to the fact that he's went from John Cena and now HHH and each match he's lost (assuming he'll lose against HHH). And even if HHH does lose, it won't be some major beat down. Yeah, they gave the beat down to Cena, but Cena lost and last time I checked, it was HHH in charge NOT Cena, so why have HHH lose in this match?

Again, no "knock your socks off angle". Even if there were, who'd care anymore? It's not as if fans REALLY are that invested in what WWE is gonna pull off next. I thought they may have had something going with some debuts, a new heel faction or something but nope. Same old song & dance. Same old dog & pony show. WWE disappoints me every time now.

I read this this entire post and I am still not sure exactly what your point is. So you aren't excited about WWE may or may not pull off next therefore that means that "It's not as if fans REALLY are that invested in what WWE is gonna pull off next"? You = Fans?!? You are a FAN, you are the not the sum of the WWE fans.

Just because you are not that invested in the current WWE product does not mean that there still aren't many people who are. If you don't care though, what the hell are you doing on a wrestling forum sharing your opinion on the product?!? Sure there WWE is hit and miss these days, but today's product is a lot better than it was 2 years ago.

I am of the opinion (see how it's just my opinion?!?) that after SummerSlam we will be looking at a HHH - HBK WrestleMania match. If you read recent articles about Shawn, he has stated that he isn't opposed to doing an Undertaker sort of schedule where he wrestles 1 or 2 big matches every year. If you want to look at it with common sense, why else would he have been added to this feud? Having Brock break his arm doesn't make Brock's character look any better or worse. Brock already broke HHH's arm, we know he is capable of that. If they wanted to make Brock seem more like a villain they would have had him attack Stephanie since she is a more sympathetic character. Shawn was put in this match to set up (could definitely be a slow build) a match with HHH at Mania. If I am wrong I will be surprised.
umm I'm sorry but where in my post did I say that I was the speaker of the masses? Pipe down a little and understand what I was saying. I am saying that I, yes ME, am not all that interested in what WWE is doing with their product. And as far as why I, once again yes ME am on a wrestling forum is MY, yes ME business. See how that plays itself out? I don't usually answer meaningless questions but since yours was just THAT meaningless I decided to make it meaningful.

Now again, I'm not that excited anymore because of the fact that WWE has dragged its feet about the big announcement. I'm not sure what plans got scrapped or whatever the case may be. And I don't work for the company so I don't know what they're going to do in the future. But as far as me being a fan is concerned, I'm not that interested in the ANGLE or the promotion of a knock your socks off angle because again, it has stalled out tremendously. If you can't understand that, then hey idk what to tell you...
I know it makes no sense, but it's the only thing I can think of that would shock right now.

If you know you make no sense... why do you keep defending your idea when people say you make no sense?

Personally I'm with the people that ponder a HHH/HBK match down the line. Shawn kept showing signs of anger towards Hunter.
Let's not get mental here, i agree with Sick James in a way that people sometimes need to think outside the box, let's just debate, not bash his opinion, but i think that this only means one of three thing, that (a) Shawn wants to turn on Triple H, and surprise him at SummeSlam with a superkick to help Lesnar win the match, (b) This is a plan between Triple H and Shawn Michales so at SummerSlam, Shawn appears ant take Paul Heyman out of the equation, or (c) Shawn had to change his plans or something and he will not be able to apear at SummerSlam and that is how they had him out of the PPV, let's not get our hopes up for Shawn to get back in the ring just yet.......
The big "knock your socks off angle" got announced to day, Scooby Doo goes to Wrestlemania!

Freddy Prinze will voice Freddy, you watch... "So Let's see who you really are Mr. McMahon"... Oh it's Hornswoggle... cricket sounds... "I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you damn IWC!" It's exactly what Vince is thinking right now about this "big angle"...

I thought that it might be a way for Trips to "force" Shawn back as he "retired too soon" and for the business side he wants HBK... so this was "set up" to force him back...
Sorry but I have no desire to see an almost 50 year old HBK in a feud. Seriously the DX schtick was okay when Shawn was the top heel in the company, now it is dumb seeing these two old guys. It's like the wrestler vs. GM feud - find something new.

Time to move on and find something new.

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