Kingdom Come VI: Cerberus (c) vs. Alhazred & S.H.I.T. [World Tag Team Championships]

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW


Mister Alhazred recently returned to WZCW and has already taken the company by storm, displacing El Califa Dragon in the Tag Team Championship match alongside S.H.I.T. Cerberus, meanwhile, have been on somewhat of a roll since winning the Tag Team Championships from Young Justice.

With this being the current Champions first Kingdom Come event, can they see off the menacing challenge of two veterans referring themselves "Hard Metal Penetration", S.H.I.T and Alhazred? Cerberus will want to show the world what they can do but are Hard Metal Penetration a bridge too far for the rookies?

RP deadline is Friday the 7th of November at 23:59.

Masquer: Everything starts off as an idea.

Myles: That actually gives me an idea. We have new tag team champions and with the departure of Celeste Crimson as of now there are no contenders in place. You want to get successful quick Flex? You want to show people why they should respect you Ramparte? Then let’s put you two together and see if you can cut it in the tag team division. You want some revenge on Hyada? Let’s have you together on the next Aftershock to take on Hyada and Corvus. If you two win who knows how close you’ll be to a shot at the champs. Hopefully you two can prove me wrong, now both of you out of my office.

Masquer: Then it becomes a reality.

Aftershock 31

Ramparte takes this chance to kick Hyada in the stomach, and hit The Catalysm! He goes for the cover, as Flex holds Eve Taylor to keep her from breaking up the count.




Flex goes in to celebrate, as Ramparte slinks in the middle of the ring, almost depressed.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Cerberus!

Serra: The only way Ramparte pulled that out was because he cheated.

Klamor: All I saw was win, for a team with a lot of momentum.

Eve Taylor goes to the fallen Hyada, who's still holding his eyes in the ring. Cerberus is in the entranceway, with Flex over celebrating the win.

Masquer: An unlikely alliance turns into a successful combination.

Ascension 75

Atushi kicks out, but Flex actually manages to keep his arms locked, wrapped around Kiriyama's left leg. This allows for Flex to lift Atushi high in the air, for a powerbomb position! But before dropping him, Flex decides to curl Atushi, once, twice, and three times, before dropping Kiriyama on his head. Flex makes the tag to his tag team partner, as Ramparte enters the ring. He starts to drop knees on Kiriyama's stomach. Then, he stands over Kiriyama, and slaps him, right in the face. The crowd oohs, as Ramparte taunts his downed opponent. but Atushi recovers, and kicks Ramparte in the stomach. Atushi gets up, and in a rage, pushes Ramparte into the corner, and starts slapping Ramparte in the face, in a rage. Flex Mussel rushes over to the corner, to try and break up the brawling between his partner and Atushi. Cuba actually enters the ring, to attack Flex, and anarchy brings out in the ring. As the referee attempts to maintain order in the ring, Flex and Cuba start brawling in the ring. Cuba goes for a delayed vertical suplex... But Flex reverses it, and holds Cuba high in the air. On the other side of the ring, Ramparte actually has Atushi in a suplex, and Flex looks over to his partner. He holds out his hand, and demonstrates how to do a squat, while holding someone up. Ramparte doesn't attempt... But is reversed, as Atushi slips behind Ramparte's back, and hits a spinning wheel kick to the back of Ramparte's head. Cuba, as well, slips out of Flex's grasp, and lands on his feet. He grabs Flex's head, and sets him up for a reverse DDT, but Flex actually flips Ramparte over his head, and hits a devastating powerslam. This leaves Kiriyama and Flex, together in the ring. Once again, Atushi attempts to use his speed in the ring. He bounces off of the ropes, attempting to hit a springboard elbow... But Ramparte has recovered, in enough time to trip Atushi from the ropes! Atushi falls on the back of his head, as Ramparte prepares him for The Catalyst. Flex grabs the legs, making it impossible to escape, as Ramparte sends Atushi crashing to the ground, and floats over for the cover.




Ramparte rolls off, as Flex picks up his partner.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Cerberus!

Cohen: That's sure to set a pecking order in the tag division.

Connor: With that win, the tag division just keeps rolling, and the teams just continue to wage war with one another

Masquer: But when there is triumph, there does come defeat.

Unscripted 2014

As Flex goes to execute the finishing move, Hyada is able to counter it into a small package!!!



Mussel kicks out! Both men get up at the same time, Hyada leaps through the air... FALLING STAR!!!

He nails it! He nails it! Hyada finally nails his Superman Punch finisher on his third attempt! Flex is laying flat on his back, somewhat close to the corner, motionless. Jonathan sees Haven getting up onto the apron. Hyada runs in the opposite direction and bounces off the ropes. He runs back and jumps up and over the top rope! Haven slaps his back as he soars clear over the ropes, and crashing right into an unsuspecting Ramparte on the outside!

Copeland: Jonathan Hyada just took out Ramparte with that high risk maneuver! A little unusual for the MMA fighter.

Cohen: Where the hell did he learn that!

Connor: Perhaps Haven is rubbing off on him. Flex is out cold after that Falling Star!

Copeland: And look at Haven! I think he's the legal man!

Haven sees Flex on his back while judging the distance. He looks out to the crowd, who start going nuts. Haven begins climbing to the top rope, the crowd standing up to see what he's going for. Haven takes a deep breath... and jumps... THE FINAL FLASH!!!

Haven connects with his 450 splash! He hooks the leg!!!




Harrys: Here is your winner, the team of Young Justice!

Masquer: And with defeat comes disappointment.

All or Nothing 2014

Harrys: Here are your winners and NEEEEW WZCW World Tag Team Champions....... Hyada and Haven, Young Justice!!!

Masquer: But over time things evolve.


Ascension 80

Young Justice is backstage hanging out, their WZCW Tag Team titles over their shoulders when Eve Taylor walks up to them.

Eve: Oh dear, you're not dressing like that are you?

Haven and Hyada look towards each other, perplexed that the famous model is talking to them.

Haven: What's wrong with our costumes?

Eve: Oh dear, everything. You want to be seen and you want to look fabulous when you're fighting off criminals.

Haven looks back to Hyada again, Hyada shrugging his shoulders.

Hyada: Sooo what do you recommend then?

Eve puts a finger to her lips, looking contemplative in nature.

Eve: You would look great in red, both of you. Lots and lots of red. In fact, I would say covered in blood would be for the best.

Before Haven and Hyada can respond, Cerberus suddenly attacks from behind! They put the boots to the champions as Eve laughs, boos coming in from the crowd.

Connor: No, don't tell me....

Cohen: Yes! Eve is the third head of Cerberus!

Flex lifts up Hyada and delivers Full Body Fitness, while Ramparte delivers a skull crushing chair shot to Haven. With both members of Young Justice down and out, blood dripping from Hyada's foreahead, Ramparte and Flex lift up Haven and toss him to Eve, who delivers the Fashion Statement! Officials run in to break up the fight, as all three members Cerberus stand tall over the tag team champions.

Ramparte: I told you two you should be very afraid.

Cerberus laughs as they walk off as officials check on Young Justice as we go to commercial.

Masquer: And as things evolve, they improve.

Aftershock 35

Mussel lunges at Haven and begins sending a series of hard rights and lefts into his face. Hyada tries to help, but Ramparte and Taylor catch him and send him back with kicks into a turnbuckle. Mussel also punches Hyada back into a turnbuckle. The beat down is on! The crowd cheers for Young Justice to fight back, but the number game is just too much. We see Ramparte pull Hyada up in the turnbuckle and clotheslines him out of the ring. Meanwhile, we see Mussel pull Haven out and then clotheslines him. The crowd boos as Mussel flexes to show off his strength. Ramparte goes over to the testing equipment and pushes it over. Taylor grabs the head of Haven on the floor and throws him into Mussel. Mussel quickly drops him on his knee and then Ramparte comes up to complete a series of moves for the their tag team finisher, DWI! Haven gets laid out with the DWI!

All three heads of Cerberus raise their fists in the air as their music begins to play. They shout in unison.

Cerberus: Hail Cerberus!

Everest: My god, we have witnessed complete domination from Cerberus here tonight. Young Justice was helpless against the number game.

Klamor: It was only a matter of time before Young Justice made the three-headed dog snap. Haven may have weaseled his way out of the test, but Cerberus set things right with what we just saw.

The camera shows Haven damaged in the ring, as Hyada wails in pain on the outside. We fade to black as we go to commercial.

Masquer: And with enough improvement comes success.

Lethal Lottery 2014

Back in the ring, Haven is in the ring and he nails Mussel with a springboard crossbody! The champions get to their feet together as their opponents stagger to their knees. Ramparte pulls himself to his feet and Haven goes to clothesline him, but the challenger ducks down and lifts Haven over the ropes and onto the floor outside! Mussel is up and he tosses Hyada high into the air, Ramparte readying a kick - but Haven slides back in, kicks Ramparte out of the way! Hyada, falling, instead catches Mussel with the FALLING STAR! But he is too dazed to go for the cover immediately - he has to catch his breath. Haven turns to make the cover himself, and Ramparte rolls him up! Hyada covers Mussel at the same time! Akiyama counts one, two - EVE TAYLOR KNOCKS HYADA OFF OF MUSSEL - THREE!!!

Copeland: What just happened?!

Akiyama confers with Harrys briefly, and the announcer steps back to make his announcement.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners...................AND THE NEW WZCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, CERBERUS!

Masquer: And with success comes confidence.

Aftershock 37

The crowd boos as the WZCW World Tag Team Champions make their way onstage.

Mussel: That's a very nice speech there, El Califa. Very cute. I hope you find your peace as much as these fans find the will to subscribe to Flex Fitness for the low, low price of $9.99... but there is one thing that will never happen and that is you becoming World Tag Team champion again.

The crowd boos at that statement.

Ramparte: These belts will never be leaving the side of Cerberus. We are the ones who deserve these championships. Not you, not Los Magnificos Dragones, not anyone. So you best turn your attention elsewhere because if you come anywhere near us, we'll destroy you just like you destroyed Amber Warren's life!

The crowd boos heavily as the words of Ramparte struck heavy in the heart of El Califa.

Mussel: Hail Cerberus!

The champions smirk as they walk to the back, leaving El Califa in the ring to think about what they had just said.

Masquer: Confidence mixed with talent becomes domination.

Meltdown 110

Ramparte sends a wicked smile to a struggling El Califa who has no choice but to watch on thanks to Flex who keeps his head turned to Warren. Ramparte takes his championship and swings for the fences, knocking down Warren. The crowd boos heavily as Rampare picks Warren up slowly, licking her face before hitting an impactful Heresy right onto the championship, causing her to crumple on the canvas!

Copeland: Warren just landed with a sick thud onto the gold! I don't think she's getting up from that... oh c'mon Flex! That's enough! Just because she doesn't want to marry you doesn't mean you have to put her out forever!

Masquer: If there is no one to oppose this domination, it will reign supreme.

Ascension 85

Connor: This is it! Chris has him right where he wants him!

Suddenly the crowd begins booing as Ty Burna runs down the entrance ramp and hops up onto the ring apron. Referee Aubrey tries to get him to leave, but the distraction is enough as Chris turns towards Ty, his eyes burning with anger as he begins walking towards him. Suddenly Steven Holmes slides in from behind and slams a chair right into the back of Chris's head! Ty keeps the ref's attention as Holmes lifts him up and delivers The Imperial Impaler! The damage done Ty drops off the mat as Holmes grabs the chair and disappears into the crowd quickly. Ramparte slowly gets to his feet and pulls Chris up, delivering The Cataclysm! He goes for the cover, 1.............................2....Flex is able to pulls elegANT away from the pin.......................3!

Anderson: Here are your winners, the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Cerberus!

Masquer: But what happens when a new challenger steps up to the plate?

Meltdown 110

As Copeland is commentating, Flex has decided to pick up the almost lifeless body of Warren and looks to set up for the Full Body Fitness, much to the displeasure of the crowd and El Califa who begs and pleads for Flex not to do it. Flex, with anger still in his heart, picks up Warren and looks to execute his finisher...

... until a recovered SHIT manages to stand up on the outside. Alarmed, Ramparte goes to the outside and tries to deal with the situation but Ramparte gets a Head Chop for his troubles, knocking him down! The crowd cheers as SHIT sets his sights on Flex in the ring. He slides in as Flex tosses Warren aside, causing Flex & SHIT to begin brawling with each other until SHIT gets the better of the tag team champion. He hits a nasty European uppercut before delivering a Head Chop to Flex Mussel as well! He rolls to the outside of the ring where a still groggy Ramparte grabs him, retreating to the back.

Masquer: What happens when that challenger isn’t alone?

Aftershock 39

Mister Alhazred runs down the ramp to a chorus of cheers.

Klamor: It can't be!

Everest: It is and he's come to save his friend!

As Ramparte and Mussel notice him enter the ring, they scatter before rolling out of the ring. S.H.I.T. falls to the canvas after the beating he just received. Grabbing the ropes, S.H.I.T. finally begins to make his way back to a vertical basis as Alhazred stares down Cerberus from inside the ring. A wide smile appears on the faces of Ramparte and Mussel as they walk backwards up the aisle... but it doesn't stay on for too long as they see S.H.I.T.'s and Alhazred's attention turn to the stirring Fallout. The crowd gets pumped as it looks like Alhazred is about to get revenge. He hits Fallout with the Level 5, followed by the White Van Driver for good measure. A sickening impact can be heard in the immediate vicinity as Fallout crumples to the canvas with E.M.T's running down to ringside to check on him. Cerberus don't look too impressed.

Everest: What the Hell did I just witness?!

Cerberus continue to smile down at the ring as Fallout is wheeled from ringside on a stretcher and Alhazred helps S.H.I.T. stay vertical. Alhazred turns to S.H.I.T. and speaks to him for a few moments before grabbing a microphone.

Alhazred: Surprised to see me?

The crowd cheers as Cerberus watches on with confusion and intrigue, whilst also looking around for El Califa and are very confused as to why he wasn't the one to make the save.

Alhazred: Oh, don't worry. El Califa won't be joining us this evening as I've got another surprise. Thanks to your attack on Amber Warren after proposing to her, which to be completely honest is something even I wouldn't do and I'm on a variety of government listings, Los Magnificos Dragones are no longer able to compete for your tag team titles.

There are smiles to be had between the two heads of Cerberus alongside boos from the crowd. However, Alhazred waves his finger in the air and shakes his head.

Alhazred: However, just because they are out doesn't mean you don't have any opponents for Kingdom Come. You see, since you made the most idiotic decision to target my beloved S.H.I.T. in recent weeks, El Califa has bequeathed the Tag Team Title shot to the Mandroid... and guess who his tag team partner is?

The smiles seem to fade rather rapidly as Cerberus find out the news. Alhazred passes the microphone to S.H.I.T.

S.H.I.T.: S.H.I.T. is built to annihilate. S.H.I.T. will destroy Cerberus! It will be partners with the Alhazred once more and achieve the highest tier in the WZCW Tag Team Division!

Masquer: What happens when everything you’ve worked so hard to build threatens to be destroyed in an instant?

WZCW Supershow

S.H.I.T. runs like a T-1000 and slides into the ring to make the save!! Cerberus quickly jump out, wanting no altercation with the machine man. S.H.I.T. helps Alhazred up and they share a mutual nod to one another. Eve Taylor ushers the WZCW Tag Team Champions to the ramp, where they clutch onto their gold with a look of fear and defiance on their faces.

Copeland: Last week it was Mr. Alhazred that came to aid the robot. Now S.H.I.T. returns the favor and together they stare down their opponents at Kingdom Come! They are primed to put The Hounds of Hell in their place, don't you agree?

Cohen: The numbers game almost cost Alhazred, though. Will they be able to overcome the odds at KC with those self-proclaimed "Team Killers"? I know I can't wait to see, and neither could these fans.

Masquer: Are you ready to deal with those consequences Flex? Are you ready to deal with the possibility of your friendship being destroyed at the mere possibility of losing your championships? Are you ready to have your life “penetrated” by defeat?



The healthiest man alive Flex Mussel shouts himself awake as he clutches his tag team championship in the backseat of a Cadillac that his partner Ramparte is also riding in. The catalyst delivers a look of concern following the outburst from his friend while his driver and butler Morley tries to keep focused on the road despite the body builder’s panic attack.

Ramparte: What has gotten into you Flex?

: I’m not sure, I think I was just shown a retrospective of everything we’ve ever done as a team and how our legacy may be at a crossroads. I wonder if that has some type of deeper meaning or something.

Ramparte: Uh huh…..well now that you’re awake will you please give us some directions so we can know where we're going?

The prophet of health shakes off the ominous words of his inanimate object/fictional motivator and tries to get a feel of his surroundings.

: Right…..just make a right at the next light Morley. Then go two blocks down and we should be there.

Morley does as he is commanded and the Cadillac can be seen pulling into a very populated yet seedy looking part of Tokyo, Japan. The older and ever obedient butler Morley quickly exits from the driver’s seat to open doors for the WZCW World Tag Team Champions Flex Mussel and Ramparte. Cerberus exits the vehicle with their championships in tow as Morley waits for further instructions.

Ramparte: Keep the car running and the doors locked Morley, this doesn’t look like an environment that’s used to the upper class.

Flex: Just because we’re in a less fortunate part of the city doesn’t mean we should fear for our lives Ram. If anything the people of this impoverished neighborhood will be glad to finally meet their American role models.

Ramparte: You’re half French.

Flex: I’m a man of international flavor Rambo. America, France, Japan, it doesn’t matter Cerberus wins the hearts and minds of all cultures.

Ramparte: As much as I love hearing about how we’re revered all over the world I have to ask what exactly we’re doing here Flex. We have a match we should be preparing for.

Flex: Don’t worry we’ll be in and out and then we can head to Flex Fitness International. I just need you to back me up and keep that silent and intimidating demeanor you love so much.

The trademark look of scorn and unpleasantness arrives on the face of the Catalyst as the champions head into a nearby building. They take a stairwell leading to some kind of basement where they enter a room populated to the brim with people playing the recreational arcade game/electronic gambling device known as Pachinko. Flex leads the way as the pair file through busy isle ways receiving strange looks from people all around. As they barge their way through Flex notices posters of the former WZCW superstar and very plump athlete known as Wasabi Toyota. This confuses the bodybuilder but he forgets about it as soon as they make it toward their destination on the other side of the room. They look to enter through a very neon colored door but are stopped by security.

Security: Dare ga anata odeari, anata wa koko de nanishiteruno? (Who are you and what are you doing here?)

Flex: Ugh, where’s Kagura Ozhora when you need her?

Ramparte: Hopefully the language barrier doesn’t cause as much trouble here as it did in France.

Flex: Just chill, I got this.

The monsieur of muscle quickly takes out his cell phone and calls a number he seemingly had on speed dial.

Flex: Hey….yeah I’m outside, tell your goons to back off.

The bodybuilder ends the call and a few seconds later another set of security guards this time wearing sunglasses, wearing suits, and sporting dragon tattoos on their necks open the neon colored door and usher Cerberus into the next room. Flex is immediately greeted by a shorter, less muscular and slender looking man wearing glasses who is surrounded by even more security.

Flex: Hashirama, long time no see.

Hashirama: I’m so very glad to see you again Mr. Mussél. Are you going to introduce me to the man accompanying you?

Flex: How rude of me to forget, Hashirama this is my tag team partner/total bestie Ramparte. Ramsy this is my former head of international marketing of Flex Fitness and former head scientific research Ginjo Hashirama.

Ramparte: Nice to meet you.

The catalyst and the scientist both give a half-hearted handshake with both immediately garnering an uneasy feeling towards one another.

Hashirama: So let’s get straight down to business old friend. My private research team has collected the ingredients you requested and with the right “supplements” I believe I’ve acquired the enhancements you will need to overcome your enemies at Kingdom Come.

Ramparte: Enhancements? What’s going on here Flex?

Flex: The moment our tag title match was announced with “Hard Metal Penetration” I contacted Hashirama to prepare some “off the market” help to give us the extra edge against S.H.I.T and Alhazred.

Ramparte: Since when do you take performance enhancing drugs?

Hashirama: I would rather my science not be referred to something as unrefined as steroids.

Flex: Relax buddy, I’m exercising 24/7 to keep my physical perfection but lifting tons upon tons and running miles upon miles just isn’t enough to combat what we’re up against at Kingdom Come.

Ramparte: You know how I hate to be the voice of reason Flex but this doesn’t seem right.

Flex: You know what’s not right? What’s not right is being blamed for potentially ending the career of the love of your life when all you wanted to do was help her. What’s not right is that everything we’ve worked so hard for this entire year can easily be taken from us in front of millions of people.

Ramparte: I thought you were over what happened to Amber, it was unavoidable.

Flex: Truth be told Ram ever since Amber was hospitalized I haven’t been able to stop my chocolate intake. I ate snickers at the airport bathroom while we were waiting for our flight, I had various boxes of chocolate chips cookies on the plane while you were sleeping, hell I snuck a Hershey kiss every time you weren’t looking on the car ride over. I’m all out of love and I’m so lost without her Ram. All I have left is Cerberus and these championships and I refuse to let penetration by any form of metal destroy everything we’ve built.

Ramparte: You can’t possibly believe that those buffoons have any chance of taking away our gold.

Flex: You know for the first time….I do. I mean I don’t even know what we’re fighting anymore. When we collided with Young Justice it was clear they were liars and criminals hiding behind false bravados taking advantage of the simple minded. With the Dragones they were two talented individuals who in the end were too jealous of each other to be a stable team in the long term. But what the hell are we fighting now?! We have a mechanical monster who was built for mass destruction and sociopath who has made a deadly weapon out of a Nintendo product. These two have beaten the hell out of each other on numerous occasions yet have one of the best records of any tag team in WZCW history despite never holding the belts. Alhazred is even a former tag team champion. Both were original members of one of the most feared stables in recent memory and veterans of the company. Last year at Kingdom Come S.H.I.T arguably had his greatest victory in winning the Elite X title while Alhazred overcame an alien….from space! One of our opponents isn’t even human and the other is sex offender, arsonist, juvenile, convict, and god knows what else but is still one of the most beloved WZCW superstars of all time. This isn’t superheroes, this isn’t dragons, and this certainly isn’t logical. We are up against complete and utter insanity. Now are you still going to tell me you’re not the least bit worried?

A very concerned look appears upon the catalyst’s face as Ramparte tries to hide it.

Flex: Exactly, that's what I thought. Those two are so unpredictable we might never know what’s coming next. Which is why I must do something no one will ever predict…..use supplemental body enhancers that aren’t Flex Fitness approved!

Dramatic sound effects happen in the background as Flex states what seems to be forbidden law to him. Meanwhile Ramparte continues to try to coax his friend out of making such a drastic decision.

Ramparte: What about all the other famous and inspirational pro-athletes who have had their names tainted by drugs. Do you want to be another Michael Phelps, Lance Armstrong, or Sammy Sousa? Do you want an asterisk by your name in the record books Flex?

Hashirama: Is this happening or not Flex?

Ramparte: Do you remember what you first told me the day we met each other Flex? Do you know the words uttered just as we were preparing for our first match as team? You said “confidence is the key to determination, and determination is the key to success”. We’ve been confident, we’ve been determined, and we’ve gained success. So why stop that process now Flex? If you’ve taught me anything it’s not to compromise your values in the face of fear and defeat. You know I’m a man of few words and very rarely like to go on long winded speeches but wouldn’t you rather defeat S.H.I.T and Alhazred on the biggest stage of them all knowing it was by our own pure talent and discipline as a team rather than by some hack scientist’s homemade recipe?

Hashirama: Hack scientist?!

Ramparte: We earned these titles and at Kingdom Come we’re going to prove to everyone that Cerberus is the future of this company and no can derail us from our ascension into the record books as one of the greatest teams in WZCW history! S.H.I.T. and Alhazred had their time for fun but now it's our turn to step up create our own legacy that will be talked about. Cerberus will not fall at Kingdom Come!

The monsieur of muscle sheds a tear that he wipes away with his championship belt before giving Ramparte a hug of raw emotion.

Flex: You’re right buddy! We’ve worked hard to earn everything have and despite being polar opposites we’ve gained a friendship stronger than any Frankenstein’s monster scenario that Alhazred and S.H.I.T. can come up with. I should’ve never turned to the chronic, thanks for being those anti-drug awareness commercials. If Eve was here she’d be so proud of us.

Hashirama: I hate to interrupt but don’t tell me you’re not going to buy this after all the time and hard work I put into it.

Flex: Sorry Hashirama, thanks but no thanks. The hounds of hell and health don't need drugs. Unlike Hard Metal Penetration we don’t need advance machinery such as a metal body or an armored glove. The only weaponry I need is these guns.

The body builder begins to flex his biceps.

Flex: The only armor Ram needs is that perfectly chiseled jaw.

The catalyst begins to stroke what he believes to be his magnificently crafted face.

Flex: It was great seeing you though man, I’ll leave some Kingdom Come tickets at will call for you. Do your wife and kids still like wrestling?

: My wife took the kids and left me after you fired me from my job and we couldn't pay our bills....

Flex: Oh.....right. Well good luck with that buddy! By the way you should tell your people to take down those posters of that one guy….what’s his name….Wasabi Toyota I think…..yeah tell them to take those down, that guy’s body weight is disgusting.

A slow anger begins to develop on the face of the scientist before he bursts out in anger as Cerberus attempts to walk away.

Hashirama: First you fire me as your head of international business and ruin my life, next you waste my time creating supplements to help you, and then disrespect the name of the Mastumoto Mauler?! I can take your disrespect and insolence no longer Flex. Tonight, you die!

The scientist snatches the supplements away from a member of his security and swallows them with a glass of water. In a matter of seconds his slender and scrawny figure is replaced by a hulking and devastating body type that rivals that of the Incredible Hulk.

Flex: Damn, maybe I should have taken those, you look ripped bro!

Ramparte: Stop admiring and run!

Ramparte blasts a member of security in the face with the championship belt clearing a path for Cerberus to run as the hulked out Hashirama sprints after them. The lean and fit bodies of the tag team champions are able to maneuver themselves around the Pachinko machines but Hashirama’s uncomfortably buff figure smashes right through them causing mass chaos and confusion.

Hashirama: Who is buff now Flex?! Am I still a muscle less little lab jockey?!

Flex: In hindsight hanging out with a bitter and formerly terminated employee was probably a bad idea.

Cerberus makes it out of the seedy building and eagerly make it into the Cadillac with Morley awaiting instructions.

Ramparte: Drive now Morley!

The butler puts pedal to the metal as the car speeds off but Hashirama’s new found stamina is allowing him to practically keep up with the car on foot.

Flex: You know despite our lives being in great danger I find this kind of exciting. This is like Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift except is doesn’t suck. I’m like Vin Diesel and you’re Paul Walker, except you know…you’re not dead.

Ramparte: If you don’t do something soon both you and I will be!

Hashirama is able to get on the side of the vehicle and use his bare fist to smash the back window open! The blow gives Morley a momentary distraction which causes him to take his eyes off the road and the car smashes straight into a local card shop! Ramparte and Flex crawl out of the wreckage to see their destroyed surroundings.


Flex: Card collection? Do you even lift?

The prophet of health’s chastising is cut short as Hashirama picks up both members of Cerberus by the throat looking to choke the life out of him.

Hashirama: It’s all over now; you two should have known we’re not very fond of hounds around these parts.

With the tag team champions gasping for air they take one last look at each other as if it’ll be the last thing they see. Before they take their last breath however Hashirama takes a kick in the family jewels….from Morley! The temporary pain causes Hashirama to loosen his grip allowing Cerberus to slip out. Ramparte hits a kick to the midsection followed by Flex hitting a massive European uppercut! The dazed and confused scientist stumbles towards the wrecked car and the tag team champions follow. They set him up on top of the hood and Flex lifts him up for a vertical suplex and Ramparte delivers a roundhouse kick to his head. Mussel follows up with a brain buster straight down on top of the car!

Flex: You just felt the "Beauty's Bitch of a Bite"

Ramparte: I smell a new tag team finisher.

Flex: Indeed. Sorry Hashirama, but real muscle beats fake muscle any day.

Morley: That and a lack of testicular fortitude.

Ramparte: This is very rare of me to say but I don’t know what we’d do without you Morley.

The tag team champions and the butler all embrace each other and celebrate their survival.

Ramparte: Well what do we do now? The car is wrecked and we still need to get to the Tokyo dome.

Flex: Eh, it’s on the other side of the city, I could use the exercise to burn off all that chocolate. Ram you and I will head over to Flex Fitness International. Morley you stay here and call a tow service and make sure the car is in shape for our departure from Tokyo immediately after our earth shattering victory.

Ramparte: Unfortunately for those two I don’t think they’re aware that no matter how hard their metal is it will burn by the hellfire that Cerberus will bring to Kingdom Come.

Flex: Move over Godzilla, there’s a new monster in town and its name is Cerberus. After we’re done neither Hard Metal Penetration nor the entire city of Tokyo will ever be the same.


The tag team champions and Morley defiantly walk through the Tokyo streets as onlookers converse amongst each other over the recent confusing turn of events.

Bravely standing up to fight evil. To fight for what you believe in. No matter the odds. No matter the cost.

"To fight for what you believe in."

That sentence makes the rest look suspect. S.H.I.T believes. Many monsters believed in their own cause, would that in fact make them heroes? Is there such a thing as a hero? Or is everyone just a hero of their own story?

------ ------------------ ------

Old Ronald Weston had been sacked, old Ronald Weston had a contract that allowed his mistreatment to happen, old Ronald Weston was a victim of Rex Burglary's malicious intentions against S.H.I.T. And yet, old Ronald Weston didn't have a leg to stand on. He had nowhere to turn.

Well, he had somewhere to turn. Old Ronald Weston was a man of old school principles and morals. He had a very definite version of a hero, a hero fought only within the rules, he fought for what he believed in, he fought for truth, justice and the American way. Except now old Ronald Weston wasn't sure what any of those things were anymore...

He looked at the creature stood before him, and asked. "Will you help me?"

S.H.I.T looked back at old Ronald Weston, red eyes staring holes right through him and the usual, somewhat reassuring menacing snarl in place.

Affirmative. It replied.

------ ------------------ ------

S.H.I.T burst through the door of Alhazred's laboratory, dragging behind it two black sacks of something hissing and screaming visciously all the while, Alhazred looks up from his latest expirement and nods with approval.

"Just leave them over there, will you?"

S.H.I.T unceremoniously throws the sacks into the indicated corner, causing a further ruckus.

You have completed the items this one asked for?

"Right over there," said Alhazred, pointing at two suitcases stacked on another table.

S.H.I.T walked over to them, opening the topmost suitcase. Excellent. Was all it said.

"What have you got planned?" Asked Alhazred doubtfully.

S.H.I.T looked at its former ally and enemy, remember Kingdom Come 4?

Alhazreds face slowly broke into a grin, "but I didn't use a gun."

Adapt. Evolve. Survive. Prosper. Said S.H.I.T.

------ -------------- -------

Rex Burglary was reflecting on a victory won, it was a small, petty victory, but it was a victory nonetheless. Firing some old man to get your own back on a non-feeling killing machine shouldn't feel this satisfying, but it did.

Yet he felt somewhat restless, he ran a hand through his, it has to be said, fantastic hair, trying to puzzle out when such victories did become so satisfying to him. A life as a failed professional wrestler had yielded a life of a semi successful business man. Surely in the modern world that is superior?

If Rex was about to come to some kind of epiphany in this moment we'll never know, because at that moment the door to the factory exploded, Rex gets the CCTV up on his computer.

Freeze meatbags! The Machine said to the advancing security guards, it standing in the doorway with another unknown figure, both holding ridiculous looking sci-fi expirement guns.

"Yeah, nobody move!" The Machine's partner echoed, "ah screw it, move all you want!" He shouted before firing his gun at the nearest of the guards, three or four very angry, very unfed cats fly out of the nozzle and land directly on the intended targets, where they proceeded to do what cats do, which is scream, scratch and piss. "Eat pussy!"
The rest of the security run, except for two would be heroes who try to charge down Alhazred before he can reload, these two get a face full of cat from S.H.I.T's own gun.
Ingest feline! It quipped as the screams of the security intermingled with the screams of the projectile domestic house pets and the roar from Alhazred as he begins to chase down the rest of security.

S.H.I.T and Alhazred move on through the factory, Alhazred sees the workers on their conveyor-belts, staring up in confusion and immediately moves to fire on them, but S.H.I.T puts a claw like hand on his shoulder. Lucky that it did, because Alhazred turning around at that moment allowed him to see two more advancing security, these two with tasers, and gives them both a face full of feline, to huge cheers from the workforce.

"What are they doing here?" Rex demanded of his monolith slave driver, the man could only shrug stupidly as a reply. "Well, deal with them!" He screamed shrilly. The huge man nodded, pulling a morningstar out of his pocket, he proceeds menacingly toward the door. S.H.I.T and Alhazred are already advancing down the corridor that leads directly to his office, Rex started praying that his behemoth could stop them as he exited Rex's own office to face them down.

The brute began swinging the morningstar menacingly, "which of you is first?" He rumbled menacingly. Alhazred steps smartly to one side, indicating S.H.I.T.

Very good, Alhazred. A "good" person would fight with honour and engage this foe in single combat. S.H.I.T dropped its cat launcher and advanced, the lumbering goliath swung the morningstar but S.H.I.T ducked quickly, NOW! It almost shouted, Alhazred lurched forward and punched the man sharply in the balls. He drops instantly. Yes, a good person would face him in single combat, but we are still transitioning.

The door to Rex's office flew open, revealing a menacing, if strangely square shape standing in the doorway. Rex lets out a silent scream as the pair advance, Alhazred brandishing a coil of rope.

------- ------------------ -------

Old Ronald Weston did indeed have a clear definition of what a hero was, but he'd also lived a long life. If heroes were men who fought by the rules and only did what was right, then there weren't any left, the ones that don't get crushed by more ruthless opposition are usually ready to turn at a moments notice to ensure their own survival and prosperity.

When real heroes fail, you send in the freaks, criminals and the insane, they usually get the job done before the heroes have even laced up their boots.

------- ------------------- --------

"What are you going to do to me?"

Nothing, so long as you comply. The Machine said to the figure tied up in the chair.

Rex stuck his jutting chin out in defiance, and repealed it almost straight away as it came too close to Alhazred who is sitting on the desk in front of him.

"Please." He begged, "I have a wife and children."

"Ooh good, maybe we can take them hostage as well?" Alhazred looked at S.H.I.T for support, but the Machine just gave a subtle shake of its head. "Ah well," he said, "I prepared for this." Alhazred picks up another bag, ditching its contents on the floor, a bunch of restraints and a stained towel. "You strap him to the table, I'll get some buckets of water and we'll..."

Negative. S.H.I.T said flatly.

Alhazred looked dissapointed, "you mean we're not going to waterboard..."

Good guys do not waterboard.

"But we've got him strapped to a chair?"

S.H.I.T paused for a while, we are still learning.

Rex watched the exchange between the pair, "it was me!" He said.

"What?" Alhazred asked curiously as S.H.I.T stared in silence.

"I am the one who stopped you wrestling at the supershow, I wanted to teach you a lesson!" He wailed.

This one knows.

"But how?" Asked Alhazred, incredulous.

Wrestling logic. S.H.I.T replied.


The same kind of logic that allows you to throw cats at Titus' fans without repercussion, the same kind of logic that allows Flex Mussel to propose to Amber Warren and then he and Ramparte put her in hospital when she refuses without being bought up on charges.


Don't question, embrace it. When you have an issue, you settle it in the ring by destroying all those who stand against you.

They all were silent for a while, reflecting on the absurdity of their world.

"What Cerberus did disgusted me as well," said the tied up Rex, "so imagine how I felt when it was you who was going to avenge her?" He indicates the pair, "it should've been someone truly heroic, like El Califa Dragon... Or Chris K.O... Or Theron Daggershield! Instead what does Amber Warren have defending her honour? A destruction crazed robot and a sexual deviant!" He shouted.


"Its not fair! If I'd have been a wrestler I'd have..." He promptly shuts up, knowing that he's said too much now.

S.H.I.T interrupted the long silence. Are we defending Amber Warren's honour? It asked Alhazred.

Alhazred shrugged, "it feels like something good people should do... I just wanted hurt them for attacking you, baby." S.H.I.T nodded, before turning to Rex.

Sometimes you just have to take the Knight in shining armour that is offered, and not waste your time hoping for a better one. It paused. How did the worlds most idealistic wannabe wrestler become the worlds sneakiest, moderately successful businessman? Rex just sat in sullen silence. You will repeal your ban on this one wrestling, so that Hard Metal Penetration can destroy Cerberus, it is time someone dealt with the three headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld, and we have demons of our own past to bury. Rex nodded. You will give Ronald Weston his job back, and you will comply with workforce laws regarding your other employees.

Rex blustered, "you can't make me do that! Burglary Inc has nothing to do with you!"

Alhazred sighed, "who's Ronald Weston?"

The real reason we are here. Alhazred, get the clippers.

Are you sure you don't want to waterboard...

This one is sure.

Alhazred roots around in another bag before producing a pair of electric hair clippers, he holds them menacingly before Rex and switches them on. Nothing happens. Cursing he roots around some more, finding a new battery and putting it on. "Aha!" He shouts, as the clippers start to work, Rex visibly cringes away from them.

"Not my hair! My hair is all I have!" he whimpered.

Alhazred moves closer, sitting on one of Rex's knees like the worlds most menacing Santa's child. Grinning like a loon.

"Please..." he whimpered.

Meet my demands. S.H.I.T snarled.

"Yes, yes anything. Just don't shave my hair."

S.H.I.T produces a contract and a pen, putting the pen in Rex's mouth and holding the contract up, Rex scribbles something resembling a signature on it.

"Very good," said Alhazred. "Now a good person would untie him and leave, right?"

Affirmative. Said S.H.I.T, But we are still learning.

Rex wails in despair as Alhazred laughs maniacally, the once wonderful locks of Rex tumbling to the floor.

"Cerberus will get you for this! What can two freaks do against the three headed dog that guards the underworld!?!"

"What can we do, what can we say?" Said Alhazred, still shearing through Rex's hair.

Last time S.H.I.T and Alhazred teamed we defeated 5 WZCW legends to put WZCW in control of Ty Burna, the ball is not in our court, it is in theirs. The question is, what can Cerberus do?

"The three headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld has a choice," Alhazred leans in closer to Rex as if to whisper. "It can submit too" he said, "or it can be destroyed by... HARD METAL PENETRATION!"

When the real hero's fail, you send in the freaks, criminals and the insane. They get the job done before the real hero's have even got out of bed.

Flex Mussél yanks apart the automatic doors of the Japanese subway train and steps out; pedestrians turn their heads at the bald athletic specimen. Following closely behind him is Ramparte with "On The Origin Of Species" by Charles Darwin under his nose. Mussél takes a leaf from The Catalyst's own book and breathes in the air at the Tokyo Metro. Satisfied, the frenchman cracks his neck muscles.

Flex: This is it. We are a step away from immortality my young friend. Kingdom Come VI. From obscurity to the very champions to face, we did it Rambo! A ragtag duo that walks into the biggest Pay Per View in our company's history as it's gold bearers. I feel that big fight atmosphere comin'. Can you feel it, too?

The blonde bookworm tucked his tome under his arm.

Ramparte: This shall be our most dire hour.

Hard Metal Penetration is the most unorthodox pairing I have ever laid my blue eyes on. And knowing our history, we have never fared well against unorthodox teams. It's the unpredictability that kills us; the unpredictability that S.H.I.T. & Alhazred, old members of the dominant Apostles of Chaos, bring to the game. With all of my tactical knowledge, I can't fathom a strong defense for us.

You want to know if I feel it? Yeah. I feel I have lost a step on our road to Kingdom Come.

Ramparte stares at a couple of lolita-dressed women that got off of the train, deep in thought. His optimistic partner sets down his sports bag and grabs The Catalyst's attention.

Flex: No bueno, amigo. If you feel we need to return to our roots then we will. It just so happens Flex Fitness went International! A new gym has just been constructed, so let's go check it out. You will even lift, bro.

After hailing a green taxi, Cerberus stood before the largest gym in the world. The exterior was a bewildering sight; several statues of Flex Mussél adorned the walkway leading to the red and white building. The frenchman grinned to himself. The narcissist huffed in mild jealousy.

But when they entered, confusion set in. Instead of the usual punching bags, weights, and elliptical machines, the interior was gigantic but empty. A geeky looking man with thick eyeglasses stood next to the doorway with the blankest expression known to mankind. Seeing Flex and Ram, the geeky man called out to them in the worst impersonation of a 90s rapper since Master P.


Flex: Hunh?


Ramparte: The hell is he on about? Pokeymon?


Before he could repeat himself a third time, the Monsieur of Muscle grabbed him by his pencil neck and smacked him into a wall; the man's feet kicking in the air.

Flex: Look here you little shit. If you say that hot garbage one more time, I am going to use you for a lifting bar. I will do squats with your spine until I'm fucking 80!

Now tell me, what has become of mah gym, breh?

A bead of sweat escaped the suspended man.

Geeky Man: Y-YO CHAMPS IN-

Flex lifted the useless advisor with both hands and threw him out of Flex Fitness International.

Ramparte: Great. We still have no idea what is going on here.

???: Oh, but you do. I've been waiting for this moment. Muwahahahaha!!!

The fluorescent lights dimmed and from the center of the room a pedestal broke through the hardwood floor. On it was a sweaty teenager leaning on the heavy side. A look of glee was evident on his face.

Joelt: It is I, the Pokémon Fan! The man you have tormented in the worst ways possibulllll!!! My cards shall be avenged this day. Oh Holographic Oddish, you will be at peace!

Flex: lolwut?

Ramparte: Yeah, still have no clue what is happening.

From behind the pedestal came the vilest sound in the world. It echoed hollowly within the gym and was heard like a whisper outside, where pedestrians stopped, shivered, and continued on in their chores.

Peekahh Peekahh....


Ramparte: I have a bad feeling about this...


Flex: Where...where are we?


Flex: Why...why would you want to see us again? Doesn't that go against the Hippocratic Oath you took as a medical professional? What kind of nurse are you?

Ramparte: Japan is weird.

Flex paces the hospital, massaging his burns. The Catalyst strokes his book, trying to figure out what happened.

Ramparte: Those...those were midgets in furry costumes, Flex. We just got cattle prodded by midgets in furry costumes.

Flex: Little people, Rambo. They were little people. And they were vicious.

Ramparte: How will we combat them? We can't just let some old fad beat us, can we? They can't beat what's popular now. They can't beat Cerberus.

Whether they're dwarves in dress-up or psychos in the ring. They had their time.

Flex: Never let it be said that the Monsieur of Muscle got punked out by diminuitive cosplayers led by some fat fuck. I'm ready to do whatever it takes to remain on top of the food chain and get my gym back.

Do you have any ideas, my clean-shaven friend?

The other half of Cerberus looked down at the cover of the book on Evolution. His mind floated passed the monarch butterflies that haunted him for what felt like years ago. His thoughts raced towards the mysterious red-haired angel that used to whisper in his ear to do noble things. All of that seemed behind him now as the gold on his waist shined by the light of the hospital's lights. One thing did stick out from within himself, however. And it was something twisted.

From a ballpark bleacher thousands of miles away, Isis, The Purveyor of The List, stood up and sensed The Catalyst. The foul-smelling demon touched his brown leather jacket; tapping at the pocket as if to signal for Ramparte to look. A shit-eating grin escaped both of them at that moment. The pretty boy searched his own white jacket, and felt the rolled up sheet of paper there. Ramparte slowly looked up into his partner's eyes.

Ramparte: Yes. I know what we must do now, but you will not like it. You must trust me with what I am about to do.

On this night, for one night only, I can call forth something. Something terrible. Something the people of Japan knew long ago.

Tokyo burns tonight!

For a moment Flex Mussél eyed his longtime friend suspiciously. The sound of madness was in the air with Ramparte's words, but the athletic health nut waved it off. After suffering a defeat by pygmy pokémaniacs, the frenchman trusted the narcissist whole-heartedly.

Flex: That's The Catalyst I know! Let's bring the heat! This calls for a musical montage straight from the 80s. Let me check my exercise playlist. Hmmm Queen...nah...Journey? We can do something more modern for today's fans I think...ah, here we go! Pump iron, bitch!


♫ I'm the king of rock, there is none higher

Sucker MC's should call me sire

To burn my kingdom, you must use fire

I won't stop rockin' till I retire ♫

And Then...

Cerberus stands once more in front of Joelt. Smirking, the portly young man calls for his Pikachu army. They build a wall to protect the Pokémon Card Collector. Ramparte returns the smirk and breathes in the atmosphere. They were at a stand-off.

Joelt: I see you two have come back for an anime ass-whoopin'. But I'm sorry; you don't have the right badges to face me again.

Ramparte: Badges?

Flex: We don't need no stinking badges...

The Catalyst knelt down and bowed his head. He pulled his List, that same List of The Slain that recorded every win picked up by Ramparte throughout the year, from his white jacket and lied it down on the ground. Ominous chanting spewed from his mouth and the paper twitched. The hardwood floor creaked and then erupted; Kappas crawled from within the dirt and made a beeline for the yellow mice pretenders.




Joelt: W-what?

Ramparte: Kappas. From down below, Japan's own little devils have come out to play.

Flex: Electric types are weak against Ground, bitch!

The Pikachu cosplayers panicked, and it became a slaughter. Yellow fluff covered the gym's floor in a flurry. The small demons cackled and started climbing up the elevated platform towards Joelt. The Pokémon Fan kicked at the imps; crying for his mother. Flex grabbed one Pikachu and threw him into two others in a domino effect. Ramparte beat one down with his Charles Darwin book, skinned him, and donned the furry suit over his face. Taking the blood of his victim, he smeared the red on his cheeks, resembling the lovable mascot. Cocking his head, he stood up and stared down at the remaining Pikachus.

Ramparte: "I have become Death, Destroyer of Worlds!"

Not too long after, Cerberus left Flex Fitness International. They didn't look back as the entire building went up in flames. Smoke billowed profusely as a helicopter passed by. The kappas could be heard cackling from the fire. Ramparte hugged his copy of "On The Origin Of Species" and started muttering to himself about angels in his head. When he came to, he glanced at his tag team partner.

Ramparte: I think we killed someone back there.

Flex: Pokémon don't die. They only faint.

A brand new black Cadillac pulled up in front of them. Morley, Ramparte's personal butler, steps out and opens the back door for Cerberus. They slide in and are met by The Third Head of Cerberus, who looks more than confident until she sees Flex's gym and Ramparte's rat ensemble. Eve Taylor raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow.

Eve: Boys...what on earth have you two been doing?

Ramparte: Raising Hell.

Flex: My beloved gym was in ashes before we got there, mon ami. It was burnt before we lit the flames.

Ramparte: I think my poetry is rubbing off on you, friend.

Flex: I think my charm is rubbing off on you, buddy.

Eve: So good to see you two all cohesive. That's exactly what it will take to prove you can beat the veterans at Kingdom Come.

Yes, Hard Metal Penetration has been around for years. But have they "killed" off their competition? Where are Young Justice now? What happened to Los Magnificos Dragones? Even groups like the Demon Foreigners and the Pale Riders for some mysterious reason are gone but Cerberus remains. And this is still our rookie year!

We have youth on our side, something neither of them have anymore. And as anyone with an iPhone and an Instagram can tell you, youth goes a long way in this world.

Here's to youth. Here's to us. Hail Cerberus.

The three shared a moment among themselves as the engine howled. A lone kappa clung to the bumper with a mischievous grin on his face as the Cadillac took them to their destination- The Tokyo Dome.

♫ To be MC's, we got what it takes

Let the poppers pop and the breakers break

We're cool cool cats, it's like that

That's the way it is, so stay the hell back

We're causin' hard times, for sucker MC's

Cause they don't make no songs like these


Alhazred and S.H.I.T. are driving around town in Alhazred's white van. Alhazred is unshavuen and unkempt, moreso than usual. Alhazred pulls a clump of hair off of his shoulder, he grabs some tape from the glove department and tapes the hair above his lip like a moustache. The sun begins to rise.

S.H.I.T.: This one wants to know where we are going.

Alhazred: I have to expel the bad before I can be good. This is pretty damn terrible.

They pull up to a random alley and stop in front of a dumpster. Alhazred gets out and S.H.I.T. follows. Alhazred bangs on 3 different spots of the dumpster and a door opens, revealing a stairway underneath. They head down the stairs, down a long, dripping hallway. Alhazred opens the door at the end. They both just stare at what's in the roam, shocked and appalled.

S.H.I.T.: We are still... transitioning...

Alhazred: Aren't they horridly, adorable? I got pretty drunk and started chatting with Pickle and he said it was a good idea and I believed him.

Alhazred's phone rings

Alhazred: Hoy hoy hoy?

Machiko: Hey, where are you? Today's the day for your antibullying speach at the community center. Remember, to spread some good will?

Alhazred: Shit...

S.H.I.T.: Yes?

Alhazred: Hmm?

S.H.I.T.: What?

Alhazred shrugs.

Alhazred: Uuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh…I'll be there in ten.

He hangs up the phone and pulls some garbage bags out of his back pockets.

Alhazred: What's better than giving a speech to kids to show how much of a good guy I am? BRINGING PRESENTS! Fill the bags as much as you can!


About 100 or so kids are sitting in a gymnasium. There's a small stage with a WZCW Kingdom Come VI poster behind it. An older man with a beard and suit is at the podium trying to calm the anxious kids down.

Old guy: Now, now settle down. I just got word that he is on his way, he'll be here shortly. Any minute now, one of the biggest names in the history of WZCW will be here!

All the kids scream in excitement. The old man heads to the locker room of the gymnasium. Machiko Tomaru is pacing back in forth with her cellphone in hand.

Machiko: Hes on his way sir, any minute now. I apologize, his mind is all over the place and he tends to forget a lot of things, important things that I worked really hard at setting up!

Tires screeching can he heard in the backrground, followed by running footsteps and bags being dragged. Alhazred bursts in the room carrying a large suitcase and a large trash bag. S.H.I.T. follows behind with two bags.

Alhazred: I'm here, lets do this!

Old man: I'll go start the introduction.

He leaves the room.

Alhazred: Machiko, while I'm giving the speech, help S.H.I.T. setup the gun. I made some modifications. When I give the signal bring it out.


The old man gets to the podium at taps the mic.

Old guy: Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls. We have today one of the biggest stars in the WZCW history, a former tag team champion, and a really swell, great, good guy: AAAAAALHAZREEEED!

None of the children react and silence entombs the room. Alhazred comes out waving at smiling at all the kids. He trips up the stairs to the stage but keeps going. He shakes the old man's hand and steps up to the mic.

Alhazred: Hey kids, iiiiiits Alhazred! Everyone's favorite maaaad scientist! Yay!

The silence grows silencer.

Alhazred: Today I'm gonna tell you about being a good person and how awesomely, radical it is dude!

Kid in the audience: Cerberus is gonna kill you! You suck!

Alhazred: Who said that?! Who's speaking those blasphemous lies?!

The kids begin chanting for Cerberus.

Alhazred: Stop it! Those are the bad guys, we're the good guys. You cheer for us.

Kid: We'd cheer for you if we didn't know you're gonna lose!

Alhazred: Now you listen here you little shot nose neophyte, Hard Metal Penetration is the single greatest tag team to ever be unleashed upon the WZCW Universe. We will destroy Cerberus and claim the gold and raise our hands high in the glory of Kingdom Come.

They have accomplished much in their time together, defeated great teams and conquered all obstacles. They claim to be "tag team killers". Well I wonder if they remember what I was doing when they were just forming? Remember Diabolos? Do you remember that I ended the career of Grizzly Bob, Isabel Stone, and two weeks ago we took out Fallout? While their friendship was growing, I was devouring souls and killing careers!

They have defeated great names and teams but it does not come close to the list of names S.H.I.T. and I have etched into the book of annihilation. Steamboat Ricky, Barbosa, Steven Kurtesy, Titus, Celeste Crimson, Alex Bowen, Saxoteur, Ricky Runn, even Matt Tastic. The list goes on and on. Hard Metal Penetration is a tag team years in the making. We have shed the blood of others and we have shed each other's blood. We have fought tooth and nail side by side and we have fought hand and foot one on one. We are truly united and we will not stop until we have that gold around our waist and the blood of our enemies on the bottom of our boots on our path to becoming the ultimate heroes!

Cerberus are a three headed monster, a big dog in a big house. But you've never even imagined facing anything that comes close to the umwitting terror of the unknown beast, Hard Metal Penetration. You're big dogs with a big bark and a big bite. But I'm afraid you are in over your heads. There is no preperation for the brutality that will be unleashed upon your bodies! There is no planning for the pure insanity that will surround you! There is no strategizing for cocophany of horrors that will tear away at your hearts, souls and minds.

You are dangerous, no doubt. You have conquered WZCW and shown that you are the biggest dogs in the yard. But we are the shadows and howls you hear deep in the forest behind your yard. You fear us and we can smell it, licking our chops to show you how Amber Warren felt. You have done well and you should be proud of yourselves but when Kingdom Come comes, we will show you what happens when big dogs head into the jungle.

The kids sit in silence and horror.

Alhazred: Bring out the presents!

Machiko and S.H.I.T. drag out the bags which are now connected to a large gun.

Alhazred: As a token of my appreciation for allowing me to show you my goodness, I present you with something better than a three headed dog…three headed cats!

Alhazred fires the gun and a three headed cat shoots out and lands on the face of a boy in the front row.

Alhazred: Kitties for all!

He aims high and unloads a rapid fire flurry of cats into the audience. Screams of terror and pain fill the gymnasium and everyone is running around in a panic. A little boy is running with two cats clawing at his legs, a teenage girl throws several off her back and sprints for the door. The old man is buried under a pile of cats, twitching violently.

Alhazred smiles and walks outside with S.H.I.T. and Machiko.

Alhazred: Doesnt it feel good to be…good.

An explosion erupts in the gymnasium as the scene fades to black.
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