Kingdom Come: Triple Threat Tag Team Championships


[This Space for Rent]

Triple Threat Tag Team Championships: Rajheem & Jeattar v. Eric Derf & Agrex v. Anthony Michaels & Mighty NorCal:

Recently on Meltdown, the Tag Team Champions, Kenny & Joe of the Washoe Valley Crew, were placed in a contest against Big Will. The ending result was not one, but both individuals being taken out with injuries that've sidelined them. As a result, the Tag Team Championships were held up and it was recently explained on Meltdown, that a Triple Threat match would determine the new Champions.

Two members of the Nation of Islam look to bring home even more gold, while Eric Derf & Agrex would just like to become the next era of Tag Team wrestling in the business, and the randomly paired team of Anthony Michaels and NorCal look to debut with picking up gold in their first match.

Recently on Meltdown, in an 8 Man Tag Team contest, Eric Derf picked up the victory for his team against the entire Nation of Islam, sending a message to the two other teams involved that the team of Derf & Agrex wouldn't lay down without a fight.

Meanwhile, thanks to Chuck Myles and the luck of the draw, Anthony Michaels & NorCal have been randomly paired off, and after a segment on Meltdown already seem to be reading different books, much less neither seem to be on the same "page".

One thing is for sure, we will crown *NEW* Tag Team Champions. Which team will it be in this Triple Threat contest? Find out at Kingdom Come.

ALL RP's are due by AUGUST 6th, 2008 (Wednesday) ONLY those involved in the match can RP for it. ONE RP ONLY!!!
The camera slowly fades from black focusing on Eric Derfs back as he walks down what looks like a hotel hallway, with Josh, the camera man, following behind him. He's walking at a slow pace, not looking at the camera as he's going.

Know what? Last week at Meltdown, I think I proved to the world how much of a champion I really am. I mean, you all saw it, didn't you? Look at what I've done with so many of the champions. I Pinned the Mayhem Champion in what could have been his last match ever. I led a team containing the Elite X champion to victory. And when I was in the ring with Rios, I feel I gave him a bigger run for is money than anyone else though I could have, and a bigger run for his money than anyone else in that match did. I almost pinned him TWICE!

Yeah, but you got pinned anyways. He beat you 1-2-3...

Dude, shut up. The guy had to cheat though. You saw Reaper down there, watching his back. Big Panzy...

Yeah, but Reaper had nothing to do with you getting...

Dude! STFU! I know I lost, shut up. My point is, I showed three champions what I'm made of. And tonight, at Kingdom Come, I'm gonna help myself to the Tag Team Championships. Agrex too. You see, HE was cheated out of beating Rios by Reaper.

Well yeah, but still...

Dude, why are you such a wet towel all the time? Listen. I'm gonna go into that match tonight against a couple of terorists and a couple of... well, I can't even call them nobodies. I havn't the slighest clue who they even are.

Umm, they're names are Mighty...

Derf stops walking in front of someones door, causing Josh to walk into him, and fumbling the camera. The camera looks up to see a sign on the door reading "Chuck Myles". Derf knocks on the door, and then proceeds to open it.
Inside, Chuck is sitting at a desk behind a laptop, presumably doing work for the show tonight.

Hey, Mr Myles! Listen man, I have a favor to ask ya!

Myles looks passed Derf and at Josh.

Sir, no one whos not on my payroll is to be in this office. Please leave.

Derf looks at Josh, and pretty much gives him a look that says "Listen to him, get out."

Aight, I'll just be out here.

Josh leaves with the camera, and just stands in the hallway of the hotel looking around. In the distance, the camera picks up a couple of guys walking by with a couple of duffle bags. Looking the other way, he see's a cute girl at a vending machine. Josh walks over to the girl slowly, videotaping her fumbling with change, then bending over to grab the bottle of water she ordered. She turns around, revealing herslef to be Heidi, Gus's girlfriend. She jumps scared at the sight of Josh with a camera.

Oh hey, you scared me!

Yeah... I do that... So, pretty lady... What are you doing tonight?

Umm... Yeah....

Heidi looks at Josh with a disturbed face, then walks away.

Hey, what'd I say!

Josh keeps filming her with the camera as she walks into her room, which is right across from Mr. Myles room. He walks after her, and just as he gets to her room, Derf walks out of Mr Myles room, and immediatly looks at Josh.

Have you been chasing the girls again? You dirty old pervert.

Dude, I wasn't chasing girls... Just one. That Heidi chick.

Derf smirks a bit at her name and him and Josh begin walking down the hall again.

Yeah, she's a looker... Look, I gotta go to my room to check somthing out... I still don't really know much about those two guys I'm fighting tonight. What are their names again? I forgot from earlier.

Thats because you inturupted me. Their names are Mighty NorCal and Anthony Michaels... I think...

They get to an elevator door and Derf presses a button.

I'll have to do some research on em, I've never heard of them. Maybe they might pop up on Youtube?

Suddenly, the elevator door opens, and Eric walks in, camera following. The only other person in the elevator is a cleaning lady. Older, with short white and grey hair. The elevator door closes.

(***please refraim from reading on until the music ends. The video has nothing to do with my RP, only the music from it. Watch the video if your bored.***)


(***please refraim from reading on until the music ends. The video has nothing to do with my RP, only the music from it. Watch the video if your bored.***)

Suddenly, the door opens, and Derf walks into the hallway, cameraman following behind. No sooner than the elevator door can be heard closing behind them, Derf stops at a door, reachs into his pocket, pulls out a key, and unlocks the door.

Finally! Some sleep!

Derf opens the door to reveal a fairly average looking hotel room. Two beds, a 19" TV, but the thing that the camera picks up first is Agrex, who is standing at the other end of the room, looking out a window, laughing.

Hey Agrex man! whats going on?... whats so funny?

Agrex turns and looks at Derf instead of the camera.

Dude, the Nation of Islam is falling apart! After someone took out Maxx, those two idiots are clueless, they're leaderless... Just look out the window!

Agrex turns to the window again, still laughing, as Derf goes to look.

Holy crap! Thats the funniest thing I have ever seen! Josh, come get this on tape! These guys suck!

The camera comes to the window and looks down at the ground. Outside, Rajheem & Jeattar are trying to pich a tent in a nearby field, but with little luck. Then as if it had been waiting for an audience to make it all the more funny, Mother Nature decides it's time to downpour, as Rajheem & Jeattar get soaked without shelter.

Holy Crap man, I thought those two were the brains behind NOI, not the Maxx. Wow... those idiots can't even afford a hotel room....

Or, you know... They might just be to stupid to be able to get it.

Yeah I believe that. Wow, with opponents like that, it's gonna be a cake walk to win those titles! All we gotta do is offer em $20 to lay down, and we're champions!

Derf gets a slightly serious face.

Oh, but we're not gonna do that. Because as stupid as they are, look at what they've done to so many other people. They've hurt em. They've caused too much pain. So tonight, we're gonna actually do those two idiots a favor. By giving them a nice warn hospital to sleep in, as opposed to the cold dark outdoors where they belong.

Agrex looks at the camera, a little confused as to why Derf just got so serious, then proceeds to talk to him.

Umm Derf man... I agree with you, but your forgetting... We've got TWO teams to face. We gotta also face Mighty NorCal and Anthony Michaels. And I don't know alot about them.

Eric looks up, the serious look has been replaced with one of surprise.

Oh Yeah! I gotta go look them up on youtube!

Eric walks over to a laptop and begins typing. Agrex walks over behind him. The camera takes one last look at Rajheem & Jeattar outside, who are still trying to put the tent up in the rain, then goes and also stands behind Derf and the laptop. Just as he gets there, Agrex points at the screen.

Look, right there. Anthony Michaels. I don't know if it's the same one, but it kinda looks like him... so it might be him. Click on it and see.


Agrex and Josh begin laughing as Derf looks at the computer with a plain, yet frusterated face.

Dude, you just totally got Rick Roll'ed! Oh My God, thats just funny.

Eric looks up quickly, fast to reply.

Shut up!... Theres nothing here on either of those two guys... So it looks like I'm just gonna have to take those newbs out without studying em... which, by the looks of em, shouldn't be to hard...

Suddenly, Agrex's cell phone rings.

Oh, I gotta take this. I'll be back later man.

Derf waves as Agrex leaves the room. Eric then gets up from the laptop and walks over to a lamp and turns it on, revealing a bright red light. He then walks to a lightswitch on a wall and turns the room light off, so the whole room is filled with an eerie red glow. He then walks to a wall, so that all you can see is him with a plain red backdrop. He looks directly into the camera, with almost an evil looking face, and starts talking in an almost scary voice.

Tonight... I will make my name known in WZCW History when I become one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions. I will be one of few men to EVER be in the same ring as all four champions in a weeks time. Rajheem, Jeattar, I beat your leader last week. I pinned him in his last WZCW appearence. Someone else might have gotten rid of him, but if they hadn't, I would have. Don't believe me? Fine. You don't have to... yet. I'll make it a point to show you what I mean when I face you tonight. I'll show you how it feels to be beaten senceless with no one to save you...

Derf takes a deep breath, then continues...

Michaels... NorCal... I have no troubles with you two... And when we step into that ring, I'm hoping that whatever beatings we give each other are in between the bells. I can respect that much. But believe me, you don't want to make an enemy out of me. Rajheem & Jeattar have made an enemy out of me by attacking those less fortunate, and now that I have a chance to get ahold of them tonight, I will make them pay. Don't make me make you two pay as well. We keep it clean, and we will have no problems.

The Camera begins zooming in, and Eric starts talking louder, taking more breaths...

Tonight... I will mark my name in history... And there is no one... Not one person... That can stop me... from reaching my goal... Not for gold... Not for glory... But to punish... those that punish others...

But I though you wanted the titles!

Derf looks at the camera still serious faced, then bursts into laughter.

Dude! Don't make me laugh when I do my serious face! Know what? I'm done. Theres my Rp. Shut the camera off. Oh my god... your an idiot...

Camera Off.
*Camera cuts to “The Electric One” sitting down in the back, looking like he has something on his mind.*

Anthony Michaels: “I think it’s amazing to say that I am simply awesome. Just for the simple fact that my Debut match will be a title match. That is an attribute to my talents. You see, I am the only person in the WZCW locker room besides NorCal to do that. We are just that good.”

*Michaels takes a deep breath.*

Anthony Michaels: “I know what my goals are. My goals are to come through WZCW and just absolutely DOMINATE. I’ve already got the first of many opportunities to do so. I will capitalize on my opportunities, as I will do WHATEVER it take to win the titles. I don’t care who I have to pin, or take out, or how I even do it.”

*Michaels pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket.*

Anthony Michaels: “I have this piece of paper because I honestly can’t remember who NorCal and I are facing. You guys must be pretty insignificant then.”

*Michaels begins to read the piece of paper.*

Anthony Michaels: “Well, Derek Jeter and M. Night Rammalammadingdong. I’ve got to face you two jokers huh? That’s just great. I mean, I love baseball, the Yankee’s are one of my favorite teams, you‘ve always seemed a little overrated to me though.. As for Rammalamma, I’ve liked one of your movies. I guess that has to account for something right…WRONG. You are just an obstacle in my path to greatness. Have no fear guys, Me and NorCal WILL make you pay. Heed my words.”

*Michaels continues to read.*

Anthony Michaels: “WOW, well then. “The Canadian Disappointment” Agrex. I guess your name says it all doesn’t it? Your parents must be real proud. As for Eric Duh..duh..duh…Derf. If I was you I’d just step away right now, put your head between your legs, then kiss your ass goodbye.”

*Michaels sets the paper down.*

Anthony Michaels: "Look, the main thing is this. Me and NorCal are walking into Kingdom Come with our heads held high, and we are walking out with gold around our waist. Nothing and Nobody will stop us. As for my guys might want to take a step back, I am fully charged, I am Electric, If you stand to close to me...You're gonna get SHOCKED.

*Michaels calms himself down.*

Anthony Michaels: "I'll see all you punks at Kingdom Come, you might just want to lay down now and save yourselves the embarassment."

DISCLAIMER: The use of Derek Jeter, The New York Yankees, and M.Night Shyamalan were used for entertainment purposes only. I have nothing against any of these entities in pop culture.
*shot of NorCal, standing, half in light, the other half hidden by dark.

Ah, the day is near. The day when the evil in WZCW shall begin to atone for its sins

shows images of Nation of Islam beating down several individuals

*back to the half lit NorCal*

Nation. You feel your strength in numbers, and ruthlessness, shall bring you gold. Mere numbers, and thirst for the superficial, will not help you survive this. After this match, you will learn that it is not gold that truly matters...but having full use of all your appendages, and having the right amount of blood remaining in your system to live. You will pay dearly for your acts of needless violence and intimidation. Prepare to know fear. Prepare to hurt. Hurt *screams* BAD

*back to NorCal* seem so boastfull, full of pride. So relaxed. Enjoy those feelings.

cuts to scenes of Derf's RP

Agrex....your pride shall be a downfall. you seem to think you are above everyone. I will be SURE to bring you down to MY level. Derf...You seem to find my attitude to be...humorous?? I assure you. You wont be laughing when your blood paints the mat on sunday.

If my partner has any say in the matter, we will win. and win gold. I cannot say for myself, if we will "win" in the classic perception of the term. I can, however, assure all of you, that you will NOT feel like winners after this battle. And who would want titles that will be covered in blood anyway??? Are the rest of you willing to sacrifice?? You all are going to....
Agrex is shown in the locker room. He is sitting on a chair that's facing a Kingdom Come poster.

Kingdom Come, everyone knows the kings before Kingdom Come, but after only time will tell...

On the last Meltdown Eric, Gus, Everest, and myself defeated Maxx, Reaper, and The Nation of Islam. Thanks to Eric's pinfall victory for our team we've ended our losing streaks. I got my first taste of victory in WZCW, it tastes good, and it's made me even hungrier.

Eric and I are already half way there. Half way to becoming tag champs. We already beat The Nation of Islam. And we'll do it again. The Nation of Islam are a total mess.
Agrex Chuckles. Without their leader those terrorist won't be able to navigate their way to the ring. Now apparently two newcomers just get thrown in this match. There names are... Agrex pulls out a piece of paper. uhhhh, Mighty NorCal, and Anthony Michaels. Right, now I remember, isn't NorCal the dude that said "YOU WILL HURT BAD"? Agrex bursts out laughing. Sound like NorCal forgot to take his pills. As for "Mr. Funny Guy" Anthony Michaels, we'll see how "shocked" you are when the ref doesn't call you name after the match.

Now to be a bit more serious. I'm sort of like a king myself. I'm sitting on my throne, but there's something missing, and that's championship gold. But after Kingdom Come, that void will be filled. Also, with my bro on our side, me and Eric can't lose.

The camera fades.

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