King Of The Mountain Should End The BFG Series


Lord And Master
Staff member
If there's one thing about the BFG Series that stands out from last year, it's how convoluted the finals were. Remember? Bully Ray wins over Storm and Roode wins over Gunner in ways that set up the need for a tie-breaker? The Series has very clearly evolved from the work in progress that it was last year. This year's BFG Series has been absolutely tremendous if I do say so providing Impact Wrestling with PPV quality matches between big names (and Robbie E) solidly, consistently and weekly. The series should go out with a bang and give the winner a huge boost for the upcoming BFG title match. What better match to climax all that than the dormant King Of The Mountain Match? 4 men instead of 5 sounds good enough a change to me. I highly doubt TNA would do it, but the way I see it, it's a superior option to last year's mess at No Surrender.

And personally, renaming the PPV on behalf of the match would be nice too.
KJ, I'm normally with you on most opinions regarding all things TNA/IW, but why the hell are you and so many here so enamored with that total fuckin' shit show of a wrestling concept? The King of the Mountain match is quite literally the most backwards, confusing and convoluted concept I've seen a mainstream company latch to in a long, long time. The only thing worse, IMO, is the reverse battle royal, but I don't see anyone opting to name a PPV after it, so it's an afterthought.

Not only do you sit in a "penalty box" in the thing (what is this, beer league hockey?) but you have to actually HANG the title, not pull it down?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Absolutely no.

Can we just let KOTM die already, please?
Pin the guy, grab the belt, hook it up. If you get pinned you spend 2 minutes locked. What's so hard and convoluted about that? It makes sense to make it the finals. This match has always been a big one and along with Lethal Lockdown and Ultimate X, it's one of TNA's signature matches. It's not a matter of it being a fancy match to finish the series, it's a matter of putting to 4 finalists in a match where it's "kill to win". KOTM fits that bill.
Only if they made it into a normal ladder match, then I'd agree. King of the Mountain was an interesting original, but in practice it's quite difficult to enjoy (IMO).

I mean, imagine this as a King of the Mountains ladder match finale: James Storm versus AJ Style versus Jeff Hardy versus Christopher Daniels.
Pin the guy, grab the belt, hook it up. If you get pinned you spend 2 minutes locked. What's so hard and convoluted about that? It makes sense to make it the finals. This match has always been a big one and along with Lethal Lockdown and Ultimate X, it's one of TNA's signature matches. It's not a matter of it being a fancy match to finish the series, it's a matter of putting to 4 finalists in a match where it's "kill to win". KOTM fits that bill.

Pin or submit one opponent in a match that has no less than three participants in order to become eligible to hang belt.

Pinned or submitted opponent goes to "penalty box" controlled by referee for two minutes.

Eligible competitor has chance to request belt from other officially in order to grab ladder to hang belt to win. Belt cannot be hung by ineligible competitor, but hanging belt can be negated by ineligible competitor who prevents eligible competitor from doing so by physical force.

More than one competitor can be in penalty box at a time, which means if match isn't calculated properly, box can be over run, or so full that a competitor can't even stand in it.

Eligible competitor can request and take belt to hang, and then lose it after being hit by other competitor, leaving belt stranded. Does another eligible competitor then have to request belt from official in order to attempt to hang it?

Sorry, but this may convey fairly well on television (arguable), but trying to follow this without a play-by-play is absurd.

Let it die.
NO. King of the Mountain is more ridiculous than the Triple Cage Match in WCW.

I propose a playoff system. In the semi-finals, the 1 seed faces the 4 seed, and the 2 seed faces the 3 seed in a best of 5 series of matches, and then the finals features a best of 7 series. It will certainly set up for some dramatic, memorable series, and finishes. The higher seeded wrestlers have the advantage of either picking a gimmick match/stipulation of their choice in the 3 of 5, and 4 of 7, respectively, which would be the substitution of a "home field advantage" like most sports have. This system could provide some very climactic finishes. It's also fair, and doesn't involve point calculations.
I'd rather see a one-on-one match between the top two guys. Or better yet, just...I don't know, give the guy with the most points the opportunity he deserves? This is going to obviously end with two or more people tied in points; it just has to. I get that a PPV match to determine the winner of the series adds attention to the whole thing. Anything else just makes it a bit underwhelming.

But doesn't four guys battling it out at the end of the tournament seem a bit...contrived? What was the point of having this tournament all year long, if the four top guys that everyone knew would make it to the final match, made it to the final match? Why not just have a #1 contender's match, and do away with the whole tournament? I can deal with the top 2 guys having the same score, even though with the amount of matches it should be very unlikely. I could even maybe deal with 3. Maybe. Four is just straight-up unbelievable. My opinion would be: if your tournament consistently ends with guys tying, FIX YOUR FUCKING TOURNAMENT.

Here's what I would do: at the last PPV before Bound for Glory, the guy with the most amount of points wins the shot at BFG. Fair is fair, after all. But just because the GM (whoever the hell that's gonna be at that point) is a nice guy, he's going to give #2 another chance. He gets to face #1 that night, and IF he wins the BFG match becomes a Triple Threat. I think it'd also be a neat idea to have some of the others runners up, maybe even all of them, fight it out at the PPV for a future shot at the title, at the discretion of whoever is in charge. I don't know, maybe that's a bad idea. But I just don't think, under ANY circumstances, we need to have a King of the Mountain match to decide who faces the Champ at BFG.
To be honest, I like your idea of having top 4 men battle it out in a King of The Mountain match and the winner advances to the final of the Bound For Glory World Title Match.

Anything like this will be interesting: Joe vs. Angle vs. Storm vs. Jeff Hardy will be quite interesting as anyone can come out as the winner.

Aries/Roode vs. whoever the challenger for the World Title should go last to leave for the further surprise.

King of The Mountain is popular with the fans and carries a lot history with it. Renaming the PPV is not necessary, but I would not mind a PPV name change to simply 'King of the Mountain'.

Another idea will be to give no.1 and no.2 of the series an advantage in this tournament.

I say have a play-off series like this.

Match 1: No.1 vs. No.2
Match 2: No.3 vs. No.4

Match 3: Loser of Match 1 vs. Winner of Match 2

Final: Winner of Match 1 vs. Winner of Match 3

In this way the no.1 and no.2 get one more chance to qualify in case they lost their first-playoff match. And in order to qualify for the final they just need to win one match in the play-off.

While the no.3 and no.4 have to win twice in the play-offs in order to make it to the final.

no.3 and no.4 are at a disadvantage here because if they even lose once they don't make it to the final unlike no.1 and no.2.
Whether people like the KOTM match itself or not, it does have very strong ties to Bound For Glory. TNA did a great job establishing that signature match from the beginning forward and that match has given us great moments. I can see why some people may not like it, but it is a high-profile match that TNA hasn't overgimmicked to death. It hasn't been done for 2 or 3 years now and it would be interesting to see if any changes/updates are made to improve it somehow. I equate KOTM with the Elimination Chamber, if used right it has great use and delivers highlight reel type of moments.
NO. King of the Mountain is more ridiculous than the Triple Cage Match in WCW.

I propose a playoff system. In the semi-finals, the 1 seed faces the 4 seed, and the 2 seed faces the 3 seed in a best of 5 series of matches, and then the finals features a best of 7 series. It will certainly set up for some dramatic, memorable series, and finishes. The higher seeded wrestlers have the advantage of either picking a gimmick match/stipulation of their choice in the 3 of 5, and 4 of 7, respectively, which would be the substitution of a "home field advantage" like most sports have. This system could provide some very climactic finishes. It's also fair, and doesn't involve point calculations.

You win the internet!

I like the way it goes beyond just winning matchs and the winner gets to face the champ, that instead when the tournament ends a points system goes into place and you have different position seeds. And then something else start.

That being said you know what, the King of the Mountain gimmick seems stupid on paper but it always end up producing good matchs. Remember when Mick Foley jumped from the top of the penalty box?
I like the KOTM idea. My major gripe though is what do they hang to win as there is no title on the line. A contract?....maybe but that just doesn't feel important enough.

How about a round robin tourney between the top 4? Points carry over from BFG series. So for example the Top 4 are Storm 80p, Joe 75p, Angle 70p, Styles 67p. These points carry over into the round robin where every contender has 3 singles matches. Points are scored as usual 10 for sub, 7 for pin etc. This way tactics will be involved as to how you beat your opponent. Storm may feel he can afford to be DQ'ed or counted out to keep his lead. Styles would have to win by sub to gain ground. It would be a bit like WCWs Future Shock but previous scores would count. The downside would mean this would equate to 6 matches on the card.

If you want something simpler how about a Winner takes all 4-way elimination match? That way the winner would have faced all 3 guys and beaten at least one of them.

I think we can all agree though that we don't want to see a tie this year. It would be better to have 2 semis then a final, which is what I thought was gonna happen last year.
I'm with IDR on this. I don't see all the love for the massive clusterfuck that was King of the Mountain. If you want a less convoluted way of determining the winner for the BFG Series, this certainly isn't the way to go.

I say just keep it simple. By the time the BFG Series is ready to end, just have a match featuring the four men that have the most points. Things can be booked to where nobody has a particularly commanding lead, at least nothing overwhelming, and everyone has a shot. Put them into a fourway match, a ladder match or something along those lines, and offer the winner something along the lines of 50 points for the win. Just make sure all four guys are within range of taking the lead if they secure those 50 points, thereby giving the winner of this match the most points & making them the winner of the BFG Series.

I admit that it doesn't have an especially epic feel to it, but it's organized and sensible. Trying to go for an epic feel can sometimes blow up in your face, especially if you try to make things more complicated than they have to be or really need to be.
I'm with IDR on this. I don't see all the love for the massive clusterfuck that was King of the Mountain. If you want a less convoluted way of determining the winner for the BFG Series, this certainly isn't the way to go.

I say just keep it simple. By the time the BFG Series is ready to end, just have a match featuring the four men that have the most points. Things can be booked to where nobody has a particularly commanding lead, at least nothing overwhelming, and everyone has a shot. Put them into a fourway match, a ladder match or something along those lines, and offer the winner something along the lines of 50 points for the win. Just make sure all four guys are within range of taking the lead if they secure those 50 points, thereby giving the winner of this match the most points & making them the winner of the BFG Series.

I admit that it doesn't have an especially epic feel to it, but it's organized and sensible. Trying to go for an epic feel can sometimes blow up in your face, especially if you try to make things more complicated than they have to be or really need to be.

So...... You want Play-Offs instead of one lousy match? Or a regular ladder match? Kinda redundant when they just had one. You want things to go by coincidence just like year instead of going with one, final, major match? It's one special match. ONE. ONE FINAL MATCH to pick THE guy. Where's the sense of theatrics? For the art? Raven fulfilled his Destiny on KOTM. Samoa Joe was the first man to retain in that match. The first ever TNA World Champion was determined in that match. Samoa Joe shocked (not really) the world in that match by siding with the MEM. It's wrestling. It's 4 guys. How's that overbooking? I put things on scale and I see last year's Play-Off's a far bigger clusterfuck than any KOTM match could ever hope to be. But I suppose, since it's such a mess of a match, so is Lethal Lockdown.
I would not like to see the king of the mountain match as the match that finishes off the bound for glory series. There are many other ways to finish the series off but the king of the mountain is not one of them. If it was up to me then the top Four guys in the series would face off in a four way match with the guy at the top of the leader board getting to pick the stipulation.
It's an incredibly complicated match type, but I do like it so I support the idea of King Of the Mountain ending the Bound For Glory series. They need something that truly stands out for the match type that shows us who will be main eventing the biggest show of the year. If they added the King Of the Mountain match type to the PPV event before Bound For Glory and then changed its name, that would be even better. TNA could be taking a page out of WWE's notes (it's not like they haven't taken ideas from them before) and setting their September/October PPV lineup up in a way that benefits them quite a bit.

Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber over in WWE set up the Wrestlemania main events in a format that works very well. If TNA had a King Of the Mountain match at a PPV named after it, making it the only time of the year that the match is seen, the fans know what to expect and will tune in not only to see the match but also to see who will move on to the main event at Bound For Glory. TNA also get a PPV in their lineup that would instantly jump up to around #5 in terms of importance. There's nothing special about No Surrender anyway, so end it and replace it with King Of the Mountain adding an annual match of the same name to once and for all allow the winner of the Bound For Glory series to finish up strong before their world title match the following month. Or they could keep the name and still do the match. I support such an idea regardless.
I thought that the king of the mountain match was a great idea. I haven't ordered a single slammiversary since they stopped it.
I would love to see King of the Mountain match come back just have the title belt hanging at the start like a normal ladder match and everybody can get it at the start.

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