Kimbo Vs Shamrock

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What they f*ck happened in the thread section here
Joe Rogan:
“That fight looked fake as f**k. There’s a couple things I don’t like about that fight. I don’t like that clinch. That long clinch that they had when they were mouth to ear. They were mouth to each other’s ears for a long f***ing time.”

- Shamrock's entrance went from cool as fuck to wtf in seconds.

- That WAS a long clinch.

- Shamrock let go of the choke too easily...too easily
They should have put Ric Flair versus Hulk Hogan on the card. Have Flair put Hogan in the Figure Four, only to have Hogan break free and end the match with a quick leg drop. Would have looked more realistic.
So, is this a genuine thing? I mean, what's the reward to staging a fake ass fight for anyone? Is there any proof?

I'm genuinely interested.
Doubt it was a work. Shamrock is 50 years old. Kimbo Slice nailed Shamrock in the head full force. Even a younger guy probably would have been KO'ed by that.
Doubt it was a work. Shamrock is 50 years old. Kimbo Slice nailed Shamrock in the head full force. Even a younger guy probably would have been KO'ed by that.

Oh, he was genuinely KO'd. Doesnt mean he didnt purposely lean into the punch (which he pretty clearly does).

Worked shoot style is what it reminds me of. IE both guys know whats going to happen, but they don't work the shots at all. Shamrock was involved in such things back in the day in Japan.
Well, if they were going to have a worked fight, they wouldn't clinch at the beginning and one guy explain to the next exactly what's going to happen. :lmao:

Like how hard would it be for those two to meet up in a hotel room and go, "Okay, we clinch after a takedown attempt, we separate, then I get the takedown, you give me your back, I fail to get the RNC on, you get up and then knock me out."

Doesn't take a genius to remember that.

Personally, I don't think it was a work. It was just two old, slow guys in there looking old and slow, so of course it's going to look different from your normal MMA fight.

Also, I really like Joe Rogan on occasion, but on other occasions he can be a real jackass. This is one of those times where he's being a jackass.
Oh, he was genuinely KO'd. Doesnt mean he didnt purposely lean into the punch (which he pretty clearly does).

Worked shoot style is what it reminds me of. IE both guys know whats going to happen, but they don't work the shots at all. Shamrock was involved in such things back in the day in Japan.

You're right. In fact I'm pretty sure that's how Hogan won the IWGP world title.
AFter having watched it, that was absolute buffonery.

If I had Kimbo Slice sunk into a RNC that clean and deep, he would have passed out. It has nothing to do with "refusing to tap out" if you get an RNC put on you for about 30 seconds, you are going to sleep.

And you expect me to beleive a bonafide MMA legend had Kimbo that deep and clean into a RNC and he didnt go to sleep?

Ehhhhhhh. Tough to chew.
I wonder if this is the fight we'd have gotten, had Shamrock never got hurt and replaced by Petruzelli. Which, if it was a scheduled work, and Seth made it a shoot, explains the surprise KO.
Doubt it was a work. Shamrock is 50 years old. Kimbo Slice nailed Shamrock in the head full force. Even a younger guy probably would have been KO'ed by that.

Joe does later say that Kimbo hit Ken with that punch for real.

He was questioning if Kimbo went outside of whatever plan there may have been or whatever.

I haven't seen the fight yet and I'm about to go find it.

If memory serves correct wasn't Kimbo's Elite Xc fight in question about how legitimate it was?
If memory serves correct wasn't Kimbo's Elite Xc fight in question about how legitimate it was?

I'm pretty sure almost everything of his is in question. Even his street fights, as real as they were, were basically him trouncing someone (usually) half his size, and the moment the other guy got some offense in, his posse jumped in crying foul.
I was watching the show while very preoccupied and I thought Shamrock had him but then they were up again. I remember thinking "Uh.....ok. You don't see that very often."
Agreed, that choke looked deep, and to hold it for that length of time. When a man like Ken Shamrock can't finish a choke like that despite his age, it does make you wonder.
AFter having watched it, that was absolute buffonery.

If I had Kimbo Slice sunk into a RNC that clean and deep, he would have passed out. It has nothing to do with "refusing to tap out" if you get an RNC put on you for about 30 seconds, you are going to sleep.

And you expect me to beleive a bonafide MMA legend had Kimbo that deep and clean into a RNC and he didnt go to sleep?

Ehhhhhhh. Tough to chew.

Not defending the fight at all, but want to go on record as saying that if I had a choice of attempting to fight either you or Shamrock (present day), I'd take Shamrock.

Shamrock is OLD, and I can see Kimbo breaking it, but after 30 seconds it should have been a bit more of a struggle than just "Oh, let me move this hand off my throat and then stand up".
Just watched the fight. Ken definitely does lean into that punch.
I also agree with Joe Rogan that the choke looked weird. Maybe Kimbo has too big of a head or something for Ken to have gotten on proper. That being said it was still too deep of a choke for Kimbo to get out of that easily.

I was looking for a punch that maybe staggered Shamrock before the knockout shot but none of them really seemed to connect well enough to cause Ken to drop his hands and lean into one like that.
AFter having watched it, that was absolute buffonery.

If I had Kimbo Slice sunk into a RNC that clean and deep, he would have passed out. It has nothing to do with "refusing to tap out" if you get an RNC put on you for about 30 seconds, you are going to sleep.

And you expect me to beleive a bonafide MMA legend had Kimbo that deep and clean into a RNC and he didnt go to sleep?

Ehhhhhhh. Tough to chew.

Shamrock talked about worked shoots in a fighting promotion in Japan on Austin's podcast and delves into some detail. He has experience.
It looked fake as shit, but I don't think the match was worked. That weird ending to the choke could just as easily be proscribed to Shamrock giving up the failed submission and allowing the fight to get back to the feet, rather than trying to keep the fight on the ground. We're also talking about a fighter way, way out of his prime; he's simply not going to be able to squeeze as hard or as long as a 22 year-old kid.

All that said, if that was a worked fight, at least give us a second round next time.
It looked fake as shit, but I don't think the match was worked. That weird ending to the choke could just as easily be proscribed to Shamrock giving up the failed submission and allowing the fight to get back to the feet, rather than trying to keep the fight on the ground. We're also talking about a fighter way, way out of his prime; he's simply not going to be able to squeeze as hard or as long as a 22 year-old kid.

All that said, if that was a worked fight, at least give us a second round next time.

If the plan was to get back to his feet, why did he lean in to the punch? The only explanation I can think of, is he was shooting for Kimbo's legs, but that would take it back to the mat.

Shamrock may not be a 22-yr-old, but he looked to be in pretty solid shape for 51, or at least as good as Kimbo did. For Kimbo to break that RNC as easily as he did, Shamrock would have to barely have the hold on, like he was fighting a baby.
Sometimes I wish that MMA had a MITB briefcase. Certainly would be exciting. Or hell, even a surprise open challenge or two wouldnt hurt.

This has nothing to do with the conversation, but thinking about that scenario is more fun than talking about that lame ass fight.
Another scenario that is ridiculous but I could almost see happening in Bellator was a four Vs four team fight with everyone in the ring at once I saw online.

It was fucking incredible, like a war scene from a movie in real life.

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