Kevinnnnnnnnnnnn Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen


Getting Noticed By Management
I like Kevin Steen. I like him a lot. I think he adds an element of anarchy and unpredictability that is currently lacking in many shows on pro wrestling. If you were to see Kevin Steen in person he looks like an average guy. Possibly you may think he's a bit overweight. But when you hear his promos and you see him the ring and take in his actions in recent years in ROH, you're afraid. You think he's nuts, and capable of any dastardly deed that comes to his twisted head. When he challenges ROH champ Davey Richards and says he's going to take his title and hold the whole company hostage, I believe that he could pull it off.

And talk about a masterfully crafted storyline. Steen and his partner El Genrico were an effective and popular tag team in 2009. In ROH's biggest event of that year Final Battle Steen turned on Generico ending that tag team. They feud all through 2010 having as they have a loser leaves ROH match which culminates at year later after they broke up with the rematch at Final Battle 2010 with Steen losing. All through 2011 Steen is not seen on ROH TV but does make sporadic TV interviews through lawyers and challenges ROH, Jim Cornette and former friend Steve Corino to a fight at Final Battle 2011. And Steen wins that match this past December having himself rehired by the company due to the stipulation of the match.

Now Steen is back, more nutty and dangerous than ever and he's gunning for the Davey Richards and the world title and you almost want the self proclaimed "Anti Christ of Pro Wrestling" to one day beat Richards in their inevitable clash just to see how indeed Steen with hold ROH hostage and make Jim Cornette's life a living heel.

If I could make a wrestling promotion and pick a roster of 30 guys from among the wrestling companies in the world, Kevin Steen would definately be among that roster. Every good wrestling company needs a good villain and as far as I can see Kevin Steen is the best villain in the business right now.

You need a reason to watch Ring of Honor. Kevin Steen is a very good reason among many.
Steen is the only reason I watch ROH..he's amazing..but sadly due to his look i doubt WWE or TNA would use him,he's a little chunky and even if they did they would tottaly kill" "Pro Wrestlings worst nightmare"
Life is tough when you get older, you've seen a lot and it takes more effort to raise your eyebrows, or get you to say wow, or capture your imagination and my thing is pro wrestling and fight sports. This past weekend was great it started off with Markus Kampmann pulling off an upset on Tiago Alves as he pulled off a guillotine choke in the dying minutes of the last round. Charging the camera with intensity with and a bloody face but I can't talk about that, in this thead. Miesha Tate almost got her arm ripped off and showed bad ass toughness as Ronda Rousy definately made her submit to a brutal arm bar but I can't talk about that in this particular thread.

And finally, one of the smartest wrestling purchases I made in a long time. I spend 10 bucks on ROH's 10 Year Anniversary thread and ya, for a guy that watches wrestling so much it takes a bit more to get my juices flowing. The pay per view was good and then it got better and better and the way it ended it left me sayin, "Ya that was cool." And I felt a little rush of excitment that I haven't felt for wrestling in some time.

Davey Richards, teamed with his young protege Kyle O Reily to take on Richards' former friend and tag team partner Eddie Edwards and O Reily's former friend and tag team partner Adam Cole. And these four guys tore the roof off this place. Stiff kicks, beautiful chain wrestling, suplexes, double pin combinations I've never seen before. It was one of the best matches I've seen over the past two years for sure. And then Kevin Steen comes out and on the balcony ala vintage ECW and casts his dark shadow over a great contest. He says Richards has been avoiding him, but he knows Richards isn't afraid to fight him, it's boss Jim Cornette that wants to protect Davey cause Steen will rip him apart. Davey had not really paid any attention to Steen but he was up on the top turnbuckle tuned into Steen after one of the greatest matches he ever had which made the inevitable Steen/Richards confrontation feel that much more important.

The show left me with a satisfaction of good in ring wrestling but it still had the larger than life character like Steen. It reminded when I was 13 and a WWF pay per view would end and the company had the larger than lift characters like the Undertaker, the great technical wrestler like Bret Hart and the show had an ability to pull you in, make you say wow and watch whatever show came on next. It's a good feeling it's a feeling I used to get after every WWE pay per view as a kid but I get seldom these days. That isn't WWE's fault totally because it is something that happens as you get older but I did that "this really is cool" reaction after watching Steen Richards and ROH's Ten Year Anniversary show.
Steen is the only reason I watch ROH..he's amazing..but sadly due to his look i doubt WWE or TNA would use him,he's a little chunky and even if they did they would tottaly kill" "Pro Wrestlings worst nightmare"

Steen is exactly what ROH has needed for a long time. I love his "Pro Wrestling's Worst Nightmare" gimmick and hopefully they let him roll with it for a long time.
Not the biggest ROH fan, the "indy work" drives me nuts. You can't take a top rope superplex onto your head, into a release german onto your head, into a pin, kick out at 2 and not sell it, silly. With that said though Kevin Steen is fucking GREAT. I'd probably agree he's the best heel in the buisness right now, his look could be improved (hate on that all you want, looking like an "average guy" is not a plus in pro-wrestling) but I really dig his promo's and his feuds with Generico and Corino have been GOLD (anyone else mark out when Corino came out blonde for their street fight?).

He's exactly what ROH needs, a guy who can talk, with a character (not a gimmick, a PERSONALITY) the angle with Cornette is great right now, I'd like to see him get the gold aswell, definatly want to see more of this angle.
I first saw Kevin Steen on the Wrestling Channel we used to get here in the UK several years ago, in CZW I believe. It was a fatal 4 way between Steen, El Generico, Sexxxy Eddy and some other guy I cannot remember.

Steen blew me away. He is SO athletic for a big man, and has an absolutely fantastic moveset. Some of his moves look absolutely devastating. I have lost count of the number of times I have watched videos of Steen on YouTube, he is brilliant in the ring.

Whenever my friends and I talk about wrestling finishers, I always bring up the Package Piledriver, possibly the most devastating move I have ever seen. Best finisher in the business bar none.

I have only seen small bits of the feud with Steve Corino but I really need to check out more, Corino has always been a personal favourite of mine and its great to see him back in a high profile storyline again.

I dont think WWE would ever take Steen due to his "look", it isnt what WWE usually go for, and if they did his moveset would be so badly reduced that he wouldnt be the same. TNA maybe could use him but I think he has a great spot in ROH now, and I am looking forward to delving deeper into this feud with Corino, and Steen's "Wrestlings Worst Nightmare" gimmick.

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