Ladder War is back.

Wasn't a thread on this, so I thought why not. Anyway, the next ROH Tag title match between The American Wolves and Stenerico, will be a Ladder War - on Sept 25th.

The last time ROH fans saw a Ladder War was at the "Man Up" PPV taped on September 15, 2007. That night the brutal, bloody match pitted the then-ROH World Tag Team Champions, Jay & Mark Briscoe, against Kevin Steen & El Generico with the titles on the line. It is a match that needs to be seen to truly comprehend the brutality, but suffice it to say that multiple ladders were broken, blood was spilled, and all four men came out worse for ware. The Briscoes did come out with the World Tag Team Championship still in their possession, but the effects were felt by both teams for some time. As a matter of fact, ROH officials quickly decided that the Ladder War was much too dangerous to ever be repeated under any circumstances.

Times change, and based on everything that has happened over the last several months and culminating this past weekend at the "ROH on HDNet" TV tapings, so have the minds of ROH officials. Kevin Steen & El Generico won the right to determine the stipulations of their next shot at the Wolves when they defeated Edwards and Richards in Chicago at "End of An Age". Everyone knew what type of match Steen & Generico wanted, but ROH officials stood strong with their decision from two years ago. The Ladder War was not an option. But Kevin Steen isn’t one to take ‘no’ for an answer.

These two teams have fought in tremendous Tag Team Matches, Submissions Matches, and Tables Matches; the four fighters have gone one-on-one against each other numerous times, even in ‘Anything Goes’ Matches, and that said, Steen & Eddie Edwards will do it again in Boston on September 25th. Pain has been inflicted, blood lost, injuries sustained, and feelings hurt – seemingly with no resolution in sight. Steen has had to take on different partners after The Wolves injured El Generico but none of those men have helped to settle a score that had become more personal than anything else. Steen took every single one of those elements, laid them out on the table before ROH officials, and his voice began to be heard. He put it bluntly: If a resolution was wanted; the Ladder War was the only way to reach it.

Suffice to say that the actions of The American Wolves this past Friday night just added to those proverbial ‘straws that broke the camel’s back’, and ROH officials had already found themselves willing to relent on their edict. When Kevin Steen announced to the world that the Ladder War was coming to New York City on September 26th, he more than had the backing of ROH officials. The time has come for Steen & Generico to get the opportunity they earned, and to get it under the auspices of the match that they wanted more than the titles themselves.

So it is official: on Saturday night, September 26th, it will be The American Wolves of Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards defending their ROH World Tag Team Titles against Kevin Steen & El Generico in a Ladder War!!! The first time out a Ladder War left four men physically wrecked in ways they’d never felt before nor since. What will be left of Steen, Generico, Richards, and Edwards when all is said and done in New York?

Personally, I think it's going to be great. You've got Steen, Edwards, Richards and Generico; I don't see the title changing hands, but the match is going to be sweet. Kind of sad that there's no Briscoes, each to their own though, either way, i'm really excited for it.

It will be a brutal yet phenomenal match. These 2 teams always appear to have no concern with the well beings of their own body, and Steen is very athletic for a big man.
It is sad that the Briscoes will not be involved but they might kill themselves so it may be for the better.
Rebecca, your location says you are with Jimmy Jacobs. Could you please give him back? I miss him at ROH shows.
It will be a brutal yet phenomenal match. These 2 teams always appear to have no concern with the well beings of their own body, and Steen is very athletic for a big man.
It is sad that the Briscoes will not be involved but they might kill themselves so it may be for the better.
Rebecca, your location says you are with Jimmy Jacobs. Could you please give him back? I miss him at ROH shows.

My instinct is that the Briscoes will face the winner of the match, I think with the Wolves being involved, it wont be as spotty, but it'll still be something. I remember watching the first Ladder War from 2007 a while back, (downloads ftw), with the Briscoes vs Steen and Generico, it was physical and brutal. It's a miracle someone didn't get seriously hurt, especially when Generico took that Jay Driller through the ladder. I thought he had a broken neck for sure.

And Jimmy will be back soon, just trying to convince him to bring back AOTF~!
My instinct is that the Briscoes will face the winner of the match, I think with the Wolves being involved, it wont be as spotty, but it'll still be something. I remember watching the first Ladder War from 2007 a while back, (downloads ftw), with the Briscoes vs Steen and Generico, it was physical and brutal. It's a miracle someone didn't get seriously hurt, especially when Generico took that Jay Driller through the ladder. I thought he had a broken neck for sure.

Oh Rebecca...if you only knew how stoked I am for this match- New York gets all the kick ass matches. I also believe that the Briscoes will be facing the winners of this match. Although I would be shocked to see the Wolves drop the titles so quickly, the ROH video wire did show a teaser for the rebirth of the Briscoes v. Steen & Generico fued. Who knows, maybe there will be a three way dance for the titles somewhere down the road featuring the Wolves, Briscoes and Steen & Generico. Now that would be cool.

And Jimmy will be back soon, just trying to convince him to bring back AOTF~!

Tell Jimmy to hurry it up. And then tell him to call up Bryan Danielson and put in a good word for me. ;)
Oh Rebecca...if you only knew how stoked I am for this match- New York gets all the kick ass matches. I also believe that the Briscoes will be facing the winners of this match. Although I would be shocked to see the Wolves drop the titles so quickly, the ROH video wire did show a teaser for the rebirth of the Briscoes v. Steen & Generico fued. Who knows, maybe there will be a three way dance for the titles somewhere down the road featuring the Wolves, Briscoes and Steen & Generico. Now that would be cool.

I cant wait to go to this event. I hope Bret Hart actually does a little more than Ric Flair did. I tell ya... after Flair not being the special guest ref OR sitting at ringside I could care less about that guy. Im actually waiting to see Petey Williams in a ROH ring! Besides that I heard Austin Aries will be taking on Bryan Danielson and HOPING Danielson takes the belt from AA. Although, I did cut a AA promo on Friday night I like Danielson more lol.

Oh... American Wolves all the way baby!
I cant wait to go to this event. I hope Bret Hart actually does a little more than Ric Flair did. I tell ya... after Flair not being the special guest ref OR sitting at ringside I could care less about that guy. Im actually waiting to see Petey Williams in a ROH ring! Besides that I heard Austin Aries will be taking on Bryan Danielson and HOPING Danielson takes the belt from AA. Although, I did cut a AA promo on Friday night I like Danielson more lol.

Oh... American Wolves all the way baby!

Ok...first of all, you've intrigued me- why and where did you cut an A Double promo?

Secondly, hope you have fun at the show. I've never been to a NY show, although you can bet your ass that I will be sitting ringside for Final Battle this year. I cannot wait to experience a new ROH crowd.

Lastly, it appears as though your wish for a title change can be thrown out the window. However, it also appears that you will be witnessing Bryan Danielson's last ROH show- I will be eternally jealous. I'm sure the Aries/Danielson match will be epic and you will see Danielson put over Aries as his final act as the "American Dragon". I will be expecting a complete and detailed run down of that match.
Please someone tell me where i can find the Briscoes vs generico/steen original ladder war. can't find it anywhere. heard it puts all other ladder matches to shame.
Please someone tell me where i can find the Briscoes vs generico/steen original ladder war. can't find it anywhere. heard it puts all other ladder matches to shame.

It was a phenomenal match- make sure you check it out. It took place in Chicago at the Man Up PPV on 9/15/07.

I'm hopeful that the upcoming Ladder War match will be just as great. I'm looking forward to see Davey Richards, since he is a crazy bitch. I'm also curious to see how Eddie Edwards fairs in a match like this.
Ok...first of all, you've intrigued me- why and where did you cut an A Double promo?

Secondly, hope you have fun at the show. I've never been to a NY show, although you can bet your ass that I will be sitting ringside for Final Battle this year. I cannot wait to experience a new ROH crowd.

Lastly, it appears as though your wish for a title change can be thrown out the window. However, it also appears that you will be witnessing Bryan Danielson's last ROH show- I will be eternally jealous. I'm sure the Aries/Danielson match will be epic and you will see Danielson put over Aries as his final act as the "American Dragon". I will be expecting a complete and detailed run down of that match.

Im very lucky to have gotten tickets to this show. I am well aware that Danielson will once again leave for the WWE. The match between him and Cena on Velocity wasnt that bad! In ROH ive been lucky on seats, once again ill be in the third row and in Green Lantern gear. Hopefully ill be on ROH video wire again lol.

As for the promo. I won a tourney on 8/21 in Brooklyn NY. At the end my record was 8-1 and I came home with a trophy and money. Since everyone else thought they would beat me I hit a heel moment and blasted them and got a mix of cheers, laughter and boos.

Finally, its about the time that I mention that it was a Marvel vs Capcom 2 tourney lol. Although... I have a wicked picture of Eric Young punching me in the face and So Cal Val giving it a thumbs up! I kinda feel like I shouldve worked out a bit and been a pro wrestler... some days I kinda wake up and feel like I missed my calling. :shrug:

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