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Kevin Thorne in the New Breed?

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idk about u guys.....but the New Breed seems to really suffer with Kevin Thorne in there group....his gimmick is totally wrong for the new breed...there all the cocky young smug guys like Burke, Striker Corvon(sumwat not young...but cocky) .....idk....it just duznt make any sence to have a midevial guy like Thorne with them cuz he cant cut promos....he cant do anything in the ring besides hit ppl with that big stick....i mean the only thing he has going for him is Ariel.....poor Rene` Dupree....he would have been perfect for the new breed
First off, Rene Dupree sucks and I'm glad he ain't in the New Breed, Second I kinda agree with you on the fact that Thorn doesn't really seem to belong in the New Breed, at least not with his current gimmick, however I think your wrong in saying he can't do anything but hit people with a big stick, because to me he seems like a good wrestler, and has a very unique move set, the reason he keeps using his "big stick" as you call it is because the writers tell him to, and while we're on the topic of people hitting people with sticks why don't you complain about Finley doing the same thing, how many of his matches have ended with him whacking someone in the face with a shalaighli (or however you spell it), but back to the New Breed, if they were going to replace Thorn, I'd like to see them bring in someone like Knox, or maybe Chris Masters, I know there was talk about wanting to get him in ECW at one point, why not send him over and stick him in the New Breed, I don't like the guy but he does have young, cocky, smug persona that would fit with the New Breed, another choice would be Punk, all they got to do is turn him heel
I don't see anything wrong with Kevin Thorn being in the new breed. The new breed is just that a new breed to try and push out the older ECW Originals but there is no reason to think that they all have to be smug and cocky individuals. I mean they have enough heels that have that persona......smug and cocky just go threw the entire WWE Heel Roster.

They don't have to all have the same traits, basically their there for one thing and that is to brush out the Originals, its nice to see variety in a group. I think thats great that there is someone like Kevin Thorn who has a gimmick while still being a heel. If they had another smug and cocky guy it would just be bland. I don't mind Kevin Thorn at all as a wrestler and i think he fits in fine.
What wouldv'e been perfect is matt striker out....and test in.....:( :( :( lol.....but keven thorn is a bigger guy..and he kind of puts on the persona of the new breed...coming to take over i guess ? lol...I think it fits.
I agree with soem of hwat ahs been said before. You need variety a group of only young cokcy punks would be blahh(can anyone say Spirit Squad) besides the one who is the most worthelss is the group is Striker. Dean Douglas sucked, Bob Backlund sucked (as that gimmick) and Striker is just annoying. I havent seen good ring talent but he would make a good heel managament type role which I thought they were going to do with him orginally. But I do agree that the best part of Thorn is ARIEL
I don't see anything wrong with Kevin Thorn being in the new breed. The new breed is just that a new breed to try and push out the older ECW Originals but there is no reason to think that they all have to be smug and cocky individuals. I mean they have enough heels that have that persona......smug and cocky just go threw the entire WWE Heel Roster.

They don't have to all have the same traits, basically their there for one thing and that is to brush out the Originals, its nice to see variety in a group. I think thats great that there is someone like Kevin Thorn who has a gimmick while still being a heel. If they had another smug and cocky guy it would just be bland. I don't mind Kevin Thorn at all as a wrestler and i think he fits in fine.

I think Thorn looks a little odd in The New Breed w/ his gimmick, but you make a good point.
I agree I think they should throw someone like Snitsky in the New Breed. I think Striker a good mouth piece for the group
he does look kinda odd in the new breed, i dont think snitsky should be in the new breed, he should be by himself.

on a side note....doesnt snitsky look a lil over-sized?????i think they need to check that mans urine

maybe a shelton benjamin and charlie haas could work in the new breed, none of the other breed members can talk on the mic...mite as well join them
Actually CM Punk and Elijah Burke can both work the Mic, So can Matt Striker, Snitsky is "Over-Sized" WWE have already hit their Scapegoat in Joey Mathews (better known as Mercury).
As for Kevin Thorne in the New Breed it works, because they have guys that are all cocky in a way. Look past the Gimmick and look at the way the guy conducts matches. If you go on the New Breed as a whole. You have the Tag Team enforcers of Cor Van and Thorne. You have the Two leaders in CM Punk and Elijah Burke, and you have the agitator in Matt Striker. It is pretty much a typical stable except for the Two leaders vying for the single position.
Actually CM Punk and Elijah Burke can both work the Mic, So can Matt Striker, Snitsky is "Over-Sized" WWE have already hit their Scapegoat in Joey Mathews (better known as Mercury).
As for Kevin Thorne in the New Breed it works, because they have guys that are all cocky in a way. Look past the Gimmick and look at the way the guy conducts matches. If you go on the New Breed as a whole. You have the Tag Team enforcers of Cor Van and Thorne. You have the Two leaders in CM Punk and Elijah Burke, and you have the agitator in Matt Striker. It is pretty much a typical stable except for the Two leaders vying for the single position.

Actually, the two leaders vying for the top spot isn't that much of a new concept, look at the nWo, at different times with the Horseman, even DX and evolution. As far as Thorne fitting in, I think he does so. Watch any GOOD vampire movie. Or hell, even talk to anyone who is involved in vampirism. In most movies, the lead vampire is pompous, arrogant, and you want the hero to knockthe fucking fangs down his throat. And Thorne plays that role perfectly. So yeah, he does fit in with the New Breed, quite well.
^But not in the same way that they have in the New Breed I don't think, with one guy trying to subvert the original leader after only arriving in the fairly recently. I don't think they had that in the 4 Horsemen, Evolution or DX. Im not familiar with the entire nWo occurance.

But Thornes role in the New Breed will be shown completely when they bring in the Tag Team titles as I see Thorne and Cor Van still tagging and making a run at them. Thats IF the New Breed Vs. Originals story is still going when they do bring in the Tag titles anyway.
Thorne and Cor Von are seen as the muscle of the group and they'll be used for beating up originals. If you look at recent poll on the ecw part of wwe.com Thorne is one the most popular member of the New Breed. This is quite of topic but a good cheating move he can do is spitting blood in his opponents face like in his promos.
I'll agree that Kevin Thorn sticks out like a sore thumb in the New Breed. It is pretty funny to watch the rest of the guys come to the ring with big grins on the their faces and then... in walks a dude in a big add trechcoat thing, followed by a half naked girl with fangs. I mean, looking at him, I admit that I thought it was kind of weird, cause it reminded me of Gangrel. But watching this dude wrestler, and seeing what they did to Snitsky. I fear for Kevin Thorn, he better stay with this gimmick because if they move him, they might shave his head and he would look... well... dude look at Snitsky... ew...

Anyway, as much as he looks out of place, he fits with them in the powerhouse category. Gimmick aside the dude is awesome, he wrestlers good matches when they get going. Most of the time he gets thrown in a squash match, but he even sells his opponents for a little bit to let them have some shining moments. I like watching him wrestle. I think that he will probably profit the most with the New Breed story. Hopefully he will anyway.

So my final verdict... gimmick wise... the dude really doesn't look like he belongs there... but, he belongs there because he can carry matches and actually draws a little light (hehe, hopefully not sunlight *spooky finger wiggle*) to the New Breed.
I wouldn't mind seeing them move Thorn and Ariel over to SD!, and put them with Kane and Boogyman, create some short of freak faction, then have Burchill comeback and join with Regal and Taylor, then the six of them could feud with each other, could make for some interesting stuff, and I would like to see what they could do with Areiel over on SD!, possibly a feud with Jillien
Yeah having Thorn on SD would be pretty sweet though. I think having Thorn and Boogeyman would be a better tag team maybe then with Kane in it. I see Kane going on to other things again but to the point, he doesn't fit the New Breed in a way. I mean yeah it makes sense for him to be in the New Breed he can't be in the Original's but with the gimmick it makes it slow in a way. I agree with what D.C. said though he does look very outta place, maybe if he would talk or something it would be better but with the whole vampire gimmick and Ariel with the fangs and things I don't see it happening. Thorn and Cor Von work pretty good together but right now the top person of the New Breed will most likely be CM Punk, but Burke is awsome also I don't really care for Striker that much but yeah Thorn is kinda outta place IMO just doesn't go with his gimmick.
Well Thorne just quit the New Breed tonight, so what's probably going to happen is Thorne gets completely removed from the storyline, and Burke/Cor Von/Striker in a feud with CM Punk, and the Second City Saints. Think about it WWE signed both Ace Steel and Colt Cabana not too long ago, and Cabana's last indy dates are wrapping up. This way even if RVD and/or Sabu leave they can still have the stable vs stable feud on ECW
Well Thorne just quit the New Breed tonight, so what's probably going to happen is Thorne gets completely removed from the storyline, and Burke/Cor Von/Striker in a feud with CM Punk, and the Second City Saints. Think about it WWE signed both Ace Steel and Colt Cabana not too long ago, and Cabana's last indy dates are wrapping up. This way even if RVD and/or Sabu leave they can still have the stable vs stable feud on ECW

It's a possability, but I don't think Vince will let them call themselves the Second City Saints, remember this is the guy that made Monty Brown change his name to Marcus Cor Von, so I don't see him letting a couple of guys use the same name for a stable that they used back in ROH
yea, they may have to change their names, but THAT Would still be awesome! I didnt know that WWE had signed both of those two, dang, that would be fun to watch, and entertaining... yet who would be the heel? new breed? or the ScS?

thats the one problem i see with this fued, its means that ScS would more than likely end up being the face of the fued wich means its official that CM's heel turn is over... and thats a let-down. But this would still be entertaining
For the record, Kevin Thorn is NOT A VAMPIRE, instead he is a person who follow vampirism. He is not a Gangrel knock off so to speak, and he can wrestle during the day time, lol. It is actually a complete reverse on his last gimmick, you may remember him as Mordecai. A move to SD would be a good one, but I believe they will keep him on ECW for the time being. Personally I see nothing wrong with the gimmick, it could work out for him very good. I believe that he is pretty good on the mic and will probably get a little more mic time in the future. Ariel seems to fit her persona very well, she kind of reminds me of Betty Page in a way, and goths always seem to idolize her for some strange reason. So they are a solid duo. Given the fact that Thorn has now, "quit" the new breed, it would be cool to see him wrestling some of them. I think they are probably disbanding the "New Breed" do to the fact of RVD's contract being up in the air. I think the two people that are going to benefit the most from this are Kevin Thorn and CM Punk.
What was that "my future is in new blood" promo? i only can say: it's the beginning of one of MANY roster changes in WWE. i really can see Thorne going to SD! (the guys NEED wrestlers!) and start a feud maybe with finlay or Batista. I dont know, or maybe RAW, taking the IC scene.
Thorne is definitely going to stay in WWECW. They need to keep all there talent as they have a short roster as it is. IMO, he is just going to continue in WWECW but as a singles superstar instead of being the enforcer. I didn't think his gimmick could fit that of a enforcer anyway. I figure they could get Snitsky to join them to become there enforcer if they decide to go on with the New Breed. I think since Thorne has been repackaged he has been putting up better matches. I think his promo tonight was significant and is going to lead to a big push.
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