Kevin Nash Suspended from TNA

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the troop

Occasional Pre-Show
According to, Kevin Nash has been suspended by TNA Wrestling due to his outburst over the way Chris Sabin's injury was handled at the taping last week.

So, Kevin Nash gets suspended for trying to protect the talent of TNA. Hmm.
Sure, maybe the outburst was a bit much, but a suspension for it? Thats pretty stiff.

What do you guys think of the situation?
Wow, unbelievable. Whoever handed out that suspension is a fucking idiot, along with a being a raging dick. I mean, unless Nash was threatening to beat the fuck out of an employee or something, this is completely uncalled for. Nash sticking up for Sabin was the right thing to do, Nash was just trying to defend another wrestler's health, and this happens? Unbelievable. This suspension had better be minor at best, otherwise this just pisses me right the fuck off.

Glad to see Nash has been slowly changing his image since joining TNA from the (unfair and untrue) assessment of him being a power-hungry egomaniac in WCW, to one of the most respected guys in the TNA locker room, which apparently he's become since this incident.
The suspension is only for one of next week’s tapings I believe, but even then I don’t think a suspension should have been handed out.

Like X said, he was doing the right thing by defending one of his peers. Did he go about things the right way? I don’t think so, he could have just talked to Team 3-D about what happened but still…a suspension for something like this was not deserved. There have been worse things that have happened with wrestlers in TNA and they didn’t get suspended. But Nash does something good and as a result he gets punished for it. Sometimes I really wonder what the hell Dixie is thinking.
Wow out of all the "great" announcements TNA had today they go ahead and make a stupid ass move like this! Somebody had to do what Nash did or everybody is going to walk around thinking they can hurt each other with no consequence. It's crap like this that will forever make TNA the #2 company and I only say #2 cause there are no other companies that have the money to compete right now!

Don't get me wrong I actually like TNA but you can see why they are always behind their competition cause they focus on stupid shit like this! Call me crazy but I rather see Kevin Nash wrestle than Bubba Ray Dudley. Hell on top of that I rather see the Motor City Machine Guns on my tv than a washed up Dudley. I respected what the old Dudleys were but since coming to TNA can we say past their prime? The Dudley's have had long illustrious careers don't try to take that away from MCMG who definitely have the potential of being one of the best tag teams of our generation.

Sucks that Kevin Nash gets crapped on for being the better man. Oh well I'm sure he was suspended with pay anyway seeing as Nash doesn't need TNA and that it's probably not a good idea for TNA to piss off one of Hogan's buddies.
I think this was definitely the WRONG thing to do for TNA. It would be one thing if Kevin Nash went into business for Kevin Nash. But he didn't. Devon and Bubba injured a fellow wrestler and should have stopped the match. I don't care if it was tough love in their mind or if they think Sabin was a wussy. Sabin is a human being first of all. If he was knocked out, the match should have stopped then and there. Bubba and Devon (especially Bubba) has a history of being rough with people in the ring.

TNA sends the wrong message to the guys in the back that it was ok for Bubba and Devon to continue a match with a wrestler who was knocked out and could have been hurt. But how dare Kevin Nash speak out for the safety of the wrestlers on a rant that wasn't going to be televised anyway?! Kevin Nash is no angel or paragon of virtue. But I have more respect for Kevin Nash than I will EVER have for Bubba or Brother Ray or whatever he chooses to call himself. I think jack@$$ might be appropriate. Could Kevin Nash have done it differently by having the conversation backstage instead of in the ring? Yes. But the fans were party to what could have been a serious incident in the IMPACT Zone. They had a right to be given an off the record rant by a veteran who knows most the fans in the arena could tell Sabin was knocked loopy.

Good job TNA for not suspending the right talent.
So in other words, TNA is saying that staying in line is more important than taking care of one of the people. Ladies and gentlemen, the Communist Wrestling Association!

This is dumb. Nash spoke up for something that was hardly bad. It's not like he criticized the writing or another wrestler. he was upset about sticking up for one of the boys and treating them like an equal. Nash's biggest criticism is that he's one of the clique and is only out for himself. See what happens when he tries to do something else? TNA is more or less saying they're afraid to argue with him and instead would rather stick their chest out and say you're gone for awhile instead of thinking it out. That's great leadership there boys. Try that with Hogan and watch what happens.
Hard to say with this one.

Perhaps he could have vented his frustrations backstages, instead of grabbing a mic and spreading it to the Internet Wrestling Gossip Monster.

However, it would be wrong to say that Nash wasn't speaking the truth. He seems to generally care for the wellbeing of Sabin (probably formed by those segments with them and Shelley).

If it's a Double J suspension, too far. One to two weeks, meh. Nash could take it as a holiday. By the way he's been talking lately, it's not he's too strapped for cash to have one.
does anyone else find it odd that Nash gets suspended the same week Bischoff starts work with TNA? Bischoff hasnt had nice things to say about Nash in interviews and his book which Nash was supposedly very upset at.
I don't think Nash was suspended for what happened backstage. I think it was for coming out and shooting on TNA management in front of the audience, saying that it would be edited out later.

While I applaud Nash taking charge backstage, he should not have brought it out from behind the curtain. You can't go out in front of an audience, break character and run down management and not expect some sort of punishment for it.
I agree Pedro08- The issue was serious, no doubt, but it should have been addressed with the appropriate members of TNA management.
It really makes me wonder about Nash's future in TNA. He has said he wants to go to WWE (granted not until HBK is ready), but also this suspension and Nash's outspoken displeasure with the way things are going, and then Eric and Hogan's arrival. As said above, Eric hasn't had nice things to say about him, Big Lazy and whatnot, so it will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
Pedro you beat me to it. While I whole heartedly agree with Nash's sentiments and commend him on having the balls to do it as he did, this definetly should not have been done in public. The suspension was earned and it's only a short one. He made his point, management HAS to levy the punishement to keep face. I'm sure they will take Nash's words and utilize this lesson in the future.
Anyone else thinking STORYLINE? Hogan coming, one of his NWO(4Life) buddies "suspended". Could be nash-hogan reunion or Nash-hogan rivals.

What do you think?

I hope it's a nash-hogan reunion.
I agree completely with Pedro and XGringo.

While Nash might very well have a legitimate complaint, and in fact I think he very well might, there are nonetheless ways and means of handling those situations diplomatically and professionally. Nash's decision to lambaste TNA management, the Dudleys, etc., in the ring while on the house mic is none of those things.

Breaking the the fourth wall as such and drawing the audience into what should have been a strictly behind-the-scenes interaction between talent and management is utterly unacceptable. Nash, in my mind, unquestionably deserves consequences, and a suspension seems in order.

To say that Nash is strictly "speaking out on behalf" of the locker-room is bull, in my opinion. If that is what he wanted to do, he should have done so during the company's personnel meetings or by going directly to the appropriate members within TNA management. I am certain he carries enough weight in the company at this point in his career to be heard. There is nothing that would lead me to believe he needs to pull some stunt like this "shoot" to get TNA to take him seriously or listen.

Let's face it. If a grocery store clerk had a beef with the company's employee health policy and went onto the store's P.A. system and alerted all of the shoppers to this fact, regardless of whether or not his complaint was valid, he would be fired. It's simply unprofessional, uncalled for and draws unnecessary attention to the employer, damaging the store's reputation and can create additional unrest among employees.

While Nash is a million-dollar talent and TNA is far from a grocery store, it's the same premise. Employees should be expected to adhere to a modicum of professionalism especially in the workplace, and certainly a packed IMPACT taping should count as such.

Sure, I do think that Nash probably has a bona fide point of contention here. And if as a veteran he wants to stand up for the lockerroom, I would encourage him to take that leadership role. But a REAL leader would also show by example how to properly handle a situation like this.

Nash dropped the ball on that one. He should be lucky TNA only decided to slap him on the wrist. Try that shit in WWE, and I bet you're in jobber-land for life!
''Now Kevin, you can't go around just saying and doing whatever you like. We can't have this promotion turn into WCW. We're doing something special here and we'd appreciate it if you'd tow the company line. I'm afraid I've got no other choice but to suspend you for two hours whilst we film this episode of iMPACT. But we'll need you again for your tag team championship win for our third taping of the evening''

''Is this a paid suspension?''

Lol at people defending Kevin Nash's actions.

You don't just come out in front of an audience with a mic and start bashing the company that pays you. That is not good business and is very unprofessional for someone who has been in the business for so long to do. He deserved to be punished!
I don't think Nash was bashing the company, he was just bashing Team 3D which they deserve. Granted Nash should of probably talked to them in the back, but Team 3D almost killed Sabin in the ring due to their negligence. I don't see TNA doing anything with Team 3D about injuring Sabin. As far as the show must go on crap, the show is tapped. There is no reason they couldn't of stopped the match.

Samoa Joe came out and did a shoot at a PPV about Scott Hall not showing up, and he didn't get suspended. I don't see why Nash should even though it's not really a big deal. You could argue Nash was unprofessional, but Team 3D should of known better in the first place.
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