Kevin Nash Confirms Contract Negotiations with TNA

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Wrestling legend Kevin Nash recently told La Nacion that he is in negotiations with TNA Wrestling regarding a possible return to the company.

"I am currently negotiating a contract with them," said the former "Big Sexy." Nash continued, "Yes, there are many opportunities to return."

The complete article can be read online at


Nash has been touting for weeks that he wouldn't be back, so this sends things into a spin, certainly.

Thoughts on this? Thoughts on a Nash return?
I think he didn't have had much of a choice. I think he was trying to get back to WWE, that is what i was thinking since he was talking about not going back to TNA, but it seems like he has no choice but to go back to TNA. All of the sudden he talking about there are many opportunities to return who is he trying to fool

even if he returns to face the Immortals and Fourtune, what's going to happen afterwards??
GO AWAY! Damn you senior citizens! Damn you all! Shoo! Shoo!

Why, why, w-why? Why do we need Kevin Nash again? Why? How is he going to contribute to the roster? How is he going to do anything? TNA's got the perfect array of stars right now. Well, not counting Matt Hardy. He counts for two, even.

The guy's got great mic skills, but we've got Flair to do that. He can barely walk on them toothpicks he calls legs, and we've got Hogan for that. Why? How?

... too ... many ... questions ...

Someone steal all the pens in the world, let's stop this crap. I hope he doesn't re-sign, I hope he just stays home, Twitters, drinks wine and does shoot interviews.

THANK YOU for being who you used to be Mr.Nash. We know you love this business, but guess what - we do too. You haven't watches us for 15 years, we have watched you for 15 years, and quite honestly there's nothing new that you can do, you won't hold more belts, you won't excite any fans, you will put some people over but it wouldn't matter because you're Kevin Nash not The Rock, if fans decide to go to a TNA show I'm certain they won't do so to see you, TNA doesn't need you and the fans do not too. In case you haven't noticed you've never been important on your own, you always had to be attatched to someone's hip in order to be relevant (Shawn Michaels, nWo), and that pattern continued in TNA and will continue if you return, we're not thrilled to see you do what you did 10 years ago but slower. Yes, I speak for everybody, I'm badass like that. You're not exciting anymore, your value came to a screeching halt when WCW died, you're not doing anything new and even the nostalgia acts are boring. Be well and be gone!
I think it was Nash's plan all along to go back to TNA...

This is TNAs MO, put shit out there outside of Impact then spin it into something different.

I never believed that Nash was gone and thought him posting these negative comments were part of a work that was going to end with Nash back in TNA.

It's just a lame approach when it's done so often and keeps me wishing Vince would just open the checkbook and buy TNA... its total nonsense all the time.

Go ahead and hate me now... thanger...
I don't have a problem with it. For a year, he worked with the X-Divison and actually injected some life into it. We wouldn't have had "The Guru" Sonjay Dutt and "Black Machismo" Jay Letha without the tutelage of Nash. I don't doubt that he can do the same thing with an even worse X-Division today. It doesn't mean he's going to return to the ring. For all we know, he may become a third commentator or replace West or Taz.
I think it was Nash's plan all along to go back to TNA...

This is TNAs MO, put shit out there outside of Impact then spin it into something different.

I never believed that Nash was gone and thought him posting these negative comments were part of a work that was going to end with Nash back in TNA.

It's just a lame approach when it's done so often and keeps me wishing Vince would just open the checkbook and buy TNA... its total nonsense all the time.

Go ahead and hate me now... thanger...

I go from bashing Nash to TNA markism in a hearbeat, baby!

Hold the phone, Sally, what's the connection between TNA and Nash's Twatter? TNA doesn't tell its employees what to Tweet. If anything, this hypocritical garbage that Nash went on to spew over the last .. fuck ... year or something is all his doing. TNA has nothing to do with it. Blame Nash for it.

Personally, I'm more than okay with him saying he'll never go to TNA and then negotiating. He's human, he thinks, his opinions change on a daily basis and man's gotta eat. My problem with him is not what he does on Twitter and what sort of career decisions he makes, it's his value in 2011. Just read my post and you'll get it.

I suggest people don't pour this Twitter saga in TNA's lap because I swear ... I'll quote your post. Oh yes I will mister. /sarcasm
*Yawn* Nash to TNA? Didn't everyone expect this anyway? Come on, people... We've seen the same old song and dance from Nash before. Nash is great at working the IWC to create buzz. That's all he's been doing. Of course he's returning to TNA. WWE is in the midst of a Youth movement. Nash is anything but youthful. WWE doesn't need him anyway. What is Kevin going to do? Indie shows? Don't hold your breath. He isn't that forgotten or needs the money that bad yet. Besides, I don't think any indie promotions could afford Nash. I'm not a "TNA Hater" but even I realize that they need to focus on pushing and creating THEIR OWN stars rather than hiring a bunch of has beens. Realistically, Nash to TNA again was the only option he had unless WWE was going to put him in the HOF (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA).
I don't have much of an issue with Nash in TNA. If he's not putting over guys like Samoa Joe or Eric Young, he's backstage doing other stuff. If anything, he's more valuable now then back in WCW which included his backstage shenanigans. It's obvious that at this point, if you can't wrestle full time and your names aren't Ric, Eric or Hulk, you'll just be making sporadic appearances like Mick Foley. I don't have much of an issue with it. Nash on TV seems to always guarantee somebody younger tagging along. And giving younger talent a rub is never really a bad thing.
More Nash? Well then lets follow the recent report of Sting and Lashley coming back(Source:WZ Report) Looks like we're on the heels of a Main Event Mafia reform in some way. Booker and Steiner probably next, Hogan will be back to lead Immortal, Jarrett/Angle will be dragged out for a while and guys like Styles,Pope,Joe,Young and Sabin should just swallow their Russo issued career-cyanide pills now.

In February we'll have a faction controlled by Hogan,Bischoff,Flair, stars from WCW years ago facing Main Event Mafia, Stars from WCW years ago.

The WWE title picture will have a former WWE star facing a former WWE star shooting on WWE for the TNA world championship.

A former WWE star facing a former WCW/WWE star over a matter that should be settled on Jerry Springer.

A former WWE Diva using former WWE womans titles as an excuse to win a TNA womans title.

Get revved for some Good X-Division matches and the inevitable Beer Money vs Gen-Me(Hopefully) feuds though.

Total number of times WWE name used: 8 times
Total number of times WCW name used: 3 times
Total number of times TNA name used: 2 times

Don't take me serious though :p:banghead:
I have no problem's with Nash coming back no matter how old he is I still feel he can be a valuable asset in TNA. Nash is still really good on the mic and I think that he could help out some of the younger guys currently in TNA like he helped Sonjay Dutt Jay Lethal and Alex Shelley. I would gladly welcome back Nash in TNA.
More Nash? Well then lets follow the recent report of Sting and Lashley coming back(Source:WZ Report) Looks like we're on the heels of a Main Event Mafia reform in some way. Booker and Steiner probably next, Hogan will be back to lead Immortal, Jarrett/Angle will be dragged out for a while and guys like Styles,Pope,Joe,Young and Sabin should just swallow their Russo issued career-cyanide pills now.

In February we'll have a faction controlled by Hogan,Bischoff,Flair, stars from WCW years ago facing Main Event Mafia, Stars from WCW years ago.

The WWE title picture will have a former WWE star facing a former WWE star shooting on WWE for the TNA world championship.

A former WWE star facing a former WCW/WWE star over a matter that should be settled on Jerry Springer.

A former WWE Diva using former WWE womans titles as an excuse to win a TNA womans title.

Get revved for some Good X-Division matches and the inevitable Beer Money vs Gen-Me(Hopefully) feuds though.

Total number of times WWE name used: 8 times
Total number of times WCW name used: 3 times
Total number of times TNA name used: 2 times

Don't take me serious though :p:banghead:

Okay, I'm officially sick and tired of the ex-[Insert Company Name Here] remarks. It's ******ed. Why in the hell do you see a former WWE/WCW guy and not a current TNA Employee when you look at guys like Anderson, Hardy and so forth.

WCW has been dead for ten FREAKING years now. Some of the former WCW Employees have been employees of Total Nonstop Action for the last five years.

What corrolation does your previous work-place have with your quality as a performer?

"In February we'll have a faction controlled by Hogan,Bischoff,Flair, stars from WCW years ago facing Main Event Mafia, Stars from WCW years ago."

Controlled - yes. Why? Because none of the members of that faction have the mic skills or the star-power to carry the entire group. But let's not be bitches about this, let's see who's in it.

Robert Roode, James Storm, Kazarian, AJ Styles, Abyss, Jeff Jarret - TNA
Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy - former WWE stars.

The way I see it, it's overloaded with TNA guys, so blow me.

Also, jumping to conclusions is a typical trait of a bonafide moron. Main Event Mafia's return to TNA has not been confirmed by ANY sources, it's pure speculation by the Internet people. However, let's assume that M.E.M does come back. What exactly led you to the thought that it's going to be filled with ex-WCW guys? Did Kevin Nash re-negotiate with TNA? No. Is Booker T in negotiations with TNA? No. Scott Steiner is apparently back - he was in WCW, but he was in TNA for four years, I count him as a TNA guy. He also worked in Jim Crocket Promotions, if you wanna bring that up, that was a long time ago as well. Bobby Lashley - coming back? Rumors. Sting? Has been a TNA guy for a long time. Kurt Angle? Former WWE star, yes, but he's been with TNA for a long period of time as well.

So the way I see it, you're just being a whiny bitch about it. Now let's move on.

The WWE title picture will have a former WWE star facing a former WWE star shooting on WWE for the TNA world championship.

Absolutely correct. WWE guys versus WWE guys. However, here's a funny question. Are they in the title picture because they're former WWE guys, or are they in the title picture because they're simply good? Has that ever occured to you? They all have their own value, and the way I see it - noone matches Anderson's mic skills or Hardy's popularity.


A former WWE Diva using former WWE womans titles as an excuse to win a TNA womans title.

.... what promotion are you watching you truck?


Am I glad that these rumors could potentially become true? Fuck no. Do I like Nash? I used to. Do I like Lashey? Never had. Do I like Sting? I used to. Do I like Steiner? Always had, always will. If they come back in that form and steal the spotlight from the young guys (again), I'll be pretty freaking mad. But if I bitch, I won't do so because they're former employees of dead/alive companies. No. I'll bitch about it because they're worthless. That's an argument. "These guys worked for WWE/WCW and now they're headlining TNA" is not an argument. It's the type of ignorance that make the IWC look like a bunch of brainless cooks.

Your arguments are based on pure shit driven by some cockeyed displeasure with TNA's current direction. That automatically makes them shit. However, don't think they're worth a shit, because you'll just prove what we already know - that you're full of shit.

This is obviously the beginning of the re-formation of the Main Event Mafia...I really dont see why TNA has to have so many stables. I mean they have cut way down, but, I remember LAX, Serotonin, Frontline, Main Event Mafia, Beautiful People(not complaining about that one though), Fortune, Immortal...i mean DAMN.

I realize that WWE has two going right now, but, how often do they have all of these stables?

Obviously this means that, Sting will not be going to the WWE for the Hall of Fame(wishful thinking on my part). I also have read that, they may bring back Booker T for the same thing. I remember when Booker left TNA, he didnt exactly leave on the best terms, so, Im not totally sure he is even coming back.

But, with Nash coming back, there is really nothing left for him, besides the re-formation of the MEM. Nash, Sting, Angle, Steiner, and maybe Lashley???...I dont know who else it could be, if Booker doesnt end up signing with TNA.
Zeven, I know you went off on a TNA defending tirade, and while I'm going to ignore most of it because it became irrelevant to the larger argument, I want to talk about your last paragraph. In that one, you said that you'll hate it if the rumored guys return to fight Immortal. Well, me too.

Here's what I think people are missing. THERE IS NO GOOD SOLUTION IF YOU DO THIS!!! Ultimately, this type of story has to end with the faces winning and destroying the evil heel faction. Thus, you are going to have to see the old guys beat the young guys in Immortal (unless Hogan, Bischoff and Flair hope in the ring which NOBODY wants to see). Either way, it's a losing predicament because of what has to happen.

Essentially, you have guys out there that got screwed by Immortal in some way. From Anderson and Angle in the main event that night, to Pope who figured it out, to Samoa Joe who didn't, to Jay Lethal (though I'd argue he was more buried for the stupid "all the titles" story) and perhaps more. Instead of aligning these guys even temporarily to help Dixie get her company back, TNA is instead going with a group of guys that average 50 plus years and you are in a position where they have to win the feud. Thus, the Robert Roodes and Kazarians and Styles' (if they would even get involved before the Hardys, Abyss, and Jarretts) will inevitably lose to the old dudes.

It's not a rub to be working with them so that can't be argued. You can't get a good match out of Nash, you never could out of Lashley and he's young, Sting hasn't had a good match in years, and Steiner won't have a good match with anyone either. It's going to be ugly and it's going to take the spotlight away from a lot of young faces would could have used the ENORMOUS rub they could have gotten by being part of the team to take down Immortal.

This is my main problem with Eric Bischoff. He has always had this stupid saying "you have to go with guys who draw". Fine, but there is a finite life to that. Guys who can't move in a ring are no longer really a draw and not only that, the really ridiculous part of that statement is that if someone hasn't gotten a chance to draw, then they just can't. It's a ridiculous thought process and it basically never allows you to build new superstars. It's why you are getting these old guys coming back for a cheap pop, but when you think about it, it basically says that the young, athletic, hungry guys could NEVER beat such a powerful group, but Kevin Nash and Sting can! What a rub for the young faces!

Now, if Nash came back ALONE and rallied the troups around Angle and Anderson and he was just a vocal leader for the active faces, I could get with that. However, that's not going to happen if these rumors come to fruition. It's unfortunate, and this chance to really move forward as a company will likely falter as a result.
Okay, I'm officially sick and tired of the ex-[Insert Company Name Here] remarks. It's ******ed. Why in the hell do you see a former WWE/WCW guy and not a current TNA Employee when you look at guys like Anderson, Hardy and so forth.

WCW has been dead for ten FREAKING years now. Some of the former WCW Employees have been employees of Total Nonstop Action for the last five years.

What corrolation does your previous work-place have with your quality as a performer?

"In February we'll have a faction controlled by Hogan,Bischoff,Flair, stars from WCW years ago facing Main Event Mafia, Stars from WCW years ago."

Controlled - yes. Why? Because none of the members of that faction have the mic skills or the star-power to carry the entire group. But let's not be bitches about this, let's see who's in it.

Robert Roode, James Storm, Kazarian, AJ Styles, Abyss, Jeff Jarret - TNA
Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy - former WWE stars.

The way I see it, it's overloaded with TNA guys, so blow me.

Also, jumping to conclusions is a typical trait of a bonafide moron. Main Event Mafia's return to TNA has not been confirmed by ANY sources, it's pure speculation by the Internet people. However, let's assume that M.E.M does come back. What exactly led you to the thought that it's going to be filled with ex-WCW guys? Did Kevin Nash re-negotiate with TNA? No. Is Booker T in negotiations with TNA? No. Scott Steiner is apparently back - he was in WCW, but he was in TNA for four years, I count him as a TNA guy. He also worked in Jim Crocket Promotions, if you wanna bring that up, that was a long time ago as well. Bobby Lashley - coming back? Rumors. Sting? Has been a TNA guy for a long time. Kurt Angle? Former WWE star, yes, but he's been with TNA for a long period of time as well.

So the way I see it, you're just being a whiny bitch about it. Now let's move on.

The WWE title picture will have a former WWE star facing a former WWE star shooting on WWE for the TNA world championship.

Absolutely correct. WWE guys versus WWE guys. However, here's a funny question. Are they in the title picture because they're former WWE guys, or are they in the title picture because they're simply good? Has that ever occured to you? They all have their own value, and the way I see it - noone matches Anderson's mic skills or Hardy's popularity.


A former WWE Diva using former WWE womans titles as an excuse to win a TNA womans title.

.... what promotion are you watching you truck?


Am I glad that these rumors could potentially become true? Fuck no. Do I like Nash? I used to. Do I like Lashey? Never had. Do I like Sting? I used to. Do I like Steiner? Always had, always will. If they come back in that form and steal the spotlight from the young guys (again), I'll be pretty freaking mad. But if I bitch, I won't do so because they're former employees of dead/alive companies. No. I'll bitch about it because they're worthless. That's an argument. "These guys worked for WWE/WCW and now they're headlining TNA" is not an argument. It's the type of ignorance that make the IWC look like a bunch of brainless cooks.

Your arguments are based on pure shit driven by some cockeyed displeasure with TNA's current direction. That automatically makes them shit. However, don't think they're worth a shit, because you'll just prove what we already know - that you're full of shit.


Wow Dude. Deep Breaths, count to 10. I even said it in my post I wasn't being serious.

Your obviously missing the big point. TNA isn't making new stars their re-cycling established ones, ones that established themselves OUTSIDE of TNA. Instead of using guys like Pope/Joe who are over with the fans to dethrone Immortal, I'm Speculating, say it with me, Speculating. Thats what These guys coming back to TNA is; Speculation. that TNA will pull a fast one(they do that some times) and re-form the Mafia or something to take down the "Evil Immortal" faction. They even teased Pope fighting to take down Immortal when it formed, know what happened? Feuding with Abyss then feuding with non Immortal member, Joe. Put the puzzle pieces together.

Beer Money,A.J. Styles don't need Immortal. They were champions before Immortal they will be champions after. Don't pull that one on me.

The Mafia? No Argument. The names I mentioned were established before TNA. You know that whole Not making new stars thing.

I'd also be more inclined to believe Anderson has his own value if he wasn't name dropping WWE in his celebration speech. Kidding aside, I'm assuming he was egged on by Russo or Bischoff to do it. Jeff Hardy is sooooo popular thats why he needs to be heel to get anywhere in this company. Just sayin' his face run was so successful.

".... what promotion are you watching you truck?"

TNA. Obviously you aren't or you wouldn't be clueless to Mickie James spouting things like "I'll make History by being the first to win every major Womans title" just about every week.

*speculate* *speculate* *speculate*

Everything is speculation when you cut it all down. Nobody knows what TNA is going to do with Nash or anyone else coming back/signing with. I'd put money on TNA not even knowing what to do with Nash until the day of Impact tapings. What do we care? Thats why we watch. Its fun to speculate though, good for a few laughs. Fanboyish defense isn't needed. I'll stop here though to not derail this thread any further.
I was thinking the same thing as Yanks recently. You have all these scattered guys that were screwed by Immortal or a member of the group at one time, yet they, or a few of them, are not banding together to take down Immortal. You even have two that are fighting each other. ??? Of course, knowing who's doing creative behind the scenes explains all of that...

When it comes to Nash, I could not be any plainer. Fuck Nash. I never liked the guy, whether it was in the ring or the accounts of his behind the scenes attitude. It's going to be a muddled mess with him coming back in to just join in backstage and help muddle things even more. And you know he'll be sitting in on creative meetings, all his booyeez are there.

I was glad he was gone from TNA, and now this is giving me one more reason to just say UGH. It will give me time while he's on tv to fold laundry or read a book or work on a project, though.

I can just see it now, we'll have Waltman crawling back, Helms will be there sooner or later, and we'll just have a bunch of good buddies kicking back and sucking another Fed dry. Yippee.
Your obviously missing the big point. TNA isn't making new stars their re-cycling established ones, ones that established themselves OUTSIDE of TNA. Instead of using guys like Pope/Joe who are over with the fans to dethrone Immortal, I'm Speculating, say it with me, Speculating. Thats what These guys coming back to TNA is; Speculation. that TNA will pull a fast one(they do that some times) and re-form the Mafia or something to take down the "Evil Immortal" faction. They even teased Pope fighting to take down Immortal when it formed, know what happened? Feuding with Abyss then feuding with non Immortal member, Joe. Put the puzzle pieces together.

Okay, they're re-cycling pre-made superstars. Here's a question. What should they do with them? Should they approach this new signing by basically doing a WWE vs WCW thing where all these talented WCW wrestlers got completely burried and forgotten a year later? Should TNA hire Jeff Hardy and job him to every single member of their roster in order to build its own stars up? Should Ken Anderson NOT become Champion because he already got famous in another company? Should Rob Van Dam go out and say "I suck, all of you rule, peace out." and lie down to Kazarian?

Here's a hint: TNA already made stars. It made TNA stars. TNA is not a huge company, it's not watched by millions of people. That's what made the ex-WWE/WCW guys such stars. The exposure. TNA doesn't have that, therefore as MUCH as they push AJ Styles he'll never be as big as Jeff Hardy was in the WWE. AJ is one of the best, if not THE best wrestler in the world, mind you.

It's like TNA in 2005. The matches these boys put together were just out of this world. So what's the problem? The problem was - nobody was there to see it.

TNA made its own stars, they made AJ Styles, they made Joe, Daniels, so on and so forth, but the company didn't seem like it was going anywhere. It's not how it works. The casual fan doesn't know who AJ Styles, Joe and Daniels are. They don't know about Amazing Red, Motor City Machine Guns, etc, and these kids are the top wrestlers in the business right now.

At the end of the day TNA is a business. What you want would please you, as a fan, and would please me and everyone else. They could have the young guys just fight with eachother every week and the company won't go anywhere. If they couldn't break through with the awesome product they had in 2005-06, that means that there's something wrong and it's time to change the direction. They need the ex-WWE/WCW guys because they're walking advertisements. They're recognizes by any fan out there, people know who they are. However, most of them are also seasoned veterans who mentor the younger wrestlers backstage. Flair was mentoring Styles and he upped his game on the mic a whole lot. Is that bad? Flair is mentoring Matt Morgan and the guy has been impressive since that rumor (if true) came out. Is that bad?

TNA gave the ball to ex-WWE guys who have entertainment value. So far , since January 4th 2010 the only two people who TNA really pushed were Jeff Hardy and Ken Anderson. Screw RVD, that was a bad move on TNA's part and they know it. Hardy reportedly sells a lot of merchandise and works his ass off. Sue him. I mean, get in line to sue him.

Anderson is freaking awesome on the mic and can be a huge draw for TNA. What the FUCK is so wrong with that?

You mention the former WWE/WCW guys as if they're holding all the belts. The way I see it, the veterans have done NOTHING but put over the young guys. I don't see Ric Flair holding belts, I don't see Hogan wrestling (he can't), I don't see Kevin Nash beating people. The only people that are around the age of 40 and are given more spotlight are Angle and Double J. Angle for obvious reasons, and Jeff Jarrett is an amazing heel.

Like I said in another post, if TNA goes on the road (and by the way, SpikeTV wants them to do 2 shows in Orlando and 2 outside of it, apparently), they'll HAVE to include the names of these "has-beens" on the marquee because even if the fans don't give a shit about TNA they'll go on and see them, 'cause as shocking as it is to me and you, some people actually root for these guys. Yeah, the IWC attitude is not all these is out there.

So I don't see what the problem is with the already established stars. Who is the X-Division Champion? Kazarian - TNA guy. Who are the tag champs - Beer Money - TNA guys. Who's the TV Champ - Abyss - TNA guy. The only Champion that has not been with TNA for the last 3 years is Anderson, and the guy's a beast. Not only that, the people CONTENDING for all of those belts are all TNA guys, except for the World Title.

The way I see it, TNA is giving spotlight to the famous wrestlers who have quality and who can work, they're headlining their cards for obvious marketing and entertainment reasons, and all the rest is given to the TNA talent. Those big stables consist mainly of YOUNG TNA WRESTLERS, who by the way, wouldn't get anywhere NEAR a major storyline if it wasn't for these groups. Shawn Michaels was latched on to Sherry and became a star by association. Evolution was led by Triple H and Ric Flair. Do you think Randy Orton and Batista would've become what they become without their on-air and off-air help?

Some people just get cranky when Joe and AJ are not whipping everyone's ass.

All I want from TNA is to keep the star power as it is and ... once again ... keep Nash off my TV set.
All I have to say is that sadly, it was inevitable that Nash would end up using his own motto "All about Money" as his downfall. And its all about money that ends up having him negotiate with the same place he described in his drunken youtube rants. Its kinda sad to me that someone who was once so illustrious in his past accomplishments is now resorting to calling out people on their 'flaws' he sees in his eyes, granted, not everyone is perfect, but then again, neither is he. I really don't know what Dixie would want to keep this person around who is certainly not the kind of motivator and would turn to public media and blast their opinions the moment things do not go their way. I mean, it cannot be good for publicity, and shows his lack of morality, and lack of good judgment in anything. I mean, I once was a fan of his, but now its hard to fathom why anyone would still want to idolize someone of this behaviour. Call me crazy, but this is the last thing TNA needs.
Awesome. I am a big Kevin Nash fan and absolutely love seeing him on my TV. He is one of the few reasons why I still tuned into TNA when he was last around. He doesn't even need to wrestle if he comes back. He would be a tremendous mouth piece for someone. And even if he did come back and wrestle it isn't like he is complete trash in the ring. The man can still go. Will his return have a big impact on TNA? No, probably not but it could get a few more people to watch because of his name value and he would definitely help out some of the younger wrestlers. I also wouldn't mind seeing him on commentary, not that TNA would do that but I loved him when he did commentary for the MEM.

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