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Kevin Nash and HHH vs Rock and Cena


chidori nagashi. 漢字
Obviously isn't going to happen, but during Nash's speech on Raw this week he said it could've been him and Triple H against The Rock and Cena.

Now that got me thinking. That would've been a muchhhh better match imo, as they would've been a legit threat and could've have a chance of winning. Miz and R-Truth, and much as I like them, they both got dropped by Cena a few Raw's back. And Rock to that equation and their chances of winning only got 10x worse, it was clear they weren't going to win.

Nash and Trips are 2 huge guys, just like the Rock and Cena who could probably hold their own against them or at least make it more believable that they have a chance. Triple H, we all know he's amazing in the ring as a multi world champion and is one of the best in the WWE. Nash, is vicious as hell and is one strong boy who could definately do some damage. Personally I would've rathered seen this then the SS match we had. Not saying they should've gone that way, this is all completely hypothetical.

Just seeing what everybody else thinks about that match. To me it sounds pretty damn good. Thoughts?
people were more interested in seeing rock come out and shine like the rock does...hhh and nash as opponents would take the spot light off the rock.
i can't help but agree

bottom line, Vince's whole idea of dropping the planned elimination match and going with the tag match completely backfired on him, and its a surprise to no one
people were more interested in seeing rock come out and shine like the rock does...hhh and nash as opponents would take the spot light off the rock.

This is a very interesting point and I assume this is how WWE Creative felt when they decided to go with Rock & Cena vs Awesome Truth but as a fan I definitely would've preferred seeing them go against Triple H and Kevin Nash. Like the OP said, it makes the match more intense (because both teams have legitimate chances to win) therefore more exciting to watch. Anyone who watched WWE 12 years ago knows about the chemistry HHH and Rock have in the ring, it would've been great (both for nostalgic and current purposes) to see them lock horns in the ring once more instead of seeing him just shamelessly whoop Truth and Miz's candy ass. The main event of Survivor Series was basically a glorified squash match when it should've been a hard fought contest. The best way to do that when the Rock and Cena are a team, is to make 2 wrestling legends their opponents. Nash & HHH would've made that main event a classic.
no thanks... I'd rather not see Nash in the ring.

Truth and lol Miz are better than him. Maybe Miz and HHH, I'd love to see Truth and H just not sure how that would work out. Would either be great or awful.

I know truth is old, but I just don't see the point in bringing this old ass dude back who obviously isn't and won't wrestle week in and week out and have him headline PPV's. It's just desperation.

You know why? And this isn't anything against Cena, it is the company, because lil kids don't buy PPV's and parents aren't spending almost 40 bucks on them either, especially when the kid probably won't be up until 11 so they can't even see the main event on the east coast. Kids aren't going to bars and watching the PPV's, this whole idea of building to PPV's and targetting kids just doesn't coexist in my opinion. Granted it is only my opinion, but it is one or the other. You go out there market to kids, run lots of shows and have accesibility to a lot of content, or you don't water it down and build to PPV's.
This is a very interesting point and I assume this is how WWE Creative felt when they decided to go with Rock & Cena vs Awesome Truth but as a fan I definitely would've preferred seeing them go against Triple H and Kevin Nash.

I agree HHH & Nash would have been way more exciting to see.

Like the OP said, it makes the match more intense (because both teams have legitimate chances to win) therefore more exciting to watch.

That is very true, but the match could have still been intense if they booked it differently it started out very well but slowed down toward the middle & the match overall was a little to short seeing as it was a main event at one of the big ppvs involving 4 wrestlers.

Anyone who watched WWE 12 years ago knows about the chemistry HHH and Rock have in the ring, it would've been great (both for nostalgic and current purposes) to see them lock horns in the ring once more instead of seeing him just shamelessly whoop Truth and Miz's candy ass.

Completely agree.

The main event of Survivor Series was basically a glorified squash match when it should've been a hard fought contest. The best way to do that when the Rock and Cena are a team, is to make 2 wrestling legends their opponents. Nash & HHH would've made that main event a classic.

Glorified squash match pretty much sums up what that match was, w/the way it was booked it could have easily been a main event for Raw if it wasn't for the fact it was Rock's big return to in ring action. Nash & HHH would have been the better choice for Cena & Rock's opponents at the view & going that route could have made for like you said a classic main event. Now w/that said I do believe that Truth & Miz still could have put on a really nice match w/Rock & Cena if the match was booked differently. Both Miz & Truth have enough talent to produce good matches & they both had been getting booked as a pretty solid team.

Obviously creative's intention was to just let The Rock show he still got it instead of booking a classic or even great match. What I don't understand is why did creative think that The Rock had to squash Truth & Miz just to get the point across that he still had it. They could have either booked Truth & Miz a little stronger for the match or the could have went w/the better opponents of HHH /Nash & Rock still could have showed that he still had it. Rock just needed to get through the match w/out making any mistakes & the point would have clearly been made that he hadn't lost a beat.
Kevin Nash is one of my top 3 all-time favorits alongside HHH and Cody Rhodes. I remember watching Nash in that 96-99 period where he was the only thing that made WCW "Cool" (IMO). And he was the second biggest part in reigniting wrestling. He carried a few 4.0 ratings for WWF in the spring of 96 when they were mostly mired in the 2.8 range and when he left, along with Hall, so did the viewers. (obviously for more complex reasons than just his departure admittedly.) And when he ran over ppl to get to the top as a Booker/Wrestler in late 98 when WCW was losing traction with Goldberg, he not only suceeded in getting himself on top, but WCW reignited with him on top. On the first Nitro of '99, following Starcade, 41,000 filled the Georgia Dome and Nitro out-drew raw in 7 of the 9 quarterly segments and was on pace to defeat Raw for the first time since Nitro following Halloween Havoc '98. With Nash on top, WCW competed into the spring of '99 but TURNER lost controll of his product.

Nash deserves more respect!!
What does any of that have to do with HHH & Nash vs Rock & Cena?

I too love Nash, and he's in my top 10 all time as well, and I agree he deserves far more respect than he gets. However I don't like the idea of HHH & Nash vs Rock & Cena... There's nothing to that match worth seeing when you're looking at the big picture.

Honestly I'd rather see a Kliq Fatal 4-way, and much less than that and I'm just not interested anymore. BUT, the thought of seeing Scott Hall clean and sober and with it enough to entertain for just one series of buildups and one match with his best friends, a match to see who really was the best of the Kliq, Hall, Nash, HBK, or HHH would be beyond epic. And there is no doubt that if Hall could pull it together and suggest the idea and get McMahon to OK it, the other three would be there in a heartbeat.

I love Nash, but I also love Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, & Sting, and not one of them should be in the ring wrestling in anything but the most special of exceptions. If Nash could still go in the ring and looked half decent that'd be one thing, but unfortunately, he can't. It's time for him to hang it up.
Nash/HHH vs Rock/Cena would have worked better on so many levels. Not only would they have been believable opponents, they could have used it to split Nash and HHH and set up their feud. Nash could have gotten mad, laid out HHH, Rock pins HHH, then Rock lays out Cena. This would have worked better in my opinion as it would have set up another feud while still remaining the stepping stone to Mania Vince wanted it to be. I'm guessing all that held that back was the fear of the Rock being overshadowed but really he still would have been the biggest star/event of the night.
HHH/Nash vs. Rock/Cena would have been great to see but like someone previously said "Vince wanted this to be Dwaynes night" ... It was at MSG which is special to the Rock. The end of the match was absolutely terrible. Peoples elbow, really? His opponents used to kick out of that & he used it in middle of matches back in the day, not a finisher.

The match, if it happened, would have definitely pleased the crowd more than R Truth & Miz. They posed no threat. Nash/HHH is a powerhouse tag team. We already knew Rock&Cena would win regardless the opponent, but it's how they wrote the ending. If it was Nash/HHH they could have progressed their storylines by having one turn on the other or something, you know? Same thing with Cena&Rock.... End the show with the Rock bottom to Cena? It shoulda been Cenas heel turn. The turning point in WWE. People would still b talking about it today. But no. They're going to let fans boo Cena and have the kids, their parents, and the 13 yr old girls cheering for him. Fans of the Attitude Era are begging for better storylines. I hope they don't hesitate much longer.

And I'm gonna legitimately stop watching if they scratched Nash/HHH storyline. It's said he's been cut from all upcoming shows he was advertised for. Example: TLC in Baltimore.

WWE is slowly fumbling the ball. Hope they secure it asap
There's absolutely no way had it been Nash/HHH had it taken away from The Rock's in ring return. I wouldn't have wanted to see this match and liked how well it went between Miz/Truth.

I was trying to convey the importance that Nash had on wrestling and the historical influence he had on wrestling's financial success. It gets looked over and understated way toooooo much. His promos on raw are truely from his heart and derive from the fact that he was one of the main responsible people in igniting the 96-01 boom period.

Yes what he says is scriped and pre-approved but if you can read between the lines, alot of what he says indicates a lack of security in his current status, reletive to the major pioneer he was.

I feel sorry for him. His NWO music hits and theirs no reaction. No respectfull cheers, no interest, an he's not reveered.

I mark out when that music hits and it brings me back to a time when wrestling was "cool".

60-65% of the current fan base has no historical prespective when it comes to 12-15 years ago and its not a knock on them, its just a reality with every generation. (god i feel old at 25)

I just want Nash to have a send off match that creates memories.
HHH and Nash are already viewed as main event talent. Miz and Truth needed the rub from being in the main event. Miz will now fued with Punk through past the Rumble until Jericho returns for the Punk vs Jericho Mania match. NASH and HHH are in a feud, would make zero sense to have them in the match at Survivor Series last weekend. That whole storyline was botched the second Nash could not wrestle Punk at Night of Champions. Vince clearly hasnt a clue on how to give the public what they want anymore.
i can't help but agree

bottom line, Vince's whole idea of dropping the planned elimination match and going with the tag match completely backfired on him, and its a surprise to no one
Explain how it backfired? Because it wasn't what YOU wanted to see? The people in MSG seemed pretty excited. We haven't seen the buyrates yet, but I seriously doubt it "backfired". People on here jump to conclusions and like to use phrases that are just crazy talk. Pro wrestling is a business, who gives a shit if YOU PERSONALLY (think) you would have rather seen something else.

I don't think this match would have been as good. Miz and Truth were hot and tagging rock with cena was smart.
OMG no that match would've tanked, Nash is just a boring wrestler. The other 3 guys could've put on a great match but Nash would be sure to screw it up somehow. When are they going to give Nash his own music anyway and stop pretending like he's the nwo or something.
Sorry to all the nash fans but the only time I ever thought he was good was when he was Scott Halls tag partner and one of Hollywood Hogans goons or the fued he had with the undertaker nearly 20 years ago.

Putting him in a tag team match with HHH, Cena and THE ROCK?!?! don't go suggesting things like that its painfull. He'd just devalue the entertainment those other three guys are capable of.
Nash and Triple H vs Rock and Cena sounds like the worst thing that could ever happen, for a few simple reasons.

1. Neither pairing of these four superstars is going to lead to a real long term tag team for the WWE. Its obvious that the WWE doesn't care about tag wrestling, you can say that tag teams are on the uprise, but when two sets of random guys are tossed together (Truth and Miz and Cena and Rock) and theres no tag titles in the picture your argument goes to complete shit.

2. When one half of your tag team champions (Bourne) is suspended for smoking fake pot and isn't mentioned whatsoever while being suspended for an entire month, and the other one is fulfilling his role as a middle card enhancement talent jobber (as he rightfully should be) Your tag titles are devalued (further) into the shit hole land of no one giving a shit about tag team wrestling in the WWE.

3. Nash and Triple H vs Rock and Cena sounds worse on paper than Rock and Cena vs Truth and Miz turned out to be, due to NASH being in the match. Nash (much like Steve Nash who plays for the Phoenix Suns) is Trash. The build up for this match would have been equally as bad, if not worse than the build up for Rock and Cena vs Truth and Miz, and possibly as bad if not worse than the build up for Triple H and Punk vs Truth and Miz. You gotta remember, no one, and I repeat and mean this no one gives a fuck about tag team wrestling.
Wait, when did Steve Nash become trash? Perhaps aged, but not garbage. Anywho I wanted to address the person that said Jericho was returning to fight Punk at Mania and wanted to find out where did all that come from?

I said Nash was trash (both Kevin and Steve, watch the 2010 NBA finals)

When Jericho returns he should obviously feud with Orton due to Orton punting Jericho in the skull prior to his departure from the WWE to tour with Fozzy

but due to Jericho being the actual best in the world in pro wrestling (sorry Punk, Rock, Cena, Austin and Taker fans) but its the truth. Jericho will return has a face, the fans will eat him the fuck up when he steps back into the WWE to entertain them. A feud with Punk would be likely buuuuuuuuut.....

I thought Punk vs Austin was on the menu for this years WM, along with Rock vs Cena (vomit) Miz vs Foley (vomit again) and Jericho was to face off with the Undertaker ....

No? I mean its a lot of big tier matches that could each take place at different WM's over the next few years to help improve buy rates, but fuck it if we can get 1.5 million at WM28 and shoot WM29-35 in the foot in the process why not.
What does any of that have to do with HHH & Nash vs Rock & Cena?

I too love Nash, and he's in my top 10 all time as well, and I agree he deserves far more respect than he gets. However I don't like the idea of HHH & Nash vs Rock & Cena... There's nothing to that match worth seeing when you're looking at the big picture.

Except 4 legends in this business meeting in one of the biggest matches of the past seven years...

If Nash could still go in the ring and looked half decent that'd be one thing, but unfortunately, he can't. It's time for him to hang it up.

Nash's matches in TNA last year were pretty damn good and he showed some great mobility at Royal Rumble earlier this year. Those examples kind of discredit your claim that he can't go in the ring anymore. And saying he doesn't look half-decent, are you serious? The guy's built more right now than he ever was in WCW, he's pure muscle at the moment.
Are you kidding me? Nash's matches in TNA were generally horrible and he dragged some fine athletes down by his lack of mobility. He's not the most mobile or graceful of wrestlers now, he wasn't even in his heyday. Now he is older, it only accentuates his shortcomings and he is not good enough to cover it up now.

I would hate to see Nash in the ring with three guys as good as HHH, Rock & Cena.
That would've been a muchhhh better match imo, as they would've been a legit threat and could've have a chance of winning.

You have GOT to be kidding me. Nash and Trips VS Cena and The Rock would not only have made NO sense from a kayfabe'd standpoint (Nash and Trips hating each other right now comes to mind) but it would have been a colossal waste of everyone's time. The Miz and Truth being part of this match was important for them and will help them further develop as stars. Well, ok maybe not Truth but it sure helped Miz. Also, what makes you think Nash and Trips had a chance against JOHN CENA AND THE ROCK? Come on.

Miz and R-Truth, and much as I like them, they both got dropped by Cena a few Raw's back. And Rock to that equation and their chances of winning only got 10x worse, it was clear they weren't going to win.

You don't know that. Cena and The Rock don't get along and that was the whole selling point of the PPV, will they be able to work together as a team? An inevitable argument between the two could have gotten Miz a chance to sneak in a victory.

Nash and Trips are 2 huge guys, just like the Rock and Cena who could probably hold their own against them or at least make it more believable that they have a chance. Triple H, we all know he's amazing in the ring as a multi world champion and is one of the best in the WWE. Nash, is vicious as hell and is one strong boy who could definately do some damage. Personally I would've rathered seen this then the SS match we had. Not saying they should've gone that way, this is all completely hypothetical.

I'm really glad that match did not happen. So what if Trips is a multi-time world champion and Nash could "cause some damage"? They did not NEED the exposure by being in this match. Trips is better off in the authority figure role now and Nash can barely do anything in the ring anymore. Getting to be a part of matches like this is an important part in creating NEW stars and that is why it was good for The Miz and Truth to be in it. Truth screwed up but Miz will benefit from it, I guarantee it.

Just seeing what everybody else thinks about that match. To me it sounds pretty damn good. Thoughts?

It might have been a good match if they could somehow manage to figure out a way for Nash and Trips to not hate each other anymore so that they could be a more functional team than Cena and The Rock. There's no reason for them to have faced "the never before, never again" team. Miz and Truth not only had storyline reasons to face them but they also needed a high profile match exposure like this in order to develop more as stars.
Nash and HHH are bigger stars but think for a second, how did these two guys become such huge stars. Obviously, both of them had talent but what helped them was rubbing shoulders with the other big stars of their era. That is what the whole point of having Miz and Truth in the match was, to have them rub shoulders with The Rock, one of the greatest superstars of all time. You cannot let an opportunity like that get away.

Also, I do not neccesarily think that Miz and Truth had a lesser chance of winning than a HHH/ Nash duo. They had beaten up quite a few high ranking superstars and there was always the suspiscion that Rock and Cena may be unable to co-exist. Awesome Truth had been built up well prior to the match. In comparison Nash is someone whom the majority of the young kids in the WWE Universe have never seen compete.
Wasn't this a late booking? The plan was a Survivor Series Tag Match wasn't it? But Vince grew cold on the idea and changed it to a straight up tag match like what 2 months before? So WWE would have had to finish the Nash v HHH angle, made them best of budies again. Then have them start a fued with Rock and Cena, even though Rock is only part time and they hate each other. Oh and HHH is the COO, so come on people in what imginitive booking sequence can we solve that? By the way it would have to crediable and not look like a rush job, or the IWC will shout out loud that it should have been Truth and Miz v Rock and Cena. Because some where down the line they were forgotten, even though they did bring the WWE to its knees.
Except 4 legends in this business meeting in one of the biggest matches of the past seven years...
No that's not the big picture, that's the picture you get with the blinders on. The big picture is what you see when you realize there's no draw, no story, no incentive, and no interest in the current fans of the WWE.

Nash's matches in TNA last year were pretty damn good and he showed some great mobility at Royal Rumble earlier this year. Those examples kind of discredit your claim that he can't go in the ring anymore. And saying he doesn't look half-decent, are you serious? The guy's built more right now than he ever was in WCW, he's pure muscle at the moment.

I genuinely wish you were right about that, I do. Like I said, I love Kevin Nash, but he waddles to the ring worse than my 75 year old father would. And I love my dad too, but that doesn't mean I want to see him wrestling... er not that he would, cause he's not a wrestler, but regardless.

It's ok to mark out for Nash, it is, especially around me, cause I'm cool with it, and I don't want you to feel like you should be ashamed of yourself for it. However when you're slower than yokozuna and as tentative in the ring as Hulk Hogan (today) it's pretty hard to take you seriously as a competitor.

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