Ken Shamrock To Return?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I've read somewhere that TNA have got in touch with Shamrock about a return. Personally I think this is great. This is a former WWE star that could work well in the current TNA. He's no Rikishi or Dustin Rhodes. He's still in great shape for his age and he's still a pretty big name. It was only a few years ago when he coached on TUF3 which is massive. So what if he got his ass kicked in his last few fights.

Imagine Shamrock vs. Angle headlining a PPV. I really believe that would draw. Who know's it could even lead to some sort of shoot match between the tow. Maybe not but it would still be an intresting feud.
I think Ken Shamrock returning to the ring would be highly entertaining, although I have to admit.. I wasn't the biggest fan when he was in W.W.F. just because it never seemed like they fully used him, correctly.

I've always wondered what a Shamrock v. Angle match would be like though.
I would like for him to make a return,i enjoyed him in the wwf and i enjoyed him in ufc,i think it would be entertaining for him to make a return,and a Shamrock vs Angle match does sound good.
Another reason to sign him is because he was the first NWA Champion in TNA, which could make him easily start a feud with Kurt Angle over the TNA World Title. It would be a great deal for Shamrock and TNA.
Eh, all I heard recently that TNA was very close to bringing in Ken Shamrock but instead they brought in Road Warrior Animal at the PPV, however they were very close to finishing a deal with Shamrock. It would be entertaining but it seems clear he's no longer going to step inside a pro wrestling ring, unless there's a new story that broke out which would be nice to see a source.
as long as he is given a new finisher because back in the asylum days his finisher was a belly to belly, other then that i wouldn't mind Kenny-boy coming back although the way Angle has been acting he'll probably want to do a shoot fight in TNA if Shamrock returns.
I would LOVE to see Angle and Shamrock in a shoot fight. That way, Angle will stop mouthing off about doing MMA 'cuz he'd get his ass kicked by shamrock. Granted, Angle is a better wrestler, but it's KEN F***ING SHAMROCK!! He'd tear Angle to pieces in a MMA fight. Plus with Shamrock on TNA, you'd have name recognition and prestige. The only real prestigious names in TNA right now are Angle and Sting. Bring in Shamrock, and you would have one of the greatest Triple Threat Matches in history!
It be interesting if TNA did go that route though I only see him there to do like a few shows then a PPV match as I doubt that he would want to stay any longer than that. But if they did bring him back in it would be to face Angle is a shoot match type of thing. Built as originator of Ankle Lock vs The man with the ankle lock now something like that. Though at this point i doubt if they did be anything long term, but be interesting and i would watch to see Angle vs Shamrock.
I would really love to see Shamrock vs. Angle. I think it'd be cool if they brought him in to be the special referee for the Angle vs. Sting match at Bound For Glory. Then to have Angle be jealous and have the two face off at the next PPV. Shamrock has always been one of my favorites and even if it was just for one match and for one PPV, Shamrock vs. Angle would be match of the year and maybe one of the best matches in history.
In my opinion Shamrock is not needed. Shamrock is a big fish jumping into a little pond, and with all the time he has had off from wrestling lord knows how he would be.

If he showed up as a one time deal with an "ankle lock vs ankle lock" type of match, then I would welcome it.
I don't mind seeing Shamrock in TNA for short term wise, personally I like to see him return as a heel which I think he'll be good as a enforcer type role for a short run in TNA.

Like some say I wouldn't mind seeing Ankle Lock Vs Ankle lock match which I am all for it.
I really think that Angle and Sting has a chance at being one of the best main events on pay per view this year, but to be honest, I really wouldn't mind Shamrock vs. Angle in it's place.

I didn't like Shamrock in the WWF. As said before the WWE did a piss poor job at booking that character, and really did it's best to make MMA look like the lunatic fringe of sports. Shamrock was good in TNA when it first started, and supposedly his in ring ability has gotten loads better.

Now if they did mat wrestling, Angle would kill Shamrock, but if it was a shoot fight, obviously Shamrock gets the nod. I really think that if Angle has improved in the ring, that this match would be a must see match. I say go for it, what does TNA have to lose?
If they did this I'd be all for it. I haven't been watching a lot of wrestling lately, but if SHamrock were to return to TNA or WWE, I'd totally tune in to watch that simply for the nostalgia factor. I used to love Shamrock when I was a kid and he was ripping up the WWF as the "Worlds Most Dangerous Man". He may not have been the most skilled wrestler (though his MMA skills come in handy for submissions) but he was a great personality and totally over with the fans. I think the fans would go into a riot if he returned, really, I do.
If shamrock does come back, i'd like to see him and angle as a team. And their finishing move would be the DOUBLE ankle lock. I love too see it get put on joe, sting, abyss or even just to some undercarders. My friends and I have been calling for this for years and would be so awesome to see TNA do it. Just have shamrock and angle as a team for awhile, then have fight over who's ankle lock is better...which would lead to a ankle lock vs ankle lock*t writes itself right?
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