Kelly Kelly Taking "Time Off"; May Not Return

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
Numerous sources within WWE say Kelly Kelly has been granted "time off" by organization officials. She has been on the road full time since her 2006 debut and requested the break to recharge her batteries.

"She's been here since she was a kid," said a company source. "She had been pushing for time away to spend with her family and her boyfriend. Six years for someone of her age is a lifetime. She needed a break."

Many of her colleagues don't believe Kelly's returning anytime soon, if at all, since she has begun promoting her alternative stage name (Barbie Blank) and is currently accepting requests for appearances and endorsements outside of WWE. She added the following information to her Twitter account over the weekend: "Barbie Blank/Kelly Kelly, WWE Diva, MAXIM Cover Girl and 100 Hottest Women. For full appearances/endorsements please contact Heidi at [email protected]."

Kelly last competed on television on the May 21 Raw SuperShow, losing to Beth Phoenix. She last wrestled on May 26 in Quito, Ecuador.

If she leaves, I say good riddance. AJ is what Kelly Kelly should aspire to be, plus the fact she got into the "100 Hottest Women" when she reminds me of a robot is still pretty laughable.
Barbie Blank isn't her stage name. It's her actual name. (well, Barbara is her forename, but Barbie is a nickname that she probably picked up early)
Yeah good riddance, AJ is the only Diva who has any relevance in the company, Eve's job can be played by anybody who is attractive and knows how to be a kiss ass.
Yeah this means nothing. She's a blonde chick who looks good in a swimsuit. Do you have any idea how many people there are that would love to be put on TV for thousands of dollars every week? It's not like her wrestling skills were astronomical anyway.
I wonder how everyone will feel about AJ in about a year let alone six years.

Kelly Kelly did a lot of good things for WWE. Still can't remember what she sounds like but she made some people pay attention. Not sure if the outside world will ever take notice of AJ.
I wonder how everyone will feel about AJ in about a year let alone six years.

Kelly Kelly did a lot of good things for WWE. Still can't remember what she sounds like but she made some people pay attention. Not sure if the outside world will ever take notice of AJ.

This. Her and the Bellas left; AJ and Eve never really do anything. It's not like I cared much about the divas, but Kelly at least got some great pub outside of wrestling.

Also, who's going to supply the handjobs backstage?
Her sub par skills as a performer aside, I'm surprised she's stuck around as long as she has. She was particularly close to Andrew Martin, and his death must have been hell on her. I respect the fact that she's been around as long as she has.
If there was ever a time for not a fuck to be given in meme form, it'd be now. Unfortunately, I won't be supplying one, as the fuck that is not given is coming directly from me rendering me incapacitated. In other words, a fuck is not what I give. Bye girl with blonde hair who did nothing.
If there was ever a time for not a fuck to be given in meme form, it'd be now. Unfortunately, I won't be supplying one, as the fuck that is not given is coming directly from me rendering me incapacitated. In other words, a fuck is not what I give. Bye girl with blonde hair who did nothing.

You do realize going that depth in thought means at some point, a fuck was given, right?

Again, she was great publicity for the WWE. And serviced the wrestlers when needed. Can you imagine WW2 without the nurses providing our troops handy muff drivers?

We'd be fucked, I say
People around here seem to forget that she was maybe the most over Diva in the WWE currently. Even though she'd been off TV for a few weeks, if she came out she'd get cheered more than any other Diva. This does not help the already sad state of the division, whether you wanna believe it or not.
I think this is just a good thing for all parties involved. I think Kelly Kelly got a great experience traveling the world with WWE, and she gave them a lot back in terms of publicity. She may have been a drag in the ring and on the mic, but that puts her on par with most divas. Now she can move onto bigger and better things.
This is the best news I've heard all day. Now I won't have to mute my television during a 38-second Diva match because Kelly Kelly isn't there to scream after every bit of offense that she musters. And no more screaming, spinning headscissors. *sigh* Whatever will WWE do? Please, hire some female WRESTLERS.
People around here seem to forget that she was maybe the most over Diva in the WWE currently. Even though she'd been off TV for a few weeks, if she came out she'd get cheered more than any other Diva. This does not help the already sad state of the division, whether you wanna believe it or not.

Yet the second Kharma reappears, people will be asking, "Who was that blonde girl that couldn't do a hand stand properly?"
You do realize going that depth in thought means at some point, a fuck was given, right?

Again, she was great publicity for the WWE. And serviced the wrestlers when needed. Can you imagine WW2 without the nurses providing our troops handy muff drivers?

We'd be fucked, I say

The fuck that, in this case, WAS given was given more out of trying to achieve the correct phrasing of the fuck that I did not give, rather than anything spurred by the person this thread's about.

I'm aware that WWE will miss her more than I will, but that spans from the delightful differences in being a fan as opposed to the controlling company. She may have been over and brought interest to and for the WWE, but she brought none to me and thus the news of her leaving brings none either. The most emotional I can get is by saying that I was... aware... that she existed? Aside from that, I got nothing.
Yet the second Kharma reappears, people will be asking, "Who was that blonde girl that couldn't do a hand stand properly?"

Yep, because everyone is so interested in Alicia F...I mean Tamin...Or Kaitlyn... How about Layla who's been off TV for how long now? Natalya who's been booked back and forth as a face and heel since her farting gimmick(!) ended. Beth Phoenix who's become pretty stale due to poor booking. I leave AJ and Eve out because they're not currently wrestling. If they were it would be just as easy to throw them in there. They're in more interesting storylines anyways. The point is she's still the most over diva in the WWE and losing her will not help the division.

Kharma's gotta have someone over to fight....

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