Kelly Kelly.. Next Diva's Champion?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So with Kelly being the most popular diva in the company today and is the promotion diva for WWE, would it be the perfect chance to give Kelly the championship. After being traded to RAW, it's kind of obvious that she will win the gold best 2011 ends.

Having Kelly as the champion could bring some more fans that aren't interested in the diva matches b'cos she is hot!

I had to think for a minute to remember who had the Divas title.

Yeah, it would make sense for Kelly to win the title very soon, because they need someone who has the typical Diva barbie doll look as the foil for when Kharma debuts.
I think when Kharma debuts she will quickly gain the title, i mean right now and for the longest while nobody has given a rats ass about that belt and a serious contender like Kharma defending it from another diva who can fight like Beth would give the belt some credibility instead of just something thats there
This would make sense to me. Kelly has the spot clean image and is definitely fun to watch. The Diva Championship was becoming a little stale.

I am interested in seeing what the Bella's do with it. I have to agree w/berlinbrawler here. It could be the big set up to my mind, I'm going to green rep you when I can. I spent all my rep for the day and it's only 8:25 am.
sorry dont care what the k2 haters say but i want her to win the title she has improved loads and i want her holding the title more than the bell end twins !!!
Kelly Kelly is a beautiful woman and would be a looker of a Champion, but the problem is she isnt great in the ring, honestly, not many of the Divas are except Pheonix, Natayla, Tamina, maybe Melina and Gail Kim and now Kharma, though i would rather see Kelly Kelly as Diva's champion then the Bella Twins.
Not until she can learn to truly deliver her emotions. When Vickie "fired" her, it looked like Kelly was laughing at being fired. And when she "came back" she had no emotion there either. Sure, it could've helped if WWE had done something with her, but still it was Kelly Kelly who was unable to be believable.

I'll give her the casual "she has the barbie doll look and decent in-ring moves" but she needs more than that. Besides, I honestly see Layla gaining the Diva's title with a heel run.
I personally dont really like Kelly Kelly...but I dont like Eve even more(and she's a 2 time champion).
I am surprised that K2 hasn't won the title yet. She is exactly what WWE looks for in a diva.
Besides, I honestly see Layla gaining the Diva's title with a heel run.

Really? It definitely seems like they're turning McCool heel against an innocent Layla, at least for the time being. After Layla "just wanted it to work out" and McCool turned on her at couple's therapy. At least in the short-term, at least. Who knows when it comes to the Diva's division.

On topic, I like Kelly Kelly. Hands-down the hottest girl they have (except my beloved Maryse), and like others have said, she's definitely improved in the ring. With more training she could be the next Trish Stratus imo.
This would make sense to me. Kelly has the spot clean image and is definitely fun to watch. The Diva Championship was becoming a little stale.

I am interested in seeing what the Bella's do with it. I have to agree w/berlinbrawler here. It could be the big set up to my mind, I'm going to green rep you when I can. I spent all my rep for the day and it's only 8:25 am.

I agree... Having the title on Kelly would be fresh and to be honest im surprised she hasnt held it yet. There were times in the past when I thought they might put a title on her but each time they didnt. It would also be a way to keep beth out of the title picture until a more high profile time of year like summerslam,survivor series or Mania. Kelly has improved I would like her to stop screaming so much and maybe add a few more moves to her set. But she has gotten better. The Bella twins title reign I believe is strictly transitional but we will see I may not be a fan of the Bellas but I will keep my eye on them to see what they do next...will they be original or laycool esq... I hope not the latter of the two but only time will tell.
Nah, I think Beth should have it more. That way Kharma and Phoenix can feud over something after the first destroys the rest of the divas on Raw.
I would have liked for the Bellas to win it earlier, that way they could have feuded with Kelly Kelly coming in to RAW. Kelly could have won the title, and then Kharma debuts destroying her. Then with Phoenix on RAW now, Beth couldve fought for Kelly or some crap like that and then we get a serious feud between the two leading into SummerSlam. But nope WWE is probably gonna debut Kong like next week
Really? It definitely seems like they're turning McCool heel against an innocent Layla, at least for the time being. After Layla "just wanted it to work out" and McCool turned on her at couple's therapy. At least in the short-term, at least. Who knows when it comes to the Diva's division.
That's one of two directions this storyline could take. Right now it looks like Michelle is the one turning heel (or rather staying heel). But I wouldn't be at all surprised if it turns out that Michelle had good reasons for attacking Leyla, because Layla is in the process of turning into some sort of creepy psycho stalker. In fact, were I betting man, that's where I would put my money on.

(Wow, look at me, showing interest in a LayCool angle. :icon_redface: )
1st does anyone really care about the womens division in the WWE ?
2nd until Kong/Kharma debuts does anyone care about the womens division in the WWE ?
3rd When was the last time we saw the Women/Divas title defended at a PPV or on Raw/Smackdown ?
4th the main focus has been on Mc Cool vs Layla since before WM because no one cares about the womens division in the WWE
Here we go again. Kelly has gotten a few title shot pushes already, she always loses the match in the end. If it weren't for the fact that Kharma is about to debut soon, I would finally think this is when Kelly gets the belt. I see her getting yet another title push, only to lose the match and get fed to Kharma as one of her first opponents. Kelly does deserve at least one reign after the years she's put in and the improvement she has had, but I just don't see it happening yet. She'll make a decent Divas Champion at some point if she ever gets the belt because, like another poster pointed out, she is basically everything that WWE looks for in divas these days.
I don't think she will be the next Diva's champion, but she will be the champ one day. She may be horrible in the ring (she's working on it and she's improving a lot), but she has the look that WWE likes, and now scouts for when looking for new recruits. As you said she is very over for a Diva, though being live on Raw will tell how truly over she is when you have to consider Smackdown’s cannon pops. As I said, she has worked on her in ring work and looks like she can pull out bearable matches on a more frequent basis. She doesn’t do much for me on the mic, but she can feed of her support in a push for the title whenever that may be.

As I don't see her being the next Diva's champ, I do see her being fed to Kharma whenever she debuts along with others, so I don't think she is getting the belt just yet, but she will get it eventually.
I can see her winning the title. The Bellas have it now so that right there shows you any of the divas can win the belt... I also think it would be the most fitting to have her holding the belt for when Kharma debuts to destroy the "Barbie doll" divas and can beat Kelly Kelly for the title.
Honestly, yes I see it. The WWE doesn't seem to push the great talent like Beth, Nattie, and Gail. And the fact that they've given Alicia, Brie, and Maryse a title run over Kelly, who is actually improving well, is preposterous. She also has the look as well. The squeaky clean blonde, generic Diva outfit, and even Nike sneaks, she looks like someone who could represent all Women/Women's wrestlers. So yeah I see Kelly being a future Diva's Champ, and honestly, I want to see it happen once. (Although I'd like to see Nattie and Beth get another run, as well as Gail and Kharma/Kong).
i think it time for kelly to get a title but she not gonna hold the belt long seeing that vince treats the title like props instead of championships hell i thought they should have left kelly on smackdown and never unified the divas n womens belt
I think it's possible. Kelly Kelly is easily the most over Diva in the WWE and honestly gets some damn good pops from the crowd most of the time. She's legitimately gotten much better in the ring and the fans give a shit about her.

As has been said by a few others, Kelly Kelly would make a perfect foil for Kharma. We all know the symbolism of the vignettes we've seen of her these past several weeks and Kelly Kelly is as close to a living breathing doll as any woman I've ever laid eyes on.
As has been said by a few others, Kelly Kelly would make a perfect foil for Kharma. We all know the symbolism of the vignettes we've seen of her these past several weeks and Kelly Kelly is as close to a living breathing doll as any woman I've ever laid eyes on.

I definitely agree with that. Kharma is going to be this big bad-ass women that crushes every pretty little supermodel in the WWE. Kelly has yet to hold the Diva's title yet (I honestly couldn't remember who currently has the title), her in-ring has improved and we actually give a shit about her (because she's hot).
Kelly Kelly is a beautiful woman and would be a looker of a Champion, but the problem is she isnt great in the ring, honestly, not many of the Divas are except Pheonix, Natayla, Tamina, maybe Melina and Gail Kim and now Kharma, though i would rather see Kelly Kelly as Diva's champion then the Bella Twins.

Melina? You're out of your mind she can't wrestle for shit she botches everything under the sun ugh and Kelly a champion face fukin palmed.:banghead::suspic:

I like how Kelly and Maryse get praised for being hot[by iwc standards] WTF ever once Maryse won that title 2 times the prestige was already dead. So why not give an even poorer worker a chance to look stupid. Lol@ Kelly has improved yeah right she's been in WWE for nearly six years and she still can't throw a convincing elbow or clothesline. :suspic:
NO NO NO FOR THE LOVE OF WRESTLING NO! The only reason people want her to win the title is she is hot. It's mentioned almost in every post, she has been in the WWE about 5yrs now and is still botching the same moves. She is the tiniest diva out there and weighs about 100lbs soaking wet, she has no personality( dumb blond syndrome ) what about her screams WWE divas champion? Oh yeah I forgot she's hot, I guess that's all the major qulification need.
tough one, i would say that kharma will win it but she is an anti-diva. but she is mentally beating kelly kelly, plus kelly isnt exactly a good wrestler.... kharma should win a more major title or the womens title should be re-instated.

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