Keep him or Fire him "The Great Khali"


Pre-Show Stalwart
The great khali was a big talent in the past some may be shocked to find out he is actually a former world champion. but khali has becomed a joke. there's nothing left for khali and its so strange. cause they could have another andre the giant on their hands. so would u give him 1 more chance or would you fire the khali?
The great khali was a big talent in the past some may be shocked to find out he is actually a former world champion. but khali has becomed a joke. there's nothing left for khali and its so strange. cause they could have another andre the giant on their hands. so would u give him 1 more chance or would you fire the khali?

These threads come up ALL the time and usually have the same result as you'd expect so if you're thinking about stating a series just realized it happens all the time on here.

Now to indulge your question the Great Khali should remain on Television. WWE are misusing him, that's clearly evident. However, when put into a legitimate match where somebody goes over him they still do look impressive. Sure he's used as the goofy dancer who can only move his hands but at the end of the day not everybody can be a Main Eventer. There is a need for midcard and jobbers and he's still impressive enough that a win over him matters and therefore he can do his job well. Firing him because he's misused is not the same as firing him cause he's talentless and despite what the IWC thinks he still has some sort of talent to put people over now.
His debut will go down as one of the most badass debuts in WWE history. Seriously, how many can say they struck The Undertaker down with one hand?

The Great Khali is greatly misused. It's a crying shame because as far as I can gather he is a hit in India and has been for a while. Hell in my opinion he is the most misused star on the roster. I'm not part of the "turn him heel" group, but I think it would pay off more if they kept him as a "Punjabi Nightmare" angle instead of a "Playboy".

He has that ability to put over other stars just based on his size. He is a great addition to anyone's wrestling organization.
The Great Khali is a joke. It's embarrassing really. For his size to be a jobber just isn't believable in the least. Sure, he can barely move his legs, but the fact that he loses in such a short amount of time makes me raise my brows. This is the same guy that was a huge deal back in 2006-2007 when he was beating Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, Kane, Batista, Shawn Michaels. Now look at him. THAT'S a former World Champion? I'm not saying he should be a Main Eventer. I'm saying he should be a Mid-Carder that can still beat credible opponents despite his losing streak. There was a time when Big Show had a losing streak. There was a time when Kane had a losing streak. Both guys were able to get chances to be on top again though. The Great Khali should be no exception. He should win some more matches, so that when he does lose, it actually means something. I don't care if someone defeats The Great Khali today, because it's expected and it's predictable. The only big deal is a show of strength in how an opponent defeats The Great Khali (ex. John Cena or Antonio Cesaro). The rest? Waste of time. So, fire him? doesn't really matter. Don't fire him? Kind of stupid considering how we all know what the outcome is like every time and the few times it's different, it's against someone lesser than him. I really thought he would redeem himself once he turned heel again and disposed of Singh. I was wrong and disappointed. I wasn't ever really invested in Khali to begin with, but a guy of his size and power should be more than what he is right now for believability sake in the least.
He will never be fired as long as he brings in the Indian crowd. While he's stiff and awkward in the ring, and lord knows the problems he must have with his body, he is a draw.

I don't think he was built to do much more than he is. He just doesn't seem to have the strength in his body to perform.
Fire him. I realise that he is popular with some demographics and in some countries but he is awful. I haven't seen anything remarkable from him in a long time, whether it be his work in the ring, on the mic or on the dancefloor. He is awful and should have been fired a year or two ago.
Fire him, and its hard for me to say it. I love Khali's work, but there is nothing left for him. He had some great heel work and some unforgettable matches with Batista. He has bad health with his back,no where close to the greatest mic work. Just cause he is big in one country isn't a good enough reason to keep him, if they want someone big there they could replace him. All I can think of now is the bad times of him, being eliminated in the rumble by a female competitor...(no offense ladies) but this dude is huge and had matches with some of the big boys. They should have kept some of the angles with him and Mahal. Kept them a team longer and have a longer feud. But right now, its time for Khali to pack his bags.
I would get rid of him.
He's 41 so it's not like he has a lot of time to develop into a better wrestler.
He can't walk or move very well.
WWE ruined him with stupid gimmicks like the dancing crap he does.
It's not impressive when someone beats him because he's been turned into a big joke.
He has no redeeming qualities. I get that he's a big star in India but it's not like they couldn't bring in another wrestler from India and give him a push.
Let him go do his acting stuff that he does and move on with his life.
I'd fire the crap out of him unless they turned him into what he used to be which was the huge angry giant who could take down most anybody. Sadly, I think it's too late to return back to those roots of domination for him so I'd fire him.
He is a sight to behold at live events. If his contract is reasonable, why fire him when he can bring a reaction by just simply being there?

Sure he can't produce excellent matches and his body is wrecked but as a side show he is doing his job. I rather have a squash/comedic filler match with Khali than the usual Diva screamfest 'match'.
Im gonna be mister nice guy on here! I dont think anyone should ever lose their job. This economy blows,and everyone deserves a good wages day. Khali,is beat up we all see it,the man can barely walk to the ring. He is popular in India,the WWE should capitalize on that. Create a special job for him,marketing and such in India and other countries where he is popular. Just my two cents but i do miss the old khali,the Punjabi Nightmare. The guy who dismantled the undertaker and Cena! But he physically cant do it anymore
Get rid of this guy. He does a bad job even when putting people over. I remember last year Cody Rhodes hit him with a disaster kick and the guy did not sell the move at all. He just kind of dropped. Too many people have beaten him to take him seriously. At least Santino can talk and actually isn't bad in the ring. I'd give Santino a chance to become a credible mid-card threat over Khali any day. Have Ryback or Axel bury this guy in a punjabi quicksand match.
hes absolutly useless in the ring he cant speak english but id say from wwes point of view hes worth keeping because...well just look at him the guy is absolutly massive a real live giant thats his main appeal imo not to mention he seems to have a large fanbase in india id say hes worth keeping just for those two reasons.
I really don't care for Khali but he's not really taking anyone's spot so he's not really harming the product. I say I'd keep him for PR reasons (especially in India which is a huge market internationally) and some small angles to put some young guys over.
I prefer that the WWE get rid of The Great Khali and bring in Matt Morgan instead. At least Morgan is mobile in the ring and wouldn't be used as some sort of sideshow freak the way the WWE uses Khali. I feel that Khali really doesn't bring a whole lot of value to wrestling.
I say fire him. While it was refreshing to finally see an Indian guy in the WWE the novelty wore off long ago. Even back when he just debuted he was a terrible worker, his moveset was extremely limited and he never sold ANYTHING. While he did make a great monster heel back then for a while solely because of his size there is only so long that fans are going to be interested in a guy who is zero in the ring and zero on the mic.

I can't speak for all Indian fans but to me it just feels awkward to watch such a huge guy get squashed as often as he does and if anything I think it would only turn Indian viewers away. I mean the guy can't even walk properly, his body looks so disproportional and he's been squashed so many times that he has lost whatever credibility he had built up back when he debuted so I don't think he is even able to put people over anymore. Put him out of his misery, it's embarrassing to be honest.

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