KB"s Wrestler Challenge #11- Bagwell vs. Valentine

Pick Your Winner

  • Buff Bagwell

  • Greg Valentine

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This week in the WC, we have an old generation vs. the new generation matchup.

Introducing first, from Seattle, Washington, we have someone that is constantly being called someone that could have had a great feud with Hogan during the early part of his run and was technically given the WWF title back in the very early 80s. He was very tight in the ring and had next to no flaws to his game. He had the look, the skill, and the name. Ladies and gentlemen, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine!

And his opponent was a mainstay in WCW. While he was only a midcarder for the most part, He was a multiple time tag team champion with a variety of partners and was in WCW for nearly 10 years which really does say something. While he was rarely better than a bodyguard for a bigger name, he got significant TV time and had a good finishing move in the blockbuster. His looks helped too, at least they did to me. Ladies and Gentlemen, from Mariette, Georgia, Marcus "Buff" Bagwell!

You know the drill. Who wins, and why, in whatever aspect you choose.

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