KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Are WWE fans too hung up on show ratings and let it dictate whether they enjoyed the show or not? It sure seems so most of the time.
When the Brand Split occured, I thought the whole Commissioners picking their own respective GMs meant the former would have been only on select shows. So tell me, why are Shane and Stephanie at each and every show as obstacles for their GMs?
You know, the more I think of it, someone like Sami Zayn would be the perfect person to insert into the IC title scene, especially with the Miz vs DB stuff going on. It would be a great way to elevate Sami to a higher level and push the whole underdog stuff with him as well. Your thoughts? Any other candidates to fill out SmackDown's midcard?
The cruiserweights.

hmm. don't know about that one as 3-hour RAWs will certainly be helped by the addition of the Cruiserweight division in a huge way, lMO.
SmackDown really is just crying out for a couple of up and coming midcard guys more than anything.

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