Kane's last run


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now as all of you know for the last few days there are posts about Kane running for the senate. I'm sure that most if not all of you know about the fact that Kane has been involved in politics in quite some time now, which means that he doesn't have much time left with the company. So how would you book Kane's last run in the WWE?
hes also said a few times that he still feels in good shape and will carry on wrestling as long as his body holds up having said that he could of just changed his mind but i dont think kanes going anywhere for a while yet.but anyway i would imagine kanes last run will involve the undertaker in some way but kanes got a few records in the royal rumble it would be cool to see him completely own it again but actually win for a change followed by a title win at mania simple i know but it would be a good end to one of the best characters in wrestling imo
He has stated many times in the last couple of years that he feels he is still in his "prime" and that he sees no retirement in his near future. With recent news of him doing something in politics in 2016, I wouldn't be surprised if things do change, but he will be 50 in 2016, so I wouldn't be surprised if he does hang up the boots in the next couple of years. He has had an amazing career, but still one that deserved more than he got.

Regardless, I wouldn't like to try and send-off Kane. It would have to involve The Undertaker in some way. The Undertaker is the main reason the Kane character was created and became what it is we know today. I have always said that the last match for these two should be against each other at WrestleMania. Don't see it happening if The Undertaker retires at WrestleMania XXX, because I see Kane continuing past that, but, it is still a possibility. It is such a shame that Paul Bearer died, as I feel he should have been involved also.

My alternative would to have Kane actually win the Royal Rumble Match, win the World Championship at WrestleMania and lose it after a few months and retire that way, whether it be per stipulation or what, I don't know, but that would certainly be deserving for Kane.
I think Kane still has a few good years left in him. Personally I'd like to see him drop the mask again and have one last run as a monster heel, and winning another title (preferably the World Heavyweight Championship) at a WrestleMania, then dropping the title maybe at Survivor Series of that year. As for his final match, since I think Undertaker will have retired first, I'd like to see him go out against Big Show. I thought they made a great tag team and great opponents as well, and other than Undertaker I don't see anybody else with more history with Kane. Since Big Show will likely be retiring at around the same time, I have no problem with their last match being against each other.
I was initially against the possibility of Kane feuding with Daniel Bryan once Team Hell No went belly up. However, with talk of Kane potentially running for a Senate seat for the 2016 election, my mind may have changed. If Kane is indeed serious about running for political office, then I think he'll be done with WWE sometime in the relatively near future. It'll take time for Glen Jacobs, better known to us as Kane, to build up his reputation as someone that could be viewed as a serious political force. As a result, Kane will certainly have to put the WWE and wrestling in and of itself in the rearview mirror, at least for quite some time. Again, if Jacobs is serious about all this political hoop-la, his wrestling career is something that political opponents will almost certainly attempt to use as a means of painting him in a negative light. Even though 3 years sounds like quite a bit of time, it's really not when it comes to politics. He'll have to organize his campaign, do all sorts of meet & greets with potential supporters & political contributors, truly let it be known where he stands politically and, of course, work on his public image in order to set himself up as Glen Jacobs rather than merely just a former pro wrestler. All that stuff is going to take time and before he knows it, it'll be election time.

I'd like to see Kane ultimately put someone over in a major way. Kane's star isn't on the level of guys like HBK, Rock, Stone Cold, Cena, Orton or Taker. He's someone that's known & respected by fans & insiders but he's not so big that a massive droves of people will come out in force to see him wrestle his last match. I mentioned Daniel Bryan as a potential final feud for Kane IF he decides to leave in the near future. They've got great chemistry with each other and frankly the matches would be worth seeing. Kane could possibly continue his feud against The Shield with or without Bryan. I read a few weeks ago that there's talk of POSSIBLY having the Brothers of Destruction reunite to take on The Shield at SummerSlam.

Currently on the roster; wrestlers like Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, any member of The Shield, Fandango, Antonio Cesaro, Wade Barrett and a few others could potentially gain a great rub from being Kane's last opponent. If WWE plans to bring up some wrestlers from NXT, then I could also see someone along the lines of Bray Wyatt or Kassius Ohno benefitting from going over someone of Kane's stature and be responsible for "ridding" WWE of the Big Red Monster/Machine.
I seen a scenario posted on here and I thought it would be a great way for a send off for both 'Taker and kane
A feud is built between the 2, and it comes down to wrestlemania, the match..
Last demon standing
They both fight and knock themselves out after a great match, the ref counts to 10 with both still down, The ring posts get struck by lightning and catch on fire for kane, The darkness hits and the gong goes off for 10 hits, lights come back on and the ring is empty signalling the end of the brothers of destruction.
Needs tweaking but would be such a fitting farewell, leaves takers streak intact and kane finally even with his big brother
I'd like to see Kane and Taker end each other at the same match. but I feel Kane still has about 3 good years left, Taker not so much.

You can go one of two ways.

A) Give him the monster face run he didn't finish back in 02-03 culminating with a WHC or WWE title win and run.

B) Have him go on a major heel run like he did after he unmasked and ultimately have Undertaker return to put an end to his brother.

Kane has been one of the most loyal guys to ever be in the WWE. He deserves a properly promoted and built retirement.
I think Kane still has a few good years left in him. Personally I'd like to see him drop the mask again and have one last run as a monster heel, and winning another title (preferably the World Heavyweight Championship) at a WrestleMania, then dropping the title maybe at Survivor Series of that year. As for his final match, since I think Undertaker will have retired first, I'd like to see him go out against Big Show. I thought they made a great tag team and great opponents as well, and other than Undertaker I don't see anybody else with more history with Kane. Since Big Show will likely be retiring at around the same time, I have no problem with their last match being against each other.

I agree with a lot of this post. First of all I would definitely make it the top priority that Kane becomes a monster once again for his last run. It wouldn't even matter whether he is face or heel as much as it matters that he drops his latest comedy gimmick and gets the monster push one last time.

If Undertaker hasn't already retired then I have to agree with the majority here that I don't want to see anything other than Undertaker VS Kane for both of their last feuds. There doesn't need to be a world title involved - in fact I think it would be better if it was not involved in the match, but at the same time I would not be against one more world title run for Kane.

But if Undertaker is gone before Kane goes then Big Show seems like a good suggestion for a decent substitute.
I have always had it in my head that the Undertaker would escort Kane back to hell.Maybe Kane wins his last match but the Undertaker brings a coffin down to the ring.Something happens to Kane.Maybe Taker rips his soul out of his body.Kane is put into the coffin.Hel wheeled to back as Undertaker follows the coffin.Or maybe a buried alive match.Kane is up by the grave.Undertaker pops up and drags Kane into the hole back to hell.Its gotta be something like that.Something out of a horror movie.
Kane is an all time great which means how he bows out will be difficult. Looking at the past guys like Austin, The Rock, Lesnar just sort of moved out with no dramatic finale. The Ric Flair and HBK exits were more dramatic and emotional but that doesn't fit Kane. I'm not suggesting he is retiring any time soon but he does deserve a memorable moment. He is too good to just disappear over night but the emotional, every guy on the roster, type finish isn't really suiting.

For me, I would love if Kane had one last world title run but that is very unlikely. Ultimately, I think he should be given the Intercontinental title - hold it for maybe 3/4 months and then in typical Kane style puts over a younger guy. Indeed, his last match would be indicative of his career as a whole. Kane is fantastic and should really had at least one more title reign. For Kane's longevity, it is unfortunate that he started when The Rock, Austin, HHH and Taker were around. Than Lesnar and Angle before the Cena/Batista/Orton era. There was hardly an obvious space to say he could have had a proper title reign but there is no doubting he is a great.

In my opinion, he should be remembered in the same bracket as Jericho/Angle. He will never be in the same league as Rock/Austin/Cena/Taker/HHH etc. but the fact he has been around for so long and put on some very good matches mean he will be remembered fondly.
Kane definitely deserves a worthy send-off if and when he retires. He's a long term loyal and dependable company man, plagued neither by scandals nor major injuries. Guys like that are worth their weight in gold to the WWE and Kane weighs a lot.

Never a main eventer, but a solid in-ring hand. A WWE constant for almost 20 years and a veteran to guide and teach the stars of tomorrow. Leadership by example.

In his final run I would like to see him break one last Royal Rumble record, namely the one for overall eliminations (currently held by Shawn Michaels). Have Kane come out and clear the ring, eliminating 4 or 5 scrubs or so and the deal's done. In the end, Kane's send-off has to involve the Undertaker in some fashion. From the very beginning the Kane character was designed to be fed to Taker. It's a miracle that such a gimmicky support act took on a life of its own and became one of WWE's longest running mainstays. But for Kane's career to go full-circle, Taker has to be there at the end. Ideally Paul Bearer would be there, too, of course, but that wasn't meant to be.
I would imagine a ridiculously over-the-top-scenario typical for the Kane/Undertaker rivalry. Something like Taker stuffing Kane into a coffin, that coffin gets set on fire and then a bunch of druids shove it into a crematory oven. :p
Well if Kane is going to retire in the next couple of years, then I think it is only fitting that he gets one last run as the World Champion. The guy has always been very loyal to the WWE and has never coursed them any real problems like some other stars on the roster. I also believe like a lot of you, that kanes last mach should be against the undertaker at wrestlemania, which I believe should be Takers last match too. Both men have played a major part in each others careers and seeing as Kanes first major feud involved the Deadman its only right his last feud should too.

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