
Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
Just got owned.

Okay, all joking aside, the Wyatts just beat the living hell out of Kane. But this thread is not about the Wyatts.

I just had a different thought.

What if, since Kane may have just been written out of the match, Kane is replaced?

Maybe by...

...Kofi Kingston?

Think about it. Kofi's been out for what, 2 months? And this would be a GREAT way to bring Kofi back. And what if he happens to win?

And let me take this one step further. What if, since Cena and Henry are likely to beat the hell out of each other, Kofi cashes in?


Just like that, Kofi Kingston is a legitimate main-eventer, breaking the glass ceiling.

But what do you guys think, folks?

Am I just an idiot?

Or hell, will Bray Wyatt get the spot?
no.. bray wyatt being in the all stars mitb match would ruin some of the star power.. like it or not, kane has more star power than bray wyatt and also bray wyatt is a heel. i want this match to be all faces and all former world champs because its pretty unique. also need a big powerhouse for the mitb ppv.

and why the fuck did bray wyatt debut to fight kane?? what the fuck? all that hype, only for wyatt to attack KANE, of all people???? dont they want to make a bigger impact, like interrupt triple h? wow.. this is one example of wwe letting us down. all that hype, only for them to attack KANE??? kane is not that big of a deal.. beating him up doesnt mean anything. fucking damien sandow even beat kane.
I do believe the only reason that Kane just got his ass kicked is for the soul fact they want Bray in mitb or someone that should of been put in there all along like Curtis Axel not that bray would win but that would be a hell of a debut to not only take out Kane but to win the money in the bank briefcase and cash in on Cena the first night he can just like Kane did because think about this when is the last time some one made Kane look like a bitch on wwe TV in there debut and destroyed him like that and plus that whole faces thing in the all star money in the bank is just the most ******ed thing i think that they can do right and Kofi is not coming back anytime soon he still has 2 months of recovery down the road before he can even rehab the injury and Kofi in my opinion will never be able to break the fabled glass ceiling that everyone loves to talk about he is just not that guy plus what a match they can now put between the wyatt family and kane and 2 mystery partners for Summerslam the biggest party of the summer
and why the fuck did bray wyatt debut to fight kane?? what the fuck? all that hype, only for wyatt to attack KANE, of all people???? dont they want to make a bigger impact, like interrupt triple h? wow.. this is one example of wwe letting us down. all that hype, only for them to attack KANE??? kane is not that big of a deal.. beating him up doesnt mean anything. fucking damien sandow even beat kane.

I don't think it really mattered who the Wyatts debuted against at all. Perhaps if it had been someone below the high-mid card I would feel different. But the more important thing to me was how well the whole entrance was executed. How anyone could watch the last vignette and intro and not be intrigued is beyond me. This one, to me, was really well done.
I think it would totally make sense to replace Kane at MITB and sell the beat down he got tonight. I also think Kofi would make a suitable replacement and a good addition to the match too, that is if he's good to go. If this were to happen however, there's absolutely no way I see Kofi walking out with the briefcase, not with all the other superstars competing in the match. Considering it's almost a given Bryan is walking out the winner, it doesn't really matter who replaces Kane anyway and I think it would be interesting when Kane eventually does return, he could argue he deserves a title shot and that perhaps maybe Bryan may have never won the match had he not been taken out.
and why the fuck did bray wyatt debut to fight kane?? what the fuck? all that hype, only for wyatt to attack KANE, of all people???? dont they want to make a bigger impact, like interrupt triple h? wow.. this is one example of wwe letting us down. all that hype, only for them to attack KANE??? kane is not that big of a deal.. beating him up doesnt mean anything. fucking damien sandow even beat kane.

I have the exact opposite feelings. Kane is too big a star to be wasted on the debut of the Wyatt Family like that. A group of nobodies shouldn't show up and decimate a 3-time world champion like that. They should have debuted my attacking some midcard face like Kofi Kingston.
I have the exact opposite feelings. Kane is too big a star to be wasted on the debut of the Wyatt Family like that. A group of nobodies shouldn't show up and decimate a 3-time world champion like that. They should have debuted my attacking some midcard face like Kofi Kingston.

kane is like another jericho. they are both jobbers, beating them means nothing. beating cm punk or cena on the other hand, means a lot.. do u want to feud with a main event jobber? or a true main eventer?
That stupid crowd aside, I think the Wyatt family might be what turns Kane back into the evil monster that he was. Maybe have Kane gets continuously beaten down, gets "kidnapped" by the Wyatts and he comes back brainwashed as the monster that he should be.
R.K.O that has the potential to be the greatest storyline in years. Maybe even have Undertaker come back in search of kane and get involved somehow. Should be interesting whatever they decide to do
The Wyatt family debut was executed perfectly. Kane is a big enough star and has a big enough fan base for ppl to really begin to hate the Wyatt's.At the same time though he is low enough on the card where he can fight these guys and they actually have a chance of winning. If they came in and attacked John Cena they would get their fair share of cheers and thats not what the company wants for them. If they attacked Punk or Orton then no one would be interested, we would all complain about how it's to predictable and how they always defeat these types of odds. Jericho has been overdone with getting the new guys over, so Kane was perfect either he or Christian were the only two ppl in hind sight that I feel would have worked.

Wyatt should not be in the MITB, he's not an all star yet. He should be involved in the match though, say Kane is at the top of the ladder about to take the brief case and then the ass whooping ensues. That sets up the feud between Wyatt and Kane. I'm assuming Daniel Bryan will win and with all of the momentum he's been given he should be able to take the title from Cena or Henry. Kane then says he deserves a title shot, but Wyatt also feels that he deserves one with the way that he's dominated a superstar the caliber of Kane. Cena and Henry are still around as well both feeling that they deserve a rematch for the title. We have 5 superstars all vying for the same belt, you can throw in any of the other all stars (my preference would be RVD) and have an Elimination chamber match at Summerslam, or you could have a 5 man Hell in a Cell and leave the 6th superstar out. Either way Daniel Bryan would have to win this match for the storyline to be perfect. He's just on an incredible hot streak right now and his yes chants are out popping Cena, Orton, and Punk, I feel that he could be the next big thing in the WWE especially with the way that Mr McMahon seems to dislike him on camera and a win like this against multiple tough opponents would cement his reign.

As for Kofi Kingston. He just isn't world champ material. He had the one big feud with Orton a couple years back and if he was in there with anyone other than Randy it would have been a huge failure. the guy just has no charisma. I'm not saying release him, but, keep him in the mid card having solid matches and away from the microphone.
WWE will do the same thing they ALWAYS DO...will he/won't he routine.

They will play it up on Smackdown and throughout the PPV. Once it's match time, everyone will be introduced and then wait for Kane. Kane will come out and either look beat to hell (like he ignored Dr. orders to compete) or will be totally ready for a fight.

Kingston on the other hand will come back stronger with a push...not here. This match is being billed as an All-Star match for a reason...they're all former WWE champions. Kingston is not. If anything, Kingston should've been added into the WHC match if he wasn't injured.
R.K.O. said:
That stupid crowd aside, I think the Wyatt family
might be what turns Kane back into the evil
monster that he was.

I also see this happening, but I don't like it. It's just like how they turned him last year. "Monster" pushes aren't sustainable. He'll have to bury a LOT of people to give the eventual rub to just one guy in the end.

If they want to push Wyatt, this was a shrewd move, but I don't think Kane as Luke Harper 2.0 is a good idea, because we've seen him turn heel only last year. At the same time, it'd be bad news for the Wyatt "sons", because if Kane becomes Bray Wyatt's new heavy, it's burial city for these two.

They aren't as bad as people say, their size alone is what gets them over as a physical threat and what gets Bray over as the evil manipulator.. Also, because Kane has a dark, supernatural gimmick as well, these two will get lost in the shuffle.

What I will give Kane is that he puts the business first. He's a very talented guy and thinking of all the ridiculous shit he's had to do gives me so much more respect for him.
There's a 0% chance Kofi Kingston would win MITB let alone the WWE title, ever. It's simply not going to happen.

I don't think they're writing Kane out of the match. I think he'll be there in the MITB ladder match but Bray Wyatt will interfere during the match, and beat up Kane.

This will build a feud between Kane and the Wyatts, with the Undertaker getting involved eventually.
That's how I see it playing out.

IF they write Kane out of the MITB match, then I think he'll be replaced by Brock Lesnar, not Kofi.
If Kane is indeed replaced in the MITB then I think they need to stick with the all-stars theme. I guess the options are Mark Henry, Rey Mysterio, The Big Show and Brock Lesnar.

Henry could be an option, for example, he looses to Cena then comes out and wins the MITB giving him a second chance.

Mysterio has been touted to come back for a while so this could be a good opportunity. Big Show had also not been seen on TV since Extreme Rules. That could be another option.

Lesnar would be my prefered choice. Not necessarily to win, although that could be an option. I think we could let him come down to the ring and attack CM Punk. They could effectively take each other out of the match and build the feud to Mania. To be honest, I think Lesnar will be involved regardless of Kane's status in the match.
Kofi Kingston or Bray Wyatt replacing Kane in the MITB All-Stars match makes as much sense as Magnus being in the Main Event Mafia. I seriously doubt it would happen.

I'm a huge fan of Kane and it sickens me to see how much he's been humanized. The Wyatt family beating up Kane is no big deal. This isn't the Kane of 1998 or the newly unmasked Kane of 2003. Shit, this isn't even the Kane of early 2012 that was attacking Zack Ryder every week. The way they were hyping up the Wyatts, I expected more, but WWE dropped the ball.....again. What, they couldn't have attacked Randy Orton or Sheamus? Two guys that look far more credible than Kane. Now that would've been a bigger deal.

But yeah, Kofi won't be in MITB. He's not a former WWE or World Heavyweight Champion and Kane is. I'm guessing he's midcard for life at this point.
I certainly don't think you're an idiot for having an opinion. But if you ask me, Bray Wyatt nor Kofi Kingston fit the All Stars theme they're building the match to be. I suspect it'll be a while before we see Wyatt actually wrestle in the ring. They (WWE) could go either way with Kane. They could easily have him compete all banged up, which would easily explain why he couldn't win, or they could simply leave him out. It makes it all the more more believable for someone like Daniel Bryan to win. The Wyatts could very easily do a run in during the match to take out Kane again, leading to some kind of match for Summerslam. It's also going to be a long time (if ever) before Kofi wins the WWE title. Right now they're grooming Daniel Bryan to be the next top contender/champion. I wouldn't be that surprised to see Henry win the WWE title at Money in the Bank only to have Bryan win the case and cash in and win soon to take on Cena down the line.
Could be an interesting storyline maybe something goes on with Bray and RVD in the MITB match forcing RVD and Kane to team up like the old days and fight the wyatts
It was great they chose Kane as he used to be a Dark crazy psychotic monster and he's dwindled down to nothing so its time to take him out. Was a great choice, beats attacking some lame ass like Kingston or attacking Cena which lead to him taking them out
The thing is, if they are calling one MITB match an all star match, then it should be that. Since Wyatt nor Curtis are not starts YET, they should not be in the match.
But I do think Kane needs some time off for that One More Match! *christians voice*
The best way to solve this is to put someone in the match that no one has seen for years. Itll be a surprise and nice to see another start.

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