Getting Noticed By Management
We all recall the excellent build up of the Wyatt family prior to their debut. Then came the program with Kane that brought the Wyatts from creepy/mysterious group to serious physical threats. But it seemed like it was supposed to be going somewhere with Kane, particularly with all the cryptic messages like "follow the buzzards" and "they lied to you man but I won't..." The timing wasn't great because Kane was about to shoot a WWE studios movie meaning he was going to be gone for awhile. But it did seem like the Wyatts were coming after him in an aggressive/this will make you better recruiting pitch. When they took him out at the PPV and carried him off, (to be off camera for the movie) a lot of us assumed that it would resume when he came back. some even to the point of predicting (maybe hoping) that undertaker would join in and it would be the brothers of destruction together again (maybe with a swerve, maybe not). but the kane/wyatt program didn't resume. when kane did return, he spent a few seconds swatting the wyatts away, chokeslammed someone in the ring, then handed his mask and his services to the Authority.
My question is, was this the plan for Kane and the Wyatt family all along? To have the Wyatts turn him heel and for Kane to then work for the Authority? Or did the original plans, i.e. him joining the Wyatts, get thrown out? I could see the latter given that Kane was gone for awhile and the Wyatts momentum was rolling and you had to move them to other things. When there was no follow up at all on the Kane/Wyatt relationship, it just had a feel of a story purposely being dropped.
Just curious what people think. This came to me when I saw the Wyatt recruitment pitches again, this time for Daniel Bryan.
My question is, was this the plan for Kane and the Wyatt family all along? To have the Wyatts turn him heel and for Kane to then work for the Authority? Or did the original plans, i.e. him joining the Wyatts, get thrown out? I could see the latter given that Kane was gone for awhile and the Wyatts momentum was rolling and you had to move them to other things. When there was no follow up at all on the Kane/Wyatt relationship, it just had a feel of a story purposely being dropped.
Just curious what people think. This came to me when I saw the Wyatt recruitment pitches again, this time for Daniel Bryan.