Kane/Wyatts - What happened?


Getting Noticed By Management
We all recall the excellent build up of the Wyatt family prior to their debut. Then came the program with Kane that brought the Wyatts from creepy/mysterious group to serious physical threats. But it seemed like it was supposed to be going somewhere with Kane, particularly with all the cryptic messages like "follow the buzzards" and "they lied to you man but I won't..." The timing wasn't great because Kane was about to shoot a WWE studios movie meaning he was going to be gone for awhile. But it did seem like the Wyatts were coming after him in an aggressive/this will make you better recruiting pitch. When they took him out at the PPV and carried him off, (to be off camera for the movie) a lot of us assumed that it would resume when he came back. some even to the point of predicting (maybe hoping) that undertaker would join in and it would be the brothers of destruction together again (maybe with a swerve, maybe not). but the kane/wyatt program didn't resume. when kane did return, he spent a few seconds swatting the wyatts away, chokeslammed someone in the ring, then handed his mask and his services to the Authority.

My question is, was this the plan for Kane and the Wyatt family all along? To have the Wyatts turn him heel and for Kane to then work for the Authority? Or did the original plans, i.e. him joining the Wyatts, get thrown out? I could see the latter given that Kane was gone for awhile and the Wyatts momentum was rolling and you had to move them to other things. When there was no follow up at all on the Kane/Wyatt relationship, it just had a feel of a story purposely being dropped.

Just curious what people think. This came to me when I saw the Wyatt recruitment pitches again, this time for Daniel Bryan.
Many may disagree with me, but I think they resolved the Kane/Wyatt storyline perfectly. Everyone expected Kane to either:

A: Join The Wyatt Family or
B: Come Back And Destroy Them

So instead of going with what everyone expected, WWE had him come back as a broken shell of himself. He removed that mask and said he will serve The Authority.

When you ask "What Happened?" the answer is pretty simple-

The Wyatts broke his spirit, turning him into a conformed corporate yes man.
The Wyatt family completely altered the way Kane now goes about his businesses. Isn't that enough? You saw that promo on Raw where Kane was vastly different to anything we have seen prior. Glen Jacobs is actually an intelligent guy and it is interesting to see how he would have faired without being "Kane".

It was a perfect move for the WWE. A new stable that had to gain momentum and they did so by attacking and injuring Kane. Thus, he was allowed to take a break to film his movie and return with a new image.

I personally don't think this is the end between Kane and The Wyatt family. Firstly, not having Kane wrestle (in the long run) is a stupid decision. He can still put on great matches and far better than, for example, The Big Show. Nevermind the fact that he is getting towards the end of his career and we may not get to see much in the future. Of course there is the argument of giving younger guys the chance but that can happen with Kane still competing.

I think Kane stays in the suit for another month or so and he then goes back to The Big Red Machine (after his movie has been advertised and whatnot) Then we can having him wrestling again on the Road to Wrestlemania and a match with The Wyatt family would be great. That is more out of hope that they won't leave him out of the biggest night of the year.
The Wyatt family completely altered the way Kane now goes about his businesses. Isn't that enough? You saw that promo on Raw where Kane was vastly different to anything we have seen prior. Glen Jacobs is actually an intelligent guy and it is interesting to see how he would have faired without being "Kane".

We did.


Personally I think this new version is boring. He offers nothing in the way of interest. He just reminds me of a bigger version of Patterson/Brisco without the buffoonery.

I still don't see how it was resolved. We were left to ASSUME they broke his spirit. That's not good storytelling.
Guys this is SOOO obvious it's embarrassing...

What are the Wyatts after? Destroying the machine... they now have an agent on the inside. The "cult" aspect will be about brainwashing but while WWE is PG they can't outright have Kane become "brainwashed" into what he already was - a monster... so he is now a 180 to any character he previously had.

As long as Vince is not revealed as the "It's ME!!!" this time... it could and I think will be Shane behind it all. Kane was the first part, soon Bryan... all guys who could either help Shane in a "power play" storyline wise or who he has history with.

It really isn't rocket science...
I think the Kane vs Wyatts feud still had some legs and could've easily lasted a few more months. They could have had Kane become brainwashed and joined the Wyatts even if its only for a few months. I was hoping they would have The Undertaker come back to save Kane and set up The Brothers of Destruction vs The Wyatts at Survivor Series. I think Kane could've been better utilized feuding Wyatts rather than being another authority figure.

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