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Kane/Orton After WrestleMania


Pre-Show Stalwart
So i'm always having these random ideas of possible storylines. Where something sparks it and then i will continue to think about it until i have it fully thought out. I was viewing wrestling wallpapers online and i found this one that featured Randy Orton and Kane. It had a red tint and it read "Deranged and Demented". That being the spark of my idea. Obviously most feel that their feud was thrown together at the last minute. Kane went from attacking Zack Ryder and trying to get Cena to embrace the hate to attacking Orton. So what happens with this storyline? Does this just go one match at Wrestlemania and end?

My idea is to have Kane win at Wrestlemania. This would allow Kane to prove to the "WWE Universe" that he is the monster he once was. But it shouldn't stop there. As i mentioned he was unsuccessful in getting Cena to embrace the hate. Let's say he's calls out Orton. He tells Orton the reason he lost is because he's not what he once was. He would speak about all the horrible things Orton once did and how he became weaker over time. That joining him and embracing the hate would be the best decision he ever made. This making Randy Orton think about it. Keeping it hidden until next week what will happen. Then Orton and Kane come out together and announce their alliance to dominate the WWE together. Having Randy Orton turn heel again and allowing us to see something new.

What do you think of my idea?
What would you have happen?
What do you think will actually happen?
Kane's character stops being interesting once the "big match" happens. They milked him out for about 6 months, he lost to Undertaker at Mania 14, was basically just another big scary dude. Happened periodically over his career. Happened again recently.

He's not a complex enough character to be able to go without defeat for a long period of time. He's also not a complex enough character to lose and then still be interesting. His whole mystique is that he's a big...scary...monster. That's legitimately it. They added all sorts of trailer park bullshit to his supposed backstory and even then it was just that, trailer park BS. So basically Paul Bearer raped Taker's mom which gave birth to the demon spawn known as Kane. Kane burns down the funeral parlor that killed Taker's parents and Taker thought Kane burned to death too. Paul Bearer who was at the funeral home took Kane under his wing and fed him steroids until he was ready to show up at Hell in a Cell 1997. Sometime between then he banged a dead body known as Katie Vick and sometime afterwards he electrocuted Shane McMahon's balls.

Kane is basically a character for dumb people. People who have seen the act know exactly what's going to happen. Pretty soon Kane will be the good guy big man who helps out the little dude like he did with X Pac or whoever else. Then something will make him snap like RVD wanting to see his face or him not feeling like a monster.

Turning Randy Orton heel doesn't show us anything new. It's an easy and boring way out. Jesus fuck seriously search these boards "TURN HIM HEEL" is said more than just about any other phrase. Turning a guy heel doesn't make them more interesting. How about just evolving the character? Evolution is a lot more interesting than a sudden change.

I'd have Kane be Orton's summer monster feud. Orton comes out on top, hopefully he doesn't get hurt, then has a title match at Summerslam. Kane's job isn't to draw tickets, it's to do his little cycle and elevate guys. He does a great job at it, I'm just really REALLY sick of it.
I really hope this Kane/Orton feud doesn't go past WM28,because it's just really boring,Kane deserves so much better than this,he deserves one more title run
I can't see this going past April. Once the Wrestlemania hubbub dies down and the big names like HHH, 'Taker, Rock, etc. go back to their sporadic appearances, Orton will again get more screen time and probably even move back into the title chase.

This feud is a perfect example of having two popular names going into Wrestlemania with no program whatsoever. But, it is a good choice as far as Orton is concerned since after all, he is still on the card. Furthermore, he could still be partially working off injuries, and being partnered with Kane - one of the best workers there is - guarantees that they'll put on a semi-decent match without any huge risks being taken.

However, in the few weeks this has been happening, we've already seen the extent of it. I don't see how this feud can progress any further, even if the match at WM ends controversially. That's the issue with characters such as Kane and Orton - they're lone wolves who align themselves with no one, therefore a story involving the two has incredibly little depth, other than:
-"I don't like you, let's fight"
-"OMG why?"
-"You made me shake your hand, now I wear my mask again"
-"Lol yeah, like totally forgot about that"
-"Also I couldn't beat Cena so I'm going after the no.2 babyface"
-"My name is Randy Orton"
-"Cool, see you at Wrestlemania"

So afterwards, Orton in title chase, Kane to put over Ryder.
this is kind of like the Kane and Orton where the beef thread? But anyway, I think they should of went with the angle where Kane trys to turn Orton heel and this time he succeeds in doing so. I'm not saying he has to win the match, but what if it turns into a hardcore kind of match and the ending or after the match Randy punts kane to show that Kane was able to turn him.
Then you can either have kane comeback the next night or so and talk how he was able to turn Orton, yada yada yada. Or you could have kane come back later and return at SummerSlam or something and seek someone else.
Or a storyline would be like he is acts as the Ant-iCrist and he trying turn people back to heels or turn people to heels. Then maybe Undertaker come in and gets his followers and bam were at Servivor Series with a 5-5 tradional tag match(finally).
Or kane turns Orton they begin tagteam and bring the tag divison back and make the titles relevant again( RK-Kane).
I don't know what will happen to Kane and Orton after Wrestlemania. I'd say their fued will continue, since the May 6th House show I'm going to in North Charleston will feature Kane vs. Orton in a No DQ match, but that really doesn't say anything. Hell, they are still having John Cena vs. Kane in a Last Man Standing match at house shows.
Turning Randy Orton heel doesn't show us anything new. It's an easy and boring way out. Jesus fuck seriously search these boards "TURN HIM HEEL" is said more than just about any other phrase. Turning a guy heel doesn't make them more interesting. How about just evolving the character? Evolution is a lot more interesting than a sudden change.

Thank you.

I honestly don't understand how promoters and fans don't get this more. I'll take a recent one from TNA for example.

Beer Inc. and their main tag team and most over faces. They run a good tournament where the two members are legit about competing against each other, but it still stays friendly. Booby Roode wins the tournament and gets his title shot against Kurt Angle, is built up as a great hero who is about to grab his moment but loses. Angle legit gets injured so they drop the title to Storm at the next taping to set up a Roode heel turn within a week.

Now how about instead of turning Roode's character completely they have him support Storm for a while, but with obvious seeds of jealousy being planted. Have TNA make a big deal of James Storm as a working class hero who is now the face of the company and have Roode moved back to midcard feuds. Give them the tag titles, have Roode perk up a bit only to run the Owen & Bret tag team angle where Storm goes for the glory but costs them the tag gold.

This causes Roode to snap and lash out at Storm but not turn full heel yet. Give that a few more weeks of Storm being the face of the company, with Roode the forgotten man, until he just loses it and destroys Storm on Impact. Storm, man that he is, fights Roode the next PPV despite his injuries and loses. This now sets up Roode as a believable heel champ that we can somehow feel sorry for, he was pushed to the sidelines and his dreams were dashed, whilst keeping Storm as the honourable babyface looking for revenge.

Instead we get a quick switch for a spike in ratings. Sigh.

Sorry for using a TNA example here, but it wa sthe most recent dropping of the ball I could think of. WWE is just as guilty of this garbage as TNA.
Orton has already said that 'I'm not John Cena, I embrace hate and hate embraces me'. So, I don't see the point the point of going to the 'embrace the hate' storyline between Kane and Orton. Also, in Cena's case it made sense because of his character.

After Wrestlemania, Kane-Orton will likely have a gimmick match at Extreme Rules. After that Orton should be in the title picture and Kane should do what he does best, be a jobber to the stars.
To be fair Orton/Kane should go through the next few PPV's more so to re-establish Orton & Kane. Orton's been stale as of late and needs someone like Kane to reinvigorate him and Kane needs that one main event feud to get his character back over as being a monster heel. Who wins at WM is surplus as-long-as at Extreme Rules we get some kind of 'hardcore' rematch with the other picking up the win so it wasn't a clear shut out and then at Over The Limit they can end the feud, then Orton & Kane can move on to whatever lays ahead.
Kane's character stops being interesting once the "big match" happens.

That's a good point, and it often applies to his "little matches," too. After all, Kane seemingly destroyed Zack Ryder.....and where is that feud now? You'd think Zack would be aiming for revenge against the monster, but it hasn't even been considered, apparently due to Zack not being in Kane's league. No intrigue, no match-up.

Then, there were Kane's problems with John Cena. Okay, Kane outright lost that feud at a PPV, but under normal circumstances, he'd be tracking Cena night and day, no? Of course, Cena has a little something else to do at Wrestlemania, so we understand the reason for Kane being cast aside, but it amounts to the same thing all over again: feud over.

But this is Kane; he's the A-list wrestler who can be tossed into confrontations at the last minute and manage to make a viable program of it. This match against Orton comes out of nowhere; there's no particular reason for these two to have issues.

In that vein, it's hard to know if their confrontation continues after WM. If something unusual happens at the PPV (which is always a possibility with Kane), there might be reason to continue their series. Otherwise, I'll presume the feud was a "made-for-PPV" event and the two will have no further dealings afterward.
I think it's still too soon to turn Orton heel. I think he should turn eventually but he's been a heel for years and his new face role is still fresh in comparison.
The only way I see this feud continuing is if Kane wins at Mania, which I think is possible, and they have a rematch at the next PPV for Randy to get the win
Dave Meltzer asked a good question recently. Has Kane ever had a decent feud? The answer is no. The Edge one was a joke w/ the Paul Bearer kidnapping crap. We all know how bad the Cena one was. The 10,000 Taker matches were all bores. He's never really had an intertesting feud once when you think about it.

I just feel for Orton Sunday having to try and make the match interesting,especially since its gonna be a "regular" match w/ no stips. What can you do w/ Kane in a regular match? Hes a brawler. Maybe the match will be a ddq or something,leading to a gimmick match at Extreme Rules. But please no Orton and Kane team,remember,Orton and Kane are loners.
After Wrestlemania, Kane-Orton will likely have a gimmick match at Extreme Rules. After that Orton should be in the title picture and Kane should do what he does best, be a jobber to the stars.

This is what I think will happen as well. But Orton needs to go back to chasing the title. Oh yeah, didn't WWE say they wanted to set a Guinness World Record for most masks worn at one time for the reason they put the mask back on Kane?
I can see this feud going past Mania. If Kane is to lose to Orton, which is all but a foregone conclusion, do you really think Kane is gonna let that go?

Kane's character is one that doesn't take defeat well. He'll keep coming after you until his job his done, whatever that may be.

I see this feud going all the way to Over the Limit ending in a Last Man Standing match. They've got time to expand upon their story until then.
In that vein, it's hard to know if their confrontation continues after WM. If something unusual happens at the PPV (which is always a possibility with Kane), there might be reason to continue their series. Otherwise, I'll presume the feud was a "made-for-PPV" event and the two will have no further dealings afterward.

Indeed. Makes me think of Punk vs. Orton last year. While I remember it being one of the highlights of the PPV, I cannot for the life of me recall the build or the aftermath. I guess the same is going to happen this year.
For Kane, I think he should feud with Brodus Clay. It makes sense to me. Kane could be mad at how Brodus isn't taking his level of power seriously and set his sights on Brodus to get him to "Embrace the Hate" or whatever. It could be a very decent five minute monster vs. monster match for sure. I mean, it can't be worse than putting him with Khali.

Or they could team him up with Mark Henry and let them take the tag titles. Kane and Henry are both big and powerful monsters that cause a lot of damage. That smells like a tag team to me.

As for Orton, I would say that he should be put back into the World title picture. Daniel Bryan's sure to walk out of Mania with the win, but to me, Sheamus isn't a big enough opponent to solidify his reign as a meaningful one. Not to mention, Orton never got his chance at the WHC after he was taken out of the Elimination Chamber match, so to me, that just smells like a Summer time feud waiting to happen.
The OP's idea isn't bad, but like many others, I don't see it happening. #1 reason: I think it'd be pretty hard to turn RKO heel, especially if he is part of a dominant tag team. He's already a kind of "heelish face," I guess, so unless he started making fun of the home town's sports teams or something, I don't know what they could really do to turn people against him. Therefore, a dominant face/tweener tag team with these two would be more realistic, probably.

I do like the idea that Kane continues with this gimmick of turning people heel/convincing them to "embrace the hate." That'd make his character more developed, which seems to be a problem people are seeing with him. That being said, it actually needs to work, so he'd probably have to pick some low- to upper-midcard guys: Kofi, Alex Riley, etc. Or he could make "stale" heels darker and scarier: The Miz or Drew McIntyre or something.

None of that needs to happen--I don't think Kofi should turn heel, at all, just so y'all know--but heck, it's an idea, and this is a forum for ideas, right? We're all just having fun here!
I think all thats going to happen is that they will have a match at extreme rules, something like no DQ or no holds barred. I just really hope it isnt last man standing, because then itll be exactly, and i mean EXACTLY, what happened last year. He will be thrown into a random feud with someone he has done something to in the past, he will get the one-up at mania, then the hype will be a last man standing match. Then after that, kane will probably feud with ryder, and orton will be back in the title picture on smackdown.
Dave Meltzer asked a good question recently. Has Kane ever had a decent feud? The answer is no. The Edge one was a joke w/ the Paul Bearer kidnapping crap. We all know how bad the Cena one was. The 10,000 Taker matches were all bores. He's never really had an intertesting feud once when you think about it.

I just feel for Orton Sunday having to try and make the match interesting,especially since its gonna be a "regular" match w/ no stips. What can you do w/ Kane in a regular match? Hes a brawler. Maybe the match will be a ddq or something,leading to a gimmick match at Extreme Rules. But please no Orton and Kane team,remember,Orton and Kane are loners.
I didn't know people still read Meltzer's garbage. He was a puro mark to begin with and has some sort of beef with the WWE. He didn't give the WWE a 5 star match rating between Hell in a Cell 1997 and Money in the Bank 2011. Mostly because he didn't agree with the direction the company was going and things his "*****" actually means anything. To most people, it doesn't.

Kane has had some good feuds. Even the Cena/Kane feud was good. Why was it bad? It was a little cartoony/B-horror filmish at times, but it was still fun if you don't take wrestling too seriously. Then again, if you think a guy no selling backdrops until it internally decapitates him is good then you probably need to rethink your views of what pro wrestling actually is.

I can see Kane and Orton in a gimmick match in May. I don't think their styles mesh well together though. I think they're both too methodical. Being methodical works when you have a foil. However, just like two fliers turns into a spotfest, having two methodical guys kills the pacing of the match.
i accually dont mind the idea cuz they need to give Kane what he deserves before his careers over a embrace the hate alliance! great thread!
I miss the old groups like the Nation of Domination or even Evolution. It'd be neat if Kane could 'turn people over to the dark side' and have them join his group of monsters.

Orton, Kane, Drew McIntyre, etc would be cool. They could easily take the tag team titles, and go on a spree through the other titles like Intercontinental and United States.

Woo, woo, woo.

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