Kane Better Without The Mask?

I think it's better if he doesn't come back

It's stupid but I can't stand looking at his ugly bald head, so I'd prefer the mask for peerly personal reasons.

And no his face doesn't "add to the character" to me, he is just ugly, and God don't like ugly
brahma Bullshit not being able to afford cable made you not watch wrestling for 9 years.

Mr. HD I salute you for linking that youtube footage, that did things for this thread our words couldn't.

Now its time to quit accusing people of being nastalgia ****es and its time to quit inserting lucha logic in this debate. Kane was at his strongest when he was in the mask in his first and second full body attire. that was from 1997 - 2000. He became comical at times with the mask on and was involved in several infamous spectacles. thats a fact. But immidietly following his unmasking he showed dominance for a few months and the brass slowly began to kill his momentum. Like I HAVE SAID TIME AND TIME AGAIN his one day WWF Title reign meant more then his 4 month WHC run. There are alot of wrestlers who's dominance can be confined to an era or whos characters are partitionable. Razor Ramon for example was stronger then Scott Hall, the Crow Sting would destroy the Surfer Sting, seeing Hollywood Hogan in TNA would instantly elevate Hulk Hogan. I think Henry is stronger now because of sexual chocolate because he never wants to be that again. I think the mask would have to come with other things like the same body shape c. 1997, the same outfight, the same theme, the same antisocial interactions he had with the other roster members. As far as his face is concerned, its possible the ugliness and burns were pyshological and thats a valid counterpoint to those saying we saw his face and it wasn't scarred and it hasn't gotten scarred. The mask is kane's wake up call. We know what it used to mean as older fans and younger fans will be interested to see how we saw him in his prime.

him losing in this matched looked better then him in a winning match last year.. idk y i cant embed that link..

the lesson here and with Mark Henry:
denegration in the past = drive in the present. That is how wrestling works at times.

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