Kane..... As Kane?

Sean Valjean

Lets Bitch About This Thing We Love
Kane's had the same gimmick for over a decade now:as Undertaker's pyromanic little bro. His character has gotten stale to me, and it's not only because he constantly loses. He came in as a burnt up mute, then spoke, then finally took his mask off. Other than those minor changes, his core character hasn't changed much at all.

So do you think Kane could or should try a new gimmick like Taker did, or is it too late for wrestling's favorite arsonist?
No he should not change his gimmick to the American badass. It would just look really on Kane and has no sense at all. Why does it have no sense at all? Well because they build Kane up as a monster, as a person from hell and it works for him because he is 6'11 300 pounds (I think). Could you just imagine him with a American flag and a motorcycle? It would look really really stupid. Plus the American badass gimmick was a a fail, so what would change?
I'm not actually suggesting he should become an american badass. I just mean a new gimmick in general.

Then I suggest you should change the title of the thread. As I said before he shouldn't have a new gimmick because of his size. I mean you wouldn't change Khali's gimmick would you (the kiss cam/kissing ugly girls isn't a gimmick change)? You wouldn't change the Big Show would you? No matter what you say the giants never get a gimmick change because they are meant to be built up as monsters and impossible to beat which is great for a underdog face.
kane needs SOMETHING, he used to be one of my favorites...now they have him losing to guys like rey mysterio...kane needs something to happen, even if they come up with some freaky story line with him getting injured and getting his mask back and going mute again. im tired of seeing him lose all the time. they need to do something with poor kane
Kane is one of the most misused guys in the WWE. The poor guy got the title for ONE FUCKING DAY! That was 10 years ago now. He's been loyal to Vince and should have been rewarded awhile back for it. When he faced Trips awhile back with the IC Title And WHC on the line he should have won. But no, he shouldn't have a gimmick change. I mean, what can you really do with him now? The Kane I liked best was the monster that didn't talk. He was mysterious and powerful and nobody could do anything about it. But theres no way you can go back to that. Its proven now that his face isn't messed up and that his scars are emotional. So its totally pointless. I'd like them to take him off TV for awhile, and when he comes back give him a push. His place in the company is a jobber to the stars and the babyfaces. I can't stand it hes a great talent. But a gimmick change is probably out of the question at this point. But a strong push would be awesome. Too bad it can't just start with the MITB. :(
i do not think he needs a gimmick change especially this late into his career,he is a couple of years away from retiring.i just hope they dont do what they did with victoria to him.even though he really didnt have many major accomplishments i think he should still get a good send off (not like a ric flair or undertaker one though).

I think what he needs is to take sometime off.If he took a year or at least have a year off then he wouldnt be so stale.i think if he took some time off he could hit the gym more often and het muscled up a little bit more and come back a little refreshed.seriously when was the last time he got injured or took time off,i really cant remeber.

But as far as a gimmick change i say no because it is to late now i already mentioned what imo he needs.
Kane's great but he is getting more and more stale. It's not his gimmick though, it's his employer. He doesnt need a new gimmick, his gimmick is great! It just needs a good push/storyline to go with it and it'd be awesome again, imagine a world heavyweight championship fued with Taker, it'd be epic!
Yea it's defenitly wayyy to late in his career for a gimmick change. All that really would do it complelty ruin an already dieing legacy that he may be able to one day leave behind. If you ask me Kane should just retire soon before he ends up overstaying his welcome.
If they could return Kane to the masked monster he once was I would like to see him retire but similar to the movie death race, have another similar build, similar style big man come in a wear the mask/outfit, ala Frankenstien.
Could be a storyline in someone figuring it out and trying to blow the new Kanes cover. It would be a stretch but to the general WWE audience it could be a passable storyline pending on the outfit.
Then I suggest you should change the title of the thread. As I said before he shouldn't have a new gimmick because of his size. I mean you wouldn't change Khali's gimmick would you (the kiss cam/kissing ugly girls isn't a gimmick change)? You wouldn't change the Big Show would you? No matter what you say the giants never get a gimmick change because they are meant to be built up as monsters and impossible to beat which is great for a underdog face.

you say the big guys never have a gimmick change.. would you take a look at viscera and mark henry??

mabel.. viscera.. the worlds largest love machine.. big daddy v

that's 4 gimmick changes right there.

mark henry went from sexual chocolate to the worlds strongest man gimmick and now he portrays himself as the silver back gorilla of the WWE.

so the big guys do change there gimmicks around.. as for kane though.. i been a kane mark all my life, and yes his gimmick has gotten stale i don't want it to change. i just want him to have a win or two! money in the bank would be the perfect time for kane to walk out with the shot and maybe, just maybe he will have a run with the strap!
as everyone else in the world has stated, a gimmick change for kane would be pointless. he used to be one of those guys that i would expect to win. kind of like the undertaker or john cena. but now, i expect kane to job somehow in all of his matches. which is exactly what is happening. but why? is kane asking for what is happening to him? has vince lost his mind? does kane even care that he's won only 2 world championships in his long wwe career. that is if you consider the ecw title a world championship anymore. because i just don't know......
Wayyyy too late for a gimmick change but Kane is my fav and I wish they would give him more wins. Doubt he'll win at MITB but he so should. Damn the WWE. Kane is the most misused superstar on the roster and its really dissapointing to see a huge talent go to waste
I always wondered why the whole mask was a big issue for kane. If it really was breathing problems, Kane could've easily gone to face paint, but alas they take his mask off, which is cool for a while and now he's old and stale..

Could Kane use a new gimmick, NO..why? Cause hes a monster..LMAO at the AMerican Badass..Seeing Kane as the Badass would be the funniest thing ever LOL! I can imagine him with a motorcyle with red pyro coming out of the ramp as he goes through it
his charecter started to become stale when he first changed his mask and started talking. it humanised the monster. as expressionless as the mask was, kane showed great emotion when wearing it and lost some of that mystique when they changed it.
And as i recall didn't Kane Start out and Issac Yankem, D.D.S., not that he made that huge of and impact as this Character, but the repackaged him then as Kane so that would be a Gimmick change in its self right there. But as for the Fact of Changing him now, NO Dont change a thing they just need to put him against someone that is actually going to give him a fight, something that is going to make everyone talk about him again, not in a boring story with rey mysterio.
Kane doesnt need a gimmick change, he needs a push at the WWE or World title...maybee winning the MITB match at mania'?
then go on to beat Smackdowns champion and then give smackdown a star that way and he gets his big push
I think its way too late for the Big Red Losing Machine and to be honest I've always thought he was dull. Second rate undertaker with the same moves, and the only time he's been remotely interesting is when he fueds with Taker but they've been there and done that more times then I care to remember.

I remember when he was fueding with X-Pac (my two least fave wrestlers of all time) and every match you just waited for that dull blast of Kane's music and then he'd beat him up, make the fire come out the ring. He's been doing the same ever since because he's bloody dull.

He may have been loyal to Vince but the reason he's only had one short world title reign is because he's not good enough. Yes he has some small fan base but he's never been really over heel or face.

Pack him off to TNA i say!
A gimmick change is far too late for Kane. However, a decent push isn't. Why are WWE not using this character as they should do? It's almost comical that a big monster such as Kane jobs week in and week out. They need to bring back that feeling of power he had, and the fear he impressed on to his opponents. I hope he get's a push myself. He deserves it with how loyal, and long his career with WWE has been.
I don't think an American Badass Kane would work at all...not even slightly. There is nothing wrong with Kane's gimmick and I think it's fair to say the character has undergone a lot of changes since its inception. First he was masked and couldn't speak, then he could speak. He's been fan favourite and monster heel. Then a more comedic aspect was added to the character before his eventual unmasking. I would argue that Kane's gimmick has evolved just as much as if not slightly more than the Undertaker.

All Kane needs is to be used properly. Give him a good storyline and he will shine. Build up his credibility again..give him his pyro back. Winning Money in the bank could work wonders for him.

I could see Kane reverting back to the mask and end his career a bit like the Undertaker is ending his in the gimmick in which he started. Obv WWE would have to come up with a valid storyline for this to happen but it's not impossible in the whacky world of WWE. Overall, he's fine as he is...I would just love him to be used better.
Makes you wonder sometimes...Kane was at his best when he had just taken off his mask. I actually thought his psychotic character was great...throwing RVD through the steel cage, setting JR on fire, hooking a car battery to Shane McMahon's family grapefruits...it made you wonder what sick thing this psychopath would do next. Kane was out of control and had one of the best runs he had in a long time. If that Kane had become champ, his character could have gone to new extremes to ensure the title stayed with the Big Red Machine. However, it's probably safe to say the Katie Vick fiasco ruined that run. Then this last summer where Kane started doing demented stuff again and carrying the sack, I thought we were seeing the return of a great character...only to have creative ruin that run again with a pointless drawn out feud with Rey Mysterio! I like Rey, but there's no way I believed Rey stood a chance against a sick demented monster Kane. Even with a terrible storyline, creative could have used it to give Kane a push by heartlessly destroying Rey...especially since this storyline did nothing for Rey and put Kane back...
Look what worked for Taker. He was the American Bad Ass, Kane buried him alive, and he came back as the deadman. Put Kane in an inferno match with someone, have Taker burn Kane (again), and then keep Kane out for awhile, and when he comes back, he has the mask, and the complete old gimmick (I think new attire and adding dialogue is a gimmick change) is back. And have him come back surprisingly. Taker could be in the world title picture at this point, and Kane could come and cost him the title, and the two feud. Kane is a reestablished monster with more credibility than he has now.

Kane keeps getting put into title pictures that everyone knows he has no chance of winning. A feud like this could really rebuild his credibility.
Kane is one of the most misused guys in the WWE. The poor guy got the title for ONE FUCKING DAY! That was 10 years ago now. He's been loyal to Vince and should have been rewarded awhile back for it.

He doesn't want it back. He has bad knees and because he respects the business he doesn't want to hurt the integrity of the title because he physically can't perform at a level he feels is good enough.

The only gimmick change that I can see happening isn't really much of a change, but have Kane as a mentor to a younger "demon", and put them in a tag team. Have Kane take this person under his wing and it'll give him something to do, as well as help a new star rise.
I dont think Kane needs change at all, neither his gimmick or his place in the company. in fact id be willing to bet that he is pretty happy where he is at in the WWE. He has said before he doesnt mind not being heavyweight champion and really, he gets paid tons of money, gets a gimmick that is reacted to every week, rarely has to work a strenuous match, and gets onto pretty much every PPV, and will have a job for as long as he wants. Kane is fine the way he is, no character he would change to now to would get him more over than he is now unless he actually went MORE crazy than he is already.
Kane will never recieve a new gimmick. What would be the use of him, at this point in his career? Hes old, botchy, and is not that great on the mic these days. He can barely run without falling to the ground gasping for air (just watch, his dead or alive promos after chasing the camera men.) If you are sugesting that Kane needs to change gimmicks, to become fresh, and be pushed to the main event, then you are wrong. Kane does not need the belt, nor will he ever need the belt. He stays over simply because he is the Undertakers' little brother, plays with fire, and is a large naked chubacka looking person.

Kane's job is not to be in the main event, especially being 40-42 about to be 40-43. (sorry, I do not see where it says on WWE, and wiki does not have.) Seeing as how his birthday is in April. Its rounding time for Kane to retire. He has been putting people over for years, and needs to continue doing so. Edge vs Kane for the belt, would be a pathetic lump of crap, making nearly all of us commit suicide. WWE wants ratings, not their fans comming suicide.
I don't think Kane needs a change of gimmick. He still gets crowd support even though he has been constantly putting over other supporters. Did anyone see ECW last night? The crowd seemed to be the loudest when MVP asked Kane to talk. Kane doesn't really seem to want to be champion even if he was offered it and he manages to keep crowd support despite all of his losses. I think hes doing fine the way he is, they just need to stop putting him in stupid storylines like the Kelly Kelly and the Rey Mysterio one.

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