Kane as champion

People, including myself, always say that Kane deserves to be World Champion more than once and for more than just one day. So do you think Kane will win the Championship, and if he does what kind of a champion would he be and what would you want to see him do during his title reign.

I don't think he will win the championship but I think that he would be a good champion and that he would have to win it as a heel because I find the face character bland and uninteresting. I would want to see him feud with the Undertaker because I think that that is where this current angle is going anyway.

That's what I think, now you guys tell me what you think.
Eh, I don't really wanna see Kane as champion. Not saying he doesn't deserve it, or that he hasn't "paid his dues" and whatnot, but there are better choices for monster heels out there. Kane should have been champion long ago, maybe while he had the mask and was madly over, (i know he had it for one day) but now, I don't see him holding the belt simply because it wouldn't draw.
Kane is a perfect example of why Raw creative needs to watch Smackdown.

Michael Hayes made Kane.. who was stale for about 3-4 years IMO over in 2 weeks. He lets Glen Jacobs do these sadistic promos that you can actually invest into.

You tune into Raw and you change the channel every time a promo comes on. It seems so scripted and unbelievable you can invest into it. Tune in a couple days later to good ol' FNS, and you get to watch Punk, Kane, Swagger, Cody Rhodes, etc.. week in and week out look brilliant on the mic.

How many stars have either been drafted to smackdown or debut on smackdown and gotten instantly over? Michael Hayes is the most underrated man in WWE right now.

Ok... that was kind of a side rant so my bad

If Kane continues to get more over.. than hell ya I wouldn't mind if he got the strap. I want to see how the fans reaction will be if he turns on the Taker. Which is being said to be the final plans for now, but who knows (WWE future plans change on a daily basis of course)

I'm curious to see if he'll end up going over on the Undertaker if they do feud. Kane has never went over in the end on the Undertaker in all of his career. If they let him go over Undertaker clean in the end, than no doubt it would legitimize a future title run by Kane.
It really is unfortunate that Kane wasn’t allowed to have a proper run with the WWF Championship back when he was feuding with Stone Cold Steve Austin. If he did, I would certainly think that we would be seeing a different Kane than the one we do today.

With that being said, I honestly cannot see him recapturing the gold and if he does somehow manage to win the big one, it will be in his current run. Right now, Kane is more relevant to the main event scene than he has been over the last 5 years and that is because he has taken advantage of the situation and has a very good angle to go at. He hasn’t had such a good angle since the Stone Cold feud and I would be wrong if I thought that he was ever going to get another bite at this cherry.

Feuding with CM Punk right now, Kane has a great opportunity to try and exhaust himself in getting over. As I said, he has never been as relevant and CM Punk could hold the key for him becoming a dominant heel again and hopefully back into the world title contention. The absolute worst thing they could do for Kane right now is to put him into a feud with the Undertaker. The Undertaker would invariably crush him and take all of the momentum out of his current run. If I was booking his feud, I would definitely have him join the SES and then feud with the Undertaker with Gallows and Punk helping to establish him as a heel.

Right now, he doesn’t have the sheer momentum to get to the Championship but with a bit of work he could definitely make some strides towards it. I also think if he was to follow that route, he would make a great champion.
If it is in the cards for Kane to be champion, then the time is right now while Mysterio is champion. I don't think Kane will be champion but if he does, I guarantee that he will reveal that he was the attacker which will lead to a Kane/Taker match for the title preferrably at Survivor Series.
This thread always pops up every now and then, and I always say no. I believe Kane is capable of being a world champion, but it just won't happen. It's highly likely Kane will be revealed as the attacker of The Undertaker, and his whole hunt to find the attacker will just be one huge swerve. If this happens, then you just know Taker will get the best of Kane in this feud, and the deadman will be the one who is put into the world title picture. There are other guys on Smackdown(CM Punk,Swagger,Mysterio,Big Show) who will be constantly chasing the world title. Once the Undertaker storyline is done, Kane will most likely have a series of mid card feuds, where he will put over younger talent on Smackdown.

As Dave said, it's really unfortunate Kane wasn't able to have a proper run with the WWF title back when he won it. It's too bad that title win had to happen during Austin's time.
I think Kane could be a World Champion right now, this is the closest he's been to the main event since his unmasking and think if they want to give him another title run now would be the time to do it.

I think in the end Kane will end up as a heel as a member of the Straight Edge Society in the end and go for the title, or Kane will just win the title somehow, and then be revealed to have attacked Taker with the SES and then Taker will take out all of the SES and win the his 4th belt in as many years, but that's besides the point.

I honestly think if this angle plays out right, Kane could win the championship in the coming months, or come very close to it, which would do some good for his character and make him more of a threat again.
Ah the Kane argument... If Kane hadn't been recently handed a huge push, interfering in half the segments of Smackdown, I wouldn't give him a chance in hell at the title before he retires. But considering he's getting some legitimate momentum, and if it were revealed that he was the Undertaker's attacker, he is almost certain to get a good amount of heel heat.

In order to give Kane a title push before he retires, I see a bunch of things that have to happen first. He must first be revealed as the Undertaker's attacker, which is pretty likely at this point. Then, he must actually BEAT the Undertaker at a PPV. This is what I don't see happening...Unfortunately, Taker has beaten Kane on every single major occasion, and it has pushed the Big Red Machine further down with every loss. If he turns full heel again, beats his kayfab brother, and the push is going well, he will then be ready for the title. But they need to avoid throwing it on him, and I don't want to see him win the Money in the Bank ladder match. I want to see Kane as a legitimate champion, because it's the first and last real time it's every going to happen.
If this story goes the right way, he may be world champion. However, I just don't see it happening. Kane personally bores me in the ring. I have never really been a fan of his, nor have I found him to be impressive in this angle with the SES. His in ring work is okay, but I just cannot get into him when he speaks. Things just tend to come off as cheesy and really rehearsed. I would buy him as World Heavyweight Champion, but it would have to come at the right time.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;2180096 said:
Ah the Kane argument... If Kane hadn't been recently handed a huge push, interfering in half the segments of Smackdown, I wouldn't give him a chance in hell at the title before he retires. But considering he's getting some legitimate momentum, and if it were revealed that he was the Undertaker's attacker, he is almost certain to get a good amount of heel heat.

In order to give Kane a title push before he retires, I see a bunch of things that have to happen first. He must first be revealed as the Undertaker's attacker, which is pretty likely at this point. Then, he must actually BEAT the Undertaker at a PPV. This is what I don't see happening...Unfortunately, Taker has beaten Kane on every single major occasion, and it has pushed the Big Red Machine further down with every loss. If he turns full heel again, beats his kayfab brother, and the push is going well, he will then be ready for the title. But they need to avoid throwing it on him, and I don't want to see him win the Money in the Bank ladder match. I want to see Kane as a legitimate champion, because it's the first and last real time it's every going to happen.

I agree with you 100% that Kane needs to go over Taker on the big stage!

I looked it up the other day and you would not believe Undertakers record in the big 4 (Royal Rumble, Mania, Summerslam, and Survivor Series)

It's just that Undertaker gimmick.. he doesn't lose on the biggest stage. People talk about the Mania streak, but people forget Taker went I think 7-0 or 8-0 at Survivor Series before losing his first one. I believe he is now like 11-4 but still.

His record when it comes to the big 4 is ridiculously impressive.

I think If Kane could legitimately go over clean on Undertaker for once it could be one of the biggest pushes to a monster ever... rarely has Undertaker gotten beat clean on a big stage. (He let Kennedy do it one year at SS, and it sky rocketed Kennedy's stock)
If Kane was going to hold a world title, it should have been in 2000-2002, when he was masked as well..

Since then he hasn't done anything..even now, I think he wouldn't do good as champion...He needs to go over someone, maybe Taker, but seeing him as world champion doesn't sound good at the moment..WWE know they should have given him the strap 8 years ago!!

He is getting really voer right now, but I don't see a world title run coming his way, unless he wins the MitB match!!
If Kane was going to hold a world title, it should have been in 2000-2002, when he was masked as well..
The mask doesn't matter. He could be just as much of a monster without it. Do you remember when he unmasked and went apeshit on everyone...

I think that the fact of the matter is that as much as we all want Kane to win the belt, deep down inside we all know it won't happen. I just think that VKM doesn't want Kane to have it... Why? I don't know. I think that the title is destined for Drew McIntyre next.
Kane honestly wouldn't interest me as a Champion.The champion is supposed to be the most entertaining man on the roster,and Kane only interests me as like a mercenary type person,who comes out to dominate whenever the situation calls for it.He's perfect for the most random booking and does his job well.When I watch wrestling,the championships mean very little to me,it's mostly about the feuds and those sweet video packages they make.Back to my point,Kane doesn't need the strap,give to someone who needs it to get over,but let's never have another 24 hour reign again.
Being a Kane fan I'd obviously endorse him as champion any day of the week. I think he could make a good champion, he has a good character, he is over, he can talk very well when allowed to do so (much better than the likes of The Undertaker in my opinion) and he brings it in the ring, especially when he needs to. Nevertheless, despite this significant push he's currently receiving, I'm still not convinced that it will lead to a World title run as 'Taker will probably come back to destroy Kane's credibility as he always does.

The only way I could see a title reign for Kane is if he won the Money in the Bank ladder match, cashed it in on Rey and then held it until it's time to lose to The Undertaker again at Summerslam or Survivor Series....not an ideal title reign, no, but it'd still be better than any thing else he's been given title-wise and to be honest it's something I'd still love to see.

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