Justice League

That'd be pretty epic but I honestly think there'd be too much expectations for it, especially after the Avengers. Everyone's gonna shit on it constantly because they'd think they were gonna do this or that or be all around better.

I'd rather not hear or read about everyone's bitching.

So I'm gonna say no.

Word on the Interwebz is that it's already in the works. Source: Wikipedia.
It's going to happen, but I just can't see it happening in the next three years at least. Green Lantern under preformed plus Reynolds wants a Deadpool movie more than a GL sequel, Bale's not doing Batman anymore, they of course have to get a Flash and Wonder Woman movie. To me Martian Man hunter is optional but people will probably want that. And of course a lot of if they can even get to that point hinges on the success of the Man of Steel movie.
Yeah they should do a JL movie but I'm not sure if they should go the path of giving each (the important members of JL) their own movie or just bring them all in together. Another thing would be to replace Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern.
It wouldn't be for years, sadly. Green Lantern wasn't exactly a huge success so I can't see them using the Ryan Reynolds incarnation of the character for a JL movie. The Nolan Batman series is done so they'll probably need to reboot Batman for this purpose, which will almost definitely end in disappointment, at least in my opinion. Man of Steel could be the first film in a new DC Universe, but that's still a year away. There's also the issue that nobody wants to approach a Flash movie and Aquaman is a joke. I think we'll be waiting on this for a while. I do think this picture is pretty amazing though.


I kind of had this idea that Nolan's Batman could be part of this with JGL taking over as Batman and Bale's Bruce Wayne playing a Nick Fury sort of role in bringing the team together. It'd at least be a nice way to keep him involved.
They still need to have individual movies for at least Wonder Woman and Flash, I think a Batman reboot is the thing that's going to hurt them the most, no Nolan or Bale. Whoever has to fill those shoes will have no easy task.
They still need to have individual movies for at least Wonder Woman and Flash, I think a Batman reboot is the thing that's going to hurt them the most, no Nolan or Bale. Whoever has to fill those shoes will have no easy task.

Wonder Woman is being written now as well.


Also who says they need to make individual movies for every character of the JL before they make JL, they could always have the Batman reboot spin off from JL, same with Flash. GL did fine, & they could easily recast the role & go with one of the other GL's.
Wonder Woman is being written now as well.


Also who says they need to make individual movies for every character of the JL before they make JL, they could always have the Batman reboot spin off from JL, same with Flash. GL did fine, & they could easily recast the role & go with one of the other GL's.

While the Batman and GL parts are true to a degree I don't think the JL movie itself is the best place to first introduce a character such as Flash. He'd be overshadowed.
I don't really think Flash is mainstream enough to warrant his own movie. I havent been able to shake the feeling that GL underperformed because he isn't at the popularity level of a Batman or Spider-man. Plus with the recent success of Batman, and the upcoming Superman movie, those two alone could carry it. Throw in the decent GL film and the Wonder Woman film and they will be fine.
Wasn't a Teen Titans movie in the works and slated to come out before Justice League? Or was that just some crap I read?
I don't really think Flash is mainstream enough to warrant his own movie. I havent been able to shake the feeling that GL underperformed because he isn't at the popularity level of a Batman or Spider-man. Plus with the recent success of Batman, and the upcoming Superman movie, those two alone could carry it. Throw in the decent GL film and the Wonder Woman film and they will be fine.

Depends on how you define "underperformed", the movie cost $200 mil. to make & grossed about $220 mil. worldwide, so it made a profit, also it lead to a new cartoon, and a shit load of merch. Who knows how many millions of dollars WB is making off that shit.
Batman aside, the Avenger line up is far superior to the JL.

One of the things that Marvel did so well in their pre-Avengers movies was add some actual depth to their characters besides "I have a secret identity." It would take a lot of effort to make the likes of Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman and even Superman remotely interesting.
It's going to happen, but I don't have high expectations.

-We have no idea who is in charge. That matters.

-The Justice League has some issues. Batman and Superman are the most famous comic book characters of all time. Outside of those two, who do they have? I'm sorry, but mainstream America just doesn't care about The Flash or Wonder Woman, and they don't even know the other characters (Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, hell, they barely knew Green Lantern).

The Avengers film worked because of the films before it. People care about and are familiar with Captain America, The Hulk, Thor and Iron Man. That's why those separate films worked and made money.

-Batman needs to a reboot, and that won't be easy. That needs to happen before a Justice League film can happen. Well, unless they just cast JGL in the part of Robin John Blake. That would be a bit... underwhelming. Would definitely save time, though.
It should be noted that WB green lit & started production on a Justice League movie once before already (2007 I beleive), but then shut down production cause Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy went into production & they didn't want two separate & very different Batmen out there at the same time.

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