Justice League Movie

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
It is rumoured that George Miller (director of the Mad Max trilogy and um, Happy Feet) is set to direct the DC Superhero team-up movie, JLA. Warner Bros is fast-tracking the feature based on super team the Justice League of America.

Nothing has been confirmed yet but it is encouraging to know he is being considered as Miller is a great action filmmaker. From the comic series that has teams-up all the classic DC superheroes, we hear that Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Green Lantern will all play major roles in the film, and that we can expect at least one big superhero death.

How all of this will pan out with Batman turning up in ‘The Dark Knight’ in 2008 and another Superman instalment slated for 2009 is anyone’s guess. But with leagues of comic book fans always proving movie-going stalwarts, you can’t blame them for trying to cram them all into one film, can you?
This is certainly advantage for DC to be owned by Warner Brothers, they are able to do a movie like this. Marvel, you could never have a kick ass Avengers movie, because half the characters are signed with a dozen or so different studios.

Now, I thiink it is way to soon to make this movie. I would have like to have seen maybe each person get an individualmovie before this one comes out. It sound interesting, and I'm guessing they are going to use JLA to put over Wonder Woman, Flash and Lantern for their own movies, test them in this movie and see if they have any wings to fly on their own.

Obviously though, either superman or batman are going to shine in this movie. As long as they don't make Batman campy and still the brooder, and as long as it's Bale, I'm down for it. I think I would much rather see the long rumored Batman/Superman Movie.
If anyone but Christopher Nolan writes and directs anything with Batman in it, I'm not watching it, plain and simple. There's no one else who can pull it off as well as he does.

Moving on to this rumor, I'm not sure. They're making the Wonder Woman movie, last i heard they were casting the role.

The Flash deserves his own movie and they should make that before they do a JLA movie. Green Lantern I'm not sure but I'd be OK with it if he played a supporting role in a movie like this.

Taking it all into consideration, I'm not sure if I like it. Taking the wait and see approach.

As for Shock talking about the Avengers movie, it's my dream... Captain America, Thor and Iron Man, oh man. I don't know what studios all are signed to but that would be sick. But an Avengers movie would've even have to be those guys considering all the incarnations of the avengers there have been over the years.
Rumor has it Ryan Reynolds will portray The Flash.He was the guy in Van Wilder, Waiting, Amityville Horror.Just for your guys information.
Ryan Reynolds has the attitude to pull off The Flash. But I would want to see a Green Lantern Movie as that would Kick ass if he was solo. The Green Lantern is one of my Favourite Comic Book Characters, he has such a weird weakness in the colour Yellow. But that makes him interesting.
But where's the Martian manhunter in this film?

See it could work because X-Men did but most films where there are to many characters [ie Batman and Robin] they just fail miserably. Though I am excited to see the Green Lantern and the Flash, though I wonder which two they'll have as them
Well knowing Warner Brothers and DC movies, this movie is still probably years away. When they say pre-production, they mean pre-production. It took how many years for Superman and 300 million dollars before this film even got started to make? Wonder Woman has been in talks for how long? It goes on and on. Warner Brothers does make some damn fine movies, but they drag their feet so damn long on it, I can't see this movie making it to the big screen within 5 years.

Plus, it's going to really grind against the grain of what Warner Brothers is trying to establish, a more realistic DC Universe. Nolan's Films are about as down to earth as they get, and Superman, even though he is an alien, was about as Extra Terrestrial as something I pick out of my nose. I think this movie will probably do a lot to help out the other franchises, especially Superman, but I think it may effectively kill the new Batman movies.
This film couldn't be more pointless in my opinion. Why would Warners put several francises into one film? That's why a Superman vs. Batman film will never be made. I also think it would be incredibly camp. The Green Lantern just wont work in a film. Now as a mini series than that would be worth seeing.
Green Lantern would work in a film, but it all depends on which Green Lantern. Hal Jordan as he is at the moment would be great.

But I agree with the mini-series idea. One film's to much to bring a mix of the greatest superheroes of all time.
If you ask me the green lantern isn't worth introducing in his own film. That's the only reason I would like a movie like this. or at least introduce him in one of the other franchises like Marvel did with the Silver Surfer (obviously Silver Surfer movies would be coming up but he was undeserving of his own movie right off the bat).

Other than this this movie has no point.
If you ask me the green lantern isn't worth introducing in his own film. That's the only reason I would like a movie like this. or at least introduce him in one of the other franchises like Marvel did with the Silver Surfer .

Yeah I see the point here, the vast majority of peopel don't actually know who the Green Lantern is so it would be a good intro for him.

Like someone said earlier I'd like to see how this would be done with WB's realistic mindset of superhero movies. i mean their base is on the moon!
Like said, most of this is just to test the waters with a Flash, Green Lantern, and Aquaman movies, since pretty much Wonder Woman is all but confirmed. The interesting thing is that Warner Brothers has put this as a priority over the Superman sequel.

The only question I would have to ask now is, if this movie does happen, and say, Christian Bale was signed on to do 3 Batman movies, would this movie go to that contract or not? Because for me, I say scrap this movie if it is going to effect the Nolan series in the smallest.
Ryan Reynolds appears to be ready and willing to take on the role of the Flash in the up-coming Justice League movie, but apparently Christian Bale says he won't play Batman in a Justice League movie.

You may remember that Reynolds was in talks a few years ago to play the Flash in David Goyer's film adaptation which ultimately fell through. Here's what he had to say yesterday in an MTV interview...

"I don't really know how much I'm allowed to talk about that stuff," Reynolds said. "But I'm sure they'll figure out something. It's no secret that they have a 'JLA' script and it's a project that's in development -- the contents of which, who knows. We'll see."

On the back of yesterday's reports regarding possible cast members for the up-coming Justice League movie, MovieHole.net has posted a report claiming that Brandon Routh and Christian Bale would not be reprising their roles as Superman and Batman in the proposed Justice League movie, even though Superman and Batman would be in the film.

A casting director for the movie will be onboard next week and it's then that they'll be going after their tighted strongmen.

Director George Miller ("Mad Max") has some ideas who he'd like to cast as Batman and Superman but naturally, they mightn't be the same faces the WB want. Either way, doesn't sound like Christian Bale or Brandon Routh will be involved in the film. I assume that's a financial thing.

Further more, IESB.net reports that Superman, Batman, the Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern are all said to be in the movie, with early meetings having already taken place for certain key roles with announcements expected very soon.

Routh and Bale not being in this movie does NOT mean that they won't star in future stand-alone "Superman" or "Batman" film sequels, as both have contracts to play their respective characters in future films. MovieHole.net reinforces this in their updated report...

Yes, its true that Brandon Routh and Christian Bale won't be starring as Superman and Batman, respectively, in the "Justice League" movie - but they will both still be starring in the stand-alone "Superman" and "Batman" sequels. So don't fret fans, there will only be a new Bats and Supes for the team-up movie.

Stay tuned for more updates on the Justice League movie.

Just to add a little spice to what's already a hot topic, IESB.net now reports that it's highly possible that the up-coming Justice League movie will actually be done as a CGI (Computer generated imagery) film using motion capture technology.

This would also explain how The Dark Knight films would continue on, same goes for Superman.

Also, this explains the quick casting starting next week and the speedy production date of first quarter 2008. But, mo-cap films take a lot of time, so this may not be ready by Summer 2009 like a traditional film would be. Are we looking at Summer of 2010 or 2011? This would give time for the Batman and Superman sequels. Plus with George Miller's success with singing pigs and dancing penguins, It finally all makes sense! But who knows!

This would put our League of Superheroes in a world much like Paramount's Beowulf or Cameron's Avatar, where they could hire any actor they wanted and tweak and change them accordingly.
casting directors are now listed at Showfax in New York, Toronto and Vancouver for Warner Bros.' live-action Justice League of America adaptation, which George Miller (Happy Feet) is expected to direct.

The roles listed with the casting calls do not specify which characters they are in the film. Reports have said that the superhero team-up movie would include Batman, Superman, The Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern. Christian Bale (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight) and Brandon Routh (Superman, Superman: Man of Steel) are not involved.

Warner Bros. has yet to make an official announcement about George Miller's attachment or any casting info.

The more I hear about this movie the more I don't want them to do it, is there really a market for a JLA movie? It's going to have to many characters coming in with not enough room for development, Martian Manuhunter's still not been announced for it and the thing is this could lead to a teen titans movie...oh no!
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