Justice League Movie to apparently be set in it's own World

FlexAmerican Dynamite

Justice League Movie possibly will have nothing to do with 2013's Man of Steel nor will have anything to do with any other stand alone Hero films such as Wonder Woman or Flash.

In short, DC wants Justice League to have completely different actors for that specific movie, and wants completely different actors for say a regular Batman movie. Which means we could have two to three different actors playing Superman or Batman in the next couple of years. Which means they don't want their characters to actually share a universe unlike Marvel.
That's gonna suck. Part of the appeal of The Avengers was the shared universe they all have.
It's just a rumor at this point, I really wouldn't read to much into it. Though if this were the way they chose to go, I'm betting one of the major reasons would be so they could sign on cheaper actors for the ensemble cast of the JL movie. Personally I really don't care what they do as long as the movie is good.
See I'm just worried about the story itself, I was fine with their being no Wonder Woman or Flash movies but the possibility of no connection to Man of Steel has me worried they won't have proper time development for whatever villain/threat they decide to have for a JL movie. Plus not enough time to develop everyone since these are new actors we haven't seen before.
I know DC and Marvel have this rivalry thing going on, but Marvel has laid out the blueprint for how this type of movie is going to work. The Avengers made an ungodly amount of money, because people enjoyed the individual films. The curiosity factor of seeing all of those characters interacting was a huge selling point.

I could see DC wanting to do the reverse, use a Justice League movie to launch a new series of individual films. It's the reverse Avengers, but it could work. I just can't see people buying into these films if you have different actors. People want to be able to connect with a character, and it's hard to do that if they're changing faces every other movie.
I know DC and Marvel have this rivalry thing going on, but Marvel has laid out the blueprint for how this type of movie is going to work. The Avengers made an ungodly amount of money, because people enjoyed the individual films. The curiosity factor of seeing all of those characters interacting was a huge selling point.

I could see DC wanting to do the reverse, use a Justice League movie to launch a new series of individual films. It's the reverse Avengers, but it could work. I just can't see people buying into these films if you have different actors. People want to be able to connect with a character, and it's hard to do that if they're changing faces every other movie.

That's what I'd do with the Justice League. Everyone knows who the big DC heroes are. Most people know their origin stories. Why devote an assload of time into telling people what they already know to try to get them to invest into something that'll already draw a big audience? For The Avengers, everyone knows that Bruce Banner's been irradiated and goes green when he's angry. Everyone knows Ironman's (slightly more) complex origin ans what he's about. Everyone who's ever read about Norse mythology knows who Thor is. Captain America's origin isn't important to who he is as a character. If he'd never been injected with the super soldier serum he'd still be the super patriotic guy who'd do anything and everything he could for his country and comrades. What I'm saying is fuck retelling origin stories if there's a better story that can be told.

To me it makes more sense to use The Justice League to draw in an initial audience using the drawing power of the big name heroes and the premise, and use that to market the lesser known heroes for their own movies. For example, let's say I don't know a thing about Green Lantern but I go see the JL film anyway and see John Stewart use his ring to kick some ass and build an entire skyscraper in massive detail for the heroes to hold a meeting in (before making a comment about how he used to be an architect). Do I need to know how the Guardians of Oa gave him a power ring and he married Katma Tui? Nope.

Or in other words, if the Justice League movie is like Secret Origins (for the JL tv show, rather than any other Secret Origins comic book story) that'll work fine.

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