Guillermo Del Toro Confirms Justice League Dark Film


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Del Toro Confirms JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK Movie In Development
By Lucas Siegel, Newsarama Site Editor
08 January 2013

Guillermo Del Toro confirmed to IGN yesterday that his Justice League Dark-like film is real and in early stages of development. The movie, under the Justice League-less working title of Dark Universe at Warner Bros, even has a tentative writer, who the director says is "perfect," although that identity remains secret.

In a video interview about his upcoming horror movie Mama, IGN asked Del Toro about the movie featuring DC's Dark and Supernatural heroes, to which he frankly replied, "Yeah, I'm doing it! I'm writing the outline, and we are already in talks with a writer, a very very good writer, I think people are going to be happy who we have chosen, and he accepted."

He was quick to note, however, "we don't know if it will happen, we don't know until they green light the movie." His enthusiasm for the source material showed in the interview, talking about his childhood love for the characters.

"Swamp Thing to me is a rock star. Demon Etrigan is crazy. Constantine, who I thought was an amazing creation - I want to do the Constantine of the comics. Deadman. You know, it's a lot of work but a lot of fun," Del Toro says to IGN, teasing some of his roster before also mentioning The Spectre and Zatanna.

Del Toro won't talk about the the plot just yet, but he said that Warner Bros "feels very very confident with what they have there" with Superman: Man of Steel and that they are full steam ahead with development of more DC Comics movies. He noted that the darker tone of the recently completed Batman trilogy and Man of Steel is what opened the door to a more serious take with dark superheroes.

I can't think of anyone I would rather see make this movie than Del Toro. I've been waiting years, ever since I first saw Hellboy, for him to make a movie with the Swamp Thing, & now it looks like that finally might be happening, & we'll be getting other great characters as well like Zatanna, Deadman, Constantine (preferably NOT played by Keanu Reeves), etc. I think I'm more excited about this movie than I am about the upcoming Justice League movie as I find the JLD characters to be much more interesting.

WB hasn't officially given this film the green light yet, but in a world where they were willing to make League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Losers, & Watchmen I can't see them not giving this the go ahead as well, especially with Del Toro directing.

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