Just watched The Rocks Hall Of Fame speech!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ok, it was 2 and a half years ago (I saw it then but first time since) but anyone who doubts The Rock doesn't love the business needs to watch that. He seemed so genuine in what he said about WWE and that he would never forget his roots.

I for one think that when the the timing permits, and the angle is right he will return for one last big thing. He has said it himself "it needs to be right" and not just a guest host or 1 night thing.

Also, I remember Rock getting alot of heat for this. He did go on maybe a little too long but this is The Rock! You make time! I also loved the interraction with various WWE superstars, another thing he got heat for but wasn't alot written by WWE creative for him?

Also, Dean Malenko needs to get a sense of humor. The Santino skit was FAF!
I think the only way The Rock will come back is:

1) He has nothing on the table movie/television wise.
2) The right amount of $$$
3) The right angle and him having COMPLETE creative control
4) Around the time for Wrestlemania

I do not doubt The Rock has love for the business. He wouldn't have been in so long if he didn't love what he did. I just believe he needs to have complete control over how, when and where he returns. I'm pretty sure he would get that control as well. The Rock is really the last ace WWE can pull out of the symbolic hat. Bret came back (which was HUGE for me as a long time fan), Hogan had a few stints, Flair did a run with WWE and Paul Bearer is back right now (which I and I'm sure many of you marked out for as well). The only other names that would have even the remotest impact The Rock would have would be Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar (which wouldn't be a huge deal for me personally) and Goldberg. Also, it's very highly doubtful Sting will ever grace a WWE ring, so I'm not even going to talk about that.
I do not doubt The Rock has love for the business. He wouldn't have been in so long if he didn't love what he did.

Umm...The Rock was in wrestling for 9 years. That's it. When there was money to be made elsewhere, he left. I Hate Cena, but he's right about The Rock. If the Rock loved wrestling, wouldn't he have been around a shade longer? Kurt Angle shouldn't have been around as long as he's been. I think someone like Angle should earn your respect.
Umm...The Rock was in wrestling for 9 years. That's it. When there was money to be made elsewhere, he left. I Hate Cena, but he's right about The Rock. If the Rock loved wrestling, wouldn't he have been around a shade longer? Kurt Angle shouldn't have been around as long as he's been. I think someone like Angle should earn your respect.

Rock grew up around wrestling all of his life. He came from a wrestling family. He wrestled for 9 years, did so much for the business, and then decided he wanted to do something else for a change. That's all there is to it and that doesnt mean he doesnt have love for the business.
Notice how the only way he'd show up at a WWE event (which wasn't even an actual wrestling show) was if they inducted Rocky Johnson and Grand Chief Maivia into the HOF, when quite frankly many people, myself included felt they didn't deserve a spot?

The event wasn't about paying respect to these two, it was coaxing Johnson into even making an appearance at a WWE event again. Watch the faces of many of the guys in attendance, it tells the story; they knew exactly what was going on.

Not to mention the fact that he spends about 10 minutes burying the current roster, before even getting to his father and grandfather. And yet he can't come back for an in-ring promo and do this?

Rock isn't coming back. Hollywood is clearly telling him that if he were to step into the ring at any point, he would be back to "The Wrestler" in the actor community (despite the fact that he's been gone from WWE for 6 years, and he's still known as the wrestler. That what movies like Race To Witch Mountain will do to you.)

I didn't mind the catchphrases and all that, and the marks ate it up. But it wasn't hard to see through the facade that night.
Rock grew up around wrestling all of his life. He came from a wrestling family. He wrestled for 9 years, did so much for the business, and then decided he wanted to do something else for a change. That's all there is to it and that doesnt mean he doesnt have love for the business.

Maybe he love the business but as a fan it's still annoying to hear him say I love the business, I miss the crowd and performing but don't call me The rock anymore and I won't come back to even do a promo in I don't know how many years (he did one for Smackdown but that's all).

I mean come on I know some people love the Rock and I do too but if he really missed wrestling and really loved it he would be still wrestling. When he say he miss wrestling I feel like he is just saying it to not anger his fan more than anything else and until he come back to a WWE ring I will doubt what he is saying about wrestling and his love for it.

Sure he may love wrestling but he love money and movies more it seems.
A few things here...

A.)You are all aware that when he signs on to do a movie (which he gets paid far far more, and takes far far less of a toll on his body) that he has to get any appearances and shit he wants to do OK'd by them, no studio wants to sinks millions and millions of dollars into a movie only to see their star suffer a freak injury and halt production costing the studio a shit load of cash

B.)He left an industry that had him on the road and away from his family 300+ days a year for one that he could make more money, have less wear and tear on himself and be able to see his kid more, he may have love wrestling business and miss it, but I think he loves his family more, and when presented with an option like this it seems like a no-brainer, Rock still gets to entertain the millions and MIIIIIIIILLIONS of the rocks fans and gets to spend time with his most important fan, his daughter, perhaps his wrestling fans should stop being a bunch of selfish assholes and accept this

C.)I doubt when the Rock first stepped into the ring he saw it as his first step to becoming a massive movie star
A few things here...

A.)You are all aware that when he signs on to do a movie (which he gets paid far far more, and takes far far less of a toll on his body) that he has to get any appearances and shit he wants to do OK'd by them, no studio wants to sinks millions and millions of dollars into a movie only to see their star suffer a freak injury and halt production costing the studio a shit load of cash

B.)He left an industry that had him on the road and away from his family 300+ days a year for one that he could make more money, have less wear and tear on himself and be able to see his kid more, he may have love wrestling business and miss it, but I think he loves his family more, and when presented with an option like this it seems like a no-brainer, Rock still gets to entertain the millions and MIIIIIIIILLIONS of the rocks fans and gets to spend time with his most important fan, his daughter, perhaps his wrestling fans should stop being a bunch of selfish assholes and accept this

C.)I doubt when the Rock first stepped into the ring he saw it as his first step to becoming a massive movie star

You see I see it the other way and I am not his biggest fan, I was more a Austin, HHH fan but still. I think he is a selfish asshole and he should give back to the sport who permitted him to get into acting. He didn't even made it to the 10 (or was it 15) years or Raw for christ sake. How hard is it to be there one freaking night or do a promo like he did at Smackdown!

Nobody is asking him to get back on the road 300+ days of the year and wrestles for years, but people are dying to see him in a couple of match in a feud or 2 so he could and we could have a real send off for and from him.

And the fact is that people can accept that he is gone, but when he goes on about how he miss wrestling and performing in front of a crowd and don't even come to host a Raw or something it's hard to not feel insulted.

Sure from the rumor he was close to doing something with the WWE this summer but the PG rating turned him away so we may see. But Cena is right (and I HATE Cena, well Cena the character) when he is saying that if he is missing wrestling that much he should come back otherwise he should shut up.

the only problem I have is that when the Rock come for a feud or a promo he expose how everything is lame and dull today. When he did that promo at smackdown! it made me realise how no one was able to be a Rock or Austin star and how we miss one.
Maybe he love the business but as a fan it's still annoying to hear him say I love the business, I miss the crowd and performing but don't call me The rock anymore and I won't come back to even do a promo in I don't know how many years (he did one for Smackdown but that's all).

I mean come on I know some people love the Rock and I do too but if he really missed wrestling and really loved it he would be still wrestling. When he say he miss wrestling I feel like he is just saying it to not anger his fan more than anything else and until he come back to a WWE ring I will doubt what he is saying about wrestling and his love for it.

Sure he may love wrestling but he love money and movies more it seems.

Seriously now? The rock pretty much stopped wrestling in 2003 and retired, then he "came back" numerous times in 2004, and made appearances in 2010 and 2007 and 2008. He shows up very rarely and that's what makes all of his returns or promo videos so special, unlike stone cold who returns every year. and where did he ever say "don't call me the rock"? he's just using his real name in movies now because he wants to be known more as an actor, not just "the wrestler trying to make it as an actor in hollywood". that doesn't mean he's ashamed of his wrestling past; what the hell is there to be ashamed of anyway? he was one of the most successful superstars of all time and at one point was the most popular superstar ever, over hogan and austin.

you don't know what's in his heart so give the guy benefit of the doubt.
You see I see it the other way and I am not his biggest fan, I was more a Austin, HHH fan but still. I think he is a selfish asshole and he should give back to the sport who permitted him to get into acting. He didn't even made it to the 10 (or was it 15) years or Raw for christ sake. How hard is it to be there one freaking night or do a promo like he did at Smackdown!

So what, you want him to have an entire studio just stop production on what ever movie he was working on at the time, costing them a shit load of money in the process, so he could fly out and do a stupid ass one-off appearance that ultimately leads nowhere, and doesn't benefit him one or what he's currently working on one fucking bit?, that's just fucking ******ed, let me ask you a question, what the fuck do you think your boss would say if you went up to them and asked them to shut the entire place down for a day so you could go back and work for your former employer for that one day?

Nobody is asking him to get back on the road 300+ days of the year and wrestles for years, but people are dying to see him in a couple of match in a feud or 2 so he could and we could have a real send off for and from him.

asking him to risk his movie career over a another short run in the ring is completely selfish, he gets hurt in the ring, which is very possible seeing as how he hasn't done anything in the ring in fucking forever, he could lose whatever movie he's either currently working on, or set to start working on, and people have gotten a send off from him, face it his wrestling career is fucking over, he'll likely never step foot in the ring again, especially for a match

And the fact is that people can accept that he is gone, but when he goes on about how he miss wrestling and performing in front of a crowd and don't even come to host a Raw or something it's hard to not feel insulted.

You see I don't remember the last time he's ever gone on and on about missing the business, usually when asked about it, he just touches on it real quick then moves on

Sure from the rumor he was close to doing something with the WWE this summer but the PG rating turned him away so we may see. But Cena is right (and I HATE Cena, well Cena the character) when he is saying that if he is missing wrestling that much he should come back otherwise he should shut up.

Or maybe the rumor was just complete bullshit from the beginning, and it was never going to happen, how long ago was that interveiw where Cena brought this shit up?, Cena wants to face Rock, why wouldn't he?, Rock was huge, the match would be epic and who doesn't want to see that, and I'm sure Vince would cum all over himself if he could get Rock to agree to that match, he'd stand to make a fortune off it, so of course Cena is gonna say shit in interviews, I highly doubt if Cena was getting offers from REAL studios, that make REAL movies, ya know the ones that are actually worth paying to see, he would have done the same thing as Rock

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