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Just enjoy it.

I'd rather have a predictable show that follows a logical progression than Russo style booking of shock value for the sake of shock value.

I think of it this way:

When watching a show like CSI or Law and Order you always know that eventually the cops are gonna catch the murderer. The thrill is in the chase of how they get there and plot twists with regards to who did it.

It's the same way with WWE in my opinion, let the plot evolve and twist over time in logical progressions (CM Punk waiting 2 years for revenge for the punt is a great example of this, he was outnumbered then Orton+Legacy vs Punk...so he waited until he had the numbers advantage to get this revenge).

However illogical progressions kind of bug me (HBK-Undertaker 2 at WM26: HBK cost 'Taker the WHC, so why did 'Taker give in and give him his rematch; if it were me...I would have left HBK to stew over the fact that sure he cost me the title, but he couldn't have the rematch just to spite him.)

So yes; I'm ok with predictability.
Predictability is what makes the sport of Wrestling all the much more sweeter. I honestly wish that I could go back in time a decade to the point where everything was unpredictable and everything was edge of your seat material. I predicted almost everything that happened at EC(I knew Edge would win, but I was rooting for Kane), but I still saw it live because I love watching Pro wrestling. The matches were great, commentary was tolerable(Cole...could be out!=LOL), but a sense of unpredictability would have made it that much better. However, predictability can add alot to unpredictability. Remember when Punk's nose was broken and blood spew everywhere? Although it was real, noone saw it coming. So, to each his own I suppose.
I could get in depth on the predictability of the WWE, but honestly, it's entertaining, and no matter what happens, people will still watch WWE, I will, you will, so leave it at that.
How do we feel about it ? Well would you watch a movie with excitement knowing how its gonna end?

So are you saying that you have never watched a movie more than once? Just because you know what's going to happen doesn't mean it's any less enjoyable.

We get it SD, you don't like WWE. But if this is your go to move to try to somehow claim that TNA is superior, you're sadly mistaken. Yes the Elimination Chamber PPV was very predictable. But what it lacks in surprises, in more than made up for in execution. There was one sub par match for the Tag Titles and even that was good filler. Very good championship match, great opener, and phenomenal Chamber matches. When the hell was the last time TNA had 5 good matches on one card? Hell, when was the last time TNA had 5 good matches on different cards in the span of a month?

Look dude, if you like TNA better just because it's more unpredictable, I feel sorry for you. TNA has thrown us all for some swerves that NOBODY saw coming. While that sounds good in theory, it's actually quite flawed. You see, we never see them coming because they don't make any fucking sense. When the WWE throws a swerve at us, though it is much less frequent, it always makes perfect sense.

In closing, the predictability of WWE has no bearing on whether or not I watch it. I'm not watching Professional Surprising, I'm watching Professional Wrestling.
I don't think predictability is a bad thing at all. I hated the Royal Rumble, but I loved Elimination Chamber. I think the whole show delivered, from top to bottom. Every match was good - with the exception of the slopfest between Del Rio (who I hate) & Kofi Kingston.

We know it's going to be Punk vs. Orton at Mania. We know it's going to be Cena vs. The Miz. But even knowing that, they put on a great show last night.

There was a chance that maybe they would give Lawler the title. As much as we know it wasn't going to happen, the match was booked to make you think it might be possible. Alex Riley was thrown out, there was a bunch of false finishes. They teased that maybe, just maybe, Lawler would do it.

Christian coming out and interjecting himself in the Edge / Del Rio confrontation? Who saw that coming? I didn't.

Trish Stratus coming back? Kelly Kelly being "rehired"?

The added Big Show to the chamber match, and had him come out of the pods last - giving him a huge advantage. If the announcered did their job, and hyped that up, you would have believed that maybe Big Show posed an actual threat, and could possibly win. Again....we KNOW it isn't going to happen....BUT...

It's wrestling, the outcomes are predetermined. They always have been. I knew Edge & Cena were going to win the chamber matches. But the matches themselves were awesome. It was entertaining, there was some blood, the hard way (for all you "i hate PG" people out there), and we saw some cool stuff in the chambers that we have never seen before.

I think this show completely delivered, despite the outcomes being predictable. I think we WANT predictable. WWE unlike TNA, doesn't just do things for the sake of shock value - and that's why they are the superior product.

I am excited about WrestleMania....I'm excited about the Hall of Fame, and I'm excited about the NEW Tough Enough. So I think the WWE is doing their job and doing it well. Predictability be damned.
I know someone might get upset with this, but I remember an article from Mark Madden a few months ago.

He stated how TNA is always trying to do some surprise. He went on a rant on how that's just lazy booking, and kills the creative flow.

I thought, "You know! His right!"

Even since the movie Fight Club, you've seen people try to copy the out of left field movie ending and twist.

Nothing wrong with a good feud. Like Austin vs. The Taker at Summerslam 98. We knew Austin was going to win, but the match was great, and the build up was great. Hell, my friend predicted how it would end. We still loved the match.

Things are always predictable. No stopping it.
Predictability is a strange phenomenon in the wrestling business. It's completely situational. Cena going over HBK at WrestleMania 23 was almost a given, considering age difference and where both men were in the company at that time. If you were a Cena fan, you loved it, no matter how predictable it was. If you were an HBK mark, you thought it was garbage, Cena didn't deserve, etc. The HBK fans saw it coming 100 miles down the road, and were disappointed the entire way.

Being predictable isn't bad if it's of high quality. Austin beating HBK at Mania 14 was as predictable as it gets. But, it was a big event. It was the crowning of a new King of professional wrestling, so predictability meant nothing.

Being unpredictable also works, but, if it's of high quality. Being unpredictable just for the sake of shock-value is stupid, and it doesn't work. Check WCW in 2000.

If a show becomes too concerned with being unpredictable, that in itself becomes expected, or predictable. WWE has done a good job of balancing that as of late, having more surprises than at any other point in the last 10 or so years. But how many is too many? It's important to find that balance, or your crowd becomes spoiled-rotten 6-year-olds who complain when each and every event doesn't have a "shocker."
I think predicatbility is a must in Pro Wrestling, but I also think the majority of us harcore fans would like to be swerved a little more by the WWE. Surprises and swerves are very different. Christian showing up last night was a surprise but it didn't leave us thinking "I HAVE to watch Smackdown now". They had the perfect opportunity to swerve the world last night with the Miz/Lawler match. I can promise you having Lawler as champ til 'Mania would have made us all tune in with much anticipation every monday night trying to figure out how he would somehow lose the belt by 'Mania. No matter what the end result would have been, the WOW factor of last night's PPV would have lingered for awhile. Good for Lawler to get his 'Mania moment finally but in a program with Michael Cole? How will we expect these two to be able to coexist on RAW the following night?

Biggest reason we have to have Miz/Cena main eventing 'Mania is that this year's card isn't last year's. Or the previous year's. We have good fueds but we don't have any "epics" (HBK/Taker, HBK/Flair, etc.) Could The Rock have brought in enough buys to have Lawler/Miz co-main event with Edge/Del Rio with a Punk/Cena/Orton three way? Probably not a chance worth taking so I understand why they did what they did last night. All I'm saying is we need more moments where WWE can say to us, "Ehhhhhhh? Didn't see that comin', did ya?"
I find it quite hilarious the OP hates WWE but is listed as a WWE Women's Champion. Is that not just the biggles? Hahahah. But seriously.

Entertaining WWE Superstar.

Now I am going to answer your question in post but going to wonder why you went into a WWE area of the forum to in my eyes flame the WWE fans in this area. If you had made a more neutral thread involving both that would have been better. This is almost like USA v. Taliban in a war like sense. Sheesh.

Yes. It is predictable to us as adults and teens who may have been watching for a while. To kids and ladies and adults who are newcomers it is like magic. I believe one person said it best. "Wrestling ... pro wrestling is like Christmas bro. We all know it's fake and pre planned but damn man it's like magic waiting to see what happens. Cause even though its fake you don't know what's under the wrapper. Even though you got a good idea dn you shake the fuck out of that box man its amazing when you open it and its what you thought it was. Even better when that shits BETTER than what you thought it was. Sometimes though that gift can be shit. It happens man."

Basically we can know whats going to happen but it can be good sometimes just seeing the lead up and being excited knowing it did happen. Like we have ESP or something. And true sometimes it's negative and we say bleh. We can't all hit homeruns. Let's see what happens if I make a TNA predictability thread.... HA!

Truer words never have been spoken. Have a great day all!
I think personally that the predictibility in WWE is starting to stale the product greatly. Take going into the pay-per-view last night. Cetainly, we all knew Edge was going to win. However, did it have to once again be predictable that John Cena and The Miz were going to win their respective matches. Now, going into Raw, who cares? We all know Cena will more than likely beat The Miz at WrestleMania. Predictabilty for the sake of the consumer. Not good, especially when the consumer or "target audience" is only 6 years old (that being in Cena's case).

Here's my point: In the WWF/E's heyday, there was no such thing as being predictable. In fact the term "ANYTHING can happen in the World Wrestling Federation" was what made them special, especially when WCW was breathing down their neck. Now, to be complancent and KNOW the fans do not like Cena, and to KNOW the fans were chanting C.M. Punk's name last night and to KNOW the fans wanted to see Jerry Lawler win, even if it were to have a day or week old title reign and to NOT give the fans what they wanted, for the sake of being predictable, well it honestly is a terrible move.

Cena's win did nothing to enhance the others in the Chamber match. Nothing. Did C.M. Punk look stronger or weaker in losing? How about Morrison? Or even Randy Orton. Did Cena have to win? Absoultely not. Did he deserve to win? Absolutely not. You take your hottest star at the moment (C.M. Punk) and make him do the job to Cena, the guy who The Rock just basically made look like an ass last week ONLY for the sake of being predictable. Everyone could have seen that coming---and what happened---it came.

Same thing with the Jerry Lawler/Miz match. Save for the reason of having a commentator take on a Hall of Famer in some kind of gimmick match, what purpose was it to have The Miz defend against Lawler when Jerry was going to lose the match anyway? So why not have had Jerry Lawler win, his first and only WWE title, then drop it gracefully the next night or a week later? The point is, get people to turn into Raw the next night, not just buy the pay-per-view. At least WCW in their heyday was perfect in getting people to watch Nitro because of all the unpredictable endings---of course, only when they started becoming too unpredictable did it become predictable afterall.

Sorry for this being so long, but I just felt the PPV last night, once again, did NOT live up to the hype it was billed to do. Cena wins. Great. Edge wins. Okay, I can see why. Miz wins. Should have never been in the match with Lawler IF Lawler wasn't going to win. It defeats the purpose because it makes it seem it was all for nothing anyway. Terrible, terrible booking. smh. This is just as bad as Kobe winning MVP last night when it should have been Lebron James. But of course, the predictableness of the game being in L.A. allowed Bryant to win. Same exact thing...
Yes I do see the point that these "Superstars" put on a great show either way. Yes I understand that a show not having some sort of predictability leads to a clustermess like TNA throws in front of us every week. Like JR said... bad "episodic TV." But I cant help but be disenchanted by whats going on.

The predictability certainly took away from the great show that Elimination Chamber was. The way Cena is being booked is making me PUKE in my mouth every time I hear his name. At least Edge keeps the character a little fresh by having creative mic skills.

I am starting to HATE CENA. First time Ive had a HATRED about a character since I started watching in 1995. Maybe this can lead to a well-done heel turn, but I am not the only one who feels like this. Maybe the Oakland crowd was cheering for Punk because they are tired of Cena the way most of us are. His non-retirement is still eating away at me.
I don't understand why people obsess SO MUCH over John Cena. I am not a John Cena fan, but everyone constantly shit talking the guy is really starting to make me like him.

He's a good in ring performer, he has good mic skills, and most of all, he's a lifelong wrestling fan who respects the business. He's granted more wishes for the Make a Wish Foundation than anyone. I don't like his character, but I respect him. John Cena is this generation's Hulk Hogan. At the height of Hulkamania, Hogan beat EVERYONE. Talk about predictable. Watch the WWE in the 80's.

Superstars and Wrestling Challege consisted of midcard guys beating jobbers. Hogan only fought on pay per views.

There are so many people who are SO spoiled by the "attitude era". Folks, honestly, other than Austin, the Rock - The "attitude era" was garbage!! Look at the midcard guys during that time - and look at the talent the WWE has now. Morrison, Kingston, Daniel Bryan - these guys are leaps and bounds above the Marc Mero's and Ahmed Johnson's of the attitude era.

The same people who complain that Lawler didn't win the belt, are the same people who didn't want to see him in the match in the first place. Could you imagine the OUTRAGE of all of you people, if 61 year old Jerry Lawler became World Champion last night? This whole angle is being done FOR Lawler. It's the WWE's way of showing him respect, and giving him the opportunity to have his 1st (and most likely only) WrestleMania match. To me, that's a stand up thing for the WWE to do.

Lawler has been billed as a joke or a novelty act for 18 years in the WWE. Meanwhile, he's a legend - and a Hall of Famer. This feud with Miz was strictly done to make him relevant, and put him over with the crowd - so that his match at Mania will mean something. The old guy getting one last chance at the big time. The WWE didn't have to invest this time into Lawler, and some people would argue that it's stupid to push a 61 year old man, instead of some younger talent. But the WWE is classy. What they are doing for Lawler is a great sign of respect and a nice way to thank him for the 18 years that he has given them. Once WrestleMania is over, Lawler will go back to the announce desk, or possibly retire. But give the guy his moment. He deserves it.

The bottom line, is that the WWE just cannot win. No matter what they do, people have a problem with it. Accept it for what it is. It's entertainment. You aren't always going to love what they do, but if you are a fan of the product - watch it.

We have the Rock, Christian, Booker T and Trish Stratus all coming back (all as surprises). If you read about it on the internet and ruined the surprise for yourself - that's your problem. But don't accuse the WWE of being predictable because you read spoilers.

The WWE has been booked with more twists and turns in the past 2 years than possibly ever before. Sheamus beating Cena for the title. Del Rio winning the Rumble. Nexus forming. Daniel Bryan's return at SummerSlam.

There's a difference between being unpredictable, and just having illogical booking.

Would you guys have been happy if Zack Ryder replaced Dolph Ziggler in the Elimination Chamber and became World Champion? That's unpredictable. Or what if Michael Cole helped Lawler win the world title, and revealed that his "Miz Worship" for the past year was all a ruse orchestrated to help the King win his first world title. That would be unpredictable - But it doesn't make sense.

The problem is, you don't want "unpredictable" - you want "what you would do if you were in charge". And honestly, what most of us would do - wouldn't sell tickets, pay per views, or merchandise.
Unpredictability in wrestling is a rare phenomenon just like actual controversy is. There are instances in which incidents take place under the guise of being unpredictable or controversial in wrestling but, more often than not, it's just smoke and mirrors. Sure the EC ppv was predictable, but the action was great as was the execution and just the general way everything played out. Am I supposed to believe that TNA is unpredictable just because the company fires off random face/heel turns on occassion?

I've watched wrestling for as long as I can remember. To one degree or another, I've pretty much seen it all and there's very little that'll take place on a wrestling show that I haven't seen before. Does that mean that it's stale? Absolutely not because the execution of an angle and watching it play out has long been the most enjoyable aspect of wrestling. People can try to deny this all the want, but the internet has destroyed a lot of the mystique surrounding the behind the scenes stuff of wrestling. You know it and I know it. People spend their time going to the sites for the specific purpose of finding out what's going on behind the scenes, who might be coming back, who is going to be feuding with who, who had the idea of putting a championship on what wrestler and so on and so forth. I see virtually no way for someone to be legitimately surprised on anything approaching a regular basis when you spend your time looking for spoilers as to what's going to happen.

There have been many great films, books, television shows, plays, etc. that have all had ultimately predictable outcomes. Professional wrestling has been no different. That doesn't have to be a negative but it can be if you want it to be. But even if something does take place that's a total surprise, that also doesn't necessarily make it a good thing either. Sacrificing quality and good sense just for the sake of an "I bet you didn't see this coming" moment is a hollow trade off.
Something that is predictable and safe is usually better than something unpredictable and flawed. I could drag TNA's story lines over the past year into this, but as far as WWE they usually play the safe road. From what I have heard, Elimination Chamber was one of the best WWE PPVS in years. Edge retained, Miz retained, and John Cena won his elimination chamber match. You could probably predict this outcome even if you don't read dirt sheets on the internet. This is a safe outcome because Edge and Del Rio already have some history along with Cena and Miz.

Not to mention CM Punk and Randy Orton. I don't blame people for being disappointed seeing Cena in the main event of WrestleMania for the title yet again. He has been in the main event title scene at Mania for the last 6-7 years now. He has won the championship every year except one against Triple H and Randy Orton a few years ago. I think Cena is a big enough name to be in the main event or semi main event of WrestleMania without chasing the title.

A new contender at Mania like Morrison would be a great contender against The Miz. I just think Cena would be better against either Rock or Undertaker. Obviously if Rock isn't an option, at least pull the trigger on an Undertaker match if there isn't anyone new to face him. Anyway, predictability can be good or bad depending on the outcome. NWO was predictable and worked out. The several rehashes and twists and turns of NWO weren't.
He's a good in ring performer, he has good mic skills, and most of all, he's a lifelong wrestling fan who respects the business.

When carried by the right opponent he could be a good ring performer. Otherwise he's average at best. He had good mic skills. But I would tolerate him if they just loosen him up to make him more believable.

The "attitude era" was garbage!! Look at the midcard guys during that time - and look at the talent the WWE has now. Morrison, Kingston, Daniel Bryan - these guys are leaps and bounds above the Marc Mero's and Ahmed Johnson's of the attitude era.
Attitude wasn't just 1998. Kurt Angle, The Radicalz, Y2J and even Scotty 2 were all part of it as well and they put on very good matches in the midcard. Plus they weren't treated like chumps as Kofi, Bryan, etc. are.

But don't accuse the WWE of being predictable because you read spoilers.
I didn't have to read spoilers to find out what was going to happen at the Rumble and EC. And when someone gets all the results right that's not always a good thing.

Sheamus beating Cena for the title. Del Rio winning the Rumble. Nexus forming. Daniel Bryan's return at SummerSlam.
All that have been either flushed down the toilet or not-over guys being pushed too soon. Danielson went from being part of the biggest angle in 2010 to jobbing to the Bellas.

Would you guys have been happy if Zack Ryder replaced Dolph Ziggler in the Elimination Chamber and became World Champion? That's unpredictable. Or what if Michael Cole helped Lawler win the world title, and revealed that his "Miz Worship" for the past year was all a ruse orchestrated to help the King win his first world title.
We're not asking for that. All we want is the stale guys to get shoved aside and booking to make sense and be intriguing without them screwing it up.
The bottom line is money though, folks.

John Cena is a cash cow for the company right now. He's going to get pushed.
As I said 20 times on this board already, they did the same thing with Hogan all through the 80's.

Roddy Piper, Ted DiBiase, Mr. Perfect, Jake Roberts, Ricky Steamboat were all NEVER WWE champion - because Hogan never lost. Does that mean that all those other guys sucked?

John Cena is not going anywhere, so just accept it already. The kids love him, and it's a PG show. John Cena is there so the WWE has a positive role model for children, and because he sells a shit load of merchandise. The rest of the guys on the roster bust their asses every night to entertain us. Why does a FAKE title belt in a FAKE "sport" really mean so much?

John Morrison can have a show stealing match on every pay per view from now until 2015, and never be world champion. Does that make him any less entertaining?

Daniel Bryan was a guy who spent years in ROH, and everyone said he would never make it in the WWE because he was too small, and he was too boring...etc. Well, he seems to be doing pretty damn well for himself. The fact that he's in the WWE, and on TV every week, and the current US champion, and a Pro on NXT, and involved in backstage angles with Gail Kim & the Bella's proves what the WWE thinks of him. The guy is everywhere!!

There's no pleasing people.

The Rock is back (short term), Cena, Orton & Edge are all in the main event picture. Undertaker & Triple H are coming back. Booker T is back. Shawn Michaels is getting inducted into the Hall of Fame. Jerry Lawler is finally getting a match at Mania. rish Stratus is back. Christian returned and seemed to be headed into a triple threat at Mania. Steve Austin is back to host Tough Enough. Alberto Del Rio, CM Punk, and the Miz are all young guys who are now main eventing WM for the first time. Sheamus is a former champ and a main eventer for years to come. Morrison, Ziggler, Barrett, McIntyre, Kofi & Daniel Bryan will be huge stars in the future. They have indy faves Tyler Black & Awesome Kong under contract.

WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT? What exactly would you people consider a compelling storyline? There is so much going on in the WWE right now, and the best has yet to come. Why can't you just sit back and enjoy what's happening? I've been a fan for 25 years, and I have no problems with anything they are currently doing. I'm excited about WrestleMania for the first time in years.
Being unpredictable, being chaotic and changing the direction of a storyline at the drop of a dime hasn't quite worked for TNA yet.

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