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Just Ban Me From High School


Too Sweet To Be Sour
Well, I'm going to be frank right here, right now: I'm not a popular person in high school. I'm basically the school nerd. Am I happy with my life: I'd say yes, I get depressed at times, and I have a tendency when I'm having a bad day to spout out that life sucks. But I have my good days, and I have enough friends. At least I believe I do, I'd hope and believe they are my friends, and there are those other few I know for sure are my friends. For the main part, I don't fit what I view as the "qualifications" for a normal high school student.

I don't dress the way other people do at my school. Most kid s are obsessed with wearing the most fashionable clothes from stores like American Eagle, Hollister, and other places. I don't go to mall, or any other place where they sell these clothes. I don't wear them. I wear rock-n-roll tees and graphic design shirts. Everyone at my school wears jeans. I don't. I own one pair of jeans, and I don't wear them to school, I don't really wear them at all. I wear shorts and sweatpants. All year. Shorts? Normal. Sweatpants? Not. People ask me, why don't you wear jeans? I don't like them as well as sweatpants, I've always found sweatpants more comfortable. They are better to me. Your opinion or not, it's mine. Respect it. I get picked on for it, which I don't mind so much but I find my clothes to be my clothes. I have a different style, so what? Too bad if you don't like it.

I don't like the same music as most people, Most people at my school you'll find likes either rap or really hardcore metal/screamo. I like classic rock, alt. rock, grunge, heavy metal, and some newer rock. I like music with good vocals, meaningful lyrics, and good guitar. It isn't everyone else's favorite music, but it is what I like.

Most people at my school don't like to read. They absolutely detest it. They don't like to write either. Well, I happen to like both, very well for a matter of fact. I enjoy to read, I consider it a hobby of mine, and it's something most people who don't like would probably enjoyed if they tried it more often. I'm sorry if it isn't something that you like or enjoy, it's very fun, and interesting. It also increases your intelligence. I also like to write, I write alot. I write mostly poetry and songs, I find it an amazing and deep form of art and expression. I also wrote what I consider a very good 5 page (typed) short story for English 9 a few weeks back. It was fun for me to do. I think reading and writing is something that should be done more, especially if it is a subject that interests you.

I don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. Am I better thyan you because of it? No. Do I consider it a samrt choice not to do that stuff? Yes. I'm not going to look down on you because of your choices, but it's something I don't do that I know alot of kids at my school do. Don't look down at me because I don't do it.

I also consider myself more mature than most at my school. Is this a holier-than-thou statement? Nope. Not at all. I just think some people, especially now that they are in high school, need to mature more. That would mean no acting like your still in third grade, no bullying or picking on people, no goofing off in class, no being disrespectful to elders, you know, basic, simple things alot of people at my school can't seem to comprehend. I also think I am deeper philosophical than some people, and I think that is a step more people should do. Not to say not to have fun, which I do, but think about life, people's feelings, and other wordly things more. Don't just act like a total moron without a brain. I think I am more sensitive than other people. I don't go around picking people unless it is just teasing close friends. I am not mean unless you are a jerk or act very cocky and act with a better than you attitude around me first. I also get picked on alot, and wish more people would take thought into their actions. Think about who or what you might effect, think about what you're doing and what you might effect, what you might cause.

So all together, I am different. I don't qualify to be good enough for high school, or what some may say, life. I'm not the same as you are, I don't want to be. I don't care what you think of me. But if I'm too differnet, just ban me from high school, ban me from life. I'm sure things will go on. Go on quite fine actually. So ban me, I don't care. That's all I have to say basically, that is my rant.
You will eventually reach the age where fitting in, not fitting in, and being concerned about either sort of wears off. Unfortunately, that often happens after high school. Which really sucks. You'd think an intelligent designer would have set the timer on that little knowledge bomb to go off before you enter high school... Anyway, most high schools have a bunch of your kind of people. Don't feel too special about it. Life goes on. Just go to school, do what you think best keep doors open for your future, and get out in one piece. And definately DON'T think too hard about your identity, what people mean to you, or what you mean to people. It's a million headaches and threads like this waiting to happen.
Yeah, listen to Coco. I posted this in someone else's thread a few weeks ago.

In high school, teenagers are just reaching that age when things start to open up for them. They can suddenly drive, some (if not most) have jobs, and they're starting to find out the wonders of having a steady girlfriend that will have sex with them (whether or not that's a good thing is up for another thread). As such, high schoolers like to think they're on top of the world. And since they're on top of the world, why not make a social structure that makes them feel better than everyone else? I mean, civilizations (including ours) have been doing it for thousands of years. Why not a high school?

The thing is, though, none of that shit matters. An engineering firm isn't going to hire me out of high school because I fucked the head cheerleader. McDonalds might, but then again McDonalds blows ass. On that same note, Wal-Mart isn't going to hire me as a computer programmer for their credit card encryption software (the stuff that logs all of the credit card information for use later on, such as billing) because I was a loner in high school. The real world, essentially, doesn't give a shit.

What really matters in the world is how you do in your studies. We're America, home of the free. Land of the brave. However, on a little known footnote, America is also the kingdom of idiots. We are. Seriously. Americans are outrageously stupid. Our students are horribly bad off, our medical technology is at least 10 years behind Germany because of limitations on Stem Cell Research, and our computer/electrical technology is somewhere around 20 years behind Japan. So the only thing that makes you worth a shit in the real world is if you can show that you're smarter than your average jackass. Which, hopefully you are.

On another note, this whole thing about cliques and whatnot drops off almost immediately after high school graduation. College, barring the obvious Fraternities and Sororities, is nothing but the most friendly place you'll ever be as compared to any high school campus. No one will ever say "Wait. You're a band geek? What the fuck are you doing talking to me?" Because, you know, we're adults. and Adults don't treat other Adults like that.

Essentially, what I'm saying is don't give a shit about them. I know, I know. You hear it everyday. But it's true. I was sorta like you in high school, except that my "friends" turned out to not be my friends at all. As of Cabot High School Graduation 2008, I had no friends. It didn't matter, though. Because they were petty kids who will always be stuck in the politics of high school. It tells you something when they go back to Cabot every weekend, a 6 hour round trip, and I haven't gone back to Cabot since I was dropped off in Fayetteville on August 20.

Don't worry yourself about high schoolers. Worry yourself over future employers.
1. It is better to have a few good friends than a lot of superficial party buddies. If you don't party, cool, if you do, cool. I was a popular kid, but it didn't get me anywhere in college. It may have made it a little easier to make friends, but that's it. I still didn't know how to act in that environment. That is something you learn in time. You're a smart guy. In college, that will be rewarded and recognized more than in high school. As a matter of fact, fuck high school.

2. You think you're a nerd. I was captain of the football and track teams, and that's OK, but I was most proud of being the captain of the debate team. If you ask me what served me better between being All-District in football or All-State in Debate, guess which one I'd say. Of course it was debate. I was proud of that in high school, and I still am.

3. Wear what you want. Who the fuck cares? Honestly, you won't know but one of two of those people in ten years anyway. Ask me how many of my high school friends I still see regularly, and I will tell you zero.

4. Reading is fun and good for you. Exercise your mind and imagination as much as possible. Your body goes early, but your mind is with you forever. It is also a fact that people who read or do crosswords or exercise their minds fight of Alzheimers and dementia longer.

5. Once you get to college, you will find more people that you have similar interests with.

6. Be open minded to trying alcohol and drugs. I know this is advise no one else will give you. Don't shoot anything up, but other than that, meh, it's all fun and games. Pot will open your mind. Alcohol will make you brave. Believe me, you'll want to get laid, and alcohol is your friend in that matter. If you think I'm wrong, stick to your convictions and avoid it all. The point is, it was and still is fun for me, and I am doing fine in life. If it's not for you, then be you, and tell me to fuck off, I won't be offended, and will likely be proud of you.

7. You are a considerate, polite, smart person, and once you get beyond high school, that is what you need. Learn some social skills (I'm not implying that you don't have them, but you learn how to relate to people in college) and you'll be fine.

8. Don't stress about college. Only grad school cares what your GPA was. All you learn in college is social skills and how to meet a deadline. If you master those skills you will live a comfortable life.

9. Do not be scared to doubt yourself. Trust your gut instinct.

10. Go to the football games and involve yourself in a bit of school pride. These are good distractions from what can be a very stressful environment. Remember to have fun. College is the best time of your life. High school is a joke. Get through it alive, and have your fun in college. Avoid redheads, blondes are easy, and brunettes are wife material. Good luck.

PS. 11. Learn how to barbecue all kinds of meat.
Don't listen to these Uncle John's, high school is the most important/best time of your life. That and college.
1. It is better to have a few good friends than a lot of superficial party buddies. If you don't party, cool, if you do, cool. I was a popular kid, but it didn't get me anywhere in college. It may have made it a little easier to make friends, but that's it. I still didn't know how to act in that environment. That is something you learn in time. You're a smart guy. In college, that will be rewarded and recognized more than in high school. As a matter of fact, fuck high school.

I like your last statement on that. My philosophy, summed up in three small words. Unfortunately, it would'nt make a very good Cigar Lounge post, so I went on this little rant.

2. You think you're a nerd. I was captain of the football and track teams, and that's OK, but I was most proud of being the captain of the debate team. If you ask me what served me better between being All-District in football or All-State in Debate, guess which one I'd say. Of course it was debate. I was proud of that in high school, and I still am.

I play football too, and am improving all the time, I hope to be able to play at a small college one day. But I know my outstanding grades are going to get me to a college someday, and that is what makes me proud.

3. Wear what you want. Who the fuck cares? Honestly, you won't know but one of two of those people in ten years anyway. Ask me how many of my high school friends I still see regularly, and I will tell you zero.

Yeah, I do wear what I want. I don't know why it's such a big deal to people, but just ban me from society. My point is, I'm different. Who cares? I'm glad I am appearantly not the only one who understands this.

4. Reading is fun and good for you. Exercise your mind and imagination as much as possible. Your body goes early, but your mind is with you forever. It is also a fact that people who read or do crosswords or exercise their minds fight of Alzheimers and dementia longer.

That is a fact I didn't know. I'm now glad I read so often.

5. Once you get to college, you will find more people that you have similar interests with.

I'm glad of this. I'm also proud of being different and unique than most people now. I've never understood why people think I'm so weird. I'm just different.

. Be open minded to trying alcohol and drugs. I know this is advise no one else will give you. Don't shoot anything up, but other than that, meh, it's all fun and games. Pot will open your mind. Alcohol will make you brave. Believe me, you'll want to get laid, and alcohol is your friend in that matter. If you think I'm wrong, stick to your convictions and avoid it all. The point is, it was and still is fun for me, and I am doing fine in life. If it's not for you, then be you, and tell me to fuck off, I won't be offended, and will likely be proud of you.

Well I do believe I'll stick to my plan of no drugs or alcohol. I'm not going to tell you to fuck off or anything of the like, as it is your decision, not mine or anyone elses. It just shows that, once again, I'm different. And, I'm still gonna get laid using alcohol. Who said I have to drink? I'll just go to the bar and offer to buy for her ;]

7. You are a considerate, polite, smart person, and once you get beyond high school, that is what you need. Learn some social skills (I'm not implying that you don't have them, but you learn how to relate to people in college) and you'll be fine.

I have some, I'm more of a loner though. It's fine, I think college will be better for me, though.

8. Don't stress about college. Only grad school cares what your GPA was. All you learn in college is social skills and how to meet a deadline. If you master those skills you will live a comfortable life.

I'll be fine in college. I can tell already that I should be.

9. Do not be scared to doubt yourself. Trust your gut instinct.

What I always do.

10. Go to the football games and involve yourself in a bit of school pride. These are good distractions from what can be a very stressful environment. Remember to have fun. College is the best time of your life. High school is a joke. Get through it alive, and have your fun in college. Avoid redheads, blondes are easy, and brunettes are wife material. Good luck.

I play football. Lol. And thanks for the advice.

PS. 11. Learn how to barbecue all kinds of meat.


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