Just another "Chicagoan" preaching Change...


Pre-Show Stalwart
I got thinking about this while thinking about the presidency. Here we have the most honest politician we've ever known in Ron Paul and yet both parties look at him like he's a nut job, almost like it's impossible to be a politician and honest at the same time.

It seems like people don't want to have an honest politician who tells it to you straight. They want to hear "we're number 1" and "we're the good guy" no matter what. For as much as anyone complains about our troopers being on foreign soil or the corruption of our govn., they will not cease from backing the same partys and same types who they've become accustom too.

Anyway, I was just watching CM Punk's entrance at MITB and it got me to comparing CM Punk and Barack Obama.


Punk was suppose to bring about change the same way Obama was, but it never came to pass. In Obama's case, I do notice change though, but I'm not sure if it's the change he was selling. Anyway, both of these guys are from Chicago and both don't seem to be backing up their words.

Not shocking considering the type of place Chicago is and them being known as criminals and swindlers.

Anyway, I'm a Punk fan and if you remember, I was here posting about how I'd like to see Punk leave WWE and join TNA before he even made his epic speech. Punk seemed to be down with WWE and instead of him going back to ROH, I wanted to see him make his home in TNA where you'd get to see him involved in storylines as well as national tv. I knew that Punk would always be a WWE property aslong as he was signed with them and that in the end, he would have no say so. This is why right now most people are discussing HHH/Punk's segment this past week. It's impossible to get over HHH in WWE, even if you "get over" ... just ask the Undertaker. That's why I can't stand Orton and Cena. For the average wrestler, if they're being pinned, it's 1...2.... and they kick out the last minute. When someone pins Cena it's a different story. It's 1...2.Cena pushes the guy off him nonchalantly. If this were the old days, Cena and Orton body language would piss the fuck off most wrestlers. Cena will sell like he's in a comatose until he has to kick out or get up, at which point he'll pretend like he wasn't even hit to begin with.

Anyway, HHH/Punk is so weird because WWE doesn't want to hurt either mans image, but they're more willing with Punk. It's been said that this whole angle has been about getting the family (McMahon's) over first and Punk secondly. Also the problem with this is that Punk needs to be with HHH for this angle to work. WWE has to get rid of this idea that only HHH, Orton and Cena should be involved in the big stories. W/O HHH, Orton, Cena ... Punk's going to end up like Miz/R Truth. Punk was suppose to change this whole fomula, but it won't happen which is why it's a failure.

Also Cena/Punk worked better then HHH/Cena because Punk represented the opposite of Cena, because Cena embodied the past 7 years of WWE. HHH on the other hand, is a member of the attitude era and as of late, didn't dominate Raws the way Cena/ Orton had.

But it's becoming more clear, that Punk has not changed anything in WWE. He got what he wanted and so now he's playing ball with WWE. I'm a fan of Punk, but I just can not see anything on Raw changing. They do not even want to be creative anymore and going back to pg-14 is an absolute no go.

For as much as people criticize TNA, Punk's career there would of been unpredictable. He's such a different type of character that it'd be hard to think what it'd be like. But everyone wants to say TNA does nothing right, so no one wanted to see Punk in TNA. For all I know, Punk might not even had gone to TNA if he did leave WWE, but I couldn't help but be excited about his creative freedom had he sign with TNA. Instead, I worry that WWE will eventually go back to business as usual where Punk actually did have a good run, but it's not about good runs. It's about good wrestling. I don't want to see Punk as a 10 time champion, I want to see a good fucking wrestling show. I like to see guys like Punk who I'm a fan of headlined, but I also like spontaniety. And interesting stories.

Anyway, Punk can't bring about change just like Obama, because they're not in the driver's seat. The same people who controlled the golden years, new generation, attitude era controlled the PG era, the same way the people that controlled the Reagan, Clinton, and Bush years control the Obama years.
Nothing ever changes, even if you think it does.
Punk will never be as big a star as Cena. People always want too much from WWE. I'm happy with the fact that CM Punk has got a push and will be more relevant. I don't expect him to become a megastar who is top of WWE.

You can't blame WWE for always putting Cena and Orton in the main events. They're the two who make them the most money. It was the same with Rock and Austin. They could push more wrestlers but everyone thinks that every wrestler they like should get a massive push

People on this forum are always ranting about how someone must receive a push then when he gets it, after a few months they start saying he's boring etc.

Stop worrying about WWE'S "lack of rising talent". It's their problem not yours. They'll be fine anways. always are

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