Alright, I just wanted to say a few things and I hope this post doesn't get too long, convoluted and incoherent as most of my posts do 
I've wondered on here before if the "Let's Go Cena" chants were piped in, because they always sound identical and it sounds like mostly girls every time. I know kids do start chanting it, but last week it was weird to see Rey get no chant and a Let's Go Cena chant, as well as the Let's Go Cena chants we heard at MITB.
Now last night, Indy sucked. It was not a smark town whatsoever. There were a couple of dudes there doing their darndest to start up Punk chants, but you could tell just looking at the crowd that it was gonna be Cena friendly(alot of the crowd was wearing the Cena shirt.) Also it seemed younger then usual and even though there were a number of Punk shirts, the people wearing them looked like nerds and Cena fans as well.
Now when Punk and Cena started raising the titles, there was a weird noise that you heard for like the last 2 mins of the show. My first thought was that this was canned heat getting got! I don't know what it was making the noise, but it was definitely like a Milly Vanilly moment.
As this was going on, Cena's chants continued to grow as I couldn't even hear the Punk chants any longer. I'm not saying I think Punk was getting canned heat, as him raising the title first wasn't meant for him to get the loudest pop, but you'd think WWE would want to make sure Cena got it in that situation. That's all I have to say on this topic.
Now, I was pretty disappointed in what Punk had to say last night. See I don't like Cena because what he does and what he says doesn't always match up with what he's suppose to stand for. He came out last night and bullied John Laurinitis right out of the ring after mocking the way he talked -
But back to Punk.
Punk stood for something before MITB, because he was a man who had nothing to lose. He thought he was 100% leaving and so he said a few things that got us excited, even though he really didn't say anything all that amazing - but he didn't have to say all that much. For me, I thought Punk eluded to the current structure of the WWE. People want to talk about Punk kissing ass and I must confess, that he did during this time. He kissed Cena's ass every chance he got and this should show you the type of clout Cena has. You can't say shit to Cena and Randy Orton no matter who you are. The one thing that Punk lacks is a resentment towards Cena though for whatever reason. He hates that he can't be the MAN in the company, but he doesn't blame Cena for this. And if he did, then this angle probably would of never happened. Making Cena look good and getting him over as the face of the company is always a top WWE priority.
With that said, the attraction of Punk was that he stood in direct opposition of Cena. Cena is formulaic, Punk isn't. Cena is Pg: Punk says things like douchebag, homo and "your a vagina." People say Cena can't wrestle, those same people think Punk is an amazing wrestler. Cena sounds lame when he talks, Punk sounds awesome. Cena is a creation of the WWE and known as a company man(robot,) Punk created himself and marches to the beat of his own drum and is resented by the WWE because of it.
Cena represents cooperation and complacency, while Punk represents rebellion and anarchy. Now I hate the Punk vs Cena match up, but it's because of that match up that makes Punk special, at least for me. It's not the match itself, but everything surrounding it such as what Cena and Punk stand for. You have a guy who represents what I think wrestling should be (Punk) vs'ing a guy who represents what wrestling has become (Cena.)
But I don't find this to be the case anymore. MITB it was, but now Punk has gotten what he's asked for and now has to toe the line like everyone else.
If you were a fan of Punk's work vs Orton, Rey, Kane, etc, then look forward to more of the same. One good thing is that if he works with Triple H, he's sure to get some tv time and such. But for me, Punk is slowly but surely losing his mystique. Now I've always been a Punk fan, but he stepped up his game to the point that he makes the last however many years he's been in the company, look boring. I think he'll continue to be entertaining as he can take more liberties now the same way Triple H can, but the company is not going to change.
Punk's not getting me excited mentioning guys like Jericho, Batista, Foley, and Lesnar. Those are all guys who either got a good push, got more of a push then they should of been given or they squandered the pushes they were given. Foley had a long career in WWE and isn't even able to wrestle any longer, why mention him? Those words Punk spoke were not his own, those were the WWE's. Not to mention there all guys Triple H probably tried to get over one way or another.
So now to me, Punk looks like a sell out. I know that this is the way it has to be if he wants to continue to work for WWE, but I'm not going to pretend to be entertained by shit that doesn't make sense--that's the same reason I bitch about Cena--and I have to remain consistent. Punk is a company man now more then ever and I just hope that this is a good thing. You can be a company man and not be boring, though it was a lot easier in the attitude era. I haven't given up on Punk, I'm just disappointed that I know things will go back to more of the same.
The rumor is that Jericho wants to work with Punk at Mania? Now isn't it funny Punk complains about The Rock being the main event at Mania, when he will probably face Jericho, another guy who can leave as he pleases and slip himself back into the spotlight when he likes. Jericho and Rock's situations are different, but I don't think The Rock begged to wrestle at Mania where as Jericho is the vet who can take advantage of the shoddy roster. The Rock, Taker, Triple H, and Jericho(non have wrestled since Mania 27) could possibly be involved in 3-4 matches at Mania 28, then when you add Orton and Mysterio you have 5-6 matches and Sheamus/Bryan for good measure. Your talking about 7 matches before you even consider Miz, JoMo, Big Show, Kane etc.
That's really a bitch for the younger guys as Mania is the biggest pay check of the year.
I didn't want this to get long and convoluted as it has, but oh well. Don't even remember all I wanted to say. Oh, just one last thing.
It's WWE's current style of booking that makes me wonder why we even have forums such as this. Cena and Orton are the future: there's my prediction for every PPV for the next 5 years.

I've wondered on here before if the "Let's Go Cena" chants were piped in, because they always sound identical and it sounds like mostly girls every time. I know kids do start chanting it, but last week it was weird to see Rey get no chant and a Let's Go Cena chant, as well as the Let's Go Cena chants we heard at MITB.
Now last night, Indy sucked. It was not a smark town whatsoever. There were a couple of dudes there doing their darndest to start up Punk chants, but you could tell just looking at the crowd that it was gonna be Cena friendly(alot of the crowd was wearing the Cena shirt.) Also it seemed younger then usual and even though there were a number of Punk shirts, the people wearing them looked like nerds and Cena fans as well.
Now when Punk and Cena started raising the titles, there was a weird noise that you heard for like the last 2 mins of the show. My first thought was that this was canned heat getting got! I don't know what it was making the noise, but it was definitely like a Milly Vanilly moment.
As this was going on, Cena's chants continued to grow as I couldn't even hear the Punk chants any longer. I'm not saying I think Punk was getting canned heat, as him raising the title first wasn't meant for him to get the loudest pop, but you'd think WWE would want to make sure Cena got it in that situation. That's all I have to say on this topic.
Now, I was pretty disappointed in what Punk had to say last night. See I don't like Cena because what he does and what he says doesn't always match up with what he's suppose to stand for. He came out last night and bullied John Laurinitis right out of the ring after mocking the way he talked -
But back to Punk.
Punk stood for something before MITB, because he was a man who had nothing to lose. He thought he was 100% leaving and so he said a few things that got us excited, even though he really didn't say anything all that amazing - but he didn't have to say all that much. For me, I thought Punk eluded to the current structure of the WWE. People want to talk about Punk kissing ass and I must confess, that he did during this time. He kissed Cena's ass every chance he got and this should show you the type of clout Cena has. You can't say shit to Cena and Randy Orton no matter who you are. The one thing that Punk lacks is a resentment towards Cena though for whatever reason. He hates that he can't be the MAN in the company, but he doesn't blame Cena for this. And if he did, then this angle probably would of never happened. Making Cena look good and getting him over as the face of the company is always a top WWE priority.
With that said, the attraction of Punk was that he stood in direct opposition of Cena. Cena is formulaic, Punk isn't. Cena is Pg: Punk says things like douchebag, homo and "your a vagina." People say Cena can't wrestle, those same people think Punk is an amazing wrestler. Cena sounds lame when he talks, Punk sounds awesome. Cena is a creation of the WWE and known as a company man(robot,) Punk created himself and marches to the beat of his own drum and is resented by the WWE because of it.
Cena represents cooperation and complacency, while Punk represents rebellion and anarchy. Now I hate the Punk vs Cena match up, but it's because of that match up that makes Punk special, at least for me. It's not the match itself, but everything surrounding it such as what Cena and Punk stand for. You have a guy who represents what I think wrestling should be (Punk) vs'ing a guy who represents what wrestling has become (Cena.)
But I don't find this to be the case anymore. MITB it was, but now Punk has gotten what he's asked for and now has to toe the line like everyone else.
If you were a fan of Punk's work vs Orton, Rey, Kane, etc, then look forward to more of the same. One good thing is that if he works with Triple H, he's sure to get some tv time and such. But for me, Punk is slowly but surely losing his mystique. Now I've always been a Punk fan, but he stepped up his game to the point that he makes the last however many years he's been in the company, look boring. I think he'll continue to be entertaining as he can take more liberties now the same way Triple H can, but the company is not going to change.
Punk's not getting me excited mentioning guys like Jericho, Batista, Foley, and Lesnar. Those are all guys who either got a good push, got more of a push then they should of been given or they squandered the pushes they were given. Foley had a long career in WWE and isn't even able to wrestle any longer, why mention him? Those words Punk spoke were not his own, those were the WWE's. Not to mention there all guys Triple H probably tried to get over one way or another.
So now to me, Punk looks like a sell out. I know that this is the way it has to be if he wants to continue to work for WWE, but I'm not going to pretend to be entertained by shit that doesn't make sense--that's the same reason I bitch about Cena--and I have to remain consistent. Punk is a company man now more then ever and I just hope that this is a good thing. You can be a company man and not be boring, though it was a lot easier in the attitude era. I haven't given up on Punk, I'm just disappointed that I know things will go back to more of the same.
The rumor is that Jericho wants to work with Punk at Mania? Now isn't it funny Punk complains about The Rock being the main event at Mania, when he will probably face Jericho, another guy who can leave as he pleases and slip himself back into the spotlight when he likes. Jericho and Rock's situations are different, but I don't think The Rock begged to wrestle at Mania where as Jericho is the vet who can take advantage of the shoddy roster. The Rock, Taker, Triple H, and Jericho(non have wrestled since Mania 27) could possibly be involved in 3-4 matches at Mania 28, then when you add Orton and Mysterio you have 5-6 matches and Sheamus/Bryan for good measure. Your talking about 7 matches before you even consider Miz, JoMo, Big Show, Kane etc.
That's really a bitch for the younger guys as Mania is the biggest pay check of the year.
I didn't want this to get long and convoluted as it has, but oh well. Don't even remember all I wanted to say. Oh, just one last thing.
It's WWE's current style of booking that makes me wonder why we even have forums such as this. Cena and Orton are the future: there's my prediction for every PPV for the next 5 years.