Another RAW that wants me to tune in next week.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Well, like I've seen and known for a while, wrestling matters to WWE. As much as WWE wants to redefine themselves, actual in-ring wrestling time has never been a problem for them. They are an entertainment company that focus' on wrestling while TNA is a wrestling company that focus on wrestling. TNA might just not pull the stops as much as WWE when it comes to in-ring wrestling, but I think they've always concentrated on wrestling.

I myself like the entertainment aspects more. I've always watched due to storyline and I've always wanted my favorites to win.

Anyway, there was a ton of wrestling tonight on RAW, but what I cared about was what Vince had to say. I tuned into RAW for the last 15 minutes or so. So, the last 15 minutes I waited for got me interested in next weeks raw. Now Cena's promo did nothing for me. My favorite part of the thing was when Cena left the ring. Now Trips came out and you knew once he started talking what was going to happen.

Now we've got an interesting storyline. You've got a rogue WWE champion(Punk), Vince out of a job he's done for so long and loves, Trips taking over, and a possible new champion in Rey/Miz and eventual champ in Del Rio who has the briefcase.

My first thought is that Vince will contact the true WWE Champion (Punk) and try and take back his company. Vince isn't done with the WWE and Punk is the piece he needs to reclaim his throne. We already know Punk isn't a fan of HHH. Anyway, I hate that Cena is vs'ing The Rock at Mania because you can't by pass that match. My only hope is that Cena goes heel along with HHH ...

I don't want to get into that though. Anyway, I just want to point out Cena showing his true colors as Vince is fired from his position and his biggest ass kisser made sure to book it from the ring and not stand up for him as he was. Cena knew what was going on and was celebrating just because he wasn't getting the boot. What a scum bag.

Anyway, I'm looking forward too Raw next week.

Also, I've been looking in at the RAW LD -- really liking the opinions of some of ya.

Also I just want to let you know that I have a huge crush on Dani from Big Brother 13 (US.) Had to get that off my chest.

Also I almost puked when Cena said he'd go to another wrestling company "brother." Thankfully it'd never happen. Oh, how I dream of televised wrestling Cena-less :(

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