Mondy Night Raw 4/11/2011


Pre-Show Stalwart
Well, I'm crap with making opening posts for live discussions, but I had to start a thread to say that I'm looking forward to tonight's episode. As well as make a few mentions about the show and state some of my opinions on the current state of wrestling and WWE.

First thing I wanted to point out was WWE being re-named "WWE" instead of World Wrestling Entertainment. Like they did to the F(WWE, Get the "F" out) now their taking the wrestling out of the name.

The move doesn't really bother me, I just worry about the direction. Then again, the direction could be good. But censoring yourself with a PG format, I'm not sure how that's going to work. I'm not an Attitude Era fan boy, but I think by curbing yourself with a PG, your really restricting yourself creatively. Where would Michaelangelo's "David" statue be if the Renaissance Era had been PG? I know that was corny, but wrestling is an art form and I think the PG rating has taken some of the emotion out of the show. Or may be the writers and wrestler's feel they can not express themselves the same. It's not just the rating, a number of things have been banned under this PG policy. I thought the debut of Nexus was great, but I thought it was because they were so convincing and nothing like we were seeing on WWE. Daniel Bryan choking out Justin Taylor with the tie and spitting on Cena really helped elevate the moment. The same way Austin, covered in a crimson mask, going unconscious while locked in the Sharpshooter marked the beginning of the Stone Cold era.

Hulk Hogan was so popular, because you could feel the emotion. And he's probably been PG his entire career aside from his current TNA stint.

Anyway, If WWE is going to be PG, I think they need to be imaginative again. And for them to do that, their wrestler's are going to need to help them. I believe being imaginative is a key to making wrestling emotional and passionate once again.

Btw, did anyone else feel Vince was trying to take a page out of TNA's book?
He wants a company name without the word wrestling, ala TNA (Total Non-Stop Action) and he wants his company to be about entertainment, not wrestling. Well TNA is mostly about storylines and angles, on top of storylines and angles and there is rarely wrestling :). In my opinion, WWE is the wrestling company and TNA is the entertainment company. Does Vince want to become more like TNA? Heh.

As for tonight, I hope this is like a brand new season and we see the creation of new feuds and maybe we see some new (familiar) faces. Last weeks show I felt was really just capping off Mania, I hope tonight is a bit different.

I'm excited to see what Sin Cara does tonight. I wonder if he'll have a different outfit.

I don't think we'll be seeing Rock, Austin, Triple H, Taker (unless something was said on Smackdown, which I didn't see), or any Smackdown stars this Raw.

Anyway, if people have anything to say, I'll be around for live discussion
but if not, I'm just going to give like mini reviews on each segment/match, anyway.
I said Sin Cara would fight someone like Primo this week. Heh.
Should be an interesting match, I'm calling Sin Cara doing like a rockbottom type belly to belly off the top rope on sin cara. Move man will flip. Hard to explain move other then that.
* Both men will do a flip. Sin Cara will back flip, holding the neck of Primo, while Primo will front flip.
What are you're thoughts on Edge?

If it's legit, it sucks for all his fans. I was an Edge fan when I was younger and it's going to be weird with him not on WWE, but if it is like he says, then it's for the best. There have been too many deaths and permanent injuries in wrestling and if Edge retiring can save himself from a future of constant pain or worse, then he's making the right decision.

I think this is legit because I've been hearing for a while he was going to be retiring and that his injuries have weighed heavily on him. Also anyone notice Edge seems a bit shorter. He use to tower over Christian. I think he may have lose a few inches due to surgeries.

It always could be a work, but I don't think WWE would do something like this in the PG era.

He's leaving some pretty big shoes to fill.
That was an odd Raw, to say the least.

Kong's vignette was cool, even though I couldn't care less about the diva's division.
Don't know why WWE is continuing with Lawler/Cole angle, it better be leading to something relevant.

It always could be a work, but I don't think WWE would do something like this in the PG era.

He's leaving some pretty big shoes to fill.

That's what I'm hoping for. I really hope it's an angle, and this sort of thing could even push WWE into a whole new era.

I'm really unsure on whether it's real or not. My first reaction was fake, then real, then fake. If it's real, why would they stretch it out to Smackdown? It's being promoted and treated like an angle to say the least, and that's what we need to figure out.

Of course anybody inside WWE would sell it being real, so just because Edge, or a WWE co-worker says Edge has been fighting through a lot of pain, can't exactly be taken to accountable, they could easily dedicate themselves to an angle like this, even little comments about injuries or pain weeks or months before could be considered.

Then there is the possiblity that this isn't an angle, and just last week WWE had to change the Raw script at short notice. But the way it's played out, and the fact that now something is going on during justs seems fishy.
Other things you need to think about is, how much of it is real? Maybe Edge really does want to retire, but the whole injury thing is just an angle. How long did they know? My guess, if he really cannot compete, then they just found out.

Plus, if Edge wanted to retire, you would think it would have been at Wrestlemania. Edge could have given the same speech after his match against Del Rio. Which also makes it a little more believable.

Although, how often does WWE do something reallike this on tv? I mean..the way it was played out.

When it comes down to it, there's a 50/50 chance this is legit. I'm just surprised that so many people believed it so quickly. Even some of the smarter users here marked out about it, which kinda get's me wondering. With WWE, you gotta expect everything to be an angle.

I would have payed money, to see the forums during either of the two Vince's death angles.
Other things you need to think about is, how much of it is real? Maybe Edge really does want to retire, but the whole injury thing is just an angle. How long did they know? My guess, if he really cannot compete, then they just found out.

Plus, if Edge wanted to retire, you would think it would have been at Wrestlemania. Edge could have given the same speech after his match against Del Rio. Which also makes it a little more believable.

Although, how often does WWE do something reallike this on tv? I mean..the way it was played out.

When it comes down to it, there's a 50/50 chance this is legit. I'm just surprised that so many people believed it so quickly. Even some of the smarter users here marked out about it, which kinda get's me wondering. With WWE, you gotta expect everything to be an angle.

EWN said:
On Monday's episode of WWE RAW, World Heavyweight champion Edge announced that he is retiring from the squared circle.

According to sources in WWE, Edge's retirement announcement is 100% legitimate and not a television storyline.

Wrestlezone said:
After speaking with several different sources, I can now confirm that Edge did seek medical advice and at least one doctor was in Pittsburgh. As Edge mentioned in his speech on RAW, his neck is what is in question. The severity is such that any match could have been his last and caused severe permanent damage.

I am also finding out that Edge's health questions came into play when the WrestleMania script was being written. A Christian heel turn was heavily talked about and considered going into WrestleMania, but with the WWE aware of Edge's health, they went against turning a face such as Christian heel on Smackdown. Due to these factors, Christian remained a face at WrestleMania. This allowed Edge to walk away with the title which has led to him getting to leave "on top" and having an appropriate send off.

Whether you want to believe it or not, it's all legit.
Like I said, just because sources in WWE say it's legit, doesn't actually mean it is. Obviously they're not going to come out and say "No, it's just a storyline, lulz".

Although after reading that, it is more believable. This is a real tough one. I mean..WWE could not even be trying to do an angle, and they're still confusing the minds of many IWC members.

And Jenks, you're thread title typo is very distracting. Just thought I'd throw that out there. And while I'm throwing things out places, it's 85 degrees in my room (according to my alarm clock), and I'm suffocating. I have two fans on, but I need to put my air conditioner back in or something.
Oh, "Mondy" heh.

I wonder when Miz will be allowed to wrestle. His concussion is R Truth's gain it seems and I'm sure we'll see more Cena truth next week as I doubt we'll see Miz in the ring next week. And then there's always A-Ri who can fill in for him.

Dolph and Morisson didn't get the spot b/c they're feuding and Orton is still feuding Nexus. And no point in putting Sheamus in it since he's the US Champ.

So they give "What's Up" a shot.

Anyway, what were most people's thoughts on RAW last night?
Gotta say, I thought R-Truth came off quite well. He looked good, even with that shitty Lie Detector.

I thought that Kong looked psycho, even though we didn't see her.

Sin Cara and Primo's match was great, botch aside. Really enjoyed that.

APPLE are my new favourite Stable ;)

Just a few thoughts. Will do a review as soon as I get time. Fuck, I'm getting busy.

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