Jurassic Park


GLaD I'm not you...
There was some discussion of it in the Bar Room, so I figured why not make a thread for it? As far as the movies go. I certainly liked the second one "The Lost World" the best. I felt that it was really well put together, espically with the raptors in the field and the whole San Diego thing. The 1st one was also incredibly good, but I felt a little let down by it after I read the book. To me they just left out a lot of really cool things that would have made the movie an epic... That's just how most movies based off of books work though... Drop 1/2 the story... Anyways. Then there was Jurassic Park III... Soooo many things that they could have done to make that movie better. First of all why just an hour and a half???? THere was a lot I really liked about the movie. I liked the concept of the new raptor look, considering it's belived now that they did have some sort of feathers. However like the guys in the Bar Room, I felt that they look a little cartoonish. I also liked that they finally added in vocalisations between the raptors as they supposivly were able to communicate. I liked the Spino, but felt that it's exit from the movie was very poor. It just kinda walked out of the lake and that was that. I would have also liked to seen the Rex more involved, but it's quick death kind of signaled a passing of the torch.

So what's you peoples opinions on the movies and since JP IV has been confirmed, what would you like to see in it?
I believe I'm one of the "guys" whom started topic on this movie. And my overall take is this.

I loved the first one, it was truly a movie before its time, & had tremendous effects. I really wish they would've given more screen time to the Dilophosaurus. I loved that create almost as much as the Velociraptor. I think the first one was just the tip of something new & awesome, as it took you almost what, an hour in before things started truly breaking down.

The second one tosses you almost directly into action, within 30 mins., you're already on the island that lost control. My favorite of the 3 has to be "The Lost World" because it explored the entire world so much more. It allowed you to see T-Rex's as a family, & it showed you just how dangerous the Raptors truly were. It also debuted other Dinos.

The 3rd movie was a huge let down, as you said.. their first mistake was cutting the time of the movie from its first two being 2 (plus) hours, to this one being a mere hour & 30 minutes. Thats not enough time to do anything with a movie of this quality.

Secondly, I'll agree that the Raptors evolution of "talking" to each other was good.. but if you recall, in the first (& even second, I think) they still talked but not in as many different ways as they did in the 3rd. Somehow, they made the Raptors look more "kid-friendly" in the 3rd movie.. & that pissed me off. Raptors aren't fucking kid-friendly. The way they allowed the Raptors to "plot" stuff out was a plus.. UNTIL they allowed Grant to blow in that voice horn, & throw them off.

How much was that ******ed, I sat in the theatre almost thinking I WAS a Raptor, just thinking to myself.. "bitch, are you kidding me, you look nothing like me, I'm so gonna fucking eat your ass for trying to fake me out." Then of course it works, & I'm disgusted that the Raptors could so easily be down-played like that.

I've heard rumors of the 4th movie being in-production, but I have NO clue what its about, or who will be involved in it. I think it'll be hard enough to come up for a reason for any of the original cast members, especially Grant to be role-played in a position to where he'd even consider going back to a dino-invested world. And Malcom would most likely be the same, in the 2nd movie he almost didn't even want to go when his girlfriend was there.

So it'll be interesting to see how the storyline will go, & hopefully the original cast (or most) will return.. but how is beyond me.
Yah In the third movie I did not like that the Raptors were faked out my Grant. If I recall though the male raptors were seemingly fooled by the noise, but it almost looked as if the female knew the difference. After all the female probably did not want the males to attack since Grant had the eggs, and the female would not want anything to happen to the eggs. Once they got the eggs they retreated to the sound of helicopters. So I'm not really sure, the males were definatly fooled, but Idk about the female.
From what I've heard about the 4th movie, which is not much, but I heard that it is going to be more centered off the islands, and the Pteradactols are going to be even more of a factor. Also I heard rumors of another Ingen zoo attempt gone wrong in the US somewhere. Idk I think a whole movie with Raptors running through New York City would be pretty sweet.
The second one is crap. It was made purley on the success of the first. Spielberg didn't even bother to direct it all he passed a lot of it off to David Koepp.

The first is great though. Especially as it's based on a pretty boring maths book. Then again I read the book when I was 10 so I might be wrong. You look at the CGI of today from the Harry Potter or Spider-Man films and some of it looks very cartoony, you can tell it's done with computers. Whereas you look at Jurassic Park while it's dated slightly the F-X are still pretty good, the first dinosaur you see is still pretty realistic. They aren't cringe worthy like a lot of modern films.
I completely agree with Jake. The second and third films are crap, in my honest opinion. Ian Malcolm's character didn't need fleshing out but instead they put him on an island, give him a family and have him fight a group of needlessly evil businessmen that are dead set on making a dinosaur zoo in San Diego. What the fuck is that? Oh, and then the T-Rex gets loose and they end up personally getting it back in the boat. I never quite understood how the crew died...

The first one is much better all round, as it's a very unique story but isn't complete overkill like the second one is.

The third one is absolute shit. Why would you have the T-Rex killed by some pussy hole "Spinosaurus" or whatever it was? And a kid named Billy needed saving at all costs, even sacrificing yourselves to pterodactyls. Classic.
I completely agree with Jake. The second and third films are crap, in my honest opinion. Ian Malcolm's character didn't need fleshing out but instead they put him on an island, give him a family and have him fight a group of needlessly evil businessmen that are dead set on making a dinosaur zoo in San Diego. What the fuck is that? Oh, and then the T-Rex gets loose and they end up personally getting it back in the boat. I never quite understood how the crew died...

I'm with you on that.. I never did figure out how the crew on the boat died at the hands of the T-Rex, yet somehow the Rex ended up trapping itself in the cargo hold, until they opened it.. or should I say, until the Rex busted up, out through it. (as if he was literally waiting on the camera crew to arrive, so he could make his grand debut??)

Although, I enjoyed the second movie the best, because it had more action. I liked that there were more people involved in dying, & more scenes with free-roaming dinosaurs. The first movie took you about an hour in, before anything started happening.

The first one is much better all round, as it's a very unique story but isn't complete overkill like the second one is.

The first one was indeed unique. It wasn't overkill with graphics & the crappy look of a dino. I loved when it developed into the park breaking down.. its just somewhat draining to watch it over again, & getting to that point, of the park breaking down.

Which, again, is why I love the 2nd the most.. because its almost all action, instantly. It has tons of replay value to me. The first one does too, mind you.. but the second one just has more.

The third one is absolute shit. Why would you have the T-Rex killed by some pussy hole "Spinosaurus" or whatever it was? And a kid named Billy needed saving at all costs, even sacrificing yourselves to pterodactyls. Classic.

I agree with having the T-Rex (who for years, upon years been described as the most dominate dino) kept killed off, even if it was a passing of the torch. My question is this.. the Spino-whatever.. they had something on the news, in real life years back, about a new dino being discovered that could actually make the T-Rex take a backseat to it.. was the Spinosaur suppose to be it?

The storyline revolving around a boy, 8 years old, I believe, ending up lost (alone) on this island, for weeks.. there's no story.. go create a new son, because the one you lost, should've for all intensive purposes been dead. I get how they claim he survived for so long.. but thats such shit. It makes the dinosaurs look as if they're complete ******s that don't even know how to track a boy.
The first one, was just pure brilliance. Im not sure if there has ever been a movie more ahead of its time. And I can safely say that there has never in my life been a more awe inspiring moment in a movie than when you get the glimpse of that brachiosaurus (that would be the first dino you see lol)....The story line was great, and all the dinos reactions and interactions with the humans are all very seemingly life like...they were all extremely ferocious and frightening. And there havent been many "oh shit" moments like the one were the raptor learns how to open the door lol...great ending too, with the king or the jungle taking out the pesky, mean raptors, becoming somewhat of a hero..

I also heartly enjoyed the second one, for the same reasons will did, in that there was a lot more action, and showed the rexs as parents and the scene in the feild with the raptors is phenomenal.

I agree with having the T-Rex (who for years, upon years been described as the most dominate dino) kept killed off, even if it was a passing of the torch. My question is this.. the Spino-whatever.. they had something on the news, in real life years back, about a new dino being discovered that could actually make the T-Rex take a backseat to it.. was the Spinosaur suppose to be it?

The storyline revolving around a boy, 8 years old, I believe, ending up lost (alone) on this island, for weeks.. there's no story.. go create a new son, because the one you lost, should've for all intensive purposes been dead. I get how they claim he survived for so long.. but thats such shit. It makes the dinosaurs look as if they're complete ******s that don't even know how to track a boy.

yessir, that dinosaur that was found, was in fact, a spinosaurus. and yes it was terrible seeing the T rex get hooked up like a punk bitch lol. And yea, that little boy wouldve DIED lol...that plot is ridiculous....
The bottomline is this, regarding the 3rd movie.. the reason it was shit (to me) is because they basically made it a comedy. And if you want the perfect example..

Alan Grant, on the plane.. falls asleep. When he wakes up, noone's on the plane, he turns.. BAM! Raptor!.. .. Raptor.. that.. talks?? I mean, come the fuck on, seriously?! That, in itself, ruined the entire movie for me.. because the Raptors were THE baddest mother f*ckers in the entire trilogy.. & for them to do this, even in a "dream segment" still basically mocks them.

If I had encountered them in real life, & were having a nightmare (like I imagine you would be having, for the rest of your life) I damn sure wouldn't be having conversations with them. I'd likely be caught in a bad situation, in which I was about to get ate.
I really liked the first movie. Maybe it was just the idea of getting to see a dinosaur at such a young age. The second time around is not as good. The first one seemed more polished than the others as well. It made more sense as well. At the end of the movie all hell breaks loose and they realize not to play God. Why not just leave it at that?
The bottomline is this, regarding the 3rd movie.. the reason it was shit (to me) is because they basically made it a comedy. And if you want the perfect example..

Alan Grant, on the plane.. falls asleep. When he wakes up, noone's on the plane, he turns.. BAM! Raptor!.. .. Raptor.. that.. talks?? I mean, come the fuck on, seriously?! That, in itself, ruined the entire movie for me.. because the Raptors were THE baddest mother f*ckers in the entire trilogy.. & for them to do this, even in a "dream segment" still basically mocks them.

If I had encountered them in real life, & were having a nightmare (like I imagine you would be having, for the rest of your life) I damn sure wouldn't be having conversations with them. I'd likely be caught in a bad situation, in which I was about to get ate.

I don't think they turned it into a comedy. But that was certainly one of those moments when you had to shake your head. Stupid shit.

The third is better than the second by miles. the problem with the third is that it's just so anti-climatic. If they'd had a showdown with the marines, T-Rex and whatever that other big dinosaur was it would have been pretty solid. Not in the lague of the original, but it would have still been considerably better. But for soem reason they didn't do it. Budget resons I heard. It's a fuckin' Jurassic Park film. A couple million more isn't gonna hurt.

BTW I heard the 4th is out mid 2009.
The third movie suffered the same fate as Godfather:part III. It was a needless addition to a franchise just so there could be a trilogy. Haven't watched any of the movies in a long time might have to watch them again to former a newer opinion but remember waiting for the video of the movie to come out after seeing it at the cinema's. Seemed like it took forever too.

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