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Pre-Show Stalwart
I rewatched Royal Rumble today and actually enjoyed it the second time round more so than I did the first time viewing it. They booked Styles' debut perfectly, the Lesnar vs Wyatts scenario was booked perfectly but the thing WWE 100% got right that night, was the booking of Kevin Owens.

If you didn't watch Royal Rumble, KO kicked the show off with his last man standing match for the Intercontinental title against Dean Ambrose. This match was outstanding, honestly I had no issues with it whatsoever. I think they made the most of trying to make the match "extreme" under the circumstances. The finish was epic. Then in the Rumble, it was as if Owens had started feuding with everybody. First he threw out Styles and mocked him while doing so, then Ambrose came out and he continued their feud. Then Sami Zayn would return and Owens would go back to his mini/NXT feud with him before Zayn would throw him out.

Basically the rumble to me was all about Owens. He's becoming the main attraction in my eyes on RAW. I think this is the time WWE need to push him. Post Mania I think you need to really start putting the finishing touches to his character and build and then run with it. He's got it all bar the look WWE are usually after. But I think that's what makes him come across so unique.

I'd have him either win MITB or find a way to get in the main event picture. And he needs a big Summerslam match to solidify his place at the top of the card. I really wouldn't mind seeing a Kevin Owens vs Bray Wyatt feud. Just do not turn Owens face.

So I think it's time WWE take a gamble and push Owens as the next top guy. Thoughts?
I'd have Owens go over Lesnar at Mania to really solidify him as a top heel then have him win the MITB briefcase.

He's very over with the crowd and I find him very believable as a dangerous heel even if he isn't muscular. He's obviously excellent in the ring and has a great character, I'd say pull the trigger with him, he's a heel anyway so if it doesn't work out he can still be used to put someone over
The WWE clearly has a lot of faith in Kevin Owens, and there's little question that he'll eventually be that top heel for the company. (Even after you account for injured performers returning, the WWE is at a huge loss for strong heels right now.)

But it's still just a bit too early. Right now, you put Kevin Owens in that spot, it'd work good. If you spend a bit more time building him for that role, he'd be great. So instead of hotshotting him into the title picture or putting him against all the second-tier faces, he's getting a long program with the face that's in Owens' position, Dean Ambrose.

The WWE needs heels way more than they do faces right now, so I'd expect Kevin Owens will get the MitB briefcase this year- and hold onto it for a very long time.
He's been my favorite heel on the roster since about 2 weeks after his debut and, IMHO, he's my favorite heel in years.

He's funny when he speaks both in promos and running his mouth during matches and plays his role as an arrogant S.O.B. to perfection.

He's also a terrific in-ring performer with a pretty wide-ranging skill set. Has the power of a "heavy" guy with surprising agility and quickness.

I'd be 100& in favor of him getting a major push and a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship by Summer Slam or Survivor Series.
Kevin Owens has been my favorite guy on the roster since he debuted and dominated in NXT. Owens is the best all-round, full-time performer in the WWE, besides Cena, Rollins and Wyatt IMO. I'm quite happy the way he is being booked currently, because he gets the chance to earn the respect of the audience, something Reigns never really got a chance to do. I have no doubt in my mind that will be WWE World Heavyweight Champion at some point, but until then, I'm content to just sit back and watch him earn his way to the top. Fight Owens Fight!
Why? KO is an overrated fat Internet Darling from Canada who does 4 moves and has no mic skills, he's the fat, French Canadian Seth Rollins IMHO.
I'd have Owens go over Lesnar at Mania to really solidify him as a top heel then have him win the MITB briefcase.

He's very over with the crowd and I find him very believable as a dangerous heel even if he isn't muscular. He's obviously excellent in the ring and has a great character, I'd say pull the trigger with him, he's a heel anyway so if it doesn't work out he can still be used to put someone over

Yeah because the guy from mcdonalds could seriously take lesnar ok. Thats really gonna draw ratings what has owens done to deserve even facing lesnar hes been boring as hell the most overrated guy ive ever seen in years hes so dull what hes a good heel cause he shouts? Only time i can stand his matches are when there against cena, owens is a good wrestler but hes to boring to watch unless its against cena. He doesnt stand out to me and nobody cares about the fella 3 people shout fight owens fight the odd time
Yeah because the guy from mcdonalds could seriously take lesnar ok. Thats really gonna draw ratings what has owens done to deserve even facing lesnar hes been boring as hell the most overrated guy ive ever seen in years hes so dull what hes a good heel cause he shouts? Only time i can stand his matches are when there against cena, owens is a good wrestler but hes to boring to watch unless its against cena. He doesnt stand out to me and nobody cares about the fella 3 people shout fight owens fight the odd time

Couldn't disagree more with this. Did you watch the Rumble? He probably got the 3rd biggest pop of the night. His character is meant to be depressing especially if he's on a losing streak, gives him a sense of realism.
I'd have Owens go over Lesnar at Mania to really solidify him as a top heel then have him win the MITB briefcase.

He's very over with the crowd and I find him very believable as a dangerous heel even if he isn't muscular. He's obviously excellent in the ring and has a great character, I'd say pull the trigger with him, he's a heel anyway so if it doesn't work out he can still be used to put someone over

Stop with the Owens vs Brock stuff dude...it's just not going to happen. Ship has sailed.

However, as much as I've been against Owens vs Brock or Undertaker like he's been campaigning for, I saw someone propose an alternative option...Owens vs The American Badass/Red Devil Undertaker. I wouldn't buy him vs the Deadman...because that version of Taker, storyline wise, wouldn't be good...it's not the best pairing. However, Biker Undertaker vs KO would be a nice feud. It could be a no holds barred fight, and would be entertaining. Plus that version of the Undertaker is more engaging in the type of feud that Owens would need. We haven't seen that Undertaker in years...it'd be pretty awesome for his return to Texas too.

As for Owens in general, I'm a fan, and yea he did great at the Rumble. Only surprise to me was that the Last Man Standing match was a little short/abrupt when comparing it to matches of the past. Felt it could've been a tad bit longer...which is saying something because I wanted more...it was very good. He needs more of what he displayed with his snapping on Neville after the loss...but more long term, and more constant. If he's consistent with those kinds of actions, then people will be forced to take him seriously as a threat to anyone. It'd sure as hell make me a believer, but as of right now, he definitely needs more time. I just hope they do right by him.

This year I'd like to see him in feuds with...

1. Reigns
2. Rollins
3. Orton
4. DBryan
5. Bullet Club members
6. American Badass Undertaker
7. Austin Aries
I'd have him either win MITB or find a way to get in the main event picture.

Agreed, and I think they'd accomplish getting him to main event status by winning MITB.

Face it, the reason heels almost always win the briefcase is because the months-long program that follows the event requires an obnoxious personality to sell it week after week......and good guys aren't supposed to be obnoxious.

I can see KO wearing MITB and being a constant threat to cash in at any moment, as well as a continual irritant to whomever is wearing the world title belt. It's a great way for him to advance to the top.

The irony involving Kevin Owens is this: the number of folks on this forum that believe KO's rep was 'ruined' and/or 'completely destroyed' by losing twice to John Cena after cleanly defeating him in their first match.

I fully disagree. How many people in their first WWE match beat a guy like Cena......I mean, ever? No matter what happened afterward, Owens' had made his mark in the company. At the same time, it must have been clearly explained to Kevin that although he started off with a bang, he has to understand that he won't be winning the world title in his first month with the company.

Did Owens beating Cena make the wrestling fans sit up and take notice of him? You bet it did, and that was the goal of the first Cena match.

I'm on the KO bandwagon. I love the way he works....and hate the way he looks........but there's no question this guy is going to be a top heel for a long time.
Agreed, and I think they'd accomplish getting him to main event status by winning MITB.

Face it, the reason heels almost always win the briefcase is because the months-long program that follows the event requires an obnoxious personality to sell it week after week......and good guys aren't supposed to be obnoxious.

I can see KO wearing MITB and being a constant threat to cash in at any moment, as well as a continual irritant to whomever is wearing the world title belt. It's a great way for him to advance to the top.

The irony involving Kevin Owens is this: the number of folks on this forum that believe KO's rep was 'ruined' and/or 'completely destroyed' by losing twice to John Cena after cleanly defeating him in their first match.

I fully disagree. How many people in their first WWE match beat a guy like Cena......I mean, ever? No matter what happened afterward, Owens' had made his mark in the company. At the same time, it must have been clearly explained to Kevin that although he started off with a bang, he has to understand that he won't be winning the world title in his first month with the company.

Did Owens beating Cena make the wrestling fans sit up and take notice of him? You bet it did, and that was the goal of the first Cena match.

I'm on the KO bandwagon. I love the way he works....and hate the way he looks........but there's no question this guy is going to be a top heel for a long time.

I don't mind the way his body looks. Guys today aren't like they used to be...6'4'' and 265 lbs of pure muscle...but then again there were always exceptions...like Foley, and HBK n Bret. With that said, one thing I don't like stylistically is his hair and beard...terrible match. His hair is stupid and something dudes would rock in the early 2000's...all he's missing is the bleach blonde color. He needs to shave that shit off the same way Sheamus needs to, and just keep the beard. Or get a new hair do altogether. That's my only gripe with his appearance lol.
Couldn't disagree more with this. Did you watch the Rumble? He probably got the 3rd biggest pop of the night. His character is meant to be depressing especially if he's on a losing streak, gives him a sense of realism.

It was in florida obviously he was gonna get a pop he wrestled in front of those internet fans at nxt any other crowd its dead for him when he comes out
Right now there are 2 opponents that Owens can feud with and soldify his place during Wrestlemania season. Undertaker or Randy Orton.

With The Udertaker, I don't expect Owens to win, but he will get great exposure and who knows, maybe he can get nack a win at Extreme Rules. Taker wrestled in 3 more PPVs in 2015, other than Wrestlemania, so I don't see why he can't do so in 2016 as well, in order to put Owens over, like he did with so many stars over the years (Batista in 2007, Edge in 2008, Orton in 2005). All these stars lost to Taker at Wrestlemania, but then got big rubs by picking up victories over him and feuding with him.

With Randy Orton, things are easier for Owens. I'd expect Owens to evan beat Orton at Wrestlemania.
Honestly, I think WWE would do well to make Owens their INDIE DARLING SQUASHER, which is ironic considering he's sort of the ultimate indie darling. In my opinion, the best way for him to accumulate heat is to keep going over guys like Zayn and Styles. I mean, he doesn't have to literally squash them, but a decent feud resulting in Owens ultimately going over would be a good way of actually getting the guy some real heel heat. He's gotten to the point where he's become so good as a heel that the fans are beginning to cheer him, the next step is to make the fans actually hate his guts. The top heel of the company needs to garner some real emotion out of people. Rollins was able to do it, and honestly, I have yet to see Owens get incessantly booed, or even unanimously so. Plus, the programs are guaranteed to be incredible. It's not like an Owens/Styles or Owens/Zayn feud on the main roster is going to hurt any of these guys in the slightest. I don't think Owens necessarily needs the title right away. In a perfect world, I'd like to see him win it around the time of Rollins' return to set up a feud between heel Owens and face Rollins.

The MITB's another way to go. Owens strikes me as the type of guy to win the briefcase and cash it in on the same night. Either way, I don't think it will be long before Kevin Owens is holding the WWE title.
I think Kevin Owens is good but I don't see him as the main face of the whole WWE good. I believe most of his fans come from the IWC and if he was pushed to the top now which is way too soon he would end up like a repeat of last years Roman Reigns. IWC mainly follow what everyone else is doing if IWC says how incredible he is then everyone jumps on the band waggon and will all just as easily collectively turn against him if he does get pushed too much too soon, Don't get me wrong I enjoy his matches I just don't think he's the saviour for all of wrestling that others tends to believe.
Obviously his body hurts him, but Kevin Owens gets it. He's the best wrestler I've seen come to WWE in a long time. He knows how to work a crowd, knows when to do high spots, and just knows how to work a match. It's the little things he does that are so good.

Take the Royal RUmble for example. Sure Ambrose was taped up for the actual rumble, but he didn't sell the injury at all. The whole time he was using that arm like there was no issue. Where as Owens sold his leg injury the whole time. He was constantly checking it and shaking it off. He even sold it on Raw the next night. He just knows the ins and outs of professional wrestling.
Owens is an old school wrestler who does alot of new school stuff in the ring

- his body type is more like a Harley Race or Dusty and if anything it's good for him being a heel because it gives the fans another thing to hate about being arrogant and somewhat fat as well.

- Anyone in 2016 who still thinks big muscles are necessary to being a great fighter is a complete moron. We know from the exposure that MMA gets that skinny and sometimes fat guys who don't look all that imposing can be deceptively good fighters, even Fedor in his prime had a very average so called "dad body". I find it too weird that grown men care about the bodies of other grown men so much.

- Owens sells well, he plays a heel well in a way that many can't or don't these days

We will just have to wait and see if he gets his big push or not

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