Judgment Day: ECW Championship Match


WrestleMania Main Event

Swagger gets his rematch against Christian at Judgment Day. After Swagger interfere in Christian's match against Dreamer last night on ECW, I think Dreamer will possibly get added to the match & make it a triple threat for the ECW title.
I think Christian will retain the title either by pinning Swagger or Swagger getting DQ & possibly they'll have a gimmick match at Extreme Rules PPV.
Hasnt Tommy only got until June to win the title or retire? think thats fast approaching, i would like to see him at least get a shot to win it. Swagger should not get the title back in a hurry, he needs to prove himself as a solid worker and do more high profile matches before getting moved to Raw or Smackdown to compete for bigger gold there.
If I remember right his deadline was the Extreme Rules PPV, which is about 6 weeks or so away. Even if they don't include him in the Judgement Day title match, expect for him to be involved, and possibly win the title at Extreme Rules.

I haven't heard anything about Dreamer actually wanting to retire outside of his current storyline. This next month and a half will be an exciting time for ECW as we possibly will be saying goodbye to the last man from the original ECW. Its a shame that the WWE has monopolized the brand so much that an "Extreme Rules" match isn't even allowed to show blood. And its sad to see Dreamer go out in this way, watching his brand slowly fall.
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its sad that tommy dreamer has stayed around in WWE while they not only strip his brand of everything it stood for but also lowering dreamers credibility in the process. Most of the younger fans will never know what a legend dreamer was. What they should do (to do dreamer right) is to have him fight whoever is champion at the extreme rules PPV. he should win the title there and retire (if he was planning on retiring). having him retire cuz he could not win a championship only furthers the blow that WWE has delivered to dreamer and ECW.
I'm sorry I just don't get into the whole "original" ECW idea that it was the greatest thing in the world. Obviously it wasn't or it would still be kicking as its own entity today. The hardcore era had its time and most have moved on. To me Tommy Dreamer isn't that big of a deal - I'm sure I will get some slack from that but I guarantee there are a lot of people out there thinking that his time has come and gone...and that was ten years ago. Time for the new blood to shine, Swagger and Christian is a great way to head ECW into the future.
i used to be a huge ecw fan. wwe killed it for sick pleasures. like tazz sayed in his new blog, wwe should change the name of the show to ANYTHING except ecw. dreamer was one of the best but now he is part of a show that equals shit. when wwe brought it back they were on a good roll but between beniot's death and everything else that happened, ecw never had a chance. i love dreamer but he needs to retire. also they need to bring a few bigger names in to ecw like when rvd, big show, (and was going to be benoit) were on there. maybe bring rey or someone?anyway they really have a decent fued this time with swagger and christian so lets hope they pull it off. last time i was happy with an wwe ecw fued was punk vs nitro(morrison)
I want to see this match because IMO it was the best match on the backlash card, but i Have to agree with CM on this, they need to spice things up abit and get dreamer in their, there is no reason why tommy shouldnt contest for the ECW title and have a good run with it, but only time will tell.

If they dont they are probably going to make this the blow off match between swagger and christian, christian at this stage is the perfect guy to carry ECW and deserves to hold the title for a good long reign.
In my opinion, they should have Dreamer interfere in the Judgment day match to get revenge on Swagger...then have Dreamer vs. Christian in his signature Hardcore Match at Extreme Rules
IMO, Dreamer does not deserve a title win. Did anyone see his match with Christian this week? It looked like a Iron Sheik vs. Jericho match. His in ring abilities are pretty much gone, and all a title reign would do is take away from the ECW title. Sure, he IS ECW, Flair was WCW and they didnt give him a reign before they shut down. The fans would go nuts for Dreamer winning, and the WWE knows that, but come on. The guy cant work anymore except to rile the crowd. He's the ECW Hogan... he cant work a good match, yet people still cheer for him. And as we have all seen, Vinnie Mac hates ECW, so why would he do Dreamer a favor. In the case that Dreamer wins, he'll lose it on the next ECW show
Most instant rematches are horrible, especially when nothing new except for another regular single's/tag team match is announced. This one is an exception to the rule.

Christian and Swagger put on a damn fine match at Backlash, and there is NO reason to think they can't up that with their rematch. I foresee Swagger looking stronger and more cunning, with Christian still finding a way to stay one step ahead in retaining his Championship.

I did have an alternative idea, and that is with the outcome that happened on E.C.W, I foresee Tiffany possibly adding Tommy Dreamer to this match, and maybe even making it an Extreme Rules match. (maybe with the gimmick, but almost definitely with the 3-way)

Dreamer does only have until the beginning of June, and I believe the next Pay per view, regardless of what, is one day short of the date he gave. Which means, this is the last Pay per view he has to win it on. Dreamer could easily be added, and end up winning via pinning Swagger, only after Christian hit a move.

This could also lead to a Dreamer heel turn, via taking the ultimate opening in surviving within the Company. Of course, if this remains a single's match.. I'm also in firm belief that Dreamer will turn heel on Christian, in favor of mainly trying to save his own career from the blunder he put himself in by saying he'd quit if he didn't win the title.

Any way you look at this.. be it Christian/Swagger, or Dreamer being added as a third component, it's bound to be yet another great move in helping E.C.W along.
Errr. Running out of stuff to say about this, since its like the 5th time its happened. Well. it was good the first 4 times. its bound to be good again here. I can see Christian going over clean, as he had to cheat last time. If they want to go forward with Christian being the star of the show, a good strong win here will do him some good. Will be solid, Christian will go over.
I think Tommy Dreamer will get added into the shake up here, but I can only see Christian winning. Dreamer will almost certainly fall short in winning the title, but I think given that he IS ecw and that he is approximately 7,000,000 times better than Biffany on the mic, he will end up replacing her as general manager on the brand.

As for this match, I can see a triple threat, with Dreamer going close, leading to a potential retirement match against Christian at Extreme Rules.
Christian vs Swagger has been a good match every time it's happened. I'm severely doubting this leads to Swagger regaining the title, but it's a solid filler match en route to Extreme Rules, which is ECW's one and only time to shine on PPV.

The situation here is far less about this match, which at the end of the day is just a 10 minute filler match, and far more about Tommy Dreamer. It is, of course, true that Dreamer's contract expires just one day short of Extreme Rules, but that's a bit too convenient for me. I can definitely see some sort of contrived way of getting him onto Extreme Rules - a one day contract extension, or maybe even issuing a live challenge on the PPV with no contract (kayfabe, of course). There's also the aforementioned of turning this into a Triple Threat and seeing Dreamer win here, then go through Extreme Rules and retain for a while. He might even make it to Night of Champions to defend in Philadelphia, before turning GM.

So in short, if it stays singles, Christian retains - if it turns Triple Threat with Dreamer, I'd bank on him scoring the victory.
If Dreamer gets added into the match, then expect him to win and try to act like he will retire the belt when his contract goes up, but Christian uses his rematch to challenge Dreamer to his last match in wrestling. He loses at Extreme Rules and gives the title up in a respectable way as a way of passing the torch to a new breed of superstars, thats how I would want it. Swagger is no where near as known as Christian, and to lose to him would be a great way to end his career(Similar to Shawn and Ric but on a lesser level).
Christian will pull of the win here, and perhaps he'll do it cleanly this time around, not that i minded the turnbuckle exposure since Swagger did try it at Backlash. Swagger will own a large portion of the match but get frustrated when Christian refuses to be pinned, and he'll lose it and Christian will get the upperhand here. Nice solid match for ECW.
This match is simply a 'can I get better?' kind of match for Swagger. The build will be if he learned anything from the veteran Christian. The outsmarting, the cleverness, and cheating of Chiristian managed to fool the rookie, and I personally see Cage retaining this belt and a possible run in from Nikolai Volko...Nikita Kolo... VLADIMIR KOZLOV. Third time's the charm, right? Anyway, this match will still be good, and the Russian Crushin' Ten Tons of Destruction will get his shot at the next PPV.
If Christian wins, he will have Henry and Kozlov awaiting him and I think Kozlov would get the first opportunity.

If Swagger wins, then it will either be Finlay or Bourne.

Finlay is involved with Smith & Kidd and I don't think Bourne is quite ready yet so I see Christian retaining here in a decent opening match.
I really enjoyed their match at Backlash, and I thought it was one of the better matches on the card. Things might be different here though as the Judgment Day card looks awesome. But I'm still expecting a good 10 minute match here. These two won't steal the show but they aren't expected to. I see Tommy Dreamer being entered into the ECW Title picture somehow at the next pay per view, Extreme Rules. Which leads me to believe this feud will end at Judgment Day.

Christian needs a win here as I really don't see the point of putting the Title back onto Jack Swagger again. Tommy Dreamer could possibly interfere in this match, but I doubt that. I think a Christian vs Tommy Dreamer match at the next pay per view in an Extreme Rules match could be one to remember. We've already seen Dreamer face Swagger multiple times, so it wouldn't have the same effect. It should be a good mid-card match, but I really hope they don't have the ECW Title change hands so soon after Christian won it.
So now we've got another title match between these two. The last one was good, so I expect this one to be even better! As far as who wins.... I'm gonna go with Christian retaining. Holding a belt from one ppv until the next won't do any good for credibility. Swagger would probably need the belt more than Christian, however he could always get it from Dreamer after Extreme Rules, in my opinion.

Dagger Dias prediction: CHRISTIAN
Christian retains - This should be the main event of the night, since these guys will probably have the best match of the night. They also have the best storyline buildup coming into the PPV. This is also the most unpredictable match if the night. Too bad, Vince will not acknowledge this.
This match could go either way in all honesty. If Christian wins this match, then he has potential feuds with guys like Koslov, Henry and Jackson waiting for him, where as a guy like Swagger has Finlay (even though NWO was atrocious) evan bourne, and Tommy Dreamer.

The Tommy Dreamer thing is getting to the end point, as we're only 3 weeks away from his "retirment" or what not. So, time to shit or get off the pot.
I think this has to go to Christian. the feud has done nothing at all which makes me think that it ends here. Christian needs the win far more than Swagger does at this point. he's proven nothing at all since his comeback. A win over Swagger could be a start to ending the theory that he is indeed the most overrated wrestler of all time. Can't see him losing the title back in a month, so I'm going with Captain needs some Charisma.
Meh, this was fine. Solid. The thing with the straps, and the huge deal striker made of it was incredibly stupid. I love striker, but some times he just tries WAY too hard, and says RIDICULOUS shit like that. Beyond that, pretty cool match, I like Christian using Swaggers own tactics against him every week. B

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