Jonny Nitro and Money In The Bank


Someone please make Cena go away...
So far this years MITB competitors are Edge and CM Punk, but I was not happy that Nitro was beaten for a place by Punk. Don't get me wrong, I like him, but Nitro would be good in that kind of match. MITB would benefit from having him in the match as well as Punk. Rumors suggest that Jeff Hardy, Mr Kennedy and Booker T are gonna be in it, but come on; are they trying to tell us that Booker T us better than Johnny Nitro? Who are they kidding? He was awesome in that Ladder match that he had with Hardy for the IC Title a while back, and in the Armegeddon PPV and the WWE DON'T want him in? You all might think that I'm wrong or just crazy, but I really do think that they dropped the ball not having him in it, or if they don't put Benjamin in it because they would be great for that match and we have all seen what they can do...
I assume Nitro's not in the match because they want a big Hardys, MNM, London and Kendrick, (maybe Deuce and Domino, WGTT) match at Wrestlemania. I guess if Jeff or Matt Hardy loses a qualifying match then that's definitely where they are going with it.
I agree that he would be a better choice than Booker. But maybe they just want bigger star's. Punk's probably in it so the match has at least one face. Hopefully Nitro wont get left off the card. If he only come's to the ring with Melina that will be a real kick in the teeth.
In my opinion Nitro's really unused, although I would rather see him as part of MNM than on his own in the MitB.

MNM vs The Hardys will be on the card somewhere.

It's thought that Orton'll be put in the MitB and it'll start a feud with Edge, this is disappointing seeing as that'll be the two Raw slots taken. No place for Shelton, Masters, Carlito...

Smackdown'll be Kennedy and Booker T.

ECW maybe Punk & Test, or Punk & Sabu.

I'm hoping it's Sabu as he's horribly unused too, it would do him a great deal of good if he jump ship to Smackdown.
I would have liked to see Nitro in the match, but I then thought that we would have a MNM vs Hardys match, but Jeff is in the MITB match so I don't know what they will do with him. Umaga will have the Intercontinental title so I don't see where he will fit in. It's a shame because he is a rising star that deserves to be on the card, especially in this match. But I guess this just continues his 'doghouse' status, which is a shame because he was really proving his ability to us and he had finally broken out as a singles wrestler, after we ALL doubted his ability. I hope he is on the card because he really deserves it, but I can't really see a future for him after what the MITB participants are supposed to be. Very unfortunate for the guy and it is a shame, because he would be a great addition to the match.
I don't agree, I can't see Umaga working in the MitB at all. Unless I read that wrong and you were talking about someone else.

Umaga could do well with the Intercontinental title, as long as they made the matches competetive and not just squashes against wrestlers who deserve more. Where's Shelton Benjamin in all this, why are Carlito and Masters stuck in obscurity when those three could really establish a good Intercontinental scene.
They're leaving it open for a tag title speciality match between the big tag teams (similar to Armageddon). The only problem is, The Hardys will probably beat MNM for the hundredth time
And with the MITB match, the only place I'm not sure about is the other ECW slot, as the top extremists are involved in the veteransvs. new blood feud. The only person who isn't is Snitsky but then that means 4 heels (Edge, Orton, Snitsky, Booker), 1 tweener (Kennedy) and 1 face (CM Punk).

Booker's only in it because the Kane/Booker feud was pointless and there's nowhere else for him to fit on the card.
Booker doesn't need to fit in on the card, he's an awful wrestler nowadays, his gimmick is worse and I don't see why he's where is when Shelton and Charlie Haas are stuck on Heat.
So far i heard it is gonna def be punk,booker,edge,jeff hardy,and kennedy and as for the 6th is def gonna be from ECW.Seeing how it won't be test because of his suspension,i think it will be marcus cor von because there isnt anyone left from ECW that would make a difference in the match.
Imagine Sabu in this match though, it'd be great to see him and Jeff Hardy going at it over the ladders.

That said he's not had a push for ages, I don't think he will be in it.
What bout RVD in the match. RVD has made these kinda matches excellent to watch and imo if u had in the mitb match RVD, Jeff Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Edge, Orton and CM Punk it would be a show stealer without a doubt. Nitro cld easily fit into this match aswell instead of either CM Punk, Orton or Edge but if tht were the participants then imo it would steal the show.
Since Mick Foley is not part of the Vince/Donald storyline and Nitro is not part of the MITB i could see them two feuding at WM23 b/c Mick was fired by Melina so there is history between the two. There might even be a mixed tag at WM23- Nitro and Melina vs Foley and Ashley.
For me the "Money in the Bank" match idea should be reserved for up and coming stars, people who have never been the "Big" champion, guys like CM Punk, Shelton, Finlay, Johnny Nitro etc.
I don't necessarily think you need younger, up and coming stars in the match. If you have established talent, then all of them could theoretically win. If they put Benjamin or Finlay in the match, even if they won, no on believes either of them is going to actually win their Championship match when they cash it in. Edge, Orton, Punk, Booker, Kennedy could all win the match and their brands title this next year.

I know the reports are that Jeff Hardy is in the match because of that figure set, but I can't see it. They couldn't pass up a Hardys, MNM, London and Kendrick match. If Hardy's not in, I think Carlito is in the MITB match. Also, with the qualifying matches, you don't need to have an equal representation from each brand. I think CM Punk is the only ECW guy in it.
I personally would have rather seen RVD :robvandam: beat edge but oh well. But I do think CM Punk is a better fit than Nitro. Don't get me wrong Nitro is a great wrestler and all but Wrestlemania, especially a big match like this, is for bigger names. For me, Punk being in that elimation chamber match made him a name while Johnny Nitro is close but no cigar. Maybe next year Johnny! Also I think CM Punk will be the only ECW guy (I refuse to call them "extremists"). I think there should be another ECW guy I just don't think it will happen. But if it did happen, and it can't be RVD, I'd like to see Sabu in it.
Jeff Hardy can't be in it. Plain and simple. If he is in MITB, then that leaves Nitro, Mercury, London, and Kendrick off the card (perhaps other teams as well, but they will not do another D&D vs. L&K at Wrestlemania). It also esentially leaves Orton off the card as well because I assume they will have two from each brand.

Also don't be surprised to see Test. His suspension only states that he can't work house shows, if they need him they'll put him in the match.
I'd like to see more mid-card wrestlers in this match, it's not a main event match it's one designed to elevate mid-card wrestlers' status. Therefore, ideally, the match would be:

Chris Masters
Shelton Benjamin
CM Punk

Smackdown is actually pushed for decent mid-card wrestlers, so maybe Matt Hardy or Kennedy could be in there somewhere.

Although I think Matt is best saved for Tag Team, that's why Johnny Nitro, Joey Mercury and Jeff Hardy aren't in there either.
I think that Orton will be in it instead of Jeff. Orton needs to be on the card more than Jeff, and Jeff will probably be in some kind of Tag Team Match. Orton and Edge need to hurry up and feud, and this is the perfect chance for that to happen.
Yeah I don't know where this leaves Orton because there doesn't look to be anyone he can feud with. It's a shame because he and Edge could have had a great match and they aren't even in the same one. He could be suited to the MITB match but I guess Jeff is the choice because he is so experienced. He and Nitro look a little directionless, and that is a shame for the two guys.
Edge, CM Punk, "King" Booker, Mr. (Ken) Kennedy, and Jeff Hardy (My Fav)

R Planned the 6th will most likely be decided like last year when lashley when the last minute battle royal i bet holly, sabu, or RVD wins the possible battle royal but mostly Holly

But Jeff will win that is why jeff lost the IC championship 2 umaga!
I do agree with most replies in this thread, but I don't believe Booker is a good choice to be in the MITB match. A match like this should only be for the guys who can really put on a showstopper in a ladder match. I'm not putting down Booker in any way, but there is more 'wow' factor guys that can fill the spot.
They should put Randy Orton in instead of Jeff Hardy because they should use him and Matt in some crazy tag team match. Also it could set up a fued between Randy Orton and Edge and turn Randy face.
Maybe it will be sabu, maybe it will be RVD, maybe it will be Holly. To be honest, it could be anyone, but sabu would be good just because of his insanity.

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