Johnny Nitro Being De-Pushed?


SmackDown! is MY Show
Johnny Nitro has been looking like his push he had late last year is over. I mean he in these 3 to 5 minutes squash mathces where he basically is jobbing now. I mean he and Jeff Hardy had a good program and brought some Flair back to the IC Belt. Then Nitro is tagging back up with Mercury here and there its like Creative don't know what they wanna do with Nitro what you all think is Nitro being de-pushed and what does the future hold for him??
It's a shame that after proving himself to be a good wrestler against all criticism that he is now in the 'doghouse'. I think he needs to sort out whatever backstage attitude he has and get back to working excellently like he has been. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him win a match in a long time. Seriously WWE, just drop the doghouse issue and backstage issues from reflecting what happens on screen. It is ruining promising careers like Nitro's, Carlito's and Punk's. We are sick of seeing guys who finally get the spotlight shone on, put back in the can because of backstage issues. If they take all of them into account, they won't even have a roster anymore. Nitro really deserves to be put in a long promo with the IC title because he has it in him to become a major star in the WWE, and this isn't helping.

He is one of the most improved guys of this year, and proved almost everyone on here wrong in regards to their opinion of him, and from my perspective, this is a definite de push when he really had things going his way. Losing to Crazy in that style proved they don't have much left for him, but he is too good a star to be left out like this for too long. They will come to their senses, and you may see him holding the IC belt sometime soon.
If he's got a bad attitude I think they should stop his push. WWE does'nt need disruptive people in the locker room. Certainly not somebody who was an opening card act a year ago. But if it's just Melina being awkward then that's slightly unfair.
I wouldn't be too worried. I mean if Vince wasn't interested in pushing Nitro after he gets out of the dog house he would have let MNM remain a tag team. And we now know that isn't going to happen, b/c of the 4-way ladder match at NWO being cancelled.

So once Nitro gets his act together, I expect him to get another push as IC champion in the near future. And if it's successful, and it should be, then we can expect a main event push in the next year or so.
Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Johnny Nitro is apparently in the WWE doghouse because of his ongoing real life relationship with Melina. Melina has heat dating back to her days in Smackdown, and has done nothing to improve her reputation. Despite their current standing in the company, WWE recognizes their main event act potential.

I think thats kinda of messed up just becuase Nitro is with Melina in real life and shes in the doghouse he is the one that gets punished i mean look she getting title shots and being on RAW while Nitro is just jobbing not cool by WWE
why would u hate melina she is a babe with great credentials but about Nitro being depushed that is a damn shame i really thought that he had all the potential to be mentioned after his career to the likes of Honky Tonk man, Curt Hennig, Ricky Steamboat and Roddy piper ( i say them names for the fact they had a terrific career in the WWE without winning the WWE title) because they wouldn't have him as a WWE champion but he is an exceptional IC Cahmpion.
( i say them names for the fact they had a terrific career in the WWE without winning the WWE title) because they wouldn't have him as a WWE champion but he is an exceptional IC Cahmpion.

Well according to the GREAT Ryan Clark! And the Wrestling Observer:

02/14/2007 by Ryan Clark

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Johnny Nitro is apparently in the WWE doghouse because of his ongoing real life relationship with Melina. Melina has heat dating back to her days in Smackdown, and has done nothing to improve her reputation. Despite their current standing in the company, WWE recognizes their main event act potential.

Apparently WWE see Nitro as Main Event material one day! I doubt we'll ever see a show headlined by Nitro vs Edge for the WWE Title, but apparently WWE recognizes he could be there!?!?!
If Nitro is in the Doghouse for dating Melina, that is wrong on a number of levels. But if the WWE takes its thumb out its arse on this and pushes Nitro in the right Feuds then you have a Main-Eventer by Summerslam 08. My scenario for this is the next paragraph.

Nitro has the package. Ive said this before but on a different thread. Nitro can be pushed and end up with maybe a four Star match at Wrestlemania 24. But he needs to be pushed in the right way. The feud with Jeff Hardy was a step in the right way for him to become a main-eventer. Nitro proved that he could hang with the High Flyers/Spot Monkeys. Now he needs to prove himself against a few striker/Brawler type wrestlers in a series of feuds. If they can get either Regal or Benoit over to RAW, Nitro starts feuding with them in the lead up from New Years Revolution through to WM 24. I said those two because they are the two most accomplished Technical Wrestlers that are still worth a damn in WWE's eyes. This can potentially end up being a four star match. It can then propell Nitro into the top title picture for a match for the title at Summeslam.
he is an exceptional talent with all the tools to be great in this sport but i cant comprehend why in anyway shape or form Nitro should be punished for Melina being a bitch.
i dont really think nitro is that good, kinda boring on his interviews, wwe needs to keep him with mercury for awhile IMO, hes not really going nowhere without him
Every week it seems theres a different wrestler in the dog house.

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