John Morrison: The Bright Shining Star

Does John Morrison deserve to be a main eventer?

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Dark Match Jobber
Ever since John Morrison arrived on ecw i tuned in to the show weekly just to watch his matches.And time and time again this man has amazed me with his charisma and ring skills.He became from a boring Johnny Nitro to the ''Shaman of sexy'' he is today.Lets look at his accomplishments:

1 Time OVW Southern Tag Team Championship
2 Time WWE Intercontinental Championship
4 Time WWE Tag Team Championship
1 Time ECW Championship

I think the time is right for Morrison to sepparate with the miz and to move on to the maint event status, challenging the likes of Randy Orton Jeff Hardy Mr Kennedy MVP etc.In the upcoming draft i hope that he will leave ecw because i don't believe he should be wasting his talent on that brand.I would like to see these situations to happen to morrison.

1.Morrison turns on the miz after they lose the Tag Team Championships and get's drafted to raw to feud with Kennedy or Chris Jericho.
And after he gains some fanbase he goes on to Challenge the WWE champion (Cena :disappointed:)

2.Again he loses the Tag Team Championship (i dont care how),and get's drafted to Smackdown and feuds with HBK as a heel, or with Edge as a face.Because with his skills he could be a heel or a face.

What do YOU think of John Morrison do you think he sucks or do you think he deserves to be a main eventer IMO he deserves it.
I agree. Morrison needs to go to Raw, as that's where he'd fit best. I say have him compete for the IC championship again before going straight to main event status. There are too many people in line for ME status on Raw that he can't be jammed right in. Let JBL, Regal, and Kennedy go first, then fit in Morrison after he's dominated the midcard.
Aint u forgetting 1 time E.C.W championship?
John morrison is good but i dont think he deserves to be ME status just yet. but it seems like he is starting out in the same footsteps as a H.B.K did as in starting out in a tag team. So its possible that in a couple of years he will be. Just not yet. Maybe give him a lengthy ecw championship riegn again would boost his credability then move him to smackdown to challenge for the United states championship, then he could be ME status.
i agree Morrison's ability and wrestling skills are great. his mic sessions still need work IMO but will only get better.

i would like to see him back in RAW. he's been in ECW and has also wrestled in SD. SD is the logical choice as he can dominate the US title over there or have a fued with Matt Hardy.

just on athleticism and agility this kid has got what it takes to be the next HBK.
I voted for yes. He never fails to impress me. He made a Batista match enjoyable and that is the mark of a great wrestler. He seems to have no end of innovative moves (like that break dancing leg drop he did) and a while back he did some kind of amazing double flip on ECW which looked like it had been CGI'd!

I think he needs a slow build, leave ECW, switch to Smackdown, win the US Championship OR switch to RAW and win the IC belt. I think if they rush his progress he'll be ruined. He has the fitness it seems to last as long if not longer than HBK, so why rush?
Morrison is more green than a Texas lawn in summertime.

Seriously people, your rushing things now. He has the look, entrance and gimmick which is why your all blowing loads over him, but beyond that, what does Morrison really have? Charisma? Really? Talking like your reading from a script is charisma? He has the same problem Edge use too back in his tagging days. Also, his in ring work, :lmao: all that needs to be said is heels don't do spotty work. Morrison does. You can talk about how "great" his spotty work is all you want but it will get him nowhere.

As for him, He'll be a possible main event name one day. It's just not anytime soon. He needs alot of improvement.

As for now, I say stick to tagging with Miz. Then make a mid card run on SD! next year and go from there.
John Morrison is one of my favourites. He entertains me easily and it is easy on the eyes to watch him lol.

I remember back to the days of Johnny Nitro. Back then, I don't think he would have ever made it to the big times. Back then he was nothing more than a mid carder.

Today he is a shining star. With his corkscrew neckbreaker as a finisher, newly named Moonlight Drive. That move itself is great, but I love how Morrison performs it. It a damn nice to see him twist with such skill.

His wrestling skills are great, and I remember when he did that Corkscrew Moonsault Press, that was amazing.

He is also amazing on the mic. The only thing with that is tha he has a scratch in his voice, whihc isn't his fault. But it is unfortunate.

Morrison is a shining star.
I agree I like Morrison and feel he can be something big in the future. However, as somebody mentioned earlier, he needs to switch brands to truly break out as a main eventer. But he SHOULD NOT go to Raw. He will just get overshadowed there so I really hopes he goes to Smackdown! Think about it, Smackdown needs heel main eventers outside of Edge and MVP.

The options on Smackdown are endless. Morrison can first feud Matt Hardy over the U.S title. Later on he can wrestle the likes of Batista, Rey Mysterio and the Undertaker to solidify his main event position. I really like Morrison's character as he can easily turn face in the WWE wanted him to. I think his character is easily to like as it is to dislike. I don't think John gets many boos considering he has been a heel since 2005. The Miz easily gets more booed than him.

He is definitely a star in the making and give it time for him to be a main eventer. I say John Morrison for World Champ after Wrestlemania 25.
As for now, I say stick to tagging with Miz. Then make a mid card run on SD! next year and go from there.

I dont agree with you.If Morrison sticks with The Miz he will end up having lame feuds with Wang Yang or any other lame tag team.They have the titles for 6 months now.Morrison needs to be drafted to smackdown and be pushed as a singles wrestler i think he should feud with MVP, Matt hardy, Mysterio or whoever has the US Championship.And from there on he can improve even more and step up to be a main eventer.
Morrison put on what was probably his best work ever on friday night against Batista. That match wasnt spotty in the least, it showed fine phsycology, and he sold the shit outta Dave's offense. I think that ,atch surely showcased that the time for him to be out on his own, is soon. I think he is prime to feud with Matt Hardy for the US title, as he could pick up the slack for Hardys blandness.
The jury's still out on morrison for me. He has the look and the ability to be good, but he lacks the charisma and the edge to be a standout heel in the company. He's got the whiney, annoying heel thing down, but that doesn't set him apart from many of the other heels in the company - Miz, kennedy etc.

He just lacks an edge to me, and until he gets that edge, I think it'll be a long time before he's ready to move up to the main event. don't get me wrong, I think he can and will be a solid main-eventer at some stage, but he needs to learn from edge and not get too impatient.
You saw SD! yet Polley??? Morrison came thru that curtain with an unusual amount of intensity, and even told Miz to leave him to fight Batista alone. He seemed very edgy. I think that part of his character is coming along nicely. Im not sure. People seem very split on this dude. I think its the character. You either totally love it, and buy it, and you absolutely dont. Has to be it, becuase I just cant see why or what people find wrong with this guy. He is never unentertaining in any action. Not ever.
i'm not saying he doesn't have the ability, He does and I've seen that in him. All you have to do is look at the bumps he took at Mania and you can see he has the hunger to compete. I've to be honest and say I don't see why people expect the new guys to be in the title hunt within months to 2yrs.

The likes of Kennedy MVP and Morrison, they are quite clearly the future of the WWE, but there seems to be this desire within fans (here in particular), that they be pushed the whole way to the top before doing time in the mid-cards. The likes of Stone Cold spent 6 yrs in WCW/WWE before winning the big titles. So why the impatience when if he fails big time after a push, people will only bitch about it. Give the dude some time to learn how to cut promos better, to master his psychology...only then will he be truely great
You may be right NorCal. I don't know. I didn't watch that match. But Shelton Benjamin has displayed fine in ring antics lately. If he can, Morrison can too.

As for Polley, what I think your trying to say is Morrison lacks the "it" factor. He has the gimmick and everything else, but when it's go time. He's green as the bush across the street. Like you said though, he'll be good one day, or at least I believe so, but people claiming he should main event by next year. Come on now.

I dont agree with you.If Morrison sticks with The Miz he will end up having lame feuds with Wang Yang or any other lame tag team.

Erm, but if he's hot shotted into the main event scene. He'll not get over, and flop into a downward spiral, and with his lack of connecting with the fans, that's what would happen.

Build him slowly. That's wrestling 101.

They have the titles for 6 months now.

Edge and Christian and both the Hardys had the titles numerous times, for many years before coming up and being singles wrestlers. Why? Because they weren't ready. Neither are Morrison and Miz and they won't be for the near future.
The likes of Stone Cold spent 6 yrs in WCW/WWE before winning the big titles. So why the impatience when if he fails big time after a push, people will only bitch about it. Give the dude some time to learn how to cut promos better, to master his psychology...only then will he be truely great

You may be right about getting to impatient but look at Cena it took John Cena 3 years to get his first WWE Championship.Im not saying Morrison is like Cena (Thank God) im just saying it is possible if Morrison is pushed right, it could happen in 1 or 1,5 years.Maybe you're right that he isnt ready for a big push but he is definitely qualified for the US IC or ECW Championships right now.
i'd say he could do a good job at US level, but not ECW...purely for the reason that Kane is the current champion. While Morrison may deserve it on paper...Kane's a tough guy to overcome and morrison's not going to get the clean win over him that he'd need to be seen as credible...anything else is a screwjob victory.

As for Nighthawk's Cena analogy...look at how popular cena is with fans for his catapult into the main picture without doing the time in the lower divisions. Yes, he sells t-shirts and women and children love him, but the unstoppable push alienated many fans who loved him at the stop and I'd rather morrison didn't get that route.

Edge spent a lot of time at the level morrison's at now, and he's better as a result of it.
WWE has pushed too many stars to the top to fas already, if you guys love this guy so much and want him to be around awhile, then what's the problem with waiting a little longer and letting him slowly come into his own?, if the guy is suppose to be in the ME then he'll get there someday just like Edge did, but right now he's nowhere near ready, he needs seriously work on his mic skills, cause they are simply atrocious, and he also needs to learn how to wrestle like a heel, I mean why the fuck would a heel being doing 35 flippy moves unless it was to get over with the crowd, to me he kinda looks like the Jack Evans of WWE, he can do some cool shit in the ring, but lacks substance, and charisma, he needs more time before he's ME anything anytime soon
WWE has pushed too many stars to the top to fas already, if you guys love this guy so much and want him to be around awhile, then what's the problem with waiting a little longer and letting him slowly come into his own?, if the guy is suppose to be in the ME then he'll get there someday just like Edge did, but right now he's nowhere near ready, he needs seriously work on his mic skills, cause they are simply atrocious, and he also needs to learn how to wrestle like a heel, I mean why the fuck would a heel being doing 35 flippy moves unless it was to get over with the crowd, to me he kinda looks like the Jack Evans of WWE, he can do some cool shit in the ring, but lacks substance, and charisma, he needs more time before he's ME anything anytime soon

Fantastic point here. Again, I reference the short attention spans of fans, expecting a constant rotation of new stars and instant gratification from the up-and-comers. Guys, Justin is 100% spot on here - if you want longevity out of these performers, they need time to build and earn their way up.

Look at Cena. Now, whether you hate the guy or love the guy (and quite frankly I don't care) look at his path to where he is. He came in and put on strong matches with Kurt Angle. He feuded with The Undertaker. He took on the US Title and had fair feuds with Carlito and Big Show. He got into it with JBL and took the WWE Title. His progression took a while!

Morrison came in as Johnny Nitro - Eric Bischoff's lap dog - and somehow earned his way in to matches. He had some recognition from the Tough Enough fans. He eventually formed a tag team and won those belts, then went on to Intercontinental where he had a great feud with Jeff Hardy. As a result of the Benoit debacle, he wound up with the ECW Title - an audition really - and a good feud with CM Punk. Just wait until a few top guys get injured or retire or get fired - Morrison will have his shot.
No doubt about it JM has everything it takes to make it big. However, and this is a bit of a nit pick, he does seem like a clone of hbk. But thats not a bad thing entirely. Take a winning formula and repackage it. The beauty of it though is that he gets to push it a bit further than hbk was alowed to in his youth. At this moment in time we should just glue the ic or us title around his waist. He should be a main eventer without a doubt.
John Morrison is great for a US or IC title but main event? not yet.The thing about morrison is he doesnt have very much heel heat.He still needs to learn how to play the crowd to his advantage, but in order to achieve that he has to feud with a good mid-carder i suggest Matt Hardy.Matt Hardy could teach JM a thing or two.But overall i think this guy is good but not great, however i think he has the potential to become a great superstar.
I think he is prime to feud with Matt Hardy for the US title, as he could pick up the slack for Hardys blandness.

Lol, I agree Hardy is solid as hell and perfect for helping young talent to develop but is seriously lacking that X factor, and a feud with Morisson could be as good as the MVP vs Matt fued should have been.

JM really does remind me of a young HBK, was in a great young tag team, his partner has personal issues and he's clearly the standout star, goes single, gets to IC level, drops down a little to get more experience, stays midcard for a good few years before a push to main event which lasts hopefully for a long time.

Let's hope he keeps developing at the rate he is, the guys doing fine, and he was the MVP of the MITB by a long way!
Within the previous few weeks they've pushed John Morrison pretty hard against some top notch Main Event talent. Hes been involved in matches that have Batista, Kane, Shawn Michaels & Chris Jericho. (can't remember if he was involved in the Kennedy & Triple H. v. Brand match or not) At any rate, if this isn't a clear-cut sign that they're testing Morrison for a Main Event push.. then you people who're in denial need to take off the blinders and flip the channel back to W.W.E. television, because thats whats apparently happening.

Now, I will say this much. John Morrison IS NOT (quite) ready to become a Main Eventer. Hell, I've been saying for weeks now that Mr. Kennedy isn't even ready to become a Main Eventer, and Kennedy is roughly one step above Morrison with far-better mic skills and better fan charisma.

However, John Morrison will own Kennedy any day of the week with flashy moves, and Hardy like spot selling that seems to be what they (fans) want, instead of brawling.. which is what W.W.E. is trying to push Kennedy as. (so I've been told) So with that said, Morrison has Kennedy beat in the in-ring ability.

Now, Justin touched on something that I agree with. Morrison needs to go back to the drawing board and rediscover what it means to be a heel. Because heels don't need to use flashy high-risk moves to get the crowd to pop. Its a heels job to create a tremendous boo-factor, not an awe-factor. So either turn Morrison face (which I doubt would work, because he has the cocky attitude down pat) or make it to where if hes going to continue the high risk moves.. he takes some of the 'flash' off them. (not sure exactly how.)

Finally, to me, John Morrison is like the next generation Edge and Shawn Michaels. I'm not saying that because they're my 3 favorite Superstars either. All 3 of them have a likeness. They each started in Tag Team ranks. They each built themselves off a cocky character. They each used flashy entrances/ring attires to get noticed. All of them have a way about themselves, and two of them are two of the biggest Superstars in this industry.. so there isn't ANY reason, to suspect Morrison won't make it a trifecta!

The first thing I feel he needs to do, is break away (no pun intended) to a more solid character. The Doors likeness is good and all, but it won't make you stand out as a M.E. guy. The one thing thats hurt Morrison, is he hasn't been able to find a stable character name. First Nitro, in reflection to Eric Bischoff and Monday Nitro, now Morrison, in reflection to Jim Morrison.

The name can stay, but the overall appeal of the character being a likeness is what needs to go. Hell, his real name is Hennigan, why not just go with it? To add onto that, he was 1 half of the winners regarding the third Tough Enough show. So its not like he didn't begin his wrestling career, without being known by Hennigan.

Overall, hes a former multi-time Intercontinental Champion, a former multi-time Tag Team Champion, and a former E.C.W. Heavyweight Champion. Those are all great starting qualities you wanna look for in becoming a Main Event Superstar.. and like it or not, John Morrison is on his way.. when is only up to how good hes used, and how much Hennigan himself wants to succeed.
I know it's standard heel tactics to not use flash moves, and you guys are right to pick up on the amount he uses. But some of them are really good heel moves, that are similar principle, but a bit more too them.

Against Batista, catching The Animal with that dropkick thing where he goes over the top rope twists and hits him. I'd rather see that than the standard, double elbow/stomp to the back. His springboard leg drop works well. So he should be keeping those two, but definately drop the corkscrew moonsault, unless he's purely doing it for the miss and Face comeback
John Morrison gives me that impression he could be great, if hes in a good product. Hes in great shape, hes good in the ring, and he can talk on the mic. He just needs that extra push from somewhere that could help him improve. I hope he breaks away from The Miz soon, as I see nothing in the Miz's future, but lots in Morrison's. He will be one of the future young light heavyweight greats and could have great feuds with Kennedy, Carlito, Kingston, Cade, Benjamin, Punk, and MVP. Maybe he will be drafted to get some more exposure on Raw.
whos to say he isnt a main eventer already? i mean, look how far hes come since what? MNM? hes been developed into a better character and i think its time he goes for a world title on either RAW or Smackdown! i believe that it really needs to happen and fast. why? hes achieved tag team greatness, the intercontinental title, the ecw title (though its more like an egg shaped piece of paper) and i think he needs to leave this ecw thing and go to one of those brands i mentioned cause its about time you know? hes developed fast too. which was the surprising part about it.

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