John Morrison/SummerSlam

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I'm really excited about the future of JoMo and think he could be a great champion. He had a great match vs Jeff Hardy last week, as well as a great match vs cm punk weeks earlier. With SummerSlam around the corner, it appears that Jeff Hardy and CM Punk will lock up again over the heavyweight championship. Where does JoMo fit in? Will they leave him off the card or somehow input him that match and make it a 3 way TLC match? I say they should include him in the match, he doesn't have to win it then, but just for him to be apart of the double main event at summerslam is a big enough honor and great opportunity for JoMo.
I'm really excited about the future of JoMo and think he could be a great champion. He had a great match vs Jeff Hardy last week, as well as a great match vs cm punk weeks earlier. With SummerSlam around the corner, it appears that Jeff Hardy and CM Punk will lock up again over the heavyweight championship. Where does JoMo fit in? Will they leave him off the card or somehow input him that match and make it a 3 way TLC match? I say they should include him in the match, he doesn't have to win it then, but just for him to be apart of the double main event at summerslam is a big enough honor and great opportunity for JoMo.

He will probably be left off the card sadly as it looks like they are putting him in a program with the Hart Dynasty. Unless the Miz leaving Raw means he is coming back to Smackdown to team with Morrison. But I doubt that seeing as how Miz turned on him I don't see why Morrison would take him back. Then again Matt did just help his brother retain his title so stranger things have happened.
He definitely should NOT be thrown into the TLC match at SummerSlam. The Hardy/Punk feud has escalated and JoMo would be lost in the mix storyline-wise if it was randomly made a triple threat match. Jeff's gone after SS, and after that JoMo will have his time to shine as he'll most likely be the #1 contender. I don't think Matt Hardy will be cleared to wrestle again for a while given the seriousness of abdominal injuries, so no need to worry about him taking JoMo's spot in the main event either.
Hopefully, John Morrison gets put on the Summerslam card. He is getting a decent push right now, and hopefully it continues. I see him being apart of a cross-brand 'Smackdown vs. Raw' type match at the PPV. Scoring a win for his brand would be great for his credibility.
Yeah, no way buddy. This Punk and Hardy program has been extremely intense and has been near perfection in execution. Why fuck it up and just inexplicably throw John Morrison in the match. I will admit, I have warmed up a bit to Morrison possibly getting into the ME scene, but He shouldn't have a WHC reign. One reason and one reason alone- he is NOT over yet. Maybe a shot here and there, but I think the next logical contender to Punk has to be Taker or Mysterio.
i think after summerslam john morrison wil be the most reasonable guy to face punk for the title
not win it of course
but just get him into the ME scene and to make an attemped to get him over
Morrison should certainly not be added to the World title match, he'd just take away from the momentum Hardy and Punk have going. Morrison is most likely on the "MVP path", a big push then back down to mid-card.
Unless John Morrison has a storyline where he picks a partner to face The Hart Dynasty at Summerslam, or he quickly finds a new opponent for Summerslam... then it's most likely that he will be left off the card. When I heard Morrison asking Theodore Long to face the winner of C.M. Punk vs. Jeff Hardy at Night of Champions, I automatically assumed that we would see a Triple Threat match between the them at Summerslam. I was looking forward to it, too, but if WWE added John Morrison to the TLC match at Summerslam... I wouldn't like it anymore.

Just because John Morrison is left off the Summerslam card (assuming he is), it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. It can leave more time for Morrison to develop a new and better fued going in to Breaking Point.
hes got no chance in hell at summerslam but i hope he gets into another program with punk over that world title. or something like a triple threat between him meth hardy and punk. and then matt hardy just comes in and cost meth hardy the world title and then a fatal 4 way at the next ppv
Hopefully, John Morrison gets put on the Summerslam card. He is getting a decent push right now, and hopefully it continues. I see him being apart of a cross-brand 'Smackdown vs. Raw' type match at the PPV. Scoring a win for his brand would be great for his credibility.

100% Agree.

The last couple matches versus Kidd and his match against Hardy were simply spectacular. I really hope they find room for him somewhere, minus including him in the main event.

I haven't seen any US Championship feuds and would love to see a cross-brand title match between Kofi & Morrison, but I think that would set him back from his push. You can't win that title or lose to Kofi and still be on task to meet up w/ Punk in the near future for the World title.

I would love to see him on the card... but just don't see any possible place for him to fight. Any ideas out there?
As awesome as it would be for Morrison to be added to the TLC, it wouldn't be appropriate now. The Hardy/Punk fued has been raised to a new level, and it's too personal now to just add Morrison, who's only reason for being there would be "He beat Punk in two good, but random matches, and had a great match with Jeff; he'd just be a third wheel.

A far as it looks, Morrison will either be left off the card, or have some match with the Hart Dynasty if they choose to make something of this little thing they have going between him and Tyson Kidd. It's no big deal, since Jeff's leaving anyway, Morrison will have the chance to take his spot, which seems like the WWE's plan anyway based on his push.
Morrison is not ready to be stuck in PPV MEs yet, the guy is all flash, no substance, I mean yeah sure he can do some cool shit in the ring but his promo's are worse than fucking Jeff Hardys, and that's saying something considering Jeffs promo skills are among the worst in the company, Morrison needs a solid mid-card feud to work out the kinks and better develop his skills on the mic, if WWE were smart they'd drop his feud with the Harts and add him to the the IC title picture, a triple threat between Morrisson, Ziggs, & Mysterio would be a lot better for Morrison in the long run than rushing him into the ME picture before he's ready
Morrison is starting to reach the ME, he has great skills in the ring and on the mic, he's getting more over with fans each week, if you throw him into this feud its pointless becasue Jeff and Punk's feud is extremely personal and JoMo has no business in it. Putting him the IC picture at some stage will help him because he is a established singles wrestler. Within a year and half to 2 years he will be main eventing as he is still very young.

But i do hope he has some role in SummerSlam.
If Jeff leaves he'll be main eventing in less than 3 months bro. If he doesn't I'd say 1 year tops. Smackdown is in dire need of main eventers remember? So JoMo could get pushed sooner than we think. Also I don't agree with the IC title thing, he's already an established singles wrestler, 3x IC champ, and 1x ECW World Champion, when he won it it was called the ECW World Championship so he's already a world champion (sort of).
justinsayne, you are way off. i dont know what show you are watching but JoMo is a star. I don't care if hes facing tyson kidd or cm punk, there is no way in hell he is 2 years away from seeing main event championship gold. if he doesn't hold the title within a year, i will drive off a cliff, probably survive it, then light myself on fire and hire someone to piss on my ashes
justinsayne, you are way off. i dont know what show you are watching but JoMo is a star. I don't care if hes facing tyson kidd or cm punk, there is no way in hell he is 2 years away from seeing main event championship gold. if he doesn't hold the title within a year, i will drive off a cliff, probably survive it, then light myself on fire and hire someone to piss on my ashes
Actually, he couldn't be more right. John is not a star, but he is a future star. Shoving him into the title picture is a huge mistake. A mistake I think they are going to make, but still a mistake nonetheless. He is not over yet, I repeat, not over yet. He is progressing nicely, but if they slap the WHC title on him right now, or even within the next year, the average fan won't buy it. Sorry to rain on your parade buddy.
So JoMo could get pushed sooner than we think. Also I don't agree with the IC title thing, he's already an established singles wrestler, 3x IC champ, and 1x ECW World Champion, when he won it it was called the ECW World Championship so he's already a world champion (sort of).

He was part of a tag tema for the last 2 freaking years on ECW, and hasn't held singles gold since dropping the ECW title to Punk ages ago, hardly anyone remembers any of this IC or ECW title runs because they simply wern't that memorable, so yeah atm he still kinda needs to re-establish him into the singles seen, how he's going to do that while feuding with a tag team I have no idea, but yeah...

justinsayne, you are way off. i dont know what show you are watching but JoMo is a star. I don't care if hes facing tyson kidd or cm punk, there is no way in hell he is 2 years away from seeing main event championship gold.

:lmao:typical Morrison fan boy, A.) I never ever said he was 2 years away in my post, perhaps you should go back and read it again B.) He's terriable on the mic, anyone who sounds like they are reading their promos off a fuckign cue card I kinda figure that was pretty common knowledge C.) Morrison gets pushed to the top to quick he will suffer the same fate every superstar suffers when they are pushed to fast, the fans will get sick of him, or he'll get burned out and leave, wrestling fans these days, especially those of us here in IWC have become the most impatient people of all fucking time, he forget guys like Bret Hart, HBK, Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold, Cena, Savage, Jericho, etc., ect., ect., took years in the midcard before becoming the huge ME stars they eventually became, Morrison should be no different

if he doesn't hold the title within a year, i will drive off a cliff, probably survive it, then light myself on fire and hire someone to piss on my ashes

fuck I'll gladly piss on your ashes after you drive off a cliff and set your self on fire
As cool as it would be to see him go after the title after Summerslam, I do agree with justinsayne that he needs to re-establish himself. Pushing him to the moon would be the wrong move right now, Bobby Lashley anyone? He was good but then he got pushed way too quick and got really dull IMO, and my goodness he was awful on the mic.

Let Morrison go after the IC title and have him hold that for awhile, then maybe after he drops that have him get the ME scene by sometime next year.

Teaming him up with The Miz again would be moving backwards, sure they were a good team but it's time for him to shine on his own.
Holy crap would my load blow through the roof if John Morrison was added to the TLC match between Punk & Hardy.

I'm sorry, I might be the only person who wants to see the TLC match, but at the same time hopes it gets something more added to it, since we've seen a similar style (ladder) match already, within the past 3 months. At least. And Hardy was involved in that one, just the same, as well.

Punk and Hardy haven't had "great" chemistry together, and Morrison may very well be the missing piece to the puzzle. Regardless, as much of a Morrison fan as I am.. Justin was correct. He is not ready for Main Event matches just yet. Don't just throw him instantly into something, before he's ready, otherwise you'll get a shit-fest and a failed future star.

Morrison has all the in-ring ability he needs. Working on selling might not hurt, but his promos as Justin also mentioned, are his weakest point. Which is confusing to say the least, considering he has one of the more "wide open" characters, you'd think his promo skills should be better than sub-par crap.

In the end though, adding him to the TLC match may not be shoving him, so much as testing the waters for him. Hell, Hardy tested the Main Event waters for a few years (2001, 2002) before he was finally given the green light to run with it. So you never know.
John Morrison will undoubtedly be left off the card for Summerslam.

My question is: Why are people in such a rush for people like Morrison and The MIz to immediately get to the top of the business? I am sure that almost everyone in the WWE knows their role. Morrison and Miz especially know, I would hazard a guess at. Both have talent, no doubt about it. The problem is that everyone is acting as though they should be in the main event every week, which simply is inconceivable. The same is true for Ziggler. Everyone feels as though these guys are somehow going to melt in the sun if they are off the card for a few weeks.

These guys are young enough to go on and have a great future but they have to learn with the basics. Everyone else went this way and no one just sky rocketed to the top really. JoMo will headline a Summerslam in the future but for the mean time I think it is very good that they have left him off of the card, especially when the Hardy vs Punk feud is coming to an end and has been done very well up to this point.
they should make it a fatal 4 way with Matt in it he has been involved in it for the last 2 weeks i think that will happen besides teddy long is still on probation.
Wherever John Morrison ends up on the Summerslam card will benefit him. He's a guy who makes a match better by being in it. He has a unique move set, great look, mic work, and can wrestle. Putting him in any program would be a plus and to have that showcased at Summerslam would be even better.

I'd like to see him in some sort of three-way dance for the IC title. Give the title an even bigger rub than before.
I would have loved to see Morrison Vs Ziggler for the IC belt but Rey nixed DZ's title win at NoC. At the moment Morrison doesn't appear to be doing anything. It's really strange him being left off the card if he's supposed to be getting a push soon.
Maybe Morrison vs. Matt Hardy for the No. 1 Contender fro the World Heavyweight Championship at Breaking Point. It could be a submission match to showcase the superstars submissions prior to Breaking Point although the exact details of the event haven't been revealed.

This is just an idea so don't go mad at me saying its a stupid one. I have some crazy ideas regarding the Hardys and the tag team division so check my posts and see. I've got to admit, they will never happen!
I still don't see John Morrison making it on the Summerslam card. The only way I think he can is if WWE makes John Morrison team up with Matt Hardy to take on The Hart Dynasty. It's not too likely, but I guess it could happen. Summerslam is next Sunday, and there's only five matches booked. If the ECW Championship match is booked, then there's six. Why not add John Morrison and Matt Hardy to the card? And why not give The Hart Dynasty their ppv debut?

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