John Morrison IS the next Shawn Michaels

Gifted Music

Occasional Pre-Show
I didn't SEE a thread on this but if there is, my apologies.

Now i'm not talking about his look, persona, mic skills, or any of that bs..I'm talking STRICTLY about the similar career paths the two chose.Now i'm not gonna chronicle HBK's WHOLE career so i'm choosin to leave Sycho Sid, the feud with Bret, DX etc. Out and just choose to focus on similarities.

First, Shawn Michaels.

HBK started out in a tag team with Marty Jannetty...The Rockers were probly one of the most popular tag teams to never "officially" win the World Tag Team Titles. The Rockers had plenty of good matches with The Hart Foundation in Bret and Shawn's early careers.. Eventually, Vince had a different plan for HBK..He was much higher on Shawn than Marty...Eventually HBK broke away from Marty and on to the Intercontinental Title..He was paired with Sherri and had a pretty successful heel run with matches against early Bret, Razor, Mr.Perfect, and even Marty Jannetty himself.

The next phase was HBK's partnership with Diesel aka Kevin Nash...They did something Shawn could NOT do with Marty and that's win the World Tag Team Titles...Eventually Nash and HBK broke apart and eventually feuded but HBK was still in the IC Title stage of his career.

Fast forward to Wrestlemania's Ironman match...The Boyhood dream comes true..HBK Shawn Michaels defeats Bret Hart to win the WWF World Heavyweight Championship..As World Champion He got slingshotted in to feuds with old partners Kevin Nash and Sycho Sid aswell as Vader, Mankind, The Undertaker, Bret Hart, and, in his last run, Triple H.

John Morrison

John Morrison, then Johnny Nitro, started out in a tag team called MNM with Joey Mercury and Melina..MNM made a huge impact, defeating Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero in their debut to become WWE Tag Team Champions..MNM went on to feud with the New Legion of Doom, Batista and Rey Mysterio, and their main rivals, Brian Kendrick and Paul London...Eventually MNM wore out their welcome, and Johnny Nitro and Melina TURNED on Joey Mercury after a loss.

Johnny Nitro then went to RAW and at first, he went straight after the IC Title..He and Melina, like HBK and Sherri, had a successful heel run on Raw, even adding relevance to an otherwise stale Cena/K-Fed feud.. Nitro didn't have the guys to work with HBK had, but still had pretty decent feuds with Jeff Hardy(even adding Matt Hardy and the returning Joey Mercury to the mix), Carlito(with Trish and Melina thrown in), and a mini feud with Cena...

Then Johnny Nitro got his taste of what HBK got his taste of...World Championship gold...Johnny Nitro was split from Melina and drafted to ECW.Back then, ECW was still considered a relatively decent brand..Johnny Nitro was an unfortunate replacement due to the death of Chris Benoit.. Johnny Nitro, now John Morrison, defeated CM Punk for the ECW Championship.. Morrison and Punk had a pretty decent and lengthy feud with each other before Punk finally defeated Morrison for the ECW Championship.

John Morrison eventually formed another partnership, this time with former reality TV star Mike Mizanin aka The Miz...This was arguably Morrison's most successful pairing as they were together damn near two years almost...Former WWE Tag Team Champions and World Tag Team Champions..They had notable feuds with Cryme Tyme, The Colons, but they really didn't have NEARLY asmuch talent to work with as The Rockers or even MNM.

So now Morrison's on his own again...The only glaring difference in career paths is HBK had a successful FACE run after his HEEL run... With what transpired on Raw between He and The Miz, could John Morrison be in line for a face turn? Or will he just go about his business as a heel and pretend He and Miz were never partners?What did Marty Jannetty achieve AFTER the Rockers split up? An IC Title run that, if you went to take a piss, you missed the whole thing, then later was released and has done nothing since...What did Joey Mercury do AFTER MNM split up? He was released, cameback for a brief MNM reunion, then got released again.. What was the MIZ doing before he teamed with John Morrison? Flirting with Divas and feuding with Balls Mahoney, thats what.. Now, he teams with Morrison for close to two years and gets drafted to RAW, WWE's flagship program.Who was Kevin Nash BEFORE he was HBK's bodyguard? Pretty much nonexistent.. Being HBK's bodyguard helped launch an eventual Main Event Career as both Diesel and Kevin Nash... Would Nash have been WWF Champion had he not been HBK's bodyguard? Probly not.. Would he have been such a key member of the nWo in WCW or been WCW Champion had he not gotten over huge with HBK? Doubtful.

To bring All of this to a point...HBK essentially made the careers of Marty Jannetty, Kevin Nash, and Triple H just by teaming with them...Before teaming with HBK, they were ALL essentially midcarders or less and two of those three have gone on to be Main Eventers and Would be Hall of Famers..

John Morrison essentially made the careers of Melina, Joey Mercury, and The Miz.. Joey Mercury was discarded after his partnership with Morrison simply because he couldn't hack it on his own(not to mention his drug problem, ala Mr.Jannetty)..Melina went on to become Womens Champion 2 or 3 times after leaving Johnny Nitro.... Now it's The Miz's turn.. As a team, John Morrison and The Miz were probly the hottest tag team in ALL of Professional Wrestling with the exception of maybe Beer Money..If Vince didn't see something in him, The Miz would not have been drafted to RAW. It's time to see if The Miz suffers the same fate as Marty Jannetty and Joey Mercury or if he rises up like Kevin Nash and Triple H...John Morrison made TWO tag teams with otherwise "green" tag team partners seem relevant as did HBK.. MNM aswell as "The Dirt Sheet" were two of the hottest tag teams in the WWE..The One common denominator? John Morrison. I don't think that's a coincedence..

HBK and Morrison have had similar paths... But we won't know for SURE if John Morrison is the next HBK until he's given the ball to run with on Raw or Smackdown and he's given the ball as a face.. We've seen him get over as a heel..HBK used the SAME gimmick as a heel AND a face and got over as both.. Can John Morrison get over as a face without changing his entire gimmick? Only time will tell but eventually, Morrison will have to test those babyface waters if he's going to advance to the next stage of his career..

I didn't SEE a thread on this but if there is, my apologies.

I forgive you.

Now i'm not talking about his look,

Good, because HBK's tights are more over than Morrison.

Good, because HBK used to have an intresting one.

mic skills,

Good, because Morrison doesn't really have any.

or any of that bs..I'm talking STRICTLY about the similar career paths the two chose.

I'm only replying out of boredome.

Now i'm not gonna chronicle HBK's WHOLE career so i'm choosin to leave Sycho Sid, the feud with Bret, DX etc. Out and just choose to focus on similarities.

Great idea. This post looked huge without all of that. Also if it was added then your career path thing wouldn't have worked.

First, Shawn Michaels.

Rightfully so.

HBK started out in a tag team with Marty Jannetty...The Rockers were probly one of the most popular tag teams to never "officially" win the World Tag Team Titles.

They did win them, they just had them taken back. Probably because they were shit. I see parallels between The Rockers & Miz & Morrison. I don't really, The Rockers were ok.

The Rockers had plenty of good matches with The Hart Foundation in Bret and Shawn's early careers..

Second only to Miz/Morrison vs. Jesse/Festus, I can hear you think.

Eventually, Vince had a different plan for HBK..He was much higher on Shawn than Marty...

Am I the only one who used to prefer Marty?

Eventually HBK broke away from Marty and on to the Intercontinental Title..

He was quite a good one, unlike Morrison.

He was paired with Sherri and had a pretty successful heel run with matches against early Bret, Razor, Mr.Perfect, and even Marty Jannetty himself.

Who did Morrison face when he was IC champ again? I can remember Jeff Hardy and that's it.

The next phase was HBK's partnership with Diesel aka Kevin Nash...They did something Shawn could NOT do with Marty and that's win the World Tag Team Titles...

I don't think Morrison would have won the World Tag or WWE tag titles without The Miz or Joey Mercury, I really don't.

Eventually Nash and HBK broke apart and eventually feuded but HBK was still in the IC Title stage of his career.

Yeah I know. HBK winning the 1995 Rumble, WTF?

Fast forward to Wrestlemania's Ironman match...

It's shit.

The Boyhood dream comes true..

My boyhood dream was for that match to have been 30 minutes long only.

HBK Shawn Michaels defeats Bret Hart to win the WWF World Heavyweight Championship..As World Champion He got slingshotted in to feuds with old partners Kevin Nash and Sycho Sid aswell as Vader, Mankind, The Undertaker, Bret Hart, and, in his last run, Triple H.

Great matches all round, this is where your hole Morrison/HBK thing is going wrong.

John Morrison

The Shepherd Of Sexy would be more apt. That coat looks so cosy.

John Morrison, then Johnny Nitro, started out in a tag team called MNM with Joey Mercury and Melina..

Melina was the star. Mercury stole his thunder by having is nose smashed in.

MNM made a huge impact,

Not really.

defeating Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero in their debut to become WWE Tag Team Champions..

Pretty sure Eddie had a hand in it.

MNM went on to feud with the New Legion of Doom, Batista and Rey Mysterio, and their main rivals, Brian Kendrick and Paul London...

Hardly Brain Busters & Hart Foundation is it.

Eventually MNM wore out their welcome, and Johnny Nitro and Melina TURNED on Joey Mercury after a loss.

They took him back several months later.

Johnny Nitro then went to RAW and at first, he went straight after the IC Title..

I know, what was all that about?

He and Melina, like HBK and Sherri, had a successful heel run on Raw,

Not as successful. I don't think I'd be wrong in saying that Glamarella were more successful.

even adding relevance to an otherwise stale Cena/K-Fed feud..


Nitro didn't have the guys to work with HBK had, but still had pretty decent feuds with Jeff Hardy

No he didn't. But if he's as talented as I hear he is then the matches would've worked better.

(even adding Matt Hardy and the returning Joey Mercury to the mix),

And Chris Benoit & MVP if we're being that loose.

Carlito(with Trish and Melina thrown in), and a mini feud with Cena...

It's odd how I've forgotten most of this.

Then Johnny Nitro got his taste of what HBK got his taste of...World Championship gold...


Johnny Nitro was split from Melina and drafted to ECW.

SUPPLEMENTALLY drafted. After not being on TV much since his feud with Jeff Hardy.

Back then, ECW was still considered a relatively decent brand..

It still had a marginal slice of credibility until, well, I don't want to put Morrison down too much.

Johnny Nitro was an unfortunate replacement due to the death of Chris Benoit..

Benoit didn't have to do that.

Johnny Nitro, now John Morrison, defeated CM Punk for the ECW Championship..

Johnny Nitro won the title. He was then replaced with his cousin, the uber bouffant, John Morrison.

Morrison and Punk had a pretty decent and lengthy feud with each other before Punk finally defeated Morrison for the ECW Championship.

I've long been a believer that they only produced one good match, the one in which Punk won the title.

You're right though, long feud.

John Morrison eventually formed another partnership, this time with former reality TV star Mike Mizanin aka The Miz...

Wouldn't have happened if his ECW title reign had been a success.

You missed the point about The Miz being more popular than John Morrison at Cyber Sunday 2007.

This was arguably Morrison's most successful pairing as they were together damn near two years almost...

If 18 month is nearly two years then I'm just going to come out and say that they were together for just over a year.

Former WWE Tag Team Champions and World Tag Team Champions..They had notable feuds with Cryme Tyme, The Colons, but they really didn't have NEARLY asmuch talent to work with as The Rockers or even MNM.

That'll be why you can easily call both John Morrison & The Miz, overrated.

So now Morrison's on his own again...

I know, what are tye thinking.

The only glaring difference in career paths is HBK had a successful FACE run after his HEEL run...

And HBK was good, intresting, had memorable feuds and matches.

With what transpired on Raw between He and The Miz, could John Morrison be in line for a face turn?

It wouldn't make much sense, with The Miz turning on him and all.

Or will he just go about his business as a heel and pretend He and Miz were never partners?

It'd be better if he bought it up at every oppertunity. Like a TNA star does with what achievements they accomplished in WWE.

What did Marty Jannetty achieve AFTER the Rockers split up?

A Rocker reunion 13 years later.

An IC Title run that, if you went to take a piss, you missed the whole thing, then later was released and has done nothing since...

Both of the Rockers look like shit now, strange innit.

What did Joey Mercury do AFTER MNM split up? He was released, cameback for a brief MNM reunion, then got released again..

Right there you have more of a comparison with Mercury & Jannetty than you do Morrison & HBK.

What was the MIZ doing before he teamed with John Morrison?

Being an over heel and getting nominated into an ECW title match ahead of him.

Flirting with Divas and feuding with Balls Mahoney, thats what..

...That as well.

Now, he teams with Morrison for close to two years and gets drafted to RAW, WWE's flagship program.

Yeah, Miz is on the way up.

Who was Kevin Nash BEFORE he was HBK's bodyguard?

The Yellow Brick Road, Oz.

Pretty much nonexistent..

He overtook him sharpish though.

Being HBK's bodyguard helped launch an eventual Main Event Career as both Diesel and Kevin Nash...

Nash did more for HBK than HBK did for Nash.

Would Nash have been WWF Champion had he not been HBK's bodyguard?


Probly not..

Probably so.

Would he have been such a key member of the nWo in WCW or been WCW Champion had he not gotten over huge with HBK? Doubtful.

That ultra charismatic big guy? Yes.

To bring All of this to a point...HBK essentially made the careers of Marty Jannetty, Kevin Nash, and Triple H just by teaming with them...

Well, he kinda ruined Jannettys career, and Mankind made Triple H.

Before teaming with HBK, they were ALL essentially midcarders or less and two of those three have gone on to be Main Eventers and Would be Hall of Famers..

They were all square in the Rockers, Diesel was in WWE for 9 months before he was world champion and Triple H has since become a bigger star than HBK. So you might have a point, or you might not.

John Morrison essentially made the careers of Melina, Joey Mercury, and The Miz..

Mercury & Nitro were even, Melina was a bigger star and The Miz drew the heat for their team. Nice try though.

Joey Mercury was discarded after his partnership with Morrison simply because he couldn't hack it on his own(not to mention his drug problem, ala Mr.Jannetty)..

Without drug problems where would Mercury be? Probably in a similar position to Morrison. He had a career highlight before Morrison. It was his face that got squished. You don't think WWE would like to use that footage on TV more?

Melina went on to become Womens Champion 2 or 3 times after leaving Johnny Nitro....

I agree, she's a better Women's champion than he was IC.

Now it's The Miz's turn..

Miz vs. MVP seems more likely than Morrison vs. HBK.

As a team, John Morrison and The Miz were probly the hottest tag team in ALL of Professional Wrestling with the exception of maybe Beer Money..

And LAX/TEAM 3D.MCMG, but fo' so, the hottest team in WWE.

But in tag division with only 3 teams, don't they just win by default?

If Vince didn't see something in him, The Miz would not have been drafted to RAW.

You spend just as much time talking about his partners. Are you saying that The Miz will be the Kevin Nash of the team?

It's time to see if The Miz suffers the same fate as Marty Jannetty and Joey Mercury or if he rises up like Kevin Nash and Triple H...

Or maybe he'll find a happy medium.

John Morrison made TWO tag teams with otherwise "green" tag team partners seem relevant as did HBK..

But, but. Mercury was in ECW and The Miz was on TV 6 months after Morrison even though he'd taken part in Tough Enough a year later. It seems to me like Morrison was the green one.

MNM aswell as "The Dirt Sheet" were two of the hottest tag teams in the WWE..

By default, by default.

The One common denominator? John Morrison. I don't think that's a coincedence..

The Rockers were never the hottest team in the tag division.

HBK and Morrison have had similar paths...

I could do the exact same thing for Shelton Benjamin.

But we won't know for SURE if John Morrison is the next HBK until he's given the ball to run with on Raw or Smackdown and he's given the ball as a face..

HBK made it, Morrison hasn't yet. Safe to say your comparison doesn't quite work.

We've seen him get over as a heel..

With the help of Melina & The Miz.

HBK used the SAME gimmick as a heel AND a face and got over as both..

With a good gimmick, Sherri, glass mirror, ladder match & Kevin Nash.

Can John Morrison get over as a face without changing his entire gimmick?

What is his gimmick?

Only time will tell but eventually, Morrison will have to test those babyface waters if he's going to advance to the next stage of his career..


I don't agree.
I'm sorry, but I don't agree. While the obvious lack of mic skills could be overcome, Morrison has one other handicap that will prevent him from reaching HBK's level, he's not Tripple H's best friend.
I'm sorry, but I don't agree. While the obvious lack of mic skills could be overcome, Morrison has one other handicap that will prevent him from reaching HBK's level, he's not Tripple H's best friend.

Please don't tell me you're trying to imply Shawn is only at the level he is because he's friends with Triple H - there are so many things wrong with statement.

I agree with Morrison being the next HBK. Well, maybe not that strong, but he's incredibly talented does have similarities to Shawn. It's down to how hard Morrison works and how he's booked in the upcoming year +. I do like watching him though, so hopefully something good comes from it.
Morrison can now go to RAW in this supplementary draft, feud with the Miz and then, hopefully/possibly, Shawn Michaels.

He may go to Smackdown, and feud for the IC title, be a heel or face, and then become a contender for the World title.

Or, for now, he could stay on ECW and win the ECW title in the near future.

All three options could work well enough, so I'd say Morrison's in a great position. But, really, if HBK is retiring next year, then we need to see a feud between him and Morrison.
well if ur gonna talk about similar career paths. The Brian Kendrick has so far had a career similar to shawn michaels. Firstly London & Kendrick were a tag team that were so similar to the rockers, even their theme music was similar. and now that theyve split up Londons gone no where and endrick went heel like michaels and sed he was only usin london. also ezeikiel jackson is pretty much brains diesel/ kevin nash. but kendrick is yet to capture the gold since his departure from london he has had a shot at the wwe title though
Na he is not the new Shawn Michaels. He is good and is promising but he ain`t having an HBK career. There is NO new Shawn Michaels....he is simply one of a kind..I`m not even much of a HBK fan.
I can easily see John Morrison taking on the same sort of career as Shawn Michaels which is hard for me to say as I see Shawn as my wrestling idol and being totally untouchable in regards to in-ring performances but, in my opinion, if anyone can make it near the level Shawn has been at for years from the current roster then i would definately agree with John Morrison to be the one to do it! With the evidence provided for their similarities, I get the feeling John Morrison will become WWE or World Heavyweight Champion within the next 2 years.
I can also see morriosn being a heavyweight or wwe champion in the future but for some reason I can only see him as a heel...they really have to push him good in order for him to get over with the fans as a he the next hbk?probably not but he could try to fill his shoes while he's gone.....and speaking of brain kendrick he wouldn't be the next hbk cuz he doesn't have the size to get over to be a wwe or heavyweight champion unless they use him as a face and go with the whole underdog storyline(if rey can do it than brian should hav a shot but than again rey is 100tymes much betta)but it would be interesting to see kendrick vs morrison,possibly more if one of them can snag the ic title and start a would be a good match up even if they both stayed heels...the feud could start by one of them claiming to be prettier than the otha or some shyt,who knows....but long story short neither one of them will be hbk but they can be bright jus by bein who they are
Dude i've been saying that Morrison wud be the next HBK for a couple years now. Back when he was on Raw as the IC champ. I completely agree with you, because they do have similar career paths. Not only that, but Morrisons movements in the ring is similar to tha of Shawns in the earlier years of his career. They have have similar body structure and they both have style. The ONLY thing preventing Morrison from reaching hbk's level is his incredible lack of carizma. That's something that just comes natural. Hbk is wun of, if not the most carizmatic guys ever to grace a wrestling ring and he got over because of it. Morrison has the personality of a broom stick. But i think when morrison starts to really put his mic skills together and is given a fair shot, he can very well be the next Shawn Michaels
I'll agree that there will never be another HBK...but WOW is Morrison close! Keep in mind that while Morrison lacks in some of the categories of HBK's level, he still is very young, has unbelievable potential, and does moves that HBK never did. One key thing Morrison needs to work on is his ability to "sell" stiff moves and injuries. That's what made HBK a star in the ring and in the locker room. If Morrison can keep his head straight, learn to sell 1/2 as well as HBK, and not get too cocky in the locker room then he'll be on the fast track to a title.

Also, don't forget....Morrison is a Tough Enough winner! Don't be suprised if that fun fact comes up when he is getting a major title push.
BTW.... We really should have seen this coming. When Morrison beat HBK on RAW cleanly with his own finisher!!
For a while a used to say the same thing, but I think Morrison is going to turn out to be a better "wrestler" than HBK ever was. Morrison has a background in gymnasitics, and that is something you aren't born with. His movements are far more crisp, and faster than HBK's ever was. You have to learn how to move that way. Just look at his breakdancing legdrop, and you can see how hard that truly is to pull off.

Michaels in his prime probably had a better gimmick than Morrison will ever have, but when it comes to wrestling I'm giving Morrison the edge over Michaels. The only comparison I can make between the two men is this. Both of these men are cocky, and flashy.
I'm sorry, but I don't agree. While the obvious lack of mic skills could be overcome, Morrison has one other handicap that will prevent him from reaching HBK's level, he's not Tripple H's best friend.

Yeah, this may be one of the dumbest things I have ever seen posted, HBK was main eveting WMs well before Triple H was anything in this business, in fact look at WM12, that was Triple H's first ever WM, and he jobbed to Warrior in a match that makes the JBL/Myterio match form WM25 look like an Iron man match, that same WM HBK went on to win his first ever WWE title in an Iron Man Match against Bret Hart, HBK's level of success has absolutely zero to do with his friendship to Triple H, in fact it was HBK that helped Triple H become the ME level superstar that he would later become
John Morrison will never be the next Shawn Michaels. He has hard enough time as it is being John Morrison. I do think he can be a main-event superstar for years but he needs to work on many things. A few of which is that he has no mic skills. Pairing with The Miz has somewhat masked this but it shows whenever he talks. I put him in the same mold as Shelton Benjamin just a little bit better. He is supposed to be a heel but his moveset still looks face. I just believe that Morrison should turn face because he will have a better chance of staying around.
While I am a big Morrison fan and can see the comparison between Morrison and HBK. I wouldn't want to call Morrison the next HBK. As soon as you say one wrestler is THE next <insert random wrestler> you discredit the wrestler you are talking about. Personally, I would love to see Morrison make it big. But, whenever he speaks in front of a live audience I lose a little hope.

It's guys like Morrison and Benjamin that make me miss the days of managers. Sure, Morrison had Melina. But, to compare her to someone like Sherri is crazy in my mind. You see I think putting Morrison with someone that has more mic skills would be great for him. Really he has only been with people I consider to be on his level or below mic skills wise. And is it just me or does he come off as less natural than The Miz?
Please don't tell me you're trying to imply Shawn is only at the level he is because he's friends with Triple H - there are so many things wrong with statement.

No he's not at his level only because he's friends with Triple H, he's a phenomenal performer and his own standards are incredibly high, having said that, it doesn't hurt to be friends with a guy that has a habit to bury anyone that he perceives as superior to himself in any way. Trips even put HBK over a few times, think he'd do the same for Morrison ? I wouldn't hold my breath.
I've been nothing but impressed by Morrison for the last couple of years, out of all of the other new stars and possible up-comers that have surfaced in the time that he changed his gimmick, he is one of the few to show any promise of actually making it big in a few years.

It's easy to notice that obviously he must've been or still is a fan of HBK, to be honest how many wrestlers aren't? However, he is not going to be the man who fills HBK's shoes, I doubt anyone will, Still, he very much has the ability and showmanship to make it much bigger than the Miz will, it is just down to his weakness on the mic, and if anything the WWE is already or has been helping him out with it, or if anything is the reason why they were asked to do The Dirt Sheet.

I'm generally excited to see him make it big, it'll take a few years but he'll get there.
I'm actually amazed by how little a lot of you must rate Shawn Michaels. I can only assume that you're comparing John Morrison to the Shawm Michaels who was at the absolute top of his game in 1995, '96 & '97. Morrison shares nothing with that Shawm Michaels.

He also doesn't share anything with the young, charismatic Shawm Michaels that stepped away from the Rockers tandem. If you compare John Morrison to that Shawm Michaels then you must be implying that the original version of the Heartbreak Kid was a bland, spotty, pretty boy. He was so much more than that.

Even at a real stretch he's not even like the lazy HBK that's wrestling today. Still at half pace and with his love for wrestling long gone, Shawm Michaels now is head and shoulders above John Morrison.
Yeah, this may be one of the dumbest things I have ever seen posted,

I guess you must not read there boards a lot, cause I've seen some stuff that redefined dumb to a new level.

HBK was main eveting WMs well before Triple H was anything in this business, in fact look at WM12, that was Triple H's first ever WM, and he jobbed to Warrior in a match that makes the JBL/Myterio match form WM25 look like an Iron man match, that same WM HBK went on to win his first ever WWE title in an Iron Man Match against Bret Hart, HBK's level of success has absolutely zero to do with his friendship to Triple H, in fact it was HBK that helped Triple H become the ME level superstar that he would later become

Here's the problem, you thought I said HBK only got to his level because he's friends with Trips. Wrong. What I actually said is, in order to reach HBK's level TODAY, you'd better be best friends with Triple H or he'll never allow it.
Quite a difference in perception there. Tell me, do you actually think that if HBK was just starting out TODAY, with HHH in his position, would he get a shot at becoming a legend ? I have my doubts.
I don't get the comparison. Never really have actually? I see it all the time but I'm not quite sure where it comes from. If you really look at it, Morrison's gimmick isn't really all that close. Sure, if you were to describe them they sound the same, but it's when you "watch" them that you see the big difference. HBK, even back then, was far above where Morrison is at right now. Morrison still needs to learn how to put on a good, solid match. Michaels started doing that extremely quick after leaving the Rockers. Morrison has loads of talent, but I think The Miz has a much better shot at success. The Miz is the one who conducted all the heat for the team. He has improved crazy in the ring and can actually talk an a mic without sounding like Chris Jericho's monotonous Randy Orton voice. While we are at it, is it really even worth saying someone will be the next HBK?? They guy has put on a clinic for how long now? To the random fan he isn't "the guy" and hasn't been ever except for a few years. The truth though, is that he is one of the most endeared superstars the WWE has ever had. It took him 20 years to get there. I just don't see alot of the younger talent actually staying active that long anymore.
I'm sorry, but I don't agree. While the obvious lack of mic skills could be overcome, Morrison has one other handicap that will prevent him from reaching HBK's level, he's not Tripple H's best friend.

That's strange considering Shawn Michaels was winning the WWF Title at the same ppv that his "best friend" Triple H was a blue blood jobber getting his ass handed to him by the Ultimate Warrior. So i'm not sure how much "stroke" Triple H had in HBK's career... If anything, Triple H got his shot at Main Event because of his relationship with HBK and not his relationship with Stephanie McMahon.
That's strange considering Shawn Michaels was winning the WWF Title at the same ppv that his "best friend" Triple H was a blue blood jobber getting his ass handed to him by the Ultimate Warrior. So i'm not sure how much "stroke" Triple H had in HBK's career... If anything, Triple H got his shot at Main Event because of his relationship with HBK and not his relationship with Stephanie McMahon.

Read the answers I gave to a couple of other HBK fans, they explain it so even simple minds can understand it, no wait, let me explain AGAIN, consider it a recap, like the ones on WWE programming that go on and on...and on..well, you get the idea. Thread starter: John Morrison IS the next Shawn Michaels, my answer, he can't be unless he's best friend with Triple H, because, my friend, we aren't talking about the old days, where HHH had no stroke, we're talking about today. Today, even Shawn Michaels got screwed out from being on the last match on WM 25 because HHH just has to be the main event.
John Morrison has the potential 2 be the next HBK, just as long as he doesnt do everything Shawn did like start popping pills. But with the Wellness Program there, I dont think it would happen. So Morrison has a good chance 2 become the next Shawn Michaels.
Today, even Shawn Michaels got screwed out from being on the last match on WM 25 because HHH just has to be the main event.

Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that, Shawn Michaels vs Taker was just a regular singles match, while Triple H's match was for the WWE're not doing so well on this topic

But to Morrison, I don't think we should really say that he is the next Shawn Michaels. In my opinion, if we tell ourselves he's going to be that good, then he doesn't reach that level, then he could be viewed as a disappointment. I'm a big Morrison fan, and I think he has a ton of potential. But lets just worry about him becoming the first John Morrison (like Jericho before WM 19) and not the next Shawn Michaels.

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