John Morrison is the new Shelton Benjamin.

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
And that's not a compliment. What I mean is that he will get all this huge praise, such as being called "The Next HBK", (what a crock of shit.) smarks will declare him a future World Champion or say he desperately needs a push even though the truth is he should be way further down on the pecking order. Now I think John is way better than Benjamin, and has a much brighter future than him. I'll even say he has a slight chance of possibly getting a World Championship one day. But there is a greater chance he will fall into the world of obscurity, not unlike Benjamin. So consider this a warning to the sane people, if you are sick of the endless fanboyism of the piss bucket known as Shelton Benjamin, just wait til Morrison gets knocked back down the ladder.
Meh. You may turn out to be right, but I tend to think good things about Morrison. Is it too soon for the World Championship match I can see him getting at SummerSlam? Absolutely. But I find it almost similar to HBK being thrust into the main event at Survivor Series 1992. Morrison is set up for a test run at this point and will contend for the Big Gold Belt, but not win it. His push will be far more gradual than some are expecting... or at least it better be.

Morrison, in the ring, is better in the ring than Shelton from all indications I've seen. Tag matches against L&K, Rey & Mysterio, The Colons, and Punk & Kofi contend against the best WGTT matches I've seen and Morrison's best singles matches against Punk (see any match that came after their PPV abortions), Umaga, and Edge blow Shelton's one good singles match against Michaels and his other semi-notable midcard performances out of the water IMO. Once he learns how to connect with the crowd more efficiently, I think he'll blow Benjamin out of the water
Morrison right now is a better in-ring worker than Benjamin. He botches from time to time but he doesn't do as occasionally. He's coming into the main event slowly and they may rush because of Edge's injury. He needs to connect with the fans more and he will do just fine.
You might be right Nate, but the guy is getting over with the fans. And if Vince ever gets an eye for talent, Morrison and Shelton will be pushed to the moon! But than again I think your probably right, Shelton has gotten some big wins and some lime light from matches with main eventers he lost too, but in the long run he never made it. The same could happen for Morrison. He got a win over Punk, and showed what he can really do in an excellent match with Edge! But again he might not make it in the long run.
its really the luck of the draw. i think benjamin is talented in the ring but his mic work sucks and his gimmick is very boring. i believe morrison has the ablity and is ok on the mic but time will tell if he gets a push. both wrestlers have the talent but its more about how the wwe books them than their overall skill. morrison is far more entertaining and charasmatic than benjamin
are you kidding me this guy will be fine. he will not blow his chances. he is already better then Shelton in the ring. plus he gets way more of a reaction from the fans then Shelton ever has or will. he is already 10 times better on mic then Shelton is not boring and can make feuds gold really fast. he is the one who made Punk and i think Punk got Morrison push as Morrison is the better heel for sure. his future will be bright and i will say i told you so.
Oh I definitely think he has a better chance at actually having a successful career than Benjamin, I am more comparing their careers in the eyes of the IWC. For example, Shelton Benjamin is shit. For some reason, people think he has been screwed over and that he hasn't been given a shot, even though he has and fuckin blew it. John Morrison has done jack shit, and is only slightly better than him. Yet soon, when gets demoted back to a curtain jerker, people will claim he got screwed instead of admitting he isn't worth a shit. Btw, in what world is he over? The pops that get edited in aren't that loud, I bet they suck in person too.
In regards with Shelton Benjamin, he has been moved to ECW once again. This I think might be his last chance to find himself & get his ass into gear. He has this great talent, was pushed very well in WGTT version one, went to RAW and made an impact with the IC titles. Something happened and he is a two-time ECW talent.

For Morrison, like Dolph Ziggler and other up-&-comers, he needs to tweak his character to perfection & role with the ball. If he can do it, he will avoid the SBT (shelton benjamin theorm). I mean, he has been in two successful tag teams (MNM & M 'n' M), two pretty decent singles runs & a third doing well. Shelton has held numerous tag & midcard titles, but Morrison held the ECW. Say what you want bout that title, but its 1 World Title Shelton hasnt won yet.

So, in conclusion, I think Morrison will do just fine if he keeps a positive attitude.
It seems like people are far too quick to label someone the next whomever. Morrison has been getting a strong singles push for two and a half months tops. That seems far too early. Also, the difference between Morrison and Benjamin is that Morrison can cut a great promo. Fans were also already falling in love with him long before his tag team split up and he turned face. Morrison will be fine. No worries.
For starters, Shelton Benjamin should blame himself for a lot of his problems as it relates to stunted pushes. I can't even remember how many times he was on the verge of a big push, only to have it stunted because Creative didn't like his lack of enthusiasm. It's been touched on plenty of times that Benjamin is a guy who seems to like to only do just enough to get by, even though he's got more pure athletic ability than a lot of the roster.

Morrison, on the contrary, I haven't seen slack off in any of his matches in the past several years. He's been a far more consistent performer than Benjamin and he's got a really strong connection with the crowd, even with as fast a turn as he had going from heel to face. Benjamin's other issue is that this Gold Standard gimmick is stale and without a Title to back it, it's really not much of a gimmick at all. I don't think anyone should be labeling anyone just yet, I merely think that Morrison reminds me of HBK in some ways. We'll see what the future holds but I refuse to damn him to obscurity just because his predecessor (Shelton) hasn't lived up to the expectations of others.
Where was benjamin's push. Really where was it. The few matches he had with HHH. IC title reigns? Since when has the IC title meant anything in the last 5 years. Last time I remember the IC title holding any value was when Orton had it. You also can't make an argument against benjamin because of his mic skills. Explain Lashley's push to me then. Batista has great mic skills? They can't all be Mr. Kennedy guys.

John Morrison has the tools to be pushed, but the crowd has to get behind him or he'll end up like CM Punk now.
Morrison is going to be great. He's a lot better off then Benjamin was when he came in. He is far better in the ring then Benjamin. He is also better on the mic and can carry a promo which Benjamin can't do. Morrison is being built slowly, which will benefit him in the long run.
Nate, you're a very good poster and I've been saying this since the Tournament. But I have to disagree with your views on this situation.

I'm a John Morrison fan. Die-hard, even. I'm not so wrapped up that I can't see that he still needs some work. But I have been one of the many who've referred to him as the next possible Shawn Michaels. Why? Because hes flashy, just like Michaels. He's talented, more so than Michaels was in the beginning. And he's got the charisma and flamboyant personality, just like Michaels. All he needs is better mic skills and more training on how to be an overall great in-ring performer.

As it stands, I'll agree that he's similar to Benjamin because Morrison seems like a spot-worker. More or less, he only goes from spot to spot and there isn't really anything in between. But the thing I also get upset at people over, is because the truth is, a lot of Top performers these days are "spot-workers". However, because of their names, no one questions them anymore. (ie. The Undertaker, Triple H, John Cena just to name three)

Morrison is NOT better than those three names, obviously, but hes not exactly different from them, either. He can work a match, and make people cheer or boo him. The only thing he needs work with, is telling a story better.
Ahhhh no. Thats a bit dramatic. Is he shit? yes. SHELTON BENJAMIN levels of shit? Hardly. Big difference being....people dont almost get killed by Morrison ona nightly basis...he cuts pretty good promos....and people give a flying rats ass about Morrrison, during his matches, during his entrance, during everything. Not even close. Morrison, has, y'know, a future.
Nate, you're a very good poster and I've been saying this since the Tournament. But I have to disagree with your views on this situation.

I'm a John Morrison fan. Die-hard, even. I'm not so wrapped up that I can't see that he still needs some work. But I have been one of the many who've referred to him as the next possible Shawn Michaels. Why? Because hes flashy, just like Michaels. He's talented, more so than Michaels was in the beginning. And he's got the charisma and flamboyant personality, just like Michaels. All he needs is better mic skills and more training on how to be an overall great in-ring performer.

As it stands, I'll agree that he's similar to Benjamin because Morrison seems like a spot-worker. More or less, he only goes from spot to spot and there isn't really anything in between. But the thing I also get upset at people over, is because the truth is, a lot of Top performers these days are "spot-workers". However, because of their names, no one questions them anymore. (ie. The Undertaker, Triple H, John Cena just to name three)

Morrison is NOT better than those three names, obviously, but hes not exactly different from them, either. He can work a match, and make people cheer or boo him. The only thing he needs work with, is telling a story better.

I completely agree with you. 100%. My point isn't to compare their ability or career, but to compare them in the eyes of the IWC. I think John Morrison could have a great future in the buisness, but there are people who think he should be in the running for the WHC right now which is bullshit to me. Usually these are the same people who think Shelton Benjamin has been buried and screwed over. All I'm saying is that it is quite possible that JoMo will end up being a career mid carder, and the bitching will be tremendous.
Everythings about a good push really. Cena Haters aside, he isn't Mr Technical but over with under 13's, selling Tshirts galore and while Morrison is picking up wins, he does need something a bit more solid. Don't get me wrong, I'll bet he'll end up WHC within 2 years, but the chances are he won't anytime soon.

I'd predict a slow but steady push and no moving between the brands ala Shelton like you're the Aunt no one wants to have over for Christmas
It's not going to happen. Morrison is going to rise to the top.
How do I know? Well he's been rising to the main event for about a month now, with 2 pinfall victories over the World champion and he's been given a world title shot at the PPV after NOC. That's what he's been able to do in a month.

See, SD is in need of some new main eventers. With Edge injured, Hardy possibly leaving and Undertaker still taking time off, WWE is pushing younger guys . So Hardy might be gone for years, and Edge is out for at least nine months. If Undertaker comes back, it won't affect Morrison's roll because Undertaker isn't like that, he'll put Morrison over if it's good for the WWE.
But anyway, Morrison's biggest threat to his rising to main event position is Edge when he comes back. That's going to take 9 months, maybe more. Now look at what Morrison has accomplished in 1 month. People are already starting to see him as a near-future main event player.
All the problems Shelton had, Morrison doesn't have. Shelton spent alot of his career on Raw with guys like Triple H. Morrison is on SD, he's away from Trips and Cena and Orton and Batista. But most importantly, Benjamin never made it cause he has all the charisma of an empty bottle of water. No, less charisma than an empty bottle of water. Take one look at Morrison and tell me he doesn't have charisma.... Exactly.
John Morrison will succeed where Benjamin failed, simple as that. Sorry Nate, but you're wrong.
I think Morrison will do good.Maybe not great,but good.He has main event talent,and his time on the Dirt Sheet made him a better mic worker IMO.He got two clean wins over the World Heavyweight champ.He's going to good places.If he feuds with Punk like we all know he will and wins the title,we will find out what happens.If John becomes a World Champ and fails,just look at Punk.He won it again,and I still don't find him a success,so we'll find out how Morrison's career goes.I think he'll do good,but that is my opinion.
Morrison is great, and will be a World Champion someday. He's great in the ring (much better than Benjamin), and decent on the mic. I don't get where this comparison is coming from.
John Morrison is in now way, shape, form, or capacity the next Shelton Benjamin. JoMo has been called the next Shawn Michaels. Do I agree, no. There will never be another Shawn Michaels. Is he similar and poised for similar success. Yes. Morrison is an amazing talent but I think many members of the IWC are looking for him to be pushed too quickly. First I think that over the next few months he needs to tweak his character a bit. He needs to incorporate a few new moves in his move set. It is pretty good so far, but maybe a few more regular moves and a submission or two would be good. Then I would say it's time to begin a gradual push. Have him win the Intercontinental Title about Breaking Point. C.M. Punk at this point can fued with taker, or they could bring HBK or Christain over to Smackdown and have Punk fued with them. Have Morrison have an extremely long title run, including a defense and victory at Wrestlemania. Have him drop the title somewhere along Extreme Rules, right as the current champion (perferably Edge or Jericho) runs out of challengers. Then Morrison can enter the Main Event scene after a good 3/4 year run as IC Champion. He goes on to win the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam 2010. It seems good timing to me. But no, Morrison is not the next Benjamin, he is a future face of the company and World Champion, but with a little more training in-ring with his moveset expanded, more work on the mic, a few character tweaks, and a gradual push similar to the one I just described. It may seem like alot that needs to be one, but is actually very little, nothing Morrison can't accomplish.

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