John Morrison : Heel Turn ?


The Cerebral Assasin
So as most of you guys must have come to know that John Morrison has been granted a US Championship Match at Survivor Series against Dolph Ziggler (who will be wrestling 2 matches). I think this will lead to a heel turn for John Morrison.Maybe Morrison will win the title and then Zack Ryder comes to congratulate him and then Morrison cheapshots Ryder thus turning heel eventually.

John Morrison is doing nothing as a face whereas he was great as a heel back in 2007 till 2009.

What are your thoughts?
Which Morrison you enjoyed more face,heel or neither?
Ok, first off no need to bold your entire post, we can see it.

Secondly I dont think Morrison is going to turn at SS...if he does at all. Should he? Well I always liked Morrison as a heel and his current character would suit better as a heel.

As I said in another thread, this match might be to sweeten the pot to get Morrison to stay with WWE. If they give him the title then you know he isn't going anywhere. I personally would like to see him carry it as a heel.

I think either Rock or Cena are going to turn on each other so if a heel turn happens, or the likes of, its going happen there. Rarely do we see multiple turns on a PPV, this particular PPV is more about those 2 anyway.

Plus, I see Brodus Clay coming out to help Berto keep the title, so there is a heel debut right there. Punk isn't getting the title...yet.
I was thinking this! I really really hope so!

I adore JoMo and its cringy to me that he is on a loosing streak. I really dont wanna see him go from the company.

I love him as a face but i can see a heel turn. Hope he wins the title, dolph is doing nothing as US champion he needs to go for the heavyweight championship.

JoMo started of this year with a bang hope he goes out with one!
no no your doing it wrong, this is an Internet wrestling site, the topic should be John Cena: heel turn?

Just joking, and seriously now, yes JoMo should turn heel. He is very talented in the ring, but his Mic skills are terrible. I think they basically have to do with him, like they did with Shawn Micheals in the old days. Turn him into a cocky heel with a manager, until his own mic skills get better, let him put on five star matches as he can do, and let his in ring skills get him over with the crowd.
first off no need to bold your whole post its annoying and 2nd i dont knw if a heel turn is needed i think he should win the title and let ziggler move up to the main event but if morrison turns heel and has the title its the same 2 possible challengers with ryder & ryan and nobody wants to see mason ryan but ryder could possibly gain alot from working a program with morrison as its worked out good having a fued with ziggler for him
He does not need to turn right now, Morrison is pretty good as a bad guy but he plain does not need it at this time. Morrison is kind of floating right now but somehow he's got a title match at Survivor Series, it should be a good match but with no build I don't see him having any chance there. But the thing is that Morrison is not going to be doing anything substantial until he signs a new contract because his current one is up in a few weeks and that is assuming that he does because he has not expressed much happiness with his job lately.
I could actually see a double turn out of this with Vicki turning on Ziggler for JoMo... and JoMo feuding with Ryder for the US title. JoMo is on "such a losing streak" that he goes for Vicki as manager...
I love John Morrison. He is in my Fave Five dogg. lol.

I would like Morrison more if he was a heel. So, yes i want and see a heel turn soon. He made a great heel in MNM, ECW, and early Raw days. Nitro was great with Melina, but no that she is gone could he get another heel diva partner? Maybe Layla?

All depends whether he's sticking around or not with all the uncertainty over his future.

I think the best thing to do at Survivor Series wouldve been a Triple Threat Match.

Throw Ryder into it late, show a bit of attitude from Morrison about him being involved, and in turn, being pinned by Ryder. (Ziggler can then lose the title without being pinned/made to look weak, can have him distracted out the ring by Vickie, whilst Ryder pins in the ring or something).

Ziggler can split away from Vickie, declare he'll be World Champion quicker without her and get involved with the Title picture, especially if Punk wins it.

If Morrison is staying with the WWE, then turn him heel the following night on RAW, by laying Ryder out, I think Ryder and Morrison could have a good program, plus theyve kinda sowed the seed of a feud on Z! True Long Island Story which could be furthered on there too...

Therefore you get a solid midcard feud, for the US Title... you break Ziggler away from Vickie, and push him to the main event picture(lets be honest, theres usually a title match or two between December-January with someone new involved, i.e Jeff Hardy at the Rumble a few years back)
Firstly, I mistakenly deleted this thread earlier, so I apologize to the OP. I misread a few things so I reinstated the thread.

As to what this ultimately means, it's all up in the air. On the surface, it could easily be a sign that JoMo is going to be staying with WWE. After all, why someone all the way out a shot at the United States Championship? Maybe this is WWE sort of making ammends with Morrison by giving him a US title run before eventually pushing him towards the main event again.

On the other hand, it's possible that JoMo's match against Dolph Ziggler is little more than a means to an end. is running a story where ol' Johnny Ace is, metaphorically speaking, flipping Zack Ryder & his online petition the bird. So, not giving Ryder his title match at Survivor Series could be just a means of prolonging the storyline, putting more heat on JL, making Ryder come off as even more sympathetic & with more support from fans and JoMo could still ultimately be on his way out the door.
I'm surprised no one has asked: "What the hell is John Morrison doing in a title picture, or even SS for that matter?"

Because that's what I have been asking myself. The guy has wrestled like twice in the past 6 weeks. Where is this feud coming from?
You can tell something will happen because of Morrison being in the title match. What I would find funny is Ryder is granted a title shot and he get's it as soon as the Ziggler/Morrison match is over and he screws one of them.
I think a Morrison heel turn is what we all have been waiting on. I'm sure everyone has seen all the dirt sheets on years ago with the miz? He was great! Calling himself the guru of greatness and the sharman of sexy etc, I only wish Melina stayed around to be his manager for when he does eventually turn heel!

What I would like to happen is Morrison loses to Dolf at SS,the next night on raw Ryder gets his match and wins the title - out comes Morrison and takes out his fustration on Ryder setting up a feud for the next ppv
So as most of you guys must have come to know that John Morrison has been granted a US Championship Match at Survivor Series against Dolph Ziggler (who will be wrestling 2 matches). I think this will lead to a heel turn for John Morrison.Maybe Morrison will win the title and then Zack Ryder comes to congratulate him and then Morrison cheapshots Ryder thus turning heel eventually.

John Morrison is doing nothing as a face whereas he was great as a heel back in 2007 till 2009.

What are your thoughts?

I don't think this is necessarily indicative of a JoMo heel turn, or that he really needs one even though I would like to see it. There are already a heavy number of heels which is why I don't see them turning him at this time. It was reported on the WZ main page that his contract is near and and word is that he may be negotiating a new contract. I think this is a sign of the WWE is softening up on him after being so rough as of recent, and a signal that they realize he is a great asset and want to keep him. So they are putting him in a title match to quell his worries of being stuck as jobber or in mid-card mediocrity.

Which Morrison you enjoyed more face,heel or neither?

I greatly enjoyed his run as ECW champion back in 2007. I thought then that he was going to be a big time main event guy based off of what I saw in him at that time, and still think that is the place for him, the top. I have still enjoyed his time as a face, especially on SmackDown some time ago as he was chasing the IC title, won and defended it often, and then lost it and continued to be competitive afterwards. You could also look at last year and early this year at his time as a face and he was doing great there as well. I think it shows that he can actually do both rather well, but that the heel role suits him better on the mic.
I hope Jomo beats Ziggler so Vickie can leave him. Then feud with Ryder and attack him on his YouTube show for kicks *Slammy for OMG moment to further his movie star character he could develop* =). Next he can get Nash as a bodyguard. He can then drop the belt at Royal Rumble to Ryder due to interference from HBK. Then Jomo could start using Sweet Chin Music to beat people and attack HHH with Nash until HBK comes back for one more match. Bam Wrestlemania 28 match with DX vs. John Morrison and Kevin Nash. Ryder fans can be happy and Dolph can move on the bigger things. I mean none the above will happen but what use is having Jomo take the match and ribbing Ryder fans. Heat will be on Jomo regardless. But then again, what do I know about future plans -__-
Wait.... slice_of_life makes a great point..... what did John Morrison do to warrant a world title match? Not in real life, we all kinda get that his contract is running out and blah blah, but. What did the character of John Morrison do to become the number one contender? One or two clean wins? Is that all it takes?

Anyway... I don't see how a face beating or losing to a heel can create a heel.

He might make a better heel than a face, but anyone can be a heel. The WWE is overrun with heels right now. They made Randy Orton and Sheamus face's because Smackdown didn't have any, they don't need another heel right now.
I could actually see a double turn out of this with Vicki turning on Ziggler for JoMo... and JoMo feuding with Ryder for the US title. JoMo is on "such a losing streak" that he goes for Vicki as manager...

I would love this idea. Dolph is pretty much to the point where Im not sure he really needs Vicki anymore, so it would be a good way to get him away from her, have him lose the belt without looking weak, and make Morrison relevant again. Not sure I could actually see it happening, but it would be awesome.

Also a Ryder/Morrison feud would be entertaining. Im sure fans of Ryder's show would get a kick out of possibly throwing Ryder's dad into the storyline
What are your thoughts?

If John Morrison were to turn heel at Survivor Series. That will be an obvious indicator to if WWE would like to resign him or not. John Morrison was a very talented heel back in his WWEECW days. He was over with the fans and had some of his best segments on the mic with The Dirt Sheet. However, what would JoMo do as a heel if he were to win the U.S Championship? He would have to try and put over two other mid-card guys looking to get their push in Mason Ryan and Zack Ryder. Now JoMo is good on the mic as a heel, but he couldn't carry someone who can barely speak English in a feud for a Mid-Card title. But the segments between JoMo and Ryder could be very entertaining.

Which Morrison you enjoyed more face,heel or neither?

I've been a fan of Morrison since he was on Tough Enough. But his work as a heel was simply outstanding. He managed to make a High Flyer hated by the fans as a cocky heel. Not only that, JoMo has had some great feuds as a face. His feud with Sheamus last year was a personal favorite of man which ended with JoMo going over as a contender to the WWE Title.
Morrison's best promos came when he was hosting The Dirt Sheet with The Miz, as a heel. The only problem is that his moves in the ring are more suited for a face. I would not mind seeing a return of the heel John Morrison because he seemed more comfortable in promos back then. The scenario drawn out in the opening post would work out great. Ziggler moves up the card, Morrison gets a new title run while turning heel fully, and Ryder has a good feud to go into for the title. Sounds like a plan worth trying to me.
When RAW does Re-Runs midweek in the UK, we have less advertisements than you do in the US so there is usually a Vault moment to plug in the time. (atleast I think thats why)
This week was 2007 John Cena Vs Johnny Nitro (w/Mileena).
First think I noticed Off topic was that John Cena looks like a much better wrestler when he is being Rough and more aggressive.

But seccondly I noticed that Johnny ofcourse known as John Morrison....Is much better and indeed more entertaining as a Heel than he does as the face he is put it simply I have no interest in Morrison as a face...I just dont care if he wins or looses. But as a Heel I think he gets plenty of heat....I could certainly see Morrison going Heel....infact I believe thats what he needs to do in order to continue his career in WWE.
What are your thoughts?
I think Morrison should have be released back when Melina was shown the door. He's boring on the mic, in the ring, and just overall. He's accredited as a great athlete, but that in no way means he's a great wrestler. Unlike his former tag partner the Miz, who took their breakup and made himself a star, Morrison hasn't done anything meaningful since becoming a singles competitor. He's been given multiple chances, and he cannot get over

Which Morrison you enjoyed more face,heel or neither?
Neither. Hopefully I'll soon be able to enjoy his release from the WWE.
A heel turn might be beneficial but I honestly believe that the reason why many of us have a hard time taking him seriously as an up and comer is because he's too happy. He doesn't necessarily need to be angry but he needs to not seem happy with where he is. I think faces should only be happy when they're winning or are on top. And for the exception of his recent win(s) he is neither. When I see Morrison, I'd rather him be driven and ready to fire back at a heel opponent rather than smiling in pointless comedic vignettes.

It's very similar to the way I view someone like Kofi Kingston. It's okay to be happy when you're winning but when you're still scratching and clawing your way to the top, you should seem more like a viably determined threat with credible victories. Not to mention if you're a happy-go-lucky character, you're better off just a comic-relief jobber. And to date, that's been the brunt of Morrison's career as a face.
Morrison really shouldn't be a heel, his moveset is designed for the kids to love him. He does things in the ring that they do with their action figures.

The only way I would approve of a Morrison heel turn is to create a stable with himself and Awesome Truth (he has history with both). Morrison's lack of charisma would be well-hidden in between those two.
Morrison's got a bad case of the Benjamins. All the ability in the world but the storytelling skills of Perry Saturn's mop. Even Ryder's dad couldn't save this guy from the future endeavours list, so it's time for Johnny Tough Enough to go and pursue his first love.

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